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Re: A very serious question

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There is nothing dirty about dogs, or any animal. This person is, well,

I KNOW better. We are all connected and there is spirit in everything

and everyone. Period.

BAD, BAD person, and anyone who thinks we are cleaner/superior/the only

beings on this planet with the presence of spirit.

YES, we are gifted with consciousness, but without dog, we would never

have gotten to where we are.


Angel White wrote:


> Ok, I know this might sound silly but I really need to ask because I

> don't know where else I could find the answer to this weird question.

> So, here it goes, please don't laugh!


> I finished reading a book about the principles of Yoga, and everything

> was wonderful. Swamiji seems to know everything- philosophy, all

> religions, psychology etc. I was amazed. It made me want to go to the

> next Yoga center and let them " mess with my head " LOL I mean cleanse

> my spirit LOL But then he said that he doesn't recommend that people

> hang round in the presence of dogs because they are " dirty " animals,

> in a spiritual sense... Some of you probably have pets and know how

> attached you can get to an animal, and how much love that animal can

> give you. I love my dog mostly because she is sometimes my only best

> friend. That statement kind of hurt me. So does anyone know WHY dogs

> are dirty and we may not " hang around them " ? I didn't find the

> explanation in the book, and I seriously doubt I can find it on Google LOL


> If I keep on doing Yoga, will I have to put my dog out of the house? :)


> I'm joking... but still an explanation would be great... Thanks!


> Love to the Group,










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Well, Cheryls post was a good answer, as was Randys. If the Swamiji, dislikes brussel sprouts and you find them delicious(yeah,right), does that indicate that you must not eat brussel sprouts? The responsibilities inherent in being a student, is to separate the teachings from the teacher, and incorporate that which expands your experience.

But........have you seen where your dog is licking, right now? ;>)

From: Angel White <angelique_v21@...>Subject: [] A very serious question Date: Saturday, December 13, 2008, 3:25 PM

Ok, I know this might sound silly but I really need to ask because I don't know where else I could find the answer to this weird question. So, here it goes, please don't laugh!I finished reading a book about the principles of Yoga, and everything was wonderful. Swamiji seems to know everything- philosophy, all religions, psychology etc. I was amazed. It made me want to go to the next Yoga center and let them "mess with my head" LOL I mean cleanse my spirit LOL But then he said that he doesn't recommend that people hang round in the presence of dogs because they are "dirty" animals, in a spiritual sense... Some of you probably have pets and know how attached you can get to an animal, and how much love that animal can give you. I love my dog mostly because she is sometimes my only best friend. That statement kind of hurt me. So does anyone know WHY dogs are dirty and we may not "hang around them"? I didn't find the explanation

in the book, and I seriously doubt I can find it on Google LOLIf I keep on doing Yoga, will I have to put my dog out of the house? :)I'm joking... but still an explanation would be great... Thanks!Love to the Group,

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Hey ,Very interesting question. As soon as I read it I knew you would get ALL kinds of answers! LOL! Well my personal opinion is follow your heart. Your heart knows what is good for your soul. You don't need to worry about what another says is "correct" or "clean" even if it was Jesus telling you! (no blasphemy intended.) No seriously, I probably would not want to be incarnated on this planet if there weren't animals. I feel closer to them than humans most times because they are unconditional. In my eyes they are already ascended farther than we are because we always get in our own way. They do not. So I say strive to become MORE like your dog because there couldn't be any purer love (minus the crotch licking)! HAHA! I can't stand the phrase "I must have been a dog in my past life" ....etc because I think one of the highest forms of reincarnation is in an animals body. People seem to think that we have some kind of ownership to this world and the animals. I know in the bible it says we were given dominion over the Earth and the beasts, but I think that word was translated wrong. I believe the word should have been "guardianship". Which means we were given the responsibility to protect and take care of what we have the ability to be aware of. I think maybe this Swamiji must have some imposed cultural outlooks on the canine breed? In India dogs are actually over populated and spread a lot of disease so they're looked at as dirty and pests. Love,Stefanie> > From: Angel White angelique_v21@...> Subject: [] A very serious question> > Date: Saturday, December 13, 2008, 3:25 PM> > > > > > > > > > > Ok, I know this might sound silly but I really need to ask because I don't know where else I could find the answer to this weird question. So, here it goes, please don't laugh!> > I finished reading a book about the principles of Yoga, and everything was wonderful. Swamiji seems to know everything- philosophy, all religions, psychology etc. I was amazed. It made me want to go to the next Yoga center and let them "mess with my head" LOL I mean cleanse my spirit LOL But then he said that he doesn't recommend that people hang round in the presence of dogs because they are "dirty" animals, in a spiritual sense... Some of you probably have pets and know how attached you can get to an animal, and how much love that animal can give you. I love my dog mostly because she is sometimes my only best friend. That statement kind of hurt me. So does anyone know WHY dogs are dirty and we may not "hang around them"? I didn't find the explanation in the book, and I seriously doubt I can find it on Google LOL> > If I keep on doing Yoga, will I have to put my dog out of the house? :)> > I'm joking... but still an explanation would be great... Thanks!> > Love to the Group,> > >

