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To Liz

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Liz -- what does the methotrexate and leucovorin do for your daughter? Right

now Ashli takes the 900 mg of motrin and plauqenil.


Sandi A.

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  • 2 months later...

I will try that... doing the breathing laying down. So in other words I just

breathe and flatten and hold.. not raise and hold??

I never had this huge poochy belly till I started these oxygen breathing

programs.. it also went away when I stopped BF and then 2 days into LL it

grew again??? I just wonder why?

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Rashelle has answered this before.

I will try to find what she said and send it to you. I know that she would

respond to you immediately if she were able.

I will research and report back what I find out.


>I will try that... doing the breathing laying down. So in other words I just


>breathe and flatten and hold.. not raise and hold??




>I never had this huge poochy belly till I started these oxygen breathing


>programs.. it also went away when I stopped BF and then 2 days into LL it


>grew again??? I just wonder why?




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be paid to read the mail from this group!




>Your List Owners/Moderators:


>Rashelle - rashelle@...


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  • 9 months later...
Guest guest

Yes, she replied very quickly.


Re: To -

> Dr.








> Dear ,




> I'm sure everyone on this list would rather look to

> you as the Dr.


> advocate and expert because it seems to be a

> role that you


> enjoy and have been willing to assume. Also, your

> responses to

> our


> questions are probably more timely than Dr. s

> would be, even if


> she would answers our questions.




> Mahkti






> Jim,




> I can answer your questions. Parasites have


> become


> more virulent (like cockroaches) because our


> bodies


> are full of toxins disabling our immune

> systems to


> allow the presence of parasites. The level of




> in


> a child's stomach is 5 times that of an

> adult. A


> dog's is even higher. Parasite eggs are

> allowed


> to


> pass through the stomach if the HCL

> concentration


> is


> weak. One large reason for this is amalgam

> placed


> in


> people's teeth, draining down in the saliva

> and


> ruining the stomach lining. Over time of

> course.


> Everything is over time, isn't it? Lead

> poisoning,


> asbestos poisoning, magnetized juice, etc.

> d:-)




> If your bowels are toxic and ladden with old


> debris,


> and then you ingest some green BWH, it's like


> spraying


> pesticide in one corner of room filled with


> garbage.




> I am proof of BWH not working. It worked


> initially


> for me, and I felt much better. I will try

> it


> again


> in awhile.




> Dr. says it doesn't always reach every

> part


> of


> the body. It takes 6 weeks of the BWH

> capsules

> to


> kill parasites in the uterus.




> There you have it.










=== message truncated ===


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  • 1 month later...
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Was not telling you, but asking you. Do you know the difference?

If we limit our responses to posts that we can contribute to,

positively, and not respond negatively to anything, as I am going to

do after this reply, then I think we can stop this disagreement.

It's down to you, and . You three seem to be saying the

same negative thing. You three can end it by being positive.










> Is pointing out that she has no medical





> qualifications of any kind and that




> none of her

> claims have ever been


> independently




> verified,

> bashing her? Or is it simply


> stating




> facts?








> I don't know the

> specifics of any of her





> qualifications. You keep repeating that she


> has


> none.




> How do you

> know? Why does it matter? She


> could


> be




> self taught which stands

> for a lot. I see


> her




> progression in her

> books.








> Hulda's lack

> of standing in the " medical "


> community




> would be

> greatly enhanced if she would


> produce




> cured patients

> and their medical


> history. She




> has had

> years to do so.








> The case histories are

> in her books and on


> the




> website. The

> medical community wants to


> ignore


> === message truncated ===






> __________________________________________________



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  • 3 years later...

Thanks Liz...

I hope to keep good spirits, too. After all the anticipation and postponements I was pretty worked up this morning. Am imitating a small tornado now with cleaning bird cages and dusting. Nerves are unwinding and am more or less ready for the next 48 weeks. Hubby is clueless in the kitchen chopping apples for canning sauce. You know... just when I start to think he is a complete moron he goes and does something really nice... Nice Moron?).

Had to laugh, the nurse was giving me step by step instructions on how to shoot myself as "most people do it themselves." I finally pounded it into her head that it is not just because I am a big chicken (although true) but am testing using an insurance loophole, lol.

Have fun ,

I'm so proud of you! Give 'em hell toots and get ready to hunker down a bit. We're right here for you.

I just love your spirit!

Take care of yourself,


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  • 2 weeks later...

You mentioned blues...who do you like? I just asked my grand daughter and she rattled off some names that drew a complete blank with me, but...heck, look at the age difference. I made an appointment with her to figure out my cell phone. Why don't 12 year olds come with each computer and phone?

