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Hi Bill,

The flippant answer is to sit through a meeting lead by a co-worker of mine

he can put 12 people asleep in 10 min or less.

The truth is I had a similar experience about 4 years ago and it finally

went away on its own there was nothing that worked for me. I didn't have any

prescription sleep meds but nothing over the counter helped. I also didn't

try alcohol and don't recommend it, before Lyme I could enjoy a beer or two

but with lyme 2 beers and I have a hangover in less than an hour that lasts

for days. They tell me that is a symptom, I find it just painful and a good

reason to not drink.

Other than understanding there is little I can say other than I have been

there and I will pray for you to get over it soon.


Hello Group,

I am going though a bad insomnia stage. I can't seem to get to sleep until

I have been up so long that exhaustion gets the best of me. I have been up

since yesterday and feel like a zombie. When this happens, I am usually in

store for an emotional rollarcoaster. Does anyone have a good cure for




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Where do you work?:) I am glad you and everyone else is out there. These

periods of insomnia are horrible. I was taking 400 mg of serroquil and 50 mg of

trazadone to help sleep, but it has stopped working. I have and appt with my dr

this week and will ask for something to help. I am out of work on disability,

so waking up in the am is not a problem. My emotional rollarcoaster has

started. I am getting feelings of uneasiness (can't really describe it). It

almost feels like the end of the my world is in sight. I will be in tears

before the end of the day.

Thanks for being there,


Hi Bill,

The flippant answer is to sit through a meeting lead by a co-worker of mine

he can put 12 people asleep in 10 min or less.

The truth is I had a similar experience about 4 years ago and it finally

went away on its own there was nothing that worked for me. I didn't have any

prescription sleep meds but nothing over the counter helped. I also didn't

try alcohol and don't recommend it, before Lyme I could enjoy a beer or two

but with lyme 2 beers and I have a hangover in less than an hour that lasts

for days. They tell me that is a symptom, I find it just painful and a good

reason to not drink.

Other than understanding there is little I can say other than I have been

there and I will pray for you to get over it soon.


Hello Group,

I am going though a bad insomnia stage. I can't seem to get to sleep until

I have been up so long that exhaustion gets the best of me. I have been up

since yesterday and feel like a zombie. When this happens, I am usually in

store for an emotional rollarcoaster. Does anyone have a good cure for




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Sue....I am going to try that next time (probably tonight). :) At least until

my lower back gives out. After that I will look for something to organize. Time

to ramble and cry on your shoulder. The insomnia seems worse when sore legs

with restless legs and burning feet. I am however starting to string together

periods of feeling a little better; but not totally well. I am off iv now and

on orals. I am worried about another relapse, but hope and pray that doesn't

happen again,

Thanks for being there,


Re: [ ] Insomnia

Bill....I don't know of any LD patients who don't have problems with insomnia.

It's awful not being able to sleep and that seems to cause emotional problems

due mainly to lack of sleep. I have found that pain, muscle, etc. medications

rarely work for the tough insomnia bouts. I clean! LOL I scrub, do laundry

(washing everything in sight), and have even cleaned windows in the rain!

Anything to wear my self out. Most of the time, I just have a clean place and

still no sleep. But, it helps with the emotional part. I can see that

something has been accomplished....maybe that's it?

Bill <bbarksda@...> wrote: Dave,

Where do you work?:) I am glad you and everyone else is out there. These

periods of insomnia are horrible. I was taking 400 mg of serroquil and 50 mg of

trazadone to help sleep, but it has stopped working. I have and appt with my dr

this week and will ask for something to help. I am out of work on disability,

so waking up in the am is not a problem. My emotional rollarcoaster has

started. I am getting feelings of uneasiness (can't really describe it). It

almost feels like the end of the my world is in sight. I will be in tears

before the end of the day.

Thanks for being there,


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You can even if I am not well :)

Re: [ ] Insomnia

Anything you can do....even if it's sitting down and working on a project.

