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Re: Bring your Mat and Man's Best Friend

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Oh my what a beautiful story. I too have seen my animals show me such compassion when they know I am sad or ill. When I was recovering from cancer and was in bed day after day, my (chihuahua) stayed with me all the time. He never left that bed except for when my husband took him outside. He is my faithful loving companion. Many days when I was having such a hard time watching my brother suffer, he came and sat next to me and rested his head on my leg. They always know when you need them. and I are bonded in a very special way.

The dog that I had before , his name was Dooley, also a chihuahua. He was a healer. Some animals have come here to take away pain, even physical pain. Dooley took on so much of my physical pain that he finally died, but he assured me that is why he came to me, so I was at peace with it. He only lived to be 5 years old. Most of you know that I am an animal communicator and I had many conversations with my Dooley. I still miss him so much but he comes around me every now and then and lets me know that he is still waiting for me. That's my Doo with Santa.

Peace, Love, Light, and Joy, Cherylvisit me at: www.myspace.com/senegalady

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance .MY OATH TO YOU... When you are sad....I will dry your tears. When you are scared.....I will comfort your fears. When you are worried.....I will give you hope. When you are confused.....I will help you cope. And when you are lost....And can't see the light, I shall be your beacon.....Shining ever so bright. This is my oath......I pledge till the end. Why you may ask?....Because you're my friend. Signed: GOD

In a message dated 12/14/2008 4:00:58 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, evermind1009@... writes:

I also can share a story about an animal with compassion... Not a dog, but my cat Charlie Boy.We had another cat, an orange fireball Cinnamon! She started kinda hiding out away from everyone & we soon realized she was very sick. She stopped eating & lost so much weight we could feel her spine & hip bones within a week. Our vet kept her in the hospital & hydrated her overnight. Then back at home we fed her & gave her water through an eye dropper. Within a couple of days she would no longer take in fluids even that way. We knew we had to take her the next day to put her down. I put a fresh bowl of water down & eventually coaxed her over to it. She lay down by the bowl & rested her chin on the edge but just couldn't get enough strength to drink. Charlie had been watching from across the room. I started to cry cause I just couldn't bear to see Cinnamon suffer. Charlie walked over to the opposite side of the water dish & rested his chin on the edge, just like she did.... Then he gently started lapping water at Cinnamon with his tongue. As the water splashed on her face, she would lick it off. This continued for abour 4 or 5 minutes & Cinnamon DID start to perk up a bit. Charlie Boy knew she needed to drink. We had her put down the next morning & she passed with her pretty little head in the palm of my hand. (She had cancer of the liver) Our vet said that was one of the best stories he'd heard about another animals compassion. Anyway, that's Charlie Boy & Cinnamon's story!------------------------------------Humanity Healing,Healing the heart of Humanity,one soul at the time. <*> To change settings online go to: /join(! ID required)<*>To download our new ToolBar http://Network.OurOrganizationToolbar.com http://.OurOrganizationToolbar.com <*>www..net<*>Visit our Power Mallhttp://www.mypowermall.com/Biz/Home/151065FAIR USE NOTICE: This page may contains copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This website distributes this material without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. We believe this constitutes a fair use of any such copyrighted material as provided for in 17 U.S.C § 107.~ Confidentiality Advisory ~This information is privileged and confidential and is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed.Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of this information(including attachments)by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited.If you are not the intended recipient, please delete the information fromyour system and contact the sender.<**>

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This is great, I had no idea... Thanks for the insight!

I actually read somewhere a long time ago that healing thoughts we

send towards a person can also work on animals, and it made perfect

sense because if an animal can think, dream, learn, make conclusions

and realize it did something wrong, then they are conscious... that's

why Swamiji's statement was so unbelievable...

I see all of you agree, so I'd like to share this event... Some time

ago I received a phone call with very bad news. I hung up, sat down,

covered my face with my hands and started crying. I was so distressed

that only after some time I realized my dog had quietly come to me and

just put her head in my lap. She just stayed there, quiet. She knew

exactly what to do. She shared my emotions without saying a word.

Usually she's really hyperactive but at that moment she felt

COMPASSION for what I was going through. Amazing.

Maybe some of you have a similar experience to share?

Love to all the group,





> Bring Your Mat, and Man's Best Friend



> Yoga for Dogs Is Becoming Increasingly Popular Around the World




> April 1, 2008




> For thousands of years, the ancient practice of yoga has led to

peace and

> enlightenment for people wishing to unite their body and mind. While


> techniques have changed over time, chances are the early gurus did

not anticipate

> the newest set of devotees: dogs.



> A doga class at the Japan Dog Association at the Nippon Ayurveda


> Here, Satoe Tachi practices yoga with her dog Chaco, a Kaninchen


> (Reuters)

> _More Photos_ (http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/popup?id=4565523)


> " We're going to Om, but I want you to actually Om towards the dog, "


> instructor Kari Harendorf in front of a yoga class for dogs and

their owners.

> " Inhale, Ommmm, Ommmm, " she continued.

