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Re: Carolyn, huiles essentielles

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> Hi Carolyn,

> Yes, i was planning to mix up my own oils. I just haven't

looked up Farah's recipes yet. Yes, the oils you name sound

familiar; i don't remember exactly; does she use jasmine?


> This morning i couldn't wait for me to look up the recipe, so

i mixed 1/2 Tablespoon olive oil, I drop geranium, 2 drops eucalyptus,

1 drop lemon, 1 drop citronella, and 2 drops peppermint. My hands do

feel better, and ,my main concern , the skin didn't react or get red

or itchy.


> You mention thyme oil--- that's one i'd be shy of, since i had

rubbed it on my hands undiluted, 4 times in 2 weeks, and the skin on

the thumbs became itchy for 2 days and then red for a month. It

removed the lyme pain very well for 4 months; but i've since read that

thyme oil is prone to causing skin reactions. If 'Farah has a drop or

two in her recipe, that's great; i just haven't looked it up.


> So it's all right to use clove? no skin reactions?


> My hand feels good today after the oils!


> I put geranium oil on my toenail fungus every day, and the

excess i rub on my scalp. It never causes a skin reaction.


> 'What would you put on a tiny wart? I put lemon oil on it but

seems to have no effect. I also put a Lomatium drop on it several

times, maybe inhibits it.


> Best regards, --- purple.


> --- In ,

> Hi Purple,


> I was reading about Farah's oils recently and see that she seems to

> have stopped selling them for the moment. I have been wondering about

> getting some clove, thyme, patchouli, eucalyptus and geranium oils

> myself [which from memory are in her Lyme essence one; might need

> checking] and mixing up my own with almond or peach extract oil as

> carrier.

> Had you thought about doing that?


> Carolyn







> .



















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