Genealogy is alos a good thing to do on the computer. I had three sleepless

nights and found more family members than I care to mention. The computer gives

me a choice....if I am able, I clean....if I hurt, I can look for family members

or work on the book I am writing. You can always cry on my shoulder....as long

as when you are well, I can cry on yours...LOL :))

Bill <bbarksda@...> wrote: Sue....I am going to try that next time

(probably tonight). :) At least until my lower back gives out. After that I

will look for something to organize. Time to ramble and cry on your shoulder.

The insomnia seems worse when sore legs with restless legs and burning feet. I

am however starting to string together periods of feeling a little better; but

not totally well. I am off iv now and on orals. I am worried about another

relapse, but hope and pray that doesn't happen again,

Thanks for being there,


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I never thought of the antidepressants as possible causing the problem. I am on

225mg of effexor xr in the am and 300mg of trileptal in the am and 600mg at

night. I remained very depressed despite the effexor, but if I stop taking it,

I am in constant tears after about 3 days off. It is a double edged sword. I

have appointments coming up with my llmd and psychiatrist in the next week . I

am going to work close with both to help get my meds worked out. My abx will

probably be changing in the upcoming week. My llmd is cycling to keep fighting

the bug. So it will be herx city pretty soon. I have been feeling all around

miserable for quite a while, with several spells ranging from back pain, body

convulsions, and not being able to move over the past year that put me in the


Thank for being there,


Re: [ ] Insomnia

I had problems with insomnia in the 90's. I had the restless legs, headaches,

ringing in the ears, loss of hearing, dizziness, vertigo,etc. also.

But, I was still able to move about.

Then in Oct. 2001, I started having difficulty with mobility.

Now, I usually don't have a problem with insomnia or the migraine/tension

headaches. (I do get what I call a rubber band headache).

I like the idea that I am no longer getting the migraines and I am sleeping

well at night.

I don't know what all this means. Perhaps there is stages that people go

through with lyme.

Perhaps it is good you are not being able to sleep because it means you are

not as badly infected.

It is a long shot. I know not being able to sleep is not fun at all.

I also know that I have gone back to having insomnia when I try the different

antidepressants. I usually stop them, because being able to sleep at night is

really important to me.

I felt the antidepressants were depressing me. HA!

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It does suck!!! At the end of the period of insomnia is a crash that usually

puts me down and out for 24+ hours. I know is not the healthiest thing in the

world, but I always look forward to it. :)

Re: [ ] Insomnia

WOW! I don't know about you, but I don't think I have ever battled anything

like this before in my life.

I will certainly be glad when I have my health back.

I know what you mean about the antidepressants. I kept trying to take them

because I thought they would help.

I finally gave up. I do cry now if I push myself to far. If I am able to just

wait it out until my body allows me to get out and about I do OK>

When this first hit, I would cry almost everyday for a short time.

It was mostly due to the loss of mobility. I sure didn't understand what was

going on. Still don't.

Just hope I am learning what it is I am suppose to be learning from this.

I know I have friends who feel they will be on antidepressants the rest of

their lives. One can't sleep if she doesn't take them and the other doesn't


herself if she doesn't take them. HA!

(But, neither one of them have lyme) I do know that all of the

antidepressants I tried had insomnia as a possible side affect.

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Hi All,

I have lost my ability to fall asleep at night so I take Ambien. It works

for me, sometimes at night I am hurting so much that I can hardly wait to take

my Ambien and put on my c-pap mask and jumb in bed. I know that it's additive

but at this stage I don't care I want to get some sleep.

Take Care,


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That is what I am hoping to do tonight; stay up until 8 or 9 then go to sleep.

It is 2:30 and I am staying awake so far; not even tired, just feel like a bad

hangover. I am going to try meletonin tonight. I was taking 400mg of serroquil

and 50 mg of trazadone and that was knocking me out...but not any more. I am

going to have to ask the doctor for something strong. Once I get into a cycle

of insomnia, I get very sick and think it will be better to be knocked out

instead of living with the insomnia.


Re: [ ] Insomnia

Hi Bill: I also suffer from insomnia and if I don't sleep at night the

symptoms and misery for me magnify...I am trying supplements with GABA,


5htp...and ultimately have to resort to xanax when everything fails...but I

know that I don't want to over depend on benzodiazepines since I know they


probably stop working in time...

