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Global Congress of Spiritual Scientists.

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le of Earth.=0A=0AIt is profoundly believed that the time has arrived=0Afor=

an Inter-Spiritual interaction, for educating ourselves and enriching our=

=0Aawareness of our spiritual transformation and progression. In order to=

=0Aparticipate in the great unfolding taking place in our world, we need to=

=0Arevisit the way we nourish our bodies and minds. =0A =0AThis proposed Sp=

iritual Congress=0Ais one such effort which will aid us in bringing needed =

reformation of the=0Aworld's humanity, which would be in line with cosmic r=

eality.=0A =0AThe Global Congress brings together several New Age spiritual=

masters onto a Common Platform to share their spiritual perspectives, rese=

arch findings and=0Alife transforming experiences. The speakers will delibe=

rate on many esoteric and=0Aexoteric topics. All sessions would be intensiv=

e, interactive and sharing. As=0Apart of the plenary, round table discussio=

ns will be held on the=E2=80=9CRole of Spiritual Leaders and Spiritual=0AOr=

ganizations in Spiritualizing the Whole of the Humanity of the Earth by yea=

r 2012=E2=80=9D.=0A =0AThis Unique Event shall be held from =0A=0ADecember2=

6th to 31st, 2008, =0Aat Pyramid Valley , =0A=0ABangalore , =0A=0AIndia. =

=0A=0AVISION =E2=80=93=E2=80=9CSPIRITUAL ONENESS=E2=80=9D:=0ABe a catalyst =

for spiritualizing the emerging new world=0Aby the =0A=0Ayear2012=0A =0AA k=

ey theme of the Event is daily panel discussions. Everyday,=0Athere will b=

e a 75-minute round-table discussion by invited masters=0Awith interactive =

participation from the delegates, on topics that help=0Adevise strategies t=

o spiritualize the Earth by year 2012.=0A=0A6 Key Speakers & their workshop=

during the Congress:=0A=0A1) " Dragon=E2=80=99s Tears - The=0AShaman's Breat=

h " =E2=80=93 by Lujan Matus from Bali .=0A A=0AShaman and Author of the=

book =E2=80=9CThe Art of Stalking Parallel reality=E2=80=9D.=0A=0A2) " Waki=

ng the Global Heart " =E2=80=93 by Anodea Judithfrom USA . =0A One of th=

e foremost experts on the Chakra=0Asystem.=0A=0A3) " How to Heal Yourself " =

=E2=80=93 by Orbitofrom Philippines.=0A The world renowned Psychic=

Surgeon and=0AHealer.=0A=0A4) " On Matters of Life and Death " =E2=80=93 by =

Moodyfrom USA.=0A Whose name is synonymous with work on=0ANear-=

Death-experiences.=0A=0A5) " Holistic Leadership and=0AHealing " =E2=80=93 by=

a Adam Horst from Germany , =0A=0A a gifted medium and=0Ateach=

er of Natural healing methods.=0A=0A6) " The Prana Program and the=0AFood of=

Gods=E2=80=9D =E2=80=93 byJasmuheen from Australia, =0A=0A a leading r=

esearcher on=0APranic nourishment.=0A =0AThe=0AGlobal Congress promises to =

be an exciting fair for all spiritual masters,=0Amediators, healers and spi=

ritually determined individuals including medical=0Adoctors, academic scien=

tists, students and businessmen across the world. We invite=0Aeveryone to m=

ake full use of this great opportunity.=0A =0A=0Awww.spiritualcongress.org=

=0A=0A=0AFor more details and registration please visit the website.=0A=0A=

=0A=0A Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to http://in.m=



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<html><head><style type=3D " text/css " ><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></he=

ad><body><div style=3D " font-family:times new roman,new york,times,serif;fon=

t-size:12pt " ><div style=3D " font-family: times new roman,new york,times,seri=

f; font-size: 14pt; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); " ><div><div>=0A<div style=3D " font-f=

amily: times new roman,new york,times,serif; font-size: 8pt; " ><div style=3D=

" font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 14pt; " ><div style=3D " f=

ont-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 14pt; " ><div style=3D " fon=

t-family: times new roman,new york,times,serif; font-size: 12pt; " ><div styl=

e=3D " text-align: center; " > & nbsp;=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A<b style=3D " background-co=

lor: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: rgb(255, 127, 0); " ><span style=3D " font-size=

: 14pt; font-family: Arial; background-image: none; background-repeat: repe=

at; background-attachment: scroll; background-position: 0% 0%; " >GLOBAL CONG=

RESS OF SPIRITUAL SCIENTISTS</span></b><b style=3D " " ><span style=3D " font-si=

ze: 14pt; font-family: Arial; color: white; " ></span></b></div><div style=3D=

" font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 14pt; color: rgb(128, =

