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Be Open To Receiving What You Create

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From: lieBe Open to Receive What You Createby Fia CrandallSo you have something you have been working on creating for some timenow. Maybe it's your dream career, maybe it's a car, or maybe it's adeeply fulfilling love relationship...Whatever it is, if you reallywant to receive something new into your life, you will need to be opento receive it.In this world of ours, there is so much focus on action, pushing andmaking things happen. Even those of us who use the Law of Attractionon a regular basis can fall into this trap. What you will want to knowis that this is NOT the vibration of receiving. The vibration ofreceiving is much softer; it is not a pushing our way kind of energy.It is much more like an allowing energy.Think of it like this: Imagine your dream was at the top of amountain. Yes, there is definitely a journey to the top of themountain, but at some point, the journey ends, and you reach yourdream. The energy you have as you pursue your dream can tend to bestuck in that action mode, but when you receive your dream, you haveto relax and take it in.You don't want to be so tired from your action journey that you areexhausted when you reach your dream, and you don't want to be stuck inthe action mode, reach your dream and say, "Okay, I'm here, better getgoing to the next one..."And more than that, you don't want to get so stuck in the action modethat the Universe sends you the long way to the top, the way filledwith difficulty, stress and frustration.Learning to receive is a lot like allowing yourself to enjoy yourlife. It's not all about the actions you take. If you really want toalign your energy with what you want, to be open to receive it, youwill want to stop along the way and feel the wonderful energy of yourdream.You want to be connected to the feeling of your dream when it will beyour life. You want to relax into that feeling. You want to enjoy thatfeeling now, so you match what you want and it can come into your lifeeasily.When you are open to receive, your energy matches what you want somuch that it feels logical that what you want will be your reality.Instead of something "out there" that you'll get to one day, you wantto feel as though it is your reality.It sounds simple but it is a huge shift in energy. As a spirituallyconscious person who is likely intuitive, the way of action alone nolonger gives us the results we want.Rest in that softer energy of receiving and enjoying your dream. Iwill bet it will make your dream come so much faster than if you takethe action only route. And it will be so much more enjoyable becauseyou have been living it all along.Take a few moments along your journey to relax into the wonderfulfeeling you will have when your dream is here. This will help you beopen to receive your dream much more quickly and joyfully than if youwere to only focus on action.Copyright 2008 by Fia Crandall. Fia Crandall is an Intuitive Coach andHealer who helps spiritually conscious women take their life to newlevels of abundance and fulfillment. To receive her FREE E-Course, 3Steps to Creating Your Heart-Felt Desires, visit www. LightYourPath. ca Shared with Love and Light, lie xowww. thecrystalgateway. net




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