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The Dangers of Being Off Balance

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Column By Tom Hopkins-----------------------The Dangers of Being Off BalanceIt's easy to get out of balance during particularly hectictimes such as the current holidays. Being off balance can beexhilarating if it's just for a few moments such as whenyou're falling in love, receiving an honor or recognition orsimply enjoying a real roller coaster or carnival ride.Being off balance longer than that, however, can bedangerous to our relationships, our physical beings or ourcareers. The best way to gain and retain a sense of balanceis by setting goals and sticking to your plan.Having a set of goals to refer to regularly will help keepyour feet planted on the ground and give your mind a focalpoint to bring you back to earth when something sidetracksyou (either something good or something bad).A well-lived life is a balancing act. If you're out ofbalance, it will show in your demeanor. You won't handlepersonal or business situations as best you can and thatwill eventually have a negative affect on your bottom lineand the level of enjoyment you have in your everyday life.Don't risk the detriment of being out of balance long term.Take a few moments each day to consider what might bepulling you off the course you've set for yourself. Then,schedule (and take) the actions necessary to even thingsout.____________Tom Hopkins International7531 E. 2nd St., sdale, AZ 85251Tel: (480) 949-0786 or 800/528-0446 Fax: (480) 949-1590Visit http://tomhopkins.com

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