0, 0); " ><div><div><div><div><div><div style=3D " font-family: arial,helvetica=

,sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); " ><div> =0A=0A<p class=3D=

" MsoNormal " style=3D " text-align: center; " align=3D " center " ><br></p><p class=

=3D " MsoNormal " style=3D " text-align: center; color: rgb(127, 0, 127); font-w=

eight: bold; " align=3D " center " > An Invitation to the People of Earth.</p>=

=0A<p class=3D " MsoNormal " style=3D " text-align: center; color: rgb(127, 0, 1=

27); font-weight: bold; " align=3D " center " ><br>=0A</p>=0A =0A=0A<p class=3D " =

MsoNormal " style=3D " text-align: justify; color: rgb(0, 0, 127); " ><em><span =

style=3D " font-style: normal; " >It is profoundly believed that the time has a=

rrived=0Afor an Inter-Spiritual interaction, for educating ourselves and en=

riching our=0Aawareness of our spiritual transformation and progression. In=

order to=0Aparticipate in the great unfolding taking place in our world, w=

e need to=0Arevisit the way we nourish our bodies and minds.</span></em> </=

p>=0A=0A<p class=3D " MsoNormal " style=3D " text-align: justify; color: rgb(0, =

0, 127); " > & nbsp;</p> =0A=0A<p class=3D " MsoNormal " style=3D " text-align: jus=

tify; color: rgb(0, 0, 127); " >This proposed Spiritual Congress=0Ais one suc=

h effort which will aid us in bringing needed reformation of the=0Aworld's =

humanity, which would be in line with cosmic reality.<em><span style=3D " fon=

t-style: normal; " ></span></em></p> =0A=0A<p class=3D " MsoNormal " style=3D " te=

xt-align: center; color: rgb(0, 0, 127); " align=3D " center " > & nbsp;</p> =0A=

=0A<p class=3D " MsoNormal " style=3D " text-align: justify; color: rgb(0, 0, 12=

7); " >The <strong>Global Congress</strong>=0Abrings together several New Age=

spiritual masters onto a <strong>Common Platform</strong> to share their s=

piritual perspectives, research findings and=0Alife transforming experience=

s. The speakers will deliberate on many esoteric and=0Aexoteric topics. All=

sessions would be intensive, interactive and sharing. As=0Apart of the ple=

nary, round table discussions will be held on the=E2=80=9C<b style=3D " color=

: rgb(3, 61, 33); " >Role of Spiritual Leaders and Spiritual=0AOrganizations =

in Spiritualizing the Whole of the Humanity of the Earth by year <font size=

=3D " 4 " >2012</font></b>=E2=80=9D.</p>=0A=0A<p class=3D " MsoNormal " style=3D " t=

ext-align: justify; " > & nbsp;</p> =0A=0A<p class=3D " MsoNormal " style=3D " text=

-align: center; color: rgb(0, 0, 127); " align=3D " center " ><span style=3D " fon=

t-family: Arial; " ><span style=3D " font-weight: bold; " >This Unique Event shal=

l be held from </span><b style=3D " " ><br></b></span></p><p class=3D " MsoNorma=

l " style=3D " text-align: center; color: rgb(128, 0, 0); " align=3D " center " ><s=

pan style=3D " font-family: Arial; " ><b style=3D " " >December</b><strong><span s=

tyle=3D " font-family: Arial; font-weight: normal; " > </span></strong><strong>=

<span style=3D " font-family: Arial; " >26<sup>th</sup> to 31<sup>st</sup>, 200=

8</span></strong><b style=3D " " >, </b></span></p> =0A=0A<p class=3D " MsoNorma=

l " style=3D " text-align: center; color: rgb(128, 0, 0); font-weight: bold; " =

align=3D " center " ><span style=3D " font-family: Arial; " >at Pyramid Valley , <b=

r></span></p><p class=3D " MsoNormal " style=3D " text-align: center; color: rgb=

(128, 0, 0); font-weight: bold; " align=3D " center " ><span style=3D " font-famil=

y: Arial; " > Bangalore ,=0A <br></span></p><p class=3D " MsoNormal " style=3D " t=

ext-align: center; color: rgb(128, 0, 0); " align=3D " center " ><span style=3D " =

font-family: Arial; " > <span style=3D " font-weight: bold; " >India.</span></spa=

n></p> =0A=0A<strong></strong> <br><p class=3D " MsoNormal " style=3D " text-ali=

gn: center; " align=3D " center " ><span class=3D " wsname " ><b style=3D " " ><span st=

yle=3D " font-family: Arial; " >VISION</span></b>=0A</span><span class=3D " wsnam=

e " ><span style=3D " font-family: Arial; " >=E2=80=93<b style=3D " " >=E2=80=9C<spa=

n style=3D " color: rgb(64, 0, 127); " >SPIRITUAL ONENESS</span>=E2=80=9D</b>:<=

/span></span></p> =0A=0A<p class=3D " MsoNormal " style=3D " color: rgb(192, 0, =