> The latest fitness craze for dog lovers is called " doga " and it's

coming to a

> mat near you. In a typical doga class, owners help their pups


> different poses, and they also do their own poses using the animals

as helpful

> props. Owners also perform doggy massage and acupressure to help

soothe and

> relax their pets.

> " This is about you and your dog, and time with your dog, " said

Harendorf as

> she began the class and instructed the owners on how to gently

stretch their

> dogs' legs and paws.



> Related

> (http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/popup?id=4565523)

> _PHOTOS: Flexibility With Fido_

> (http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/popup?id=4565523)


> (http://abcnews.go.com/2020/story?id=3661848 & page=1)

> _Doggone Rich: Prime Canine Real Estate_

> (http://abcnews.go.com/2020/story?id=3661848 & page=1)


> (http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/story?id=2966578 & page=1)

> _Pampered Pooches_

(http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/story?id=2966578 & page=1)



> Speaking of stretches, this whole concept may seem like one to many


> But it's not to Harendorf, who is a yoga instructor, dog trainer and


> veterinary technician.

> " When I tell people that I teach yoga for dogs, they say, 'Oh, my

dog would

> never be able to do yoga. He's too hyper or too this, too that,' "

she said.

> " I'll say, 'Well, try a couple of poses with him.' "




> That's how Harendorf started doing doga with her dog Charlie five

years ago.

> " Every time I would get my mat out, Charlie would come lay on top of

it, " she

> explained. " I would go into [downward facing] dog and he would just


> under me and look up at me. He put his paw on my hand, and we

started doing yoga

> together. "

> Now, Harendorf and Charlie lead monthly classes at _Bideawee Animal


> (http://www.bideawee.org/) in New York City. The tranquil ambiance

is set

> with candles, incense, and calming music.

> Going to the Dogis

> It turns out the quest for zen is not just for the hyper pups of the


> Apple. Doga has spread to Seattle, San Francisco, ville,

Fla., Canada,

> and even Japan. Later this year, Suzi Teitelman and her dog Coali

will debut the

> first doga exercise video for those who would like to practice

their poses

> from the privacy and comfort of home.









> Peace, Love, Light, and Joy, Cheryl



> visit me at: _www.myspace.com/senegalady_





> Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we

might as

> well dance .




> When you are sad....I will dry your tears.


> When you are scared.....I will comfort your fears.


> When you are worried.....I will give you hope.


> When you are confused.....I will help you cope.


> And when you are lost....And can't see the light, I shall be your

> beacon.....Shining ever so bright.


> This is my oath......I pledge till the end. Why you may

> ask?....Because you're my friend.



> Signed: GOD























> **************One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail,

> Gmail, and Mail. The NEW


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I also can share a story about an animal with compassion... Not a

dog, but my cat Charlie Boy.

We had another cat, an orange fireball Cinnamon! She started kinda

hiding out away from everyone & we soon realized she was very sick.

She stopped eating & lost so much weight we could feel her spine &

hip bones within a week. Our vet kept her in the hospital & hydrated

her overnight. Then back at home we fed her & gave her water through

an eye dropper. Within a couple of days she would no longer take in

fluids even that way. We knew we had to take her the next day to put

her down. I put a fresh bowl of water down & eventually coaxed her

over to it. She lay down by the bowl & rested her chin on the edge

but just couldn't get enough strength to drink. Charlie had been

watching from across the room. I started to cry cause I just

couldn't bear to see Cinnamon suffer. Charlie walked over to the

opposite side of the water dish & rested his chin on the edge, just

like she did.... Then he gently started lapping water at Cinnamon

with his tongue. As the water splashed on her face, she would lick

it off. This continued for abour 4 or 5 minutes & Cinnamon DID start

to perk up a bit. Charlie Boy knew she needed to drink. We had her

put down the next morning & she passed with her pretty little head in

the palm of my hand. (She had cancer of the liver) Our vet said

that was one of the best stories he'd heard about another animals

compassion. Anyway, that's Charlie Boy & Cinnamon's story!

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Thank you for sharing this amazing story... so sweet and so sad...

And thank you Liane for the video, I watched it with tears in my eyes

:) Your Baby Honey was beautiful!

Lots of love to all,


> I also can share a story about an animal with compassion... Not a

> dog, but my cat Charlie Boy.


> We had another cat, an orange fireball Cinnamon! She started kinda

> hiding out away from everyone & we soon realized she was very sick.

> She stopped eating & lost so much weight we could feel her spine &

> hip bones within a week. Our vet kept her in the hospital & hydrated

> her overnight. Then back at home we fed her & gave her water through

> an eye dropper. Within a couple of days she would no longer take in

> fluids even that way. We knew we had to take her the next day to put

> her down. I put a fresh bowl of water down & eventually coaxed her

> over to it. She lay down by the bowl & rested her chin on the edge

> but just couldn't get enough strength to drink. Charlie had been

> watching from across the room. I started to cry cause I just

> couldn't bear to see Cinnamon suffer. Charlie walked over to the

> opposite side of the water dish & rested his chin on the edge, just

> like she did.... Then he gently started lapping water at Cinnamon

> with his tongue. As the water splashed on her face, she would lick

> it off. This continued for abour 4 or 5 minutes & Cinnamon DID start

> to perk up a bit. Charlie Boy knew she needed to drink. We had her

> put down the next morning & she passed with her pretty little head in

> the palm of my hand. (She had cancer of the liver) Our vet said

> that was one of the best stories he'd heard about another animals

> compassion. Anyway, that's Charlie Boy & Cinnamon's story!


