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Reply to The Day the Earth Stood Still - Zany Mystic

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Still there is one question I couldn't find an answer to... What will actuallyhappen?! We are coming together for one cause, but there will bepeople who will "refuse" to wake up, even those who'd want to keepthings the way they are. So what will happen to them? I try to make some order in mymind by looking for answers to this question, but I must admitt that Ineed some assistance. Can anyone help? :)

Hi ,

I watched the movie, "the big picture final cut", and it does offer just a tiny glimmer of the big picture, but certainly net enough to get even a biteful. If you want to find out more about what's really happening on the conspiracy fronts, and there are many going on at the same time, watch both Zeitgeist, and Zeitgeist Addendum, as well as Esoteric Agenda. I have links to all 3 (and others) on my blog website here:


Now; to address your very valid and excellent question: This is something we all ponder, yet none really can "know for certain". I've done extensive research into all the various possibilities, and the ones that continue to surface from sources I consider "reputable" go something like this:

What approaches is a cosmic shift UNLIKE the others, which occur like clockwork. The most complete record is probably the Mayan material, along with the Cross of Henday, and spice it up with some channeled sources and Hopi, Kogi, Maori, Mayan and other indigenous tribe's prophecies and visions. Another good source (IMO) is Drunvalo Melchizedek, and Carla Rueckert's RA, Law of One series. Some folks find Lyara's Operation Terra material resonates (www.operationterra.com). It's free to read in all three volumes, and speaks in detail about what's coming and why.

Now, a few other thoughts:

Supposedly, this is the first time anything has been attempted of this scale: to raise an entire planet AND its inhabitants into the 4th, 5th and perhaps even higher densities. To accomplish this, it's said that many higher density entities, from 6th, 7th and higher, have incarnated in order to assist. They're called "Wanderers", starseed, walk-ins, Indigos, etc. etc. Not all are higher density. many are advanced beyond the present human levels, with more DNA triggered towards psychic and intuitive empathic senses, and more "awake"/aware. Many can do some astounding feats. But that's not their purpose.

Not even the angels/elohim/Avatars know what's going to happen in that "moment" because it's said to be the nanosecond when "GOD" (you fill in your own deity here) literally "blinks out" for a moment, and recreates the next creations upon blinking back INTO existence. That could be synonymous with the "big bang", we might be hurled through a wormhole or black hole, vortexes could open, and the planet itself could simply raise its frequency to the next levels, with all who are READY to move into them.

I like the analogy of walking up stairs. To find where we "belong", meaning our own resonance upon death is like walking up stairs of light. The closer one gets to Source energy, the more difficult it might be for the soul to be IN that energy. Some might go up the stairs easily to 5th density or higher, while others can barely get to the higher parts of 3rd density. Those who are "new souls" might have a dispensation, and be given "grace" to move up to wherever they feel most comfortable. I believe that everything is done to accomodate each diviine spark (soul/spirit) on its journey of expansion.

For those who RESIST and insist upon moving in the direction of NEGATIVE POLARITY, which is fragmented and in duality, based upon control, fear, manipulation, death, etc., with no conscience, will have their opportunity to "graduate" as well. They are the equivalent of "darkworkers". Remember, without dark there is no light. However, the dark has somehow managed to tilt this game in its direction, and the game is over. What changes the board is the incoming frequency, which causes the "old" to break down to be exposed (revelations?), and that which is pliable and centered in heart-based acts (love/light/wisdom/information), to thrive.

Another consideration is that there may be MANY TIMELINES which branch off and go into different places dimensionally. Those who incarnated from higher "d''s" return to their homes, wherever that may be, as do all who incarnated from future timelines, angelic realms, ETs, etc. At the very least, this shift should be an opportunity for everyone to move OUT of duality, polarity and this lower dimension. Those who CANNOT or WILL NOT choose to raise their frequency would either continue on another third density planet, with a new clean slate/memory, and those who graduate in negative polarity move to 4th or 5th negative, which is said to be as high as one can go as a negative polarity. Once you've exhausted all the options at those levels, it's said that to go "higher" in one's evolution it's necessary to shift to POSITIVE polarities which are love/connection to source based. We do best to focus on OUR SELVES, and not

become diverted by worries or concerns about loved ones, relatives, friends, etc. Everyone will be FINE and placed in the BEST possible conditions for soul growth/expansion. PLUS, eventually all end up "making it" sooner or later... time doesn't exist, so at some level, we all arrive "together".