Take care of yourself,


Who do I like for Blues... well this is a biggie but here goes: Muddy Waters, Albert King, Buddy Guy, T-Bone , BB King, Lee Hooker, Eddy Clean Head Vinson, KoKo , Willie Dixon, Little Milton, Bessie , , Memphis Slim, Leadbelly, Jimmy , Lightnin Hopkins, Saffire & the Uppity Blues Women (love them!), Bo Diddley, Little Walter, Howling Wolf, Willie Dixon, Webster, & when they feel bluesy... Clapton or Stevie Ray Vaugh. I know I am forgetting some. There are more that I have bits and pieces of. A lot of these we have in collection cd's and I was known to spend a lot of time at Napster, once upon a time.

Alligator Records put out a 20th, 25th, and 30th Anniversary Collections that we have... some really great stuff on them. If I were going to shop for a blues lover I would start with those three and go from there.

I am helping to teach my 26 year old son how to work my old computer via long distance... I love it! He was too cool to learn about computers in school... ha! Now the mommy that figured it out on her own rules, lol.

I have never had a cell phone, they don't work very well out here. I love gadgets and hubby says I am happiest when something is wrong with the computer and I have to fix it. Haven't been able to break this computer yet... the operative word.

Well, the birds and I need a shower. They have a couple of stick on perches and it is a nightly ritual around here. I have been told it sounds pretty strange from the other side of the door, lol. It is nice 'cause Zoe whistles at me and doesn't laugh when I am necked . Charmin just tells me she loves me.


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  • 2 months later...

Damn right, sweetie! We did and we can!


Faith is the ability to not panic.

-----Original Message-----From: Liz [mailto:elwilkinson@...] Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2005 1:57 PMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: to all

The way I see it, if we can make it through last last year, then we get through this one.

Love and Hugs to you all

Take care of yourself,


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Damn right, sweetie! We did and we can!


Faith is the ability to not panic.

-----Original Message-----From: Liz [mailto:elwilkinson@...] Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2005 1:57 PMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: to all

The way I see it, if we can make it through last last year, then we get through this one.

Love and Hugs to you all

Take care of yourself,


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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

Hey Liz... sorry about your dad. I have learned what not being able to breath feels like and I can understand the "it ain't pretty." I will behave as best I can and keep hoping they are wrong.

Nine more shots to go!!!!!!!!!!! And that is the good news, I get more excited every week. It will have been one long drawn out year when this is done. Been tough but well worth it so far. Amazing how fast 52 weeks can go by.

My dad died from emphysema and it ain't pretty. We love you bunches and don't want you to go through any more pain. Take care, ok?

Take care of yourself,


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  • 1 month later...


I've been doing LL for a very long time and I love it!!!! I lost about 25lbs.

and several inches during the 1st year without hardly any dieting changes. So if

you keep up with your LL breaths, and you eat OK, and drink lots of water you're

going to see some good results.

I'm continuing to tone my body with LL and I like to add other types of exercise

with it for variety and to give my body a thrill, you got to keep it on it's

toes... so to speak. :-)

Love, Liz

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YaaHoo Sheri!!!

What great news. I hope this alievates (sp) your feelings that the

band isn't working for you. I know you were a little disapointed at

first. Hope you have/had a great time and knocked em' dead with the

svelt new you!!! By the way, did your hubby get to meet Dr. A when

you got your fill and put his " worry " aside?

I want to hear ALL about your jaunt to Vegas when you get back and

catch up on everything else too.



PS: What did you do with the kids?