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When I do animal communication work, the animal will come right up and sit in front of me and stare right into my eyes as long as I am talking to it. Very cool. It is just so happy to have a conversation with someone.

Peace, Love, Light, and Joy, Cherylvisit me at: www.myspace.com/senegalady

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance .MY OATH TO YOU... When you are sad....I will dry your tears. When you are scared.....I will comfort your fears. When you are worried.....I will give you hope. When you are confused.....I will help you cope. And when you are lost....And can't see the light, I shall be your beacon.....Shining ever so bright. This is my oath......I pledge till the end. Why you may ask?....Because you're my friend. Signed: GOD

In a message dated 12/16/2008 4:33:29 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, diddiejar@... writes:

Awesome story! Are we so different from animals? I really don't think so. Just take notice at how an animal communicates with us. They ALWAYS look into our eyes. They recognize the spark in us too. Cat's, dogs, horses, pigs, dolphins, even insects. They all do. Most animals have compassion. Dolphins will not leave their wounded behind. They will stay with them and protect them. They also have saved the lives of shark attack victims and people who were carried out to sea. Also, there are many animals who have adopted babies of different species through maternal instincts. Here's an awesome video for you guys! =)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EmKKGCq9C0If we were to take the road of service for not only human beings, but also to the other species (of ALL kinds) in our world then we will truly know the lesson in humbleness. My personal opinion is if a person can't get past serving and respecting an animal as they would themselves then they do not deserve enlightenment. We are the guardians of this Earth and I'm quite proud to serve her in all of her forms. I'm so glad to see so many who feel the same way! *dances* Love,Stefanie>> I also can share a story about an animal with compassion... Not a > dog, but my cat Charlie Boy.> > We had another cat, an orange fireball Cinnamon! She started kinda > hiding out away from everyone & we soon realized she was very sick. > She stopped eating & lost so much weight we could feel her spine & > hip bones within a week. Our vet kept her in the hospital & hydrated > her overnight. Then back at home we fed her & gave her water through > an eye dropper. Within a couple of days she would no longer take in > fluids even that way. We knew we had to take her the next day to put > her down. I put a fresh bowl of water down & eventually coaxed her > over to it. She lay down by the bowl & rested her chin on the edge > but just couldn't get enough strength to drink. Charlie had been > watching from across the room. I started to cry cause I just > couldn't bear to see Cinnamon suffer. Charlie walked over to the > opposite side of the water dish & rested his chin on the edge, just > like she did.... Then he gently started lapping water at Cinnamon > with his tongue. As the water splashed on her face, she would lick > it off. This continued for abour 4 or 5 minutes & Cinnamon DID start > to perk up a bit. Charlie Boy knew she needed to drink. We had her > put down the next morning & she passed with her pretty little head in > the palm of my hand. (She had cancer of the liver) Our vet said > that was one of the best stories he'd heard about another animals > compassion. Anyway, that's Charlie Boy & Cinnamon's story!> A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps!

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Awesome story! Are we so different from animals? I really don't think so. Just take notice at how an animal communicates with us. They ALWAYS look into our eyes. They recognize the spark in us too. Cat's, dogs, horses, pigs, dolphins, even insects. They all do. Most animals have compassion. Dolphins will not leave their wounded behind. They will stay with them and protect them. They also have saved the lives of shark attack victims and people who were carried out to sea. Also, there are many animals who have adopted babies of different species through maternal instincts. Here's an awesome video for you guys! =)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EmKKGCq9C0If we were to take the road of service for not only human beings, but also to the other species (of ALL kinds) in our world then we will truly know the lesson in humbleness. My personal opinion is if a person can't get past serving and respecting an animal as they would themselves then they do not deserve enlightenment. We are the guardians of this Earth and I'm quite proud to serve her in all of her forms. I'm so glad to see so many who feel the same way! *dances* Love,Stefanie>> I also can share a story about an animal with compassion... Not a > dog, but my cat Charlie Boy.> > We had another cat, an orange fireball Cinnamon! She started kinda > hiding out away from everyone & we soon realized she was very sick. > She stopped eating & lost so much weight we could feel her spine & > hip bones within a week. Our vet kept her in the hospital & hydrated > her overnight. Then back at home we fed her & gave her water through > an eye dropper. Within a couple of days she would no longer take in > fluids even that way. We knew we had to take her the next day to put > her down. I put a fresh bowl of water down & eventually coaxed her > over to it. She lay down by the bowl & rested her chin on the edge > but just couldn't get enough strength to drink. Charlie had been > watching from across the room. I started to cry cause I just > couldn't bear to see Cinnamon suffer. Charlie walked over to the > opposite side of the water dish & rested his chin on the edge, just > like she did.... Then he gently started lapping water at Cinnamon > with his tongue. As the water splashed on her face, she would lick > it off. This continued for abour 4 or 5 minutes & Cinnamon DID start > to perk up a bit. Charlie Boy knew she needed to drink. We had her > put down the next morning & she passed with her pretty little head in > the palm of my hand. (She had cancer of the liver) Our vet said > that was one of the best stories he'd heard about another animals > compassion. Anyway, that's Charlie Boy & Cinnamon's story!>