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Thanks for posting this , I sure can't imagine that to be true.I have 2 puppies, well 1 ½ year old sisters.They are Chihuahua poodles, or havanese mix.They do have animal instincts to bark when there is somethingThat is unfamiliar to them, or something that annoys them,likeThe Gardner or the delivery man, or a service man.Sometimes they even bark at my guests which really upsets me,But its only for a short time and then they lick them and play.These puppy girls have been my source of complete bliss andRelease in the last year. Their presence makes my life, my heart, my soul,so full of the kind of joy I haven't known before, as I was allergic to Dogs my whole life, and I wasn't allergic to these when myDaughters found them at the beach. They are so full of love, and quite frankly I do believe they are myAngel babies. I have an extremely intuitive/ psychic sense.In fact I would take it a step further to say that I believe all of gods Creations have a soul. If not all, most. I am sure that God/dess has designedAll of his/her gifts (I am very comfortable with addressing heavenly father and Divine mother) with very special multi-tasking features,indeed all being Connected to the human spirit. Unfortunately, the human being believesThat he/she is above any of the other creations. Instead of viewing the World as one to be shared in harmony and with respect, man has Not had respect, and has sinned against all natural aspects of the creationsof the creator. Man has existed on this planet for the purpose of seeking control and power.And has destroyed for thousands of years, the inhabitants of mother earth,Seeking power, riches, greed, control, in a variety of forms, including religion.We are truly all connected. Of this I am sure. Animals just have different sensesThan we do. That does not make them less than us. Just different. And Mark, I LOVE brussel sprouts!!! Try cooking them in chicken soup.They are like mini cabbages…Absolutely green and absolutely clean…Good for the digestive system! Stefanie is absolutely right, follow your heart, always…And Stefanie, I really do think I was feline in a previous lifetime…I am always moving my feet, like it would be a tail….or paws getting Comfy. I believe what you say about the bible is correct. Dominion Meant guardianship or even care of… I believe we have mis-interpreted a great deal.... [All Christian groups respect the New Testament, but they differ in their understanding of the nature, extent, and relevance of its authority.The New Testament is a collection of works, and as such was written by multiple authors.] wikipedia… The biggest problem with the bible is that language translations and interpretations are not always accurate… And my biggest dilemma has been getting around the negative implications, because I have tried to live the majority of my chosen life in the selected absence of negative energy. I also find personally, that the male and the female are created equally, and each of us have male and female characteristics/traits and hormones that either balance us or don't. Meaning we may have more of one than the other instead of a balance…but that ultimately, we are all unisex in the big picture of ascension and the collective ONE. Ironically, just as we all have unique fingerprints, as well we all have a unique way of looking at the world, our universe and our place in it. Love, Divine Light, and Blessings to all of you.xoxo Fran

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Thanks a lot Stefanie, you are so right! If we all gave as much love

as a dog can give, we'd reach the next level in no time LOL For them

unconditional love is a way of life... I smile just thinking about it...


> >

> > From: Angel White angelique_v21@

> > Subject: [] A very serious question

> >

> > Date: Saturday, December 13, 2008, 3:25 PM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Ok, I know this might sound silly but I really need to ask because I

> don't know where else I could find the answer to this weird question.

> So, here it goes, please don't laugh!

