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Re: video made by Blossom Goodchild

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well I'm not to far off I posted ships in our atmosphere on I think the 13th and than for 10/14 I posted a ship and than given to fly which means they left because of things unsettled on earth than on 10/15 it was stars go blue there starship codes and wherever you go they are with us and right now this was said Something you should know about Baby Can I Hold You LyricsTitle: Chapman - Baby Can I Hold You lyricsArtist: Chapman * * * Sorry Is all that you can't say Years gone by and still Words don't come easily Like sorry like sorry Forgive me Is all that you can't say Years gone by and still Words don't come easily Like forgive me forgive me But you can say baby Baby can I hold you tonight Maybe if I told you the right words At the right time you'd be mine I love you Is all that you can't say Years gone by and still Words don't come easily Like I love you I love you andrea <az11@...> wrote: Hi Everyone, Here is a video message from Blossom Goodchild about the ship not showing up: http://10-14-08.blogspot.com/2008/10/explanation-from-blossom- goodchild.html Blessings, Tell me and I'll forget Show me and I may remember Involve me and I'll understandsending healing and soulful messages from the angels of mystic I'm following the rainbow of love

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I would not kill the messenger, nor would I blindly believe the message.

As with any communication, the use of discernment was required.

One more comment for your consideration, which resonates with my understanding, but which still, requires discernment.

[ECETI News] Goodchilds Oct. 14th Prediction

I know many had high expectations of an Earth shaking event yet thus far nothing has been validated concerning a massive UFO flying over Alabama or any other state even country. I received one email of something possibly over Australia yet no footage has been sent as of yet. There is all kinds of disinformation flying around you tube so take it with a grain of salt. Try to find these events through more than one source. Where I was all for a major event none of the off world contacts I have had could validate it. They said there are many ships, some massive in size and it is a possibility one may buzz a major city but to their knowledge nothing was planned at this time. I have said repeatedly on many talk shows I support the possibility but cannot verify the event. We have been filming massive triangle

ships, cylinder ships and have witnessed them over the ECETI Ranch. Some of them are on film and it has been going on for over 2 years. It is my understanding that the sightings will escalate with some very big events between now and November but no set time was given. We have demonstrated redundantly preknowledge of the ships flying over the ranch when and where they will appear. This is very well documented and captured by ATS, Above Top Secret and Paranormal State for those who need proof contact has happened and is still happening. These massive media blitz first contact campaigns, off worlders coming to save us, beam us up, solve all of our problems are becoming a major distraction to the awakening

and healing of humanity and the Earth. We need to take responsibility for our own messes, deal with our own choices and stop thinking someone else is going to fix everything. Now is the time for self authority, self empowerment, and choosing to live in harmony with each other and the environment. Create a world conducive to contact. The off worlders are working more in the unseen inspiring this.There is a saying God helps those who help themselves. When we make a commitment to the awakening and healing process and start moving in that direction they will assist in many ways yet they cannot interfere in our divine right to free will and self determination or our evolution. We gain wisdom through experience and to take the experiences away would stunt our eternal soul's evolution. In extreme cases such as a nuclear exchange, taking war into space, and extinction level events they can and have

interfered. They inspire forward evolution. You will see more and more of the ships appearing over major cities because it is in our destiny to eventually join the rest of the universe in peace yet there is a lot of clean up between now and then. That which is out of alignment with Heaven on Earth is being amplified, uncovered for all to see. The unbridled greed, lust for power, competition, and total disregard for life, families and the environment is blatantly making itself known from the top down. The old grid of tyranny, competition, war, false belief in separation, the cultural and religious boundaries are all coming to an end along with those who hold those estreme attitudes, emotions and be lie fs. A new grid is in place and it is time to align with the new grid of living in harmony with each other and the environment. Once the new grid is in full

manifestation and the old world consumes itself then the spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders will walk among you. Presently some angry controlling old farts who lust for power and wealth at the expense of everyone and everything are still in power. I sure don't want to have their light review or be in their shoes as their karma comes home to roost and it is made known who they are and what they have done. Hang in there and go with the flow with loving detachment for it will be a very bumpy ride from here on out. Be well, Gilliland www.eceti.org

Hi Everyone,Here is a video message from Blossom Goodchild about the ship not showing up:http://10-14- 08.blogspot. com/2008/ 10/explanation- from-blossom- goodchild.htmlBlessings,Tell me and I'll forget Show me and I may remember Involve me and I'll understandsending healing and soulful messages from the angels of mystic I'm following the rainbow of love

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