> Hi Liz,

> I just wanted to share my news... As you know finding nice

clothes for plus sizes is almost impossible. So I go to Macy's

today to find a dress and just like I suspected nothing bigger than

a 16 is available. I decided to try it on anyway just to see and

I'll be darned it fit... I've been walking on cloud nine ever

since. I was in a tight 20 before surgery ... Anyway I'm just

extatic and i had to share my news. Talk to you soon, Sheri

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Hi Liz,

I'm just now getting around to reading all the posts. Yesterday was catch up time on sleep. The trip was fun but I'm not used to staying up so late. In Vegas things don't even really get started til 11:00 and I was yawning by 9:00. I'm a big baby. Anyway the black tie thing was great. It was a charity dinner and concert for Andre Agassi. The concert part was awesome. It was Celine Dion and the Eagles and Barbra Streisand. She was the mystery entertainer. I thought my husband was gonna faint when they announced that she was gonna perform. They had awhole bunch of other people singing too but most I didn't know. I don't keep up with this new music if you can call it that. Sounded like screaming to me.My husband did not get to meet Dr. Aceves because we lost our babysitter at the last minute so I drove down alone. Everything went real smooth though. I parked and walked across the border and Ernesto picked me up. I was done in less than 30 minutes and back to the border crossing. Dr. A's surgery for that morning was cancelled so he came in just for me and was waiting on me when I got there. I thought at first that he didn't get me tight enough but it sortof kicked in later. I still don't understand that but I'm not complaining. I can still eat with very little if any pain just not as much. I did have a small problem with steak at the charity dinner. I tried to eat it but it just didn't agree with the band. I had the same problem with hashbrowns the next morning at breakfast. Anyway it was wonderful to have a weekend without my kids. They stayed with 's cousin that lives close to us. She is the only family that we have in this state and before moving here i had never met her so I don't ask her for too much because my kids don't really know her. I paid her for watching them and they survived without me so all is well. Other than when I was in the hospital in Mexico my youngest has never been away from me overnight so I was a little nervous. I was probably worse off than he was. Anyway I'll go for now. Write back and tell me how you are doing. I will call you sometime just let me know what is a good time because I know you went back to work and are very busy. Talk to you soon, Sheri

-------------- Original message -------------- YaaHoo Sheri!!! What great news. I hope this alievates (sp) your feelings that the band isn't working for you. I know you were a little disapointed at first. Hope you have/had a great time and knocked em' dead with the svelt new you!!! By the way, did your hubby get to meet Dr. A when you got your fill and put his "worry" aside?I want to hear ALL about your jaunt to Vegas when you get back and catch up on everything else too.CONGRATULATIONS!!!LizPS: What did you do with the kids?> Hi Liz,> I just wanted to share my news... As you know finding nice clothes for plus sizes is almost impossible. So I go to Macy's today to find a dress and just like I suspected nothing bigger than a 16 is available. I decided to try it on anyway just to see and I'll be darned it fit... I've been walking on cloud nine ever since. I was in a tight 20 before surgery ... Anyway I'm just extatic and i had to share my news. Talk to you soon, Sheri

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Just testing to see if my signature thing works. I am so computer illiterate!!

--DOB 8-12-2005 235/213/150 Sheri Wilkins

-------------- Original message -------------- YaaHoo Sheri!!! What great news. I hope this alievates (sp) your feelings that the band isn't working for you. I know you were a little disapointed at first. Hope you have/had a great time and knocked em' dead with the svelt new you!!! By the way, did your hubby get to meet Dr. A when you got your fill and put his "worry" aside?I want to hear ALL about your jaunt to Vegas when you get back and catch up on everything else too.CONGRATULATIONS!!!LizPS: What did you do with the kids?> Hi Liz,> I just wanted to share my news... As you know finding nice clothes for plus sizes is almost impossible. So I go to Macy's today to find a dress and just like I suspected nothing bigger than a 16 is available. I decided to try it on anyway just to see and I'll be darned it fit... I've been walking on cloud nine ever since. I was in a tight 20 before surgery ... Anyway I'm just extatic and i had to share my news. Talk to you soon, Sheri

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Looks good Sheri Thanks!





From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of wilkinsjl@...Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 11:02 PM Subject: Re: Re: To Liz

Just testing to see if my signature thing works. I am so computer illiterate!!

--DOB 8-12-2005 235/213/150 Sheri Wilkins

-------------- Original message -------------- YaaHoo Sheri!!! What great news. I hope this alievates (sp) your feelings that the band isn't working for you. I know you were a little disapointed at first. Hope you have/had a great time and knocked em' dead with the svelt new you!!! By the way, did your hubby get to meet Dr. A when you got your fill and put his "worry" aside?I want to hear ALL about your jaunt to Vegas when you get back and catch up on everything else too.CONGRATULATIONS!!!LizPS: What did you do with the kids?> Hi Liz,> I just wanted to share my news... As you know finding nice clothes for plus sizes is almost impossible. So I go to Macy's today to find a dress and just like I suspected nothing bigger than a 16 is available. I decided to try it on anyway just to see and I'll be darned it fit... I've been walking on cloud nine ever since. I was in a tight 20 before surgery ... Anyway I'm just extatic and i had to share my news. Talk to you soon, Sheri

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

HI, Liz. Thank you for your kind words and encouragement as well as

great tips. I am on my first round of antibiotics (only 4 days left,

but who's counting?) and going in to my second week of Buhner's protocol.

I think I am having a herx reaction since I feel so lousy and didn't

feel this way before. I guess this is good. I haven't been tested for

anything else. I asked my MD to extend the antibiotic and she is

resistant. I am searching out other doctors. Do I just ask for other

tests? I printed out Burrascano's article and read every word. Thank

you. What is salt C? What does it do/help? Is it available in a health

food store. Thanks so much.


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