> >

> > I finished reading a book about the principles of Yoga, and everything

> was wonderful. Swamiji seems to know everything- philosophy, all

> religions, psychology etc. I was amazed. It made me want to go to the

> next Yoga center and let them " mess with my head " LOL I mean cleanse my

> spirit LOL But then he said that he doesn't recommend that people hang

> round in the presence of dogs because they are " dirty " animals, in a

> spiritual sense... Some of you probably have pets and know how attached

> you can get to an animal, and how much love that animal can give you. I

> love my dog mostly because she is sometimes my only best friend. That

> statement kind of hurt me. So does anyone know WHY dogs are dirty and we

> may not " hang around them " ? I didn't find the explanation in the book,

> and I seriously doubt I can find it on Google LOL

> >

> > If I keep on doing Yoga, will I have to put my dog out of the house?

> :)

> >

> > I'm joking... but still an explanation would be great... Thanks!

> >

> > Love to the Group,

> >

> >

> >


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LOL Well actually her body is too long so she can't reach that area...

but most of her time she spends licking my face :)


> From: Angel White <angelique_v21@...>

> Subject: [] A very serious question


> Date: Saturday, December 13, 2008, 3:25 PM











> Ok, I know this might sound silly but I really need to ask because I

don't know where else I could find the answer to this weird question.

So, here it goes, please don't laugh!


> I finished reading a book about the principles of Yoga, and

everything was wonderful. Swamiji seems to know everything-

philosophy, all religions, psychology etc. I was amazed. It made me

want to go to the next Yoga center and let them " mess with my head "

LOL I mean cleanse my spirit LOL But then he said that he doesn't

recommend that people hang round in the presence of dogs because they

are " dirty " animals, in a spiritual sense...  Some of you probably

have pets and know how attached you can get to an animal, and how much

love that animal can give you. I love my dog mostly because she is

sometimes my only best friend. That statement kind of hurt me. So does

anyone know WHY dogs are dirty and we may not " hang around them " ? I

didn't find the explanation in the book, and I seriously doubt I can

find it on Google LOL


> If I keep on doing Yoga, will I have to put my dog out of the house? :)


> I'm joking... but still an explanation would be great... Thanks!


> Love to the Group,




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OMG!.....I meant the spill on the floor! And I like brussel sprouts, too. My, my, aren't we just a bunch of dirty lil minds.....a Beautiful, Open Hearts! ;>)

From: Angel White <angelique_v21@...>Subject: [] A very serious question Date: Saturday, December 13, 2008, 3:25 PM

Ok, I know this might sound silly but I really need to ask because I don't know where else I could find the answer to this weird question. So, here it goes, please don't laugh!I finished reading a book about the principles of Yoga, and everything was wonderful. Swamiji seems to know everything- philosophy, all religions, psychology etc. I was amazed. It made me want to go to the next Yoga center and let them "mess with my head" LOL I mean cleanse my spirit LOL But then he said that he doesn't recommend that people hang round in the presence of dogs because they are "dirty" animals, in a spiritual sense... Some of you probably have pets and know how attached you can get to an animal, and how much love that animal can give you. I love my dog mostly because she is sometimes my only best friend. That statement kind of hurt me. So does anyone know WHY dogs are dirty and we may not "hang around them"? I didn't find the explanation

in the book, and I seriously doubt I can find it on Google LOLIf I keep on doing Yoga, will I have to put my dog out of the house? :)I'm joking... but still an explanation would be great... Thanks!Love to the Group,

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Thank you Fran! Yes we are all connected, " we are all members of one

body " !

I just wanted to comment on what you said about the Bible... It was

the first source that helped me when I started my spiritual journey.

And yes, the book contains beautiful messages but is completely

corrupted with (intentional) mistranslation. Out of curiosity I

downloaded an e-course of Ancient Hebrew and studied it for a short

while (unfortunately I am interested in so many things so it's hard

for me to keep my concentration LOL), and I also found an amazing site

www.ancient-hebrew.org. When translated directly, the content of those

amazing scripts sound completely different. I don't want to bore anyone

but I'd just like to share this so you can get a

picture of how it sounds... KJV stands for the King Version.

KJV: So God created man in his own image... (Gen. 1.27)

direct translation: And the great powerful One filled the man with a

representation of himself...

The ancient Hebrews didn't concentrate on the image but on the

function of something. Therefore God had placed within a man a

representation of his own function- his goals, his purposes, his

" thoughts " ... Our only responsibility is to live our lives as

representations of God, acting in the same manner as he would.

