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Meditating & Balancing Chakra

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Meditating on and balancing the chakras

Various techniques have been presented on working with the chakras,

both optimising normal chakras to allow more ch'i energy through, and

helping or balancing chakras that are not functioning properly (i.e.

which may be unbalanced, blocked, or malfunctioning).

I would like to state at the outset that I am no expert, so please do

not email me for technical advice! But from what I have read and

understood it seems there are several possible techniques.

Activating the chakra through breathing, visualisation, movement, and yoga postures. This is good for all chakras, and for balancing the organism as a whole. It particularily pertains to the Tantric, seven-chakra linear scheme, rather than the Taoist circular scheme

of chakras. There are many specific exercises associated with each

chakra, and usually different books give different exercises, so it

would take too long to go through all the books, chakras, and exercises

here. All I can do is recommend that you browse through the books on

this subject in a well-stocked esoteric or theosophical bookshop, find

one that you feel intuitively attracted to, and go with that.

Projecting love and light into the chakra.

This is also good for malfunctioning and blocked chakras, but not

overactive ones, which already have enough energy going through them as

it is. Imagine the area of the affected chakra as pervaded by a

brilliant white, golden, or other coloured light, which is of the

complete essence of love. Imagine this light healing the chakra,

opening it, and restoring it to its proper functioning. If for example

you have difficulty with understanding abstract mental concepts, you

would visualise light and love in brow and forehead chakras, allowing

them to open harmoniously, and the energy to flow through.

Talking to or meditating on the particular chakra in question. This is the technique recommended by Genevieve son.

Focus on the chakra in question, massage the area of the body it

pertains to, and breath into it. Let the energy flow through it, and

ask yourself what needs to be done about the particular psychic state

in question. If for example you have an overactive heart chakra, ask

yourself in what situations are you being too giving and putting the

needs of others before your own.

The microcosmic orbit. The microcosmic orbit

is the most powerful technique of all, because it involves and includes

all the chakras, the front and rear ones as well as the lower and

higher ones. It is especially good for balancing the ch'i energy in all

the chakras, and restoring and maintaining equilibrium in your entire

being. There is no one technique here, but actually a number of

different methods. One involves simply holding one's attention on the

particular chakra point, without any visualisation or breathing

exercises. Alternatively (this is the main method taught by Mantak Chia),

you can go through each chakra in turn, visualising the spiraling

energy (24 clockwise and anticlockwise), and/or (where it is accesable

to reach) moving the palm of the hand in a spiralling motion over the

chakra in question. Various breathing techniques can also be used, such

as breathing into each chakra in turn, and. Mantras can be employed,

such as saying " chhhiii " , " aaauuummmm " , or any other mantra at that point. You could also or alternatively try feeling love or smiling energy

in each chakra in turn, visualising white or golden or rainbow-coloured

light, or doing whatever other techniques one feels comfortable with.

The important thing is not to force things

Two points should be adhered to however. The first is to always begin and finish at either the Navel or the Sea of Ch'i

centre. This is to be done even if you only meditate or focus on one or

two other chakras. Due to the proximity of the Navel and Sea of Chi

chakras with the Lower Tan Tien, the ch'i energy is balanced and grounded after each meditation

The second important point is to always progress down the front of

the body, and up the back. This is the natural direction of flow of

ch'i energy in the human body. I emphasise this point because it is so

important yet so little known. I once attended a guided meditation

where everyone was told to meditate on the chakras at the front of body

from the lowest to the highest. This is the exact opposite of the true

direction of flow, and it was obvious that the people running the show

didn't have the faintest idea what they were doing. Such ignorance is

all too widespread in the New Age

movement nowadays, for the simple reason that the New Age is a movement

without a strict teachings or dogmas, so people are free both to arrive

at the truth unhindered, and to make blunders without any safeguards.

Thus, whilst one should follow one's own truth, one should also be

extremely careful to ensure that one's psycho-spiritual practices are

authentic ones

For those who are interested in exporing the practice of the

microcosmic orbit beyond the basic introduction provided here, I would

strongly recommend a perusal of the works of Mantak Chia, especially Awaken Healing Energy of the Tao.

For opening the specifically Tantric ( " primary " or archetypal) chakras, Harish Johari some time back released a cassette tape giving the correct mantric sounds for each chakra and petal. This is still available and is very powerful.

In meditating on each chakra, you may want to use some of the

correspondences listed in these web pages. Alternatively, you may want

to choose your own correspondences, or not use any at all. The

important thing is to let oneself be guided by what intuitively feels

right, rather than slavishly follow what some book or guru or teaching

says. This so in all aspects of life and with all psycho-spiritual

practices, not just those techniques given here. The intention of this

coverage is to encourage and stimulate your own exploration in these

matters, not to add one more dogma to a world that is already too full

of dogmas as it is.



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