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tick removal

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I have questions about the various tick removal ideas presented. When a

tick is securely attached, I was not able to pull it out. Using

tweasers squashed the insect and I'm sure the contents went into the

body. The only way to remove it would have been to cut the skin around

where it was attached.

(This was a large tick, not the kind that supposedly carries lyme, but

it is the only tick I have had experience with. The ones that gave me

lyme were never detected)

Putting detergent on cotton and covering the tick seemed that it might

get the tick to release its attachment. But others have said that

causes it to regurgitate its contents.

So I'm at a loss as to how to safely remove a tick.


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did you try to grab it at its attachment--mouthparts??

there are products that look like tweezers with a hollowed out area at tip and

also a metal tool with a tiny forked area in front--you slide the holoow or fork

under the tick then grab the mouth parts ( in the case of the forked tool you

keep constant pressure and the tick is urged out)

and frankly Id go to the nearest walk in center anyway so they can treat the

bite area afterwards and hopefully a medical professional KNOWS how to get it


try to google " tick removal picture " ittl show at least 3 right away and this

site is helpful as well


google is http://www.google.com/search?hl=en & q=tick+removal+pictures & aq=f & oq=


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