No one is "left out". As for our perception of "punishment" to those who have created so much strife, war, greed, corruption, etc., it's conceivable that those souls would need to be placed in "special chambers" to heal the distortions and disconnections. That's what those who have been to the other side claim; that a lengthy healing process in a solitary, loving environment/chamber is required until that soul is returned to its original state.

Periods such as Atlantis, the time of Noah's Ark, etc., are cosmic clocks which in this creation cycle around avery XXX years. Those who will thrive most during the "difficult tiimes" here, will be those who maintain complete inner integrity, don't lie to themselves (or others) and who experience the interconnectedness and sacred quality of all life, including that which we imagine to be "inanimate". There is no such thing. Everything is alive, breathing and thriving, even that which is temporarily formed into various "things", like the chair you're sitting on right now.

Monitoring one's thoughts is a great place to "do the prep work" by being aware of all the "dark side" within, and not feeding it. Negativity, hatred, prejudice and especially judgment are all self-defeating and keep one from ascending and expanding. Keeping a goal of living "in service to others" raises one's vibration. This is all very practical stuff. Ultimately, we're attempting to become more conscious, until the gift of FULL consciousness is returned/restored to us. As we are, in VEILED consciousness, we cannot "see clearly". We can trust our inner or intuitive and higher self/information, but that must be checked against other "realities" to make sure we're not fooling ourselves or in denial.

The best approach to being awake is living in the "NOW". All this mind activity, as much fun as it can be, is just that: mind activity. It's not real. The left brain constantly tries to figure everything out, and has an infinite array of QUESTIONS, waiting in the wings at any given moment. The right brain, intuitive/feminine side is becoming "married" within to the left, and when both are in BALANCE, a switch is flipped "on", allowing the higher aspects of self to manifest and be in communication. It's easy to know which thoughts are "lower density" by the feelings they produce. Anything in FEAR, judgment, negativity, anger, envy, lack or greed (to name a few) are keeping us in a lower vibe. To raise it right now, simply shift to being complete, happy and healthy in this moment, having ALL that one needs to live, without comparing one's life and status to anyone else. If we have FOOD,

water and shelter, we have the basics. All this hoopla about creating ABUNDANCE is hooey if we are viewing abundance as MATERIAL THINGS. This is NOT the right road or path to awakening. Abundance of loving relationships, contentment, creativity and so on are much higher on the scale, and are longer lasting in the short and long run. Do what makes you HAPPY in any given moment, withoug harming another, and that leads us up the ladder automatically. If you can bring happiness to others along the way, that's even better.

It's possible that some of the above is true, and it's conceivable that it won't happen at all like that. So, we are all responsible for our own "reality" in that sense, and what if reality will turn out to be how we imagine it? What if those who expect Armageddon will get what they believe to be true? And those who create crystalline worlds of immense beauty, love and connection, end up there? Who knows? It may be that we're all in a cosmic Airport, each with our own unique destinations, based upon "who we are" at the core. Those who have spent or wasted many lives being self-serving might have to go back a step or two, but who really knows what the Creator might have in store? I believe this is a loving, benevolent Universe that bends over backwards to fulfill our every wish and dream. It's not the fault of the Cosmos, if we choose to limit ourselves, play small and cling to outmoded beliefs and


So, feel free to DREAM UP or imagine the most fantastic future events; but don't forget to be present while doing so!



cc: ACC

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ok big brother is moving in here...you click the link and get some utube page full of videos.But you type the link into the URL you get a New World!!!Interview with Physicist Bohm (Part 1/5)-- On Thu, 12/11/08, <stars2man@...> wrote:From:

<stars2man@...>Subject: Re: [] Reply to "The Day the Earth Stood Still" - Zany Mystic Date: Thursday, December 11, 2008, 5:47 PM

speaking of the present...Here's a NOW world view too:http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=SvyD2o7w24g

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