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Re: Serene

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> >

> > Hello all....

> > I am very busy getting all my imports up and for sale, I worked 19

> hours yesterday getting this put together and have much more work to

> do...many more items to photograph,load to the computer and post..lots

> of items that are less expensive so if you have Christmas shopping to

> do..there will be lots more to choose from. As I add items they

> automatically update on the slide show...let me know if you are

> interested in any of these items..this collection helped feed women and

> children in 3rd world,war torn areas..some of the money I spent went to

> help the people of Myanmar through Tibetan monks...20% of the proceeds

> are being donated to Youth Voice Initiative, a non-profit organization

> dedicated to the safety of our children right here in the United

> States...

> > Plesse feel free to share this message with any and all your friends,I

> hope to keep the circle of giving growing ....

> > Blessings and love..

> > Serene

> > <embed

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> href= " http://www.startupspace.com/photo/photo " >Find more photos like

> this on <em>StartupSpace</em></a></small><br />

> >


Thanks beautiful lady...I would be so grateful....just now getting this

message..my inbox is


Love...and many blessings...



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