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Re: DNA and DNA Activation

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--- In , " " <liane@...>




> DNA and DNA Activation


> The genes encoded on the form of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) contain the

> hereditary information, a gene is located on a specific position on the

> chromosome in a nucleus's cell. RNA (Ribonucleic acid) is used for the

> transcription of genetic information.


> The genes contained in the body has all the information of human since

> it was first incarnated on this planet. This mean a lot of civilization

> cycles.


> According to Datre when the soul decide to incarnate, the soul choose

> parent with the genes pool that has the qualities, it wish to express in

> a particular life. If the soul wish to incarnate has a brilliant

> musician it will look for that and make it dominant in the physical

> personality. Usually, the personality will choose to incarnate with some

> flaws. They will be used to set the pattern of challenge to be overcome

> during the lifetime. Someone with great intelligence in one lifetime may

> choose to incarnate with poor intelligence for its own learning in the

> next lifetime, but the great intelligence are still in the genes they

> are simply not dominant. Now, you should know that you have a lot of

> latent abilities that you don't use. If you use proper meditation you

> can explore your probable selves and see what are these latent abilities

> that you have, it will certainly enrich experience has human being.


> DNA reprogramming


> DNA reprogramming is the process of using energy to make some pattern

> dominant in your DNA and to manifest certain qualities. Typically, one

> will use DNA reprogramming to accelerate spiritual growth, lose weight,

> reverse aging, change physical features, etc.. they are countless

> possibilities.


> DNA Activation


> DNA activation is an evolutionary process to activate the dormant

> strands of the DNA. Once the DNA is activated the human being can work

> with more life force or Chi-energy and therefore has a bigger potential

> for anything psychic and creativity.


hello i am new to these forums of sharing our knowledge. this is my

first message.

this is a very good post. i have recenty heard of dna activation

through meditation. i am curious to know liane what are the methods

you know that seem to work? i have heard of the gold ring technique

and imagining meditating in a tetrahedron.

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Hello Dear, DNA activation is done in various forms, and to say the truth, with the energies that have been directed to Planet Earth this moment has been transforming all the structures ( and living beings ) in Crystalline Material. The Gold ring is a role play game, It is not necessarily real. Just like a Video Game or a RPG. The same way, I am personally very weary of all Changelings. I have a very feel that I regard as real.People can channel their higher selves and it is Ok, because your soul have knowledge , but everyone has to name their Higher selves Archangel this, or entities of that.. etc etc.(this is exclusive my opinion)We produced two videos giving the basic of how to prepare your physical body to ascension. We also have in this group here someone that has many groups (on NING and on Myspace) to help with symptoms of Ascension. Cheryl is a very good person that can give you the details on it. The Tetrahedron meditation, or Merkabah Meditation should be practiced with care. To activate it, you need not only to practice the meditation per se, but you NEED the assistance of a Master. The reason is, when you are developing it, therefore activating Kundalini and re-structuring your "Backbone" DNA, you have to make sure all your 4 bodies are aligned. If not, activating those energies can damage your physical body.It is known that many that tried it by themselves can actually acquire auto immune disorders and the Physical pain can be unbearable. Be careful to believe that you can do it just from a place of "make believe", Ascension to other dimensions it is becoming natural, but "make believe" and happy place has nothing to do with it. The danger here is to fall on the Traps of Ego. We have seen many organizations promoting and selling ascension as a product , like it is something that belong only for those that can pay for them.There are specific diet ( and lots of detox) that goes with it. But the most important step of ascension is detachment from old structures, and pasterns .We have many auxiliary techniques to help you to make it and restore your original blue print, Please visit out file section, under Energetic toolbox.Here is the two movies we made about it:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhQ850xIyGghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYWcYRb98Tw In a personal note, do not let all my warning to scare you, We are all in the same journey but in different stages, what may be dangerous to me, may not be for you, just handle everything with a common sense and let your internal guidance do the rest.Much love and respect,Liane> hello i am new to these forums of sharing our knowledge. this is my> first message. > this is a very good post. i have recenty heard of dna activation> through meditation. i am curious to know liane what are the methods> you know that seem to work? i have heard of the gold ring technique> and imagining meditating in a tetrahedron.>

