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RE: The Icarus Syndrome (or Don’t Forget What Your Wings Are For)

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Thank you beautiful one-derful joy to you…..

With great love  in compassionate service to all,

Namaste and hugs, Jacqui


[mailto: ] On

Behalf Of

Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2008 5:44 PM

Subject: [] The Icarus Syndrome (or Don’t Forget What

Your Wings Are For)

Do you remember the

story of Icarus in Greek mythology? Daedalus was the great engineer who

had designed the Labyrinth for King Minos of Crete to house the Minotaur.

He was moved by the love of the Princess Ariadne for Theseus and gave her

the secret of the Labyrinth so that Theseus could survive. Enraged, King

Minos had Daedalus and his son Icarus imprisoned in a tower. In

secret,Daedalus fashioned wings by attaching bird feathers to a frame with wax.

They donned the wings and were able to escape the tower and start the long

flight back to their homeland. Icarus soon reveled in the glory of his

new wings and the power they gave him. Daedalus cried out to his son that

the wings were built for a higher purpose than his self-satisfaction.

Icarus ignored the teachings of his father and lost in his own ego; flew up to

Apollo thinking his wings made him the equal of the Gods. He had

forgotten that his wings had a purpose and that his ability to fly was a gift

of the Gods. Apollo noticed Icarus as he approached the Sun God’s fiery

chariot. The Gods are not merciful with hubris. Scornful of his

termidity, Apollo allowed the heat to melt the wax that held the feathers in

place on the wings and Icarus plunged to his doom. With tears flowing,

Daedalus searched in vain for his son, but all that was left were a few

feathers drifting on the ocean’s swells.

The story was told to

teach that the Gods did not tolerate excessive pride.

What has happened to

real Lightworking? Someone tried to give me a compliment the other day by

saying they really respected what we were doing and that I was a great

“Lightworkerâ€Â. I thought about how that term was being bandied about

these days and thanked them, but said I didn’t consider myself one †"

at least not in the modern sense.

Plato had it right

when he wrote in his great work, The Republic, about Lightworkers and

Wayshowers. These were individuals who helped raise the human

condition. They did this by not only sharing healing through compassion,

but by living their lives as an example for others. The life of a

Way-shower was one of service to others.

Somehow the old

definition of “Lightworking†has been left by the wayside and is being redefined from one

of service to one of self-service. You hear and read it everywhere: “I am

working on my own ascensionâ€Â; “I am Star-Seedâ€Â; I am an Indigoâ€Â; “I am

restructuring my DNAâ€Â; “I am released from Fearâ€Â; “I am a Teacher of

the Lightâ€Â; “I channel Higher Beingsâ€Â; “I am thisâ€Â, “I am thatâ€Â,

“Iâ€Â, “Iâ€Â,


Since when did just

being a regular person doing your best or listening to your own higher self

became less meritable?

It seems like everyone

is riding the Ascension Merry-Go-Round and that if you can grab the brass ring,

you win and can consider yourself “enlightenedâ€Â.


Carolyn Myss said it

best when she wrote the ultimate purpose of the soul is service to others, not

self service. We are ALL spiritual beings having a human

experience. That is why we are here.

I think of what is

happening in places within the Lightworking community as The Icarus Syndrome.

There is too much pride. There is too much ego. I know this

will anger many, but I believe there is too much fantasy. Lightworking is

not some big role playing game †" a New Age Dungeons and Dragons type of

thing that you can get together with friends and do for fun on a rainy


Most of all,

Lightworking is not about “Iâ€Â. It is about “Usâ€Â.

There are individuals

that are given Gifts of the Spirit. There are individuals that are given

Abilities beyond the norm. There are individuals who are called on to be

the Vehicle through which knowledge is passed. We all have our own gifts

and virtues. Each of us is special in a different way. It is

not a big deal. We are just normal and there is nothing wrong with being

normal. It is called the Human Experience. We are here to learn and

we are here to grow, and we are here to help others grown and learn. We

are not here to be given a magic pill that when taken, makes an individual

instantly “ascendedâ€Â. It doesn’t work that way. We ascend together as

the human race, or we don't. There have been very, very few who have

reached enlightenment in this earthly plane of existence and were no longer

bounded by earthly restrictions, such as death. When they

ascended, it was pretty obvious to all.

You can claim whatever

titles you want, but if it is a title YOU claim, it probably isn’t


A Lightworker should

accept what gifts, abilities or teachings that they are given with gratitude

and approach them with humility. Even so, remember that these are not

given for the individual’s use, but so that the individual can use them to

help others. Keep in mind that most of these gifts are humble, especially

the greatest: the ability to feel true compassion for others and to be

able to act on it. Think of each of us as being one of the gears in a

giant cosmic clock. Each gear may turn a bit differently, but each

connects to others and is equally important. Take a gear out of place and

the performance of the clock is compromised.

Remember the Law of

One. We are all connected. When we help another, we heal ourselves.

Lightworking isn’t a

game or a part-time vocation. It is hard work. It is not easy to

start a spiritual practice and make it part of your daily routine. It is

not easy to make service to others a conscious commitment in your everyday

life. It is not as easy to identify the flaws within yourself as it is to

observe flaws within others. It is even more difficult treat yourself

with compassion. Pride creates a veil of illusion that is difficult to


What this whole ramble

boils down to is this:

Remember why you are

here and what your Wings are for. We are NOT Avatars of Power, we are

Conduits of Compassion.

As for me…..I am

just a regular guy who is doing his best.

Much Metta,



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