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Re:Counting your Pennies/Love in the World

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That was beautiful! The faith and the innocence of a little child... Kind of makes you wonder what happened to the child within us? Today as grown-ups we have to work and try really hard in order to achieve the state of blind faith in life and God... we have to try really hard to meditate and shut down the thoughts in our minds in order to feel peace, to reach the state of innocence without the corrupted thoughts, beliefs and images- of fear, distrust, anger... Remember how perky and happy we were as children- for no obvious reason; just for BEING there, for feeling warm, for having something to eat... how often we laughed. How often does an average grown-up laugh daily? As children we believed in miracles... How much work do you need today to believe the same? First you need to clear your mind, let go of the negativity gathered through the years of

growing up, and allow yourself to come into the state of pure happiness and love... to actually become that child again! Well that just doesn't make sense to me... I wish I had never grown up! Now I can totally understand Pan LOLLet's be children forever...This reminds me of something from the New Testament that I read as a child but didn't understand back then ( because back then all we kids wanted was to be all grown up one day and do all that grown ups do LOL )"Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." ( 18,3-4)Peace & love,

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