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i just got online today to check your message is the reason for the

late reply. it is also a bit difficult on here to sift through all the

95 messages i have got, to the personal ones i wrote. there is an

enormous amount of knowledge on these forums and i do not want to lose

focus. i prefer to take a couple bits of information and analyze it.

it is strange i have been calling on cosmic energy alot through my

sahasrara or crown and projecting the energy to my kundalini and

though my face is now more vibrant. i feel i have an excess storage of

energy below my navel. all my practice of this is alone. if i

carefully synthesize the good info i believe we dont need a teacher,

but the teacher would expedite the process and prevent damage as you said.

i was pondering the merkaba meditation as a way to travel the cosmos,

but was afraid that i may not know the proper technique. who knows

maybe get lost while cirling around betelgeuse. i will do some

research on the info you gave and thank for sharing!

take care,


--- In , " " <liane@...>




> Hello Dear,


> DNA activation is done in various forms, and to say the truth,

with the

> energies that have been directed to Planet Earth this moment has been

> transforming all the structures ( and living beings ) in Crystalline

> Material. The Gold ring is a role play game, It is not necessarily

> real. Just like a Video Game or a RPG. The same way, I am personally

> very weary of all Changelings. I have a very feel that I regard as

> real.People can channel their higher selves and it is Ok, because your

> soul have knowledge , but everyone has to name their Higher selves

> Archangel this, or entities of that.. etc etc.(this is exclusive my

> opinion)


> We produced two videos giving the basic of how to prepare your

> physical body to ascension. We also have in this group here someone

> that has many groups (on NING and on Myspace) to help with symptoms of

> Ascension. Cheryl is a very good person that can give you the details on

> it.


> The Tetrahedron meditation, or Merkabah Meditation should be practiced

> with care. To activate it, you need not only to practice the meditation

> per se, but you NEED the assistance of a Master. The reason is, when you

> are developing it, therefore activating Kundalini and re-structuring

> your " Backbone " DNA, you have to make sure all your 4 bodies are

> aligned. If not, activating those energies can damage your physical

> body.It is known that many that tried it by themselves can actually

> acquire auto immune disorders and the Physical pain can be unbearable.

> Be careful to believe that you can do it just from a place of " make

> believe " , Ascension to other dimensions it is becoming natural, but

> " make believe " and happy place has nothing to do with it. The danger

> here is to fall on the Traps of Ego. We have seen many organizations

> promoting and selling ascension as a product , like it is something

> that belong only for those that can pay for them.

> There are specific diet ( and lots of detox) that goes with it. But the

> most important step of ascension is detachment from old structures, and

> pasterns .


> We have many auxiliary techniques to help you to make it and restore

> your original blue print, Please visit out file section, under

> Energetic toolbox.


> Here is the two movies we made about it:






> In a personal note, do not let all my warning to scare you, We

are all

> in the same journey but in different stages, what may be dangerous to

> me, may not be for you, just handle everything with a common sense and

> let your internal guidance do the rest.

> Much love and respect,

> Liane


> > hello i am new to these forums of sharing our knowledge. this is my

> > first message.

> > this is a very good post. i have recenty heard of dna activation

> > through meditation. i am curious to know liane what are the methods

> > you know that seem to work? i have heard of the gold ring technique

> > and imagining meditating in a tetrahedron.

> >


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Yaru, Pretty soon I will be posting the technique on activating Merkabah with safety "net".I have been writing the PDF forever. But I am getting there.Once I upload it, it will be available with all the 18th different breaths and I will announce it to everyone in the group. Much loveLiane> > >> >>

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