KJV: Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain... (Ex.


dt: You shall not represent the character of the Powers / mighty

powerful One falsely...

The word translated as name is the ancient Hebrew word shem which

literally means : character, internal qualities that make one unique.

The word translated as vain is sheva, meaning empty of substance, false.

Also my first post to this Group was the Our Father Prayer, directly

translated from the original Arameic. See the difference?

" O Cosmic Birther of all radiance and vibration!

Soften the ground of our being and carve out a space within us where

your Presence can abide.

Fill us with your creativity so that we may be empowered to bear the

fruit of your mission.

Let each of our actions bear fruit in accordance with our desire.

Endow us with the wisdom to produce and share what each being needs to

grow and flourish.

Untie the tangled threads of destiny that bind us, as we release

others from the entanglement of past mistakes.

Do not let us be seduced by that which would divert us from our true

purpose, but illuminate the opportunities of the present moment.

For You are the ground and the fruitful vision, the birth, power and

fulfillment, as all is gathered and and made whole once again. "

However translated, we all know in our hearts what feels right,

because we ARE one body and one soul.

Lots of love to everyone (especially Mark LOL)



> Thanks for posting this ,




> I sure can't imagine that to be true.


> I have 2 puppies, well 1 ½ year old sisters.


> They are Chihuahua poodles, or havanese mix.


> They do have animal instincts to bark when there is something


> That is unfamiliar to them, or something that annoys them,like


> The Gardner or the delivery man, or a service man.


> Sometimes they even bark at my guests which really upsets me,


> But its only for a short time and then they lick them and play.


> These puppy girls have been my source of complete bliss and


> Release in the last year. Their presence makes my life, my heart, my

> soul,


> so full of the kind of joy I haven't known before, as I was allergic

> to


> Dogs my whole life, and I wasn't allergic to these when my


> Daughters found them at the beach.


> They are so full of love, and quite frankly I do believe they are my


> Angel babies. I have an extremely intuitive/ psychic sense.





> In fact I would take it a step further to say that I believe all of gods


> Creations have a soul. If not all, most. I am sure that God/dess has

> designed


> All of his/her gifts (I am very comfortable with addressing heavenly

> father and


> Divine mother) with very special multi-tasking features,indeed all being


> Connected to the human spirit. Unfortunately, the human being believes


> That he/she is above any of the other creations. Instead of viewing the


> World as one to be shared in harmony and with respect, man has


> Not had respect, and has sinned against all natural aspects of the

> creations


> of the creator. Man has existed on this planet for the purpose of

> seeking control and power.


> And has destroyed for thousands of years, the inhabitants of mother

> earth,


> Seeking power, riches, greed, control, in a variety of forms, including

> religion.


> We are truly all connected. Of this I am sure. Animals just have

> different senses


> Than we do. That does not make them less than us. Just different.




> And Mark, I LOVE brussel sprouts!!! Try cooking them in chicken soup.


> They are like mini cabbages…Absolutely green and absolutely

> clean…


> Good for the digestive system!




> Stefanie is absolutely right, follow your heart, always…


> And Stefanie, I really do think I was feline in a previous

> lifetime…


> I am always moving my feet, like it would be a tail….or paws getting


> Comfy. I believe what you say about the bible is correct. Dominion


> Meant guardianship or even care of… I believe we have

> mis-interpreted a great deal....




> [All Christian groups respect the New Testament, but they differ in

> their understanding of the nature, extent, and relevance of its

> authority.


> The New Testament is a collection of works, and as such was written by

> multiple authors.] wikipedia…



> The biggest problem with the bible is that language translations and

> interpretations are not always accurate… And my biggest dilemma has

> been getting around the negative implications, because I have tried to

> live the majority of my chosen life in the selected absence of negative

> energy. I also find personally, that the male and the female are created

> equally, and each of us have male and female characteristics/traits and

> hormones that either balance us or don't. Meaning we may have more of

> one than the other instead of a balance…but that ultimately, we are

> all unisex in the big picture of ascension and the collective ONE.

> Ironically, just as we all have unique fingerprints, as well we all have

> a unique way of looking at the world, our universe and our place in it.


> Love, Divine Light, and Blessings to all of you.

> xoxo Fran


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, THIS is the original Lord's Prayer?! Wow! One wonders how the translation we are so familiar with got so FAR from what the original is/was. Thank you for posting/reposting this!


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