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What blessed children to have a parent like you.

Peace, Love, Light, and Joy, Cherylvisit me at: www.myspace.com/senegalady

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance .MY OATH TO YOU... When you are sad....I will dry your tears. When you are scared.....I will comfort your fears. When you are worried.....I will give you hope. When you are confused.....I will help you cope. And when you are lost....And can't see the light, I shall be your beacon.....Shining ever so bright. This is my oath......I pledge till the end. Why you may ask?....Because you're my friend. Signed: GOD

In a message dated 12/17/2008 8:40:40 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, stars2man@... writes:

Re: Bring your Mat and Man's Best Friend > My children are just flying beyond all reason... Oh I just gotta tell you this one story....>> A month or two back I was picking up my kids from school. It's across town and they get out an hour apart. So I figured I'd bring the kayaks and goof around in the river by their school until my daughter got out. So my son and I got out into the water and paddled down this little channel. As we went along every now and again we'd come to a log covered with turtles... and they'd all jump into the water to hide as we got closer to them.>> So we stopped for a moment and were facing each other on opposite sides of the channel. So I said:> "Hey what do you feel"> "Nothing"> "No I mean really, what do you feel"> "What? nothing dad..!"> "Really feel yourself... deep down ... What do you really feel"> "Ok dad, still nothing"> "Ok now look over there" and I pointed out another log covered with turtles...>> "So now what do you feel... do you feel the change .. What's changed inside of you? Do you feel it?"> "yeaaayyy"> "That's your connection to the turtles, that's their part of God inside of you. That's where you can go to communicate to the turtles... they can feel that too, share with them from down there"> "Oh cool;" was the last thing he said... and then we paddled up to them... and they all jumped into the water except one... So I turned back to my son>> "Oh you need to talk to all of them, not just one"...>> And the Smile on his face just popped up from ear to ear... Wow, was that an awesome experience. I mean to really teach something so deep and meaningful, where he completely understood it, and put it into practice. I've never had anyone listen, believe, or understand anything I said so well.>> My kids learned Reiki before they were 10... Course they were in a canoe on the river before they could walk too... LOL...>> But teaching kids is just a wonderful gift, cherish every moment of it... nothing will ever be as fulfilling for you... That little smile and the sparkle in the eyes will be with me forever... The OMD who attuned them has asked me about helping him to teach more kids, build up a website and maybe get a grant or two.... So we're looking into it www.starsusa.org Who knows maybe that's something you will want to try too...>> Thanks for your comments> Namaste> eric ------------------------------------Humanity Healing,Healing the heart of Humanity,one soul at the time. <*> To change settings online go to: /join(! ID required)<*>To download our new ToolBar http://Network.OurOrganizationToolbar.com http://.OurOrganizationToolbar.com <*>www..net<*>Visit our Power Mallhttp://www.mypowermall.com/Biz/Home/151065FAIR USE NOTICE: This page may contains copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This website distributes this material without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. We believe this constitutes a fair use of any such copyrighted material as provided for in 17 U.S.C § 107.~ Confidentiality Advisory ~This information is privileged and confidential and is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed.Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of this information(including attachments)by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited.If you are not the intended recipient, please delete the information fromyour system and contact the sender.<**>

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Re: Bring your Mat and Man's Best Friend

> My children are just flying beyond all reason... Oh I just gotta tell you this

one story....


> A month or two back I was picking up my kids from school. It's across town and

they get out an hour apart. So I figured I'd bring the kayaks and goof around in

the river by their school until my daughter got out. So my son and I got out

into the water and paddled down this little channel. As we went along every now

and again we'd come to a log covered with turtles... and they'd all jump into

the water to hide as we got closer to them.


> So we stopped for a moment and were facing each other on opposite sides of the

channel. So I said:

> " Hey what do you feel "

> " Nothing "

> " No I mean really, what do you feel "

> " What? nothing dad..! "

> " Really feel yourself... deep down ... What do you really feel "

> " Ok dad, still nothing "

> " Ok now look over there " and I pointed out another log covered with turtles...


> " So now what do you feel... do you feel the change .. What's changed

inside of you? Do you feel it? "

> " yeaaayyy "

> " That's your connection to the turtles, that's their part of God inside of

you. That's where you can go to communicate to the turtles... they can feel that

too, share with them from down there "

> " Oh cool; " was the last thing he said... and then we paddled up to them... and

they all jumped into the water except one... So I turned back to my son


> " Oh you need to talk to all of them, not just one " ...