The best thing I have found is to take a warm bath with baking soda, epsom

salts and peroxide...sometimes this does help...also not to have a tv in your

bedroom but keep some easy to read magazines nearby until you feel sleepy...I

have also been waking up at 3 or 4 am some nights and trying to get back to

sleep...sometimes I take melatonin but have no idea if this is good or bad for


The most difficult thing for me is to have to sleep because my husband will

awaken if I turn on the light or move too much..I have to find a room and bed

where I can turn on a light and read until I get sleepy...one night, I just

didn't sleep after 3 am after going to bed at 11..I was so exhausted by that


night, I just went promptly to sleep. So maybe it's better to just wait till

the next night to catch up...this is my dilemma..let me know if anyone has an

idea of other things that work with insomnia.


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I have had progressive insomnia over the past year. I was not

diagnosed with Lyme so didn't know the cause. I tried many of the

naturals like GABA and melatonin but they made my muscle pain and

restless legs much worse. Benadryl also made restless legs worse and

it seemed that the more I took of the med, the worse it got.

I stumbled, during a routine cold of all things, Actifed, which is

triprolidine (2.5 mg) and pseudophed (60 mg)(over the counter).

Coincidentally, the med allowed me to sleep for the first time in a

year. I looked up the med on the net and ran across the fact that

triprolidine is a sedating antihistamine which also has anti-

inflamatory properties as a side effect!!! It really helps during

minor herxing as well. It also makes you drowsy. It also has not

stopped working!! Unlike diazepam and Benedryl where you have to

take more to keep the 'effect', I've been taking this every night for

three months. I only take one. Of course, if the pain gets too bad,

then there's nothing that works for me.

Check with your doctor for possible side effects with any other meds

you are taking. Also, some people (although few) are sensitive to

pseudophed. There is a version of the med without the pseudophed -

ask your doctor if they can get it. I haven't found it in any store.

Good luck!


> Hello Group,


> I am going though a bad insomnia stage. I can't seem to get to

sleep until I have been up so long that exhaustion gets the best of

me. I have been up since yesterday and feel like a zombie. When

this happens, I am usually in store for an emotional rollarcoaster.

Does anyone have a good cure for insomnia?


> Thanks,

> bill


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  • 5 weeks later...


I have insomnia too. I take 150mcg of synthroid and 5mcg of Cytomel.

I have found this natural product that really helps. It is called Calms

Forte and I found it at GNC but you might could try any healthfood store. It

is homeopathic all natural ingredients made by Hyland's. It has in big

letters that is is non habit forming. It is also safe for children. It helps

me achieve a deeper sleep otherwise I feel like I never go into a good

restful sleep and toss and turn constantly.



-- insomnia

Since I have been diagnosed 3 months ago and put on 50 mcg of syndthoid, the

insomnia has been incredible. I see my dr. for a 3 month check up next week


would like some input as to question him about it and find a solution. I


bloodwork done a couple weeks ago and it is all supposedly in the normal



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have your adrenal and female hormones tested. my sister is going through

the same thing :)

----Original Message Follows----

From: " margclark2000 " <margclark2000@...>



Subject: insomnia

Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 11:27:32 -0000

Since I have been diagnosed 3 months ago and put on 50 mcg of syndthoid, the

insomnia has been incredible. I see my dr. for a 3 month check up next week


would like some input as to question him about it and find a solution. I


bloodwork done a couple weeks ago and it is all supposedly in the normal




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sounds like you need a lot more T3.


> Hi,

> I have insomnia too. I take 150mcg of synthroid and 5mcg of Cytomel.

> I have found this natural product that really helps. It is called Calms

> Forte and I found it at GNC but you might could try any healthfood store.


> is homeopathic all natural ingredients made by Hyland's.

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don't ever believe it when you are told " blood work is in the normal range " .

If you have insomnia you are undertreated and $ynthroid will probably not do

it for you. Addition of T3 makes a big difference.


