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re: Prayer Request for Maddie

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(first) Dearest Brother ; Those were very warm heart sent genuine statements and aspirations you wrote on this subject. I bow to your intentions.

I had to think long on this as how to write and what to write. In life, it seems that for every answer we get, three more questions arise. We know so little and put faith in so much. More prayers are unanswered than are. More tears flow that happy laughter. As was stated, everything has an opposite. This is a universal law. Suffering exists because happiness is it's reflection. Even Heaven could not exist without a brimstone toilet to flush the sinners down. What is sin? What is simply human basic deep rooted nature? Why is it so easy to hate, to find intolerance and differences instead of similarities and love? This points to laziness... lack of effort. Tracing history, mankind usually takes the easy way out. The path that is quick and momentarily effective. How many wars have been fought over religious differences. It may be politics on the surface but religion hides underneath. Or again, is it just our nature?

By the Biblical origins, God's first two people were not even capable of following his commands. They instead listened to a snake. What does this show. God was either weak or the non virtuous instincts of even the first people was stronger than him to begin with. The dna fabrication to do what is pleasurable or defiant. This would lead to the question, did man bring this suffering upon himself? I cannot comment on such things. When little innocent children are born sickly or not expected to live, clergymen always state the same thing; “We are not meant to understand the whole divine plan”. What is divine about a dead child? Or for that matter, anyone of any color, path, and version of truth who puts so much genuine effort towards helping others and living in peace and love, who is killed on the street by a madman with no conscience or soul? See... one answer brings three more questions.

This would show that human nature is still barbaric in so many aspects. The same mind and technology that invents a medicine to save lives also makes weapons that will take thousands. This is such an ugly picture. The meek shall never inherit the world because they are all being killed. Amen.

Such a depressing post yet even with this, take it or leave it, we still have the choice, our personal choice to still care, still love, and be grateful for what we have and thankful of the light which we try to represent. One certainty is that the light must continue to shine and always persevere. Tomorrow may not be here for me or anyone else but what is here is this moment and no matter how ugly life may appear, no fear. Love and compassion has always and always will have it's rewards. Believe it or not. We do make a difference in as little as it may show. The unified strength of our prayers are making a difference somewhere, somehow. We can all agree on this. It may be a stranger on the other side of the world instead of who we were directing at, but a difference is made. Who and why, again.. no idea.

As for Precious Little Maddie;The best I can do with sincerity is offer a trade. May my life now end if this is what is necessary for this little child to live. Soha (amen). So sincere and yet, such little chance that even this will manifest. So many questions...

Sen Chen Nay Pa Ji Nyay PaMay the many sentient beings who are sick

Nyur Tu Nay Lay Tar Jur ChicQuickly be freed from sickness

Dro Way Nay Ni Ma Lu PaAnd may all the sickness of beings

Tak Tu Jung Wa May Par ShokNever arise again.

-Sincerely impossible. Impossibly sincere.

Compassion To All,


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