> And the Smile on his face just popped up from ear to ear... Wow, was that an

awesome experience. I mean to really teach something so deep and meaningful,

where he completely understood it, and put it into practice. I've never had

anyone listen, believe, or understand anything I said so well.


> My kids learned Reiki before they were 10... Course they were in a canoe on

the river before they could walk too... LOL...


> But teaching kids is just a wonderful gift, cherish every moment of it...

nothing will ever be as fulfilling for you... That little smile and the sparkle

in the eyes will be with me forever... The OMD who attuned them has asked me

about helping him to teach more kids, build up a website and maybe get a grant

or two.... So we're looking into it www.starsusa.org Who knows maybe that's

something you will want to try too...


> Thanks for your comments

> Namaste

> eric

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Dear ,

My mom also died of ovarian cancer when she was only 37 in 1967, before they had available the big cancer centers. This picture was taken in 1950 before I was born. Her name was .

And my brother, Jim, age 58, just recently died of squamish cell cancer on Nov. 30th.

Peace, Love, Light, and Joy, Cherylvisit me at: www.myspace.com/senegalady

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance .MY OATH TO YOU... When you are sad....I will dry your tears. When you are scared.....I will comfort your fears. When you are worried.....I will give you hope. When you are confused.....I will help you cope. And when you are lost....And can't see the light, I shall be your beacon.....Shining ever so bright. This is my oath......I pledge till the end. Why you may ask?....Because you're my friend. Signed: GOD

In a message dated 12/18/2008 9:40:13 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, stars2man@... writes:

Thank you Cheryl,you are much too kind.In fact I need to add a warning label for other parents. Indigo and Crystal children that are able to stay in Spirit and avoid the ritalin, autism, ADHD and all the rest are very few . . . and these kids will find they have a LOT to do here very early in life!I learned so much from them. But they too will have some serious lessons! The sort that many of us will not want to know about, read about or anything.Thank you Cheryl! I've never asked before, but since we are Healing Humanity here PLEASE PRAY for them to find their way through the forest of greed and materialism back to the Truth they knew in Jesus Christ.... 8/8/92 and 5/3/90... see attachedThanks AgainGod BlessericPS. Cancer took my mom which began that new leg of my research http://stars2man.blogspot.com/. Course she told me she had to leave to watch my children. Little did I know then what they were in for:http://www.seedwiki.com/wiki/stars2man/evolution.cfm Thank God they were ready for anything!

Re: Bring your Mat and Man's Best Friend

Posted by: "senegalady@..." senegalady@... senegalady2000

Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:49 am (PST) What blessed children to have a parent like you.Peace, Love, Light, and Joy, Cherylvisit me at: _www.myspace. com/senegalady_ (http://www.myspace. com/senegalady) Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance .MY OATH TO YOU... When you are sad....I will dry your tears. When you are scared.....I will comfort your fears. When you are worried..... I will give you hope. When you are confused.... .I will help you cope. And when you are lost....And can't see the light, I shall be your beacon.....Shining ever so bright. This is my oath......I pledge till the end. Why you may ask?....Because you're my friend. Signed: GOD

In a message dated 12/17/2008 8:40:40 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, stars2man (DOT) com writes:Re: Bring your Mat and Man's Best Friend > My children are just flying beyond all reason... Oh I just gotta tell you this one story....>> A month or two back I was picking up my kids from school. It's across town and they get out an hour apart. So I figured I'd bring the kayaks and goof around in the river by their school until my daughter got out. So my son and I got out into the water and paddled down this little channel. As we went along every now and again we'd come to a log covered with turtles... and they'd all jump into the water to hide as we got closer to them.>> So we stopped for a moment and were facing each other on opposite sides of the channel. So I said:> "Hey what do you feel"> "Nothing"> "No I mean really, what do you feel"> "What? nothing dad..!"> "Really feel yourself... deep down ... What do you really feel"> "Ok dad, still nothing"> "Ok now look over there" and I pointed out another log covered with turtles...>> "So now what do you feel... do you feel the change .. What's changed inside of you? Do you feel it?"> "yeaaayyy"> "That's your connection to the turtles, that's their part of God inside of you. That's where you can go to communicate to the turtles... they can feel that too, share with them from down there"> "Oh cool;" was the last thing he said... and then we paddled up to them... and they all jumped into the water except one... So I turned back to my son>> "Oh you need to talk to all of them, not just one"...>> And the Smile on his face just popped up from ear to ear... Wow, was that an awesome experience. I mean to really teach something so deep and meaningful, where he completely understood it, and put it into practice. I've never had anyone listen, believe, or understand anything I said so well.>> My kids learned Reiki before they were 10... Course they were in a canoe on the river before they could walk too... LOL...>> But teaching kids is just a wonderful gift, cherish every moment of it... nothing will ever be as fulfilling for you... That little smile and the sparkle in the eyes will be with me forever... The OMD who attuned them has asked me about helping him to teach more kids, build up a website and maybe get a grant or two.... So we're looking into it www.starsusa. org Who knows maybe that's something you will want to try too...>> Thanks for your comments> Namaste> eric