> Since I have been diagnosed 3 months ago and put on 50 mcg of syndthoid,


> insomnia has been incredible. I see my dr. for a 3 month check up next

week and

> would like some input as to question him about it and find a solution. I


> bloodwork done a couple weeks ago and it is all supposedly in the normal


> Thanks!




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  • 11 months later...

Hi - isn't it?

> Wondering if anyone suffers from Insomnia and if so what remedies

>are > you using? Currently I can't sleep without medication and I'd

>like > to wean off of it. My mind and heart races at night and

>prevents me > from sleeping. Someone suggested GABA an amino acid,

>around 2000mg > but not sure if that will help.

You can get enough GABA animo acid from good animals meats - maybe UP

your protein intake during the day instead, especially egg yolks.

Even have an egg milk drink about 1/2 hr. before bed.

Do you take Cod Liver Oil? The omega-3 can help with sleep problems

and calm your mind. Take the equivalent of 3,000 mgs. of omega-3 per

day in divided doses.

Are you taking cal/mag supplements? They are considered nature's

lullaby pills. Take 350 mgs. 3 times a day, but it is important to

have Cod Liver Oil at the same time to ensure absorption, as well as

Vit. E.

Right after you lie down take 3-4 good deep slow breaths to slow down

the adrenaline and switch your body into the calm mode. Do that

about every 5 minutes until you fall asleep.



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Dear " M "

I was on vacation so I missed your post ... would just like to throw my two

cents in.

I suffered from insomnia for years and was reliant on medication too. I

could STAY asleep, but I couldn't FALL asleep, no matter how exhausted I was.

Anyway, long story short, two things resolved the vast majority of my

problems, I still sleep terribly light, but generally am able to fall asleep


1. Eliminate fluoridated water. If your tap water is fluoridated,

drink/cook with bottled and be utterly religious. The only way to remove

fluoride is

via a reverse osmosis filter, and IMO that makes the stuff just unbearable.

2. Avoid conventional dairy/eggs/meats. On a vacation with the family we

ran out of organic eggs and I ate conventional eggs for two days in a row. The

old problem came back. I can't prove it but either there's something in

conventional meat/animal products in the form of steroids, growth hormones, or

antibiotics that sets me off, or there's something so lacking in these products

that they create an imbalance (probably a little of both).

The other thing is sticking to the diet, that REALLY improved my sleep after

a week or so.

I tried a lot of nutritional supplements, did various amino acids, but

nothing worked (and had no side effects) like eating and drinking clean.



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  • 1 month later...
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I find that 25 mg of trazodone at night helps me fall asleep and

stay asleep most of the night. I wake a little groggy but not too

bad. This was originally prescribed by a rheumatologist to treat

my " fibromyalgia " .

On the herbal side, I used to find that kava would help me relax and

fall asleep if I took enough.


> My insomnia has returned and I feel just awful. Can someone

suggest either supplements or meds that are useful to get to and

stay asleep?

> Phil

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I am the queen of insomnia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can suggest a ton of stuff.

I have tried sonata, ambien, valium, benadryl (antihistamine) to name a

few.........that is ...if you want to go with traditional meds....... sedating

antidepressants will help too.....like elavil (amytriptyline).

If you want to try some natural products, you can try melatonin (some people

like myself have an adverse reaction to melatonin), Kava Kava, Valerian Root,

5-htp, to name a few.

There is also, the traditional, soothing music and a warm bath....or cookies and

milk, or even some turkey before bed (for the tryptophan).

If none of these help............I have hundreds of suggestions.

It is best you call your Dr. and talk to him/her about your insomnia..........


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I have had insomnia for 7 years and they have tried everything - I even saw a

specialist in New Jersey who tried at least 30 different things -- I am still

on ambien, the only thing that seems to work - but now I take one and a half

and sleep only 2 hours. Having insomnia is the worst! Good Luck Kim

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Insomnia is the pits.................have you tried 5-htp?

That may be helpful..........nothing works for me either.........been on

everything..........I've had the most success with 5-htp in ginger with


Ambien, worked for me........but made me hallucinate..........ceiling fan had

arms, the dresser was chasing me........and to top it off I called someone in

the middle of the night and told them about it............The next day, I never

remembered any of it.

