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Understanding Lumbago (Low Back Pain)

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Understanding Lumbago (Low Back Pain)=====================================The number of patients with "lumbago" (low back pain) is higher than patients with frozen shoulder.Lumbago starts mostly below the waist as simple numbness, sudden muscle contraction around the waist, and pain beside the abdomen. Constipation that may affect the kidney may be experienced. The patient's change in posture (.e.g. leaning or bending to one side) is also noticeable. Resting or lying in the bed won't help at all.If the condition gets worse, severe pain occurs and spreads across the lower part of the back, which includes the buttocks, the groin area, and back of the thigh. Of course, menstruation irregularity may also appear.Later on, all of these symptoms might lead to heartbeat and breathing problems, dizziness, stiff shoulders, and depression.One of our friends who is an acupuncturist and acupressure therapist told us that pressing the pressure points with your finger will help reduce the pain dramatically.Pressure points illustration:www.pyroenergen.com/articles08/images/finger-pressure-points.gifTo prevent lumbago, do the acupressure occasionally. It is very effective.According to the medical books, lumbago can be caused by various conditions such as slipped disk (displaced cartilaginous spinal disk that causes severe pain), osteoporosis (brittle bone disease), and scoliosis (curvature of spine) or, more rarely, tumors or some kind of infection in the spinal area.Also, high levels of lactic acid (a byproduct of muscular activity) accumulated in the muscles can cause irritation that will eventually turn into pain. Problems with acidic build-up are often made worse by dehydration.Common factors that can cause lumbago:* Bone disease specially osteoporosis* Abnormal curvature of the spine or scoliosis* Fractures that can cause backache* Arthritis* Rheumatism* Constipation* Kidney, bladder, prostate problems and female pelvic disorders* Female reproductive disorders or problems* Psychological, emotional or stress-related problems* Overfatigue and excessive exercise----------------------------------------------------------About the Author:Junji Takano is a Japanese health researcher involved in investigating the cause of various diseases since 1960. In 1968, he invented Pyro-Energen, the first electromedicine device that eradicates viral diseases, cancer, and diseases of unknown cause effectively without side effects.Free newsletter: http://www.pyroenergen.com/newsletter.htm----------------------------------------------------------Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as the entirearticle remains the same as well as the resource box.

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