> This has been a wonderful discussion, thanks Barry.> > I'm not sure why this came to me now . . . But I> conducted my own private experiment with this subject - -> sorta by accident.> > 8/8/1990 my first child was born. My little baby girl> came out after 23 hours of labor and all sorts of scary> nasty things that can go along with this.> > She was "blue" and immediately rushed off to the> NICU.> > From this moment on, I was allowed to visit her where I> could reach into her little plastic box and rub her nose> with my gloved finger.> > I would do this while singing psalms and praying with her.> > For the next week, I would race there after work to sing> her to sleep each night. The nurses would even wait> between shifts to witness this.> > > Like any one of you might do I'm sure....> > > However, my mother was very much into Edgar Casey and I> grew up constantly hearing all this stuff about> reincarnation and how babies "choose their> parents" and the birth circumstances and everything> else! As I am sure some here have heard before.> > So at this first moment with my baby girl I decided that I> wanted her to remember her spirit. I wanted her to> remember where she came from and never forgot she was of> God. . . . And she came here to be with me now! And we had> made this choice together at one time. So all my prayers> and words with her included the idea of> "remembering" and staying in spirit, in the hands> of Christ.> > And she stayed in Spirit. > > For the next 10 years I could sing her to sleep in> moments. Also her little brother. We always shared > this special time to talk before bed. It was funny, > as I would sing to them while they were still inside > their mother before birth. So the transition from > being in Gods hands to being in my hands must have > been very easy for them.> > They told me about talking to angels and talked with > my mother after she left . . . and they healed cancer, > and spoke to animals. . . . and countless other really > weird things we might read in books. I never learned > so much from anyone. Every moment with them was> really magical!!! > > > > Would this be enlightenment?> How would I measure this?> > I've had so many different experiences with this, that> I could not even begin to place limits or measurements to it> all.... Nor would I care to. > > I do not think I ever said anything about this to anyone. > Even their mother never knew - - - though she was diagnosed> with stage 3 melanoma... lol... and never believed> they knew anything about it. > > Course they knew!> ------------ --------- --------- ------Humanity Healing,Healing the heart of Humanity,one soul at the time. A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps!

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Thank you Cheryl,you are much too kind.In fact I need to add a warning label for other parents. Indigo and Crystal children that are able to stay in Spirit and avoid the ritalin, autism, ADHD and all the rest are very few . . . and these kids will find they have a LOT to do here very early in life!I learned so much from them. But they too will have some serious lessons! The sort that many of us will not want to know about, read about or anything.Thank you Cheryl! I've never asked before, but since we are Healing Humanity here PLEASE PRAY for them to find their way through the forest of greed and materialism back to the Truth they knew in Jesus Christ.... 8/8/92 and 5/3/90... see attachedThanks AgainGod BlessericPS. Cancer took my mom which

began that new leg of my research http://stars2man.blogspot.com/.

Course she told me she had to leave to watch my children. Little did I

know then what they were in for:http://www.seedwiki.com/wiki/stars2man/evolution.cfm Thank God they were ready for anything!

Re: Bring your Mat and Man's Best Friend

Posted by: "senegalady@..."



Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:49 am (PST)

What blessed children to have a parent like you.

Peace, Love, Light, and Joy, Cheryl

visit me at: _www.myspace. com/senegalady_ (http://www.myspace. com/senegalady)

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as

well dance .


When you are sad....I will dry your tears.

When you are scared.....I will comfort your fears.

When you are worried..... I will give you hope.

When you are confused.... .I will help you cope.

And when you are lost....And can't see the light, I shall be your

beacon.....Shining ever so bright.

This is my oath......I pledge till the end. Why you may

ask?....Because you're my friend.

Signed: GOD

In a message dated 12/17/2008 8:40:40 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

stars2man (DOT) com writes:

Re: Bring your Mat and Man's Best Friend

> My children are just flying beyond all reason... Oh I just gotta tell you

this one story....


> A month or two back I was picking up my kids from school. It's across town

and they get out an hour apart. So I figured I'd bring the kayaks and goof

around in the river by their school until my daughter got out. So my son and I

got out into the water and paddled down this little channel. As we went

along every now and again we'd come to a log covered with turtles... and they'd

all jump into the water to hide as we got closer to them.


> So we stopped for a moment and were facing each other on opposite sides of

the channel. So I said:

> "Hey what do you feel"

> "Nothing"

> "No I mean really, what do you feel"

> "What? nothing dad..!"

> "Really feel yourself... deep down ... What do you really feel"

> "Ok dad, still nothing"

> "Ok now look over there" and I pointed out another log covered with



> "So now what do you feel... do you feel the change .. What's changed

inside of you? Do you feel it?"