0); text-align: center; " ><span style=3D " font-size: 10pt; " ><font size=3D " 4 " >=

Be a catalyst for spiritualizing the emerging new world=0Aby the <br></font=

></span></p><p style=3D " text-align: center; " class=3D " MsoNormal " ><span styl=

e=3D " font-size: 10pt; " ><font style=3D " color: rgb(192, 0, 0); " size=3D " 4 " >ye=

ar<font style=3D " font-weight: bold; " > 2012</font></font></span></p> =0A=0A<=

p class=3D " MsoNormal " > & nbsp;</p><p style=3D " text-align: center; color: rgb=

(3, 61, 33); " class=3D " MsoNormal " >A key theme of the Event is daily panel d=

iscussions. & nbsp;Everyday,=0Athere will be a 75-minute round-table discuss=

ion by invited masters=0Awith interactive participation from the delegates,=

on topics that help=0Adevise strategies to spiritualize the Earth by year =

<font size=3D " 4 " ><span style=3D " font-weight: bold; " >2012</span></font>.</p>=

<p class=3D " MsoNormal " ><br></p>=0A=0A<p class=3D " MsoNormal " ><font size=3D " 1=

" ><span style=3D " background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: rgb(0, 0, 0);=

" ><span style=3D " font-size: 16pt; background-image: none; background-repeat=

: repeat; background-attachment: scroll; background-position: 0% 0%; " >6 Key=

Speakers & amp; their workshop</span></span><span style=3D " font-size: 16pt;=

" > during the Congress:</span></font><b><span style=3D " font-size: 16pt; " ></=

span></b></p> =0A=0A<p style=3D " color: rgb(0, 0, 127); " class=3D " MsoNormal " =

><font size=3D " 2 " ><span style=3D " " ><br>=0A1) " </span></font><font size=3D " 2=

" ><b><span style=3D " font-family: Arial; " >Dragon=E2=80=99s Tears - The=0ASha=

man's Breath</span></b> " =E2=80=93 by <b><span style=3D " font-family: Arial;=

" >Lujan Matus</span></b> from Bali .</font></p> =0A=0A<p style=3D " color: rg=

b(0, 0, 127); " class=3D " MsoNormal " ><font size=3D " 2 " ><span style=3D " " ><span =

style=3D " " > & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; </span><span style=3D " " > & nbsp;</span>A=0ASham=

an and Author of the book =E2=80=9CThe Art of Stalking Parallel reality=E2=

=80=9D.</span></font></p><p style=3D " color: rgb(0, 0, 127); " class=3D " MsoNo=

rmal " ><font size=3D " 2 " ><span style=3D " " ><br></span></font></p><p style=3D " c=

olor: rgb(0, 0, 127); " class=3D " MsoNormal " ><font size=3D " 2 " ><span style=3D " =

" >=0A2) " </span><b><span style=3D " font-family: Arial; " >Waking the Global He=

art</span></b><span style=3D " " > " =E2=80=93 by </span><b><span style=3D " font=

-family: Arial; " >Anodea Judith</span></b><span style=3D " " > from USA . </spa=

n></font></p> =0A=0A<p style=3D " color: rgb(0, 0, 127); " class=3D " MsoNormal " =

><font size=3D " 2 " ><span style=3D " " ><span style=3D " " > & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp=

; </span>One of the foremost experts on the Chakra=0Asystem.</span></font><=

/p><p style=3D " color: rgb(0, 0, 127); " class=3D " MsoNormal " ><font size=3D " 2 " =

><span style=3D " " ><br></span></font></p><p style=3D " color: rgb(0, 0, 127); " =

class=3D " MsoNormal " ><font size=3D " 2 " ><span style=3D " " >=0A3) " </span><b><sp=

an style=3D " font-family: Arial; " >How to Heal Yourself</span></b><span style=

=3D " " > " =E2=80=93 by </span><b><span style=3D " font-family: Arial; " > Orb=

ito</span></b><span style=3D " " > from Philippines<span style=3D " font-weight:=

bold; " >.</span></span></font></p> =0A=0A<p style=3D " color: rgb(0, 0, 127);=

" class=3D " MsoNormal " ><font size=3D " 2 " ><span style=3D " " ><span style=3D " " > & n=

bsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; </span>The world renowned Psychic Surgeon and=0AHeal=

er.</span></font></p><p style=3D " color: rgb(0, 0, 127); " class=3D " MsoNormal=

" ><font size=3D " 2 " ><span style=3D " " ><br></span></font></p><p style=3D " color=

: rgb(0, 0, 127); " class=3D " MsoNormal " ><font size=3D " 2 " ><span style=3D " " >=

