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What is a crystal?

(A crystal is not only a quartz crystal, but any stone which has the characteristics described below.)

Without going into an obscure explanation which

few of us would understand, a mineral is crystalline if the atoms or

ions that compose it are arranged in a geometrically precise pattern of

atoms which are held together by shared electrons.

If you didn't understand that don't worry

about it. The important thing to understand that this orderly pattern

also ensures that the energy emitted by a crystal is equally orderly

and consistent. A crystal's vibration and energy pattern is

steady which is one of the reasons that crystals can help to steady the

often-erratic energy patterns of humans.

How do crystals work??

(Please be aware that a book-length answer is possible.)

On a sensory level, the sight of them appeals

to and reawakens our senses, both physical awareness and a sense of

wonder. Through our awareness of its hidden treasures we become more

appreciative of our physical world.

On an energetic level crystals work in a

subtle way to unblock psychic and physical energy. Imagine for a moment

how heavy you feel when you're depressed or feeling tired or bored or

just stuck.

All of us have areas in our lives where energy

is blocked, such as prosperity, love, general health, creativity. These

blockages express themselves in the physical body. When we place

crystals on these areas (i.e., the throat area for creativity), their

high vibration help to raise the vibrational frequency in that area.

High vibration doesn't mean making you feel

jittery. When people are feeling hyper or want to calm their thoughts

for the purpose of meditation crystals can help to achieve quiet. The

primary purpose of crystals is to help restore energetic balance and to

open energy channels so that energy flows smoothly.

See our Listing of Articles about Crystals for more specific information.

Is the interest in crystals a New Age thing?

Crystals have been found in Neolithic graves and barrows. They were widely used in ancient Egypt, Mexico, Russia, and Africa, and among Native American cultures. A Brief History of Crystals has more information.

How do I choose crystals for myself?

There are many ways to choose crystals: for their

beauty, because you are drawn to a particular color, or because the

description of a crystal's energies appeal to you either intuitively or

because its characteristics correspond to an issue you are ready to

work on.

It can help to make a list of what is missing

or what you'd like to have more in your life. Then look at descriptions

of crystals.

In our Articles Index

you will find links to a number of guides to help you choose crystals.

These include a questioinnaire, brief descriptions of crystals, and

individual expanded descriptions of more than 40 crystals.

How do I choose crystals for someone else?

You can refer to many of the guides above. You can

also use your intuition. If you notice that someone wears a particular

color frequently choose a crystal of that color.

If you know that someone is longing for change

or growth in a particular area give them a stone which relates to it,

i.e., rose quartz for love, citrine, emerald, or green tourmaline for

abundance. I have found it helpful not to say, " You really need this

crystal. " Why would I clear a crystal?

When you first get a crystal, in order to make it

yours you want to remove from it all energy which is neither yours or

the crystal's. After you've been working with it for a while you'll

want to remove any energy you may have released into it.

How do I clear a crystal?

Please see our article on clearing crystals.

What does it mean to charge crystals?

When we charge a crystal we fill it with a

particular kind of energy. It could be the energy of the new or full

moon, the energy of an affirmation, or many other possibilities. Please

see Crystal Tune-up:Charging Your Stones

What is programming a crystal?

When you program a crystal you put the energy of chosen thoughts and feelings into the energy pattern of a crystal. How do I program a crystal?

Please see You and Your Crystals: Partners in Creation.

How can I meditate with crystals?

There are many ways. You can simply sit with a

crystal in your hand and make feeling its energy part of the

meditation. You can place crystals on body areas which correspond to

chakra points. You can also meditate with crystals to which you are

drawn, either holding them or, again, placing them on your body.

Our index of articles, in the section

entitled Crystals for Emotional Well-being you will find that each of

the articles has a meditation related to its theme.

Will crystals affect me even if I don't do anything with them?

We believe that they do. When we first got

crystals it was almost " accidental. " We were selling blown-glass

figures on amethyst, agate, and pyrite. We discovered that that we were

beginning to feel differently, more calm and focused, but didn't know

why until a friend pointed out that we had a lot of crystals around.

That was the beginning of our fascination with the mineral kingdom.

In our experience and that of others a more beneficial and harmonious atmosphere is created when one has crystals in one's living and/or working environment. For particular ways to arrange and place crystals according to the Chinese system of feng shui please see the article on Feng Shui.

Is it true that a crystal only works for you if someone gives it to you?

No. However, when a crystal is a gift of love it can hold a special kind of energy.

Which crystal is for good luck?

There is no particular crystal associated with

good luck. However, choosing crystals which relate to the particular

challenges and dreams in your life and making them your partners in

creating the life you want could lead to your feeling very lucky about

the results.

Don't some crystals bring bad luck?

The only crystal I know which is associated with

bad luck in folklore is the opal. Some people believe that you can only

wear opal if it's your birthstone, others that you can only wear it if

someone gives it to you.

Opal's connection to bad luck is believed to

come from a reference in a novel by Sir Walter . The only caution

I would give regarding this stone would be to avoid wearing/using it if

you're going through an emotionally intense period, because opal

intensifies emotions.

Which are better, rough or tumbled stones?

There's no overall " better. " When a stone forms

into points and clusters, I prefer to use them because their energy has

not been altered. Stones which don't usually appear in such formations,

such as chrysocolla, malachite, and rhodochrosite, are often enhanced

by being polished. Certainly, they are often more beautiful.

When a stone is carved into a shape with particular meaning, i.e.,

spheres, eggs, pyramids, this can also heighten its power.

What are birth stones?

A birth stone is believed to have a connection

with an individual's astrological sun sign. However, I have seen dozens

of different birth stone charts, all different.

I studied astrology and crystals for several

years in order to come up with connections which made sense to me. For

example, I linked citrine, a crystal related to self-esteem and

self-empowerment with Virgo because Virgoans are often reluctant to

assert themselves. In addition, Virgo rules the digestive system, and

citrine is believed to be helpful in digestive upsets.

In putting together StarStones I added other

stones which I felt would enhance the positive and diminish the

downside of each side.

For more information please see StarStones.

What are the chakras?

Chakra is the Sanskrit word for wheel. Chakras are

spinning wheels of light found in the aura, an electromagnetic force

field which surrounds every living being. The energy of the aura is

that of our thoughts and feelings, and the chakras concentrate and

coordinate the flow of these energies in and from the physical body.

Each chakra corresponds not only to a

physical body point, but to areas of life, e.g., first chakra -

survival, fourth chakra - love. When we have blockages, such as a fear

about our ability to survive, this may result in a blockage of energy

flow through that chakra. Please see our article on the chakras. We also have an email course on the chakras

What do the shapes of crystals mean?

Whether a crystal's shape is natural or carved,

there is usually some significance to it. A crystal cluster signifies

individuals living in harmony. A sphere symbolizes perfection and

completion; while an egg represents something new being created.

See The Shape of Things for descriptions of the meanings of pyramids, eggs, spheres, and points.

What's the difference between natural crystals and Austrian crystals?

Natural crystals are found in the earth, where

they were formed millions of years ago. They come in a variety of

mineral compositions, colors, and shapes. Austrian crystals are

human-made, and can also be called leaded glass. While they are not

known (by me) to have healing properties they can have a positive

effect on the energy balance in a space. If you are interested in these

see our collection of prisms.

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