> "yeaaayyy"

> "That's your connection to the turtles, that's their part of God inside of

you. That's where you can go to communicate to the turtles... they can feel

that too, share with them from down there"

> "Oh cool;" was the last thing he said... and then we paddled up to them...

and they all jumped into the water except one... So I turned back to my son


> "Oh you need to talk to all of them, not just one"...


> And the Smile on his face just popped up from ear to ear... Wow, was that

an awesome experience. I mean to really teach something so deep and

meaningful, where he completely understood it, and put it into practice. I've never

had anyone listen, believe, or understand anything I said so well.


> My kids learned Reiki before they were 10... Course they were in a canoe

on the river before they could walk too... LOL...


> But teaching kids is just a wonderful gift, cherish every moment of it...

nothing will ever be as fulfilling for you... That little smile and the

sparkle in the eyes will be with me forever... The OMD who attuned them has asked

me about helping him to teach more kids, build up a website and maybe get a

grant or two.... So we're looking into it www.starsusa. org Who knows maybe

that's something you will want to try too...


> Thanks for your comments

> Namaste

> eric> This has been a wonderful discussion, thanks Barry.> > I'm not sure why this came to me now . . . But I> conducted my own private experiment with this subject - -> sorta by accident.> > 8/8/1990 my first child was born. My little baby girl> came out after 23 hours of labor and all sorts of scary> nasty things that can go along with this.> > She was "blue" and immediately rushed off to the> NICU.> > From this moment on, I was allowed to visit her where I> could reach into her little plastic box and rub her nose> with my gloved finger.> > I would do this while singing psalms and praying with

her.> > For the next week, I would race there after work to sing> her to sleep each night. The nurses would even wait> between shifts to witness this.> > > Like any one of you might do I'm sure....> > > However, my mother was very much into Edgar Casey and I> grew up constantly hearing all this stuff about> reincarnation and how babies "choose their> parents" and the birth circumstances and everything> else! As I am sure some here have heard before.> > So at this first moment with my baby girl I decided that I> wanted her to remember her spirit. I wanted her to> remember where she came from and never forgot she was of> God. . . . And she came here to be with me now! And we had> made this choice together at one time. So all my prayers> and words with her included the idea

of> "remembering" and staying in spirit, in the hands> of Christ.> > And she stayed in Spirit. > > For the next 10 years I could sing her to sleep in> moments. Also her little brother. We always shared > this special time to talk before bed. It was funny, > as I would sing to them while they were still inside > their mother before birth. So the transition from > being in Gods hands to being in my hands must have > been very easy for them.> > They told me about talking to angels and talked with > my mother after she left . . . and they healed cancer, > and spoke to animals. . . . and countless other really > weird things we might read in books. I never learned > so much from anyone. Every moment with them was> really magical!!! > > > > Would this be

enlightenment?> How would I measure this?> > I've had so many different experiences with this, that> I could not even begin to place limits or measurements to it> all.... Nor would I care to. > > I do not think I ever said anything about this to anyone. > Even their mother never knew - - - though she was diagnosed> with stage 3 melanoma... lol... and never believed> they knew anything about it. > > Course they knew!>

------------ --------- --------- ------

Humanity Healing,Healing the heart of Humanity,one soul at the time.

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You mom was a very pretty lady. My grandma was named , and I

have a granddaughter with the same name...

Your brother... He looks like a very kind soul.

Warm hugs and love,


senegalady@... wrote:

Dear ,

My mom also died of ovarian cancer when she was only 37 in 1967,

before they had available the big cancer centers. This picture was

taken in 1950 before I was born. Her name was .

And my brother, Jim, age 58, just recently died of

squamish cell cancer on Nov. 30th.

Peace, Love, Light, and

Joy, Cheryl

visit me at: www.myspace.com/senegalady

Life may not be the

party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance .


When you are sad....I will dry your tears.

When you are scared.....I will comfort your fears.

When you are worried.....I will give you hope.

When you are confused.....I will help you cope.

And when you are lost....And can't see the light, I shall be your

beacon.....Shining ever so bright.

This is my oath......I pledge till the end. Why you may

ask?....Because you're my friend.

Signed: GOD

In a

message dated 12/18/2008 9:40:13 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

stars2man@... writes:

Thank you Cheryl,

you are much too kind.

In fact I need to add a warning label for other parents. Indigo and

Crystal children that are able to stay in Spirit and avoid the ritalin,

autism, ADHD and all the rest are very few . . . and these kids will

find they have a LOT to do here very early in life!

I learned so much from them. But they too will have some serious

lessons! The sort that many of us will not want to know about, read

about or anything.

Thank you Cheryl! I've never asked before, but since we are Healing

Humanity here PLEASE PRAY for them to find their way through the forest

of greed and materialism back to the Truth they knew in Jesus

Christ.... 8/8/92 and 5/3/90... see


Thanks Again

God Bless


PS. Cancer took my mom which began that new leg of my research http://stars2man.blogspot.com/.

Course she told me she had to leave to watch my children. Little did I

know then what they were in for:


Thank God they were ready for anything!