=0A4) " </span><b><span style=3D " font-family: Arial; " >On Matters of Life and=

Death</span></b><span style=3D " " > " =E2=80=93 by </span><b><span style=3D " f=

ont-family: Arial; " > Moody</span></b><span style=3D " " > from USA<span=

style=3D " font-weight: bold; " >.</span></span></font></p> =0A=0A<p style=3D " =

color: rgb(0, 0, 127); " class=3D " MsoNormal " ><font size=3D " 2 " ><span style=3D=

" " ><span style=3D " " > & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; </span>Whose name is synonymou=

s with work on=0ANear-Death-experiences.</span></font></p><p style=3D " color=

: rgb(0, 0, 127); " class=3D " MsoNormal " ><font size=3D " 2 " ><span style=3D " " ><b=

r></span></font></p>=0A=0A<p style=3D " color: rgb(0, 0, 127); " class=3D " MsoN=

ormal " ><font size=3D " 2 " ><span style=3D " " >=0A5) " </span><b><span style=3D " fo=

nt-family: Arial; " >Holistic Leadership and=0AHealing</span></b><span style=

=3D " " > " =E2=80=93 by </span><b><span style=3D " font-family: Arial; " >a=

Adam Horst</span> </b><span style=3D " " >from <span style=3D " " ></span> Germa=

ny , <br></span></font></p><p style=3D " color: rgb(0, 0, 127); " class=3D " Mso=

Normal " ><font size=3D " 2 " ><span style=3D " " > & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; a gifted=

medium and=0Ateacher of Natural healing methods.</span></font></p><p style=

=3D " color: rgb(0, 0, 127); " class=3D " MsoNormal " ><font size=3D " 2 " ><span styl=

e=3D " " ><br></span></font></p>=0A=0A<p class=3D " MsoNormal " ><font style=3D " co=

lor: rgb(0, 0, 127); " size=3D " 2 " ><span style=3D " " >=0A6) " </span><b><span st=

yle=3D " font-family: Arial; " >The Prana Program and the=0AFood of Gods</span>=

</b><span style=3D " " >=E2=80=9D =E2=80=93 by<b> </b></span><b><span style=3D=

" font-family: Arial; " >Jasmuheen</span> </b><span style=3D " " >from</span></fo=

nt><font size=3D " 2 " ><span style=3D " " ><span style=3D " color: rgb(0, 0, 127); " =

> </span> <span style=3D " color: rgb(0, 0, 127); " >Australia<span style=3D " co=

lor: rgb(0, 0, 127); " >, </span><br></span></span></font></p><p class=3D " Mso=

Normal " ><font size=3D " 2 " ><span style=3D " " ><span style=3D " color: rgb(0, 0, 1=

27); " > & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; a leading researcher on=0APranic nourishment=

..</span></span></font></p> =0A=0A<p class=3D " MsoNormal " ><span style=3D " " > & =

nbsp;</span></p> =0A=0A<p class=3D " MsoNormal " style=3D " text-align: center; =

font-family: times new roman,new york,times,serif; " ><font size=3D " 1 " ><span =

style=3D " font-size: 11pt; " ><span style=3D " color: rgb(127, 0, 127); " >The=0AG=

lobal Congress promises to be an exciting fair for all spiritual masters,=

=0Amediators, healers and spiritually determined individuals including medi=

cal=0Adoctors, academic scientists, students and businessmen across the wor=

ld. We invite=0Aeveryone to make full use of this great opportunity</span>.=

</span></font></p> =0A=0A<p class=3D " MsoNormal " ><span style=3D " font-size: 1=

1pt; " > & nbsp; <br>=0A</span></p>=0A<div style=3D " text-align: center; " ><a rel=

=3D " nofollow " > </a><font style=3D " font-weight: bold; " size=3D " 4 " ><a rel=3D=

" nofollow " > <span style=3D " color: rgb(0, 0, 191); " >www.spiritualcongress.o=

rg</span></a><br>=0A</font></div>=0A<p class=3D " MsoNormal " style=3D " text-al=

ign: center; " align=3D " center " ><br></p><p class=3D " MsoNormal " style=3D " text=

-align: center; color: rgb(128, 0, 0); " align=3D " center " >For more details a=

nd registration please visit the website.</p><p class=3D " MsoNormal " style=

=3D " text-align: center; " align=3D " center " ><br><b style=3D " " ><span style=3D " =

font-family: Arial; " ></span></b></p> =0A=0A</div></div>=0A</div>=0A</div>=


</div><br>=0A=0A=0A <!--6--><hr size=3D1></hr> Add more friends to you=

r messenger and enjoy! <a href=3D " http://in.rd./tagline_messenger_=

6/*http://in.messenger./invite/ " > Invite them now.</a></body></htm=



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