I bet your serotonin, norephinephrine, dopamine, and other brain

chemicals........are dispensing at the wrong times...............


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The worst part about it is that one cannot stop thinking - and if I

have had a bad day, it never ends, eh? *sigh

ps - day three on ABX combo - so far - nausea - INSOMNIA - but no

Lyme symptoms!

Oh - and and and - no depression so far - it's like a fog lifted



> I have had insomnia for 7 years and they have tried everything - I

even saw a

> specialist in New Jersey who tried at least 30 different things --

I am still

> on ambien, the only thing that seems to work - but now I take one

and a half

> and sleep only 2 hours. Having insomnia is the worst! Good Luck





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I started on Ketek about 4 weeks ago.


Re: [ ] Insomnia

are you on antibiotic..


--- REMOCLIHP <REMOCLIHP@...> wrote:

> My insomnia has returned and I feel just awful. Can

> someone suggest either supplements or meds that are

> useful to get to and stay asleep?

> Phil


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Thanks Connie. I am now sleeping. My LLMD referred me to a lyme

neuropsychiatrist as I was about at the end of my rope. I'm now on

remeron,ambien and will resume Paxil tonight. I'm already sleeping much better.

What a relief!


Re: [ ] Insomnia

I am the queen of insomnia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can suggest a ton of stuff.

I have tried sonata, ambien, valium, benadryl (antihistamine) to name a

few.........that is ...if you want to go with traditional meds....... sedating

antidepressants will help too.....like elavil (amytriptyline).

If you want to try some natural products, you can try melatonin (some people

like myself have an adverse reaction to melatonin), Kava Kava, Valerian Root,

5-htp, to name a few.

There is also, the traditional, soothing music and a warm bath....or cookies

and milk, or even some turkey before bed (for the tryptophan).

If none of these help............I have hundreds of suggestions.

It is best you call your Dr. and talk to him/her about your insomnia..........


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In a message dated 3/15/2005 10:37:25 PM Eastern Standard Time,


Subject: Insomnia

The other night I had such terrible head pain etc that i took one of my

daughters EXCEDRIN for migraines... didnt sleep all night, for the few minutes i

did i had nightmares, I checked the bottle the next day, it only has

acetametaphin 250 mg, aspirin 250 mg and caffeine as ingredients, so you got me,


I will never take that again! She is not bothered by it, the caffeine

shouldnt be anymore bothersome than a cup of tea which does not keep me up if


drink it at night.... also i know eating certain foods at night can keep you

up also. I think you should look for more natural ways to get better sleep,

as someone else suggested, checking and correcting diet and exercise etc.....

good luck. c in vt

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  • 2 months later...
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In a message dated 6/16/2005 12:45:39 AM Eastern Standard Time,

abenmeg@... writes:


> Sue, thanks for the advice. I have read on several symptom lists

> about the insomnia. None of them gave a reason for it, so the liver

> information was good. Problem is, I did a detox 2 months ago before I

> had insomnia. Now that I have it, do I do another one? How often

> should a person do a detox? Should I have a " liver function " test?



It is not just a matter of doing a detox for the liver. Where I start my

clients is a colon cleanse first because the liver sits on the colon. It is like

peeling the layers of an onion.... it is methodical, one step at a time. After

colon cleansing (supplements), then I address the kidneys, lymph, then liver.

Also, what products are you using? this makes a big difference as well.

Detoxing is an on-going protocol and also good whole, food (some refer to them


vitamins) supplements as well.

It is not a bad idea to have a liver function test but be prepared if your

dr. says " You have elevated liver enzymes " .... this could mean you are

processing a great deal of toxicities.


sue massie, CNHP

732 933-4011

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  • 9 months later...
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Sometimes exercise before bed can get your blood pumping and keep you awake, but

I do some very relaxing pilates (they help my back too) and fall right asleep.

abgnal <abgnal@...> wrote: Thursday, March 30, 2006, 6:10:03 AM, you


WC> Is there any prescription med or natural method with no side effects that

has helped people

WC> sleep?

you might try exercising about an hour before bed. That works for me


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