Re: Bring your Mat and Man's

Best Friend

Posted by: "senegalady@..." senegalady@...


Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:49 am (PST)

What blessed children to have a parent like you.

Peace, Love, Light, and Joy, Cheryl

visit me at: _www.myspace. com/senegalady_ (http://www.myspace.


Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might


well dance .


When you are sad....I will dry your tears.

When you are scared.....I will comfort your fears.

When you are worried..... I will give you hope.

When you are confused.... .I will help you cope.

And when you are lost....And can't see the light, I shall be your

beacon.....Shining ever so bright.

This is my oath......I pledge till the end. Why you may

ask?....Because you're my friend.

Signed: GOD

In a message dated

12/17/2008 8:40:40 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

stars2man (DOT)

com writes:

Re: Bring your Mat and Man's Best Friend

> My children are just flying beyond all reason... Oh I just gotta

tell you

this one story....


> A month or two back I was picking up my kids from school. It's

across town

and they get out an hour apart. So I figured I'd bring the kayaks and


around in the river by their school until my daughter got out. So my

son and I

got out into the water and paddled down this little channel. As we went

along every now and again we'd come to a log covered with turtles...

and they'd

all jump into the water to hide as we got closer to them.


> So we stopped for a moment and were facing each other on opposite

sides of

the channel. So I said:

> "Hey what do you feel"

> "Nothing"

> "No I mean really, what do you feel"

> "What? nothing dad..!"

> "Really feel yourself... deep down ... What do you really feel"

> "Ok dad, still nothing"

> "Ok now look over there" and I pointed out another log covered




> "So now what do you feel... do you feel the change .. What's


inside of you? Do you feel it?"

> "yeaaayyy"

> "That's your connection to the turtles, that's their part of God

inside of

you. That's where you can go to communicate to the turtles... they can


that too, share with them from down there"

> "Oh cool;" was the last thing he said... and then we paddled up to


and they all jumped into the water except one... So I turned back to my



> "Oh you need to talk to all of them, not just one"...


> And the Smile on his face just popped up from ear to ear... Wow,

was that

an awesome experience. I mean to really teach something so deep and

meaningful, where he completely understood it, and put it into

practice. I've never

had anyone listen, believe, or understand anything I said so well.


> My kids learned Reiki before they were 10... Course they were in a


on the river before they could walk too... LOL...


> But teaching kids is just a wonderful gift, cherish every moment

of it...

nothing will ever be as fulfilling for you... That little smile and the

sparkle in the eyes will be with me forever... The OMD who attuned them

has asked

me about helping him to teach more kids, build up a website and maybe

get a

grant or two.... So we're looking into it www.starsusa. org Who knows


that's something you will want to try too...


> Thanks for your comments

> Namaste

> eric

> This has been a wonderful discussion, thanks Barry.


> I'm not sure why this came to me now . . . But I

> conducted my own private experiment with this subject - -

> sorta by accident.


> 8/8/1990 my first child was born. My little baby girl

> came out after 23 hours of labor and all sorts of scary

> nasty things that can go along with this.


> She was "blue" and immediately rushed off to the



> From this moment on, I was allowed to visit her where I

> could reach into her little plastic box and rub her nose

> with my gloved finger.


> I would do this while singing psalms and praying with her.


> For the next week, I would race there after work to sing

> her to sleep each night. The nurses would even wait

> between shifts to witness this.



> Like any one of you might do I'm sure....



> However, my mother was very much into Edgar Casey and I

> grew up constantly hearing all this stuff about

> reincarnation and how babies "choose their

> parents" and the birth circumstances and everything

> else! As I am sure some here have heard before.


> So at this first moment with my baby girl I decided that I

> wanted her to remember her spirit. I wanted her to

> remember where she came from and never forgot she was of

> God. . . . And she came here to be with me now! And we had

> made this choice together at one time. So all my prayers

> and words with her included the idea of

> "remembering" and staying in spirit, in the hands

> of Christ.


> And she stayed in Spirit.


> For the next 10 years I could sing her to sleep in

> moments. Also her little brother. We always shared

> this special time to talk before bed. It was funny,

> as I would sing to them while they were still inside

> their mother before birth. So the transition from

> being in Gods hands to being in my hands must have

> been very easy for them.


> They told me about talking to angels and talked with

> my mother after she left . . . and they healed cancer,

> and spoke to animals. . . . and countless other really

> weird things we might read in books. I never learned

> so much from anyone. Every moment with them was

> really magical!!!




> Would this be enlightenment?

> How would I measure this?


> I've had so many different experiences with this, that

> I could not even begin to place limits or measurements to it

> all.... Nor would I care to.


> I do not think I ever said anything about this to anyone.

> Even their mother never knew - - - though she was diagnosed

> with stage 3 melanoma... lol... and never believed

> they knew anything about it.


> Course they knew!


------------ --------- --------- ------

Humanity Healing,Healing the heart of Humanity,one soul at the time.

A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above.

See yours in just 2 easy steps!

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