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> Hi


> You don't want to hear about walks to Mcs and no caffiene,HUH?

LOL!!Well,those walks saved me from going berserk!

> Is that a word??

Hi Doris,

Just kidding you, I figured to explain I wasn't trying a remedy,

but what parts in my ear are causing it. I am sure your walks helped

and helped in many ways.

Is Berserk a word? Oh yes and it is a state of being here in New

England like Ms Startgazzer mentioned LOL.

Ginko Balaoba<sp> oh yeah my lovely wife put me on that for

awhile to help my memory, but I forgot if it worked :).

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  • 1 month later...

Yes... if you had damage in the semi circular canals, you could have tinitus

in that ear... It is not uncommon for the c-toma to attach itself and breach

these canals... it is usually the cause of the vertigo as well. If the

c-toma breaches this area it is considered to involve the inner ear.



Is it normal to have a " hissing-like " tinnitus in my ex-CTOMA ear?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
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I am a tinnitus sufferer and am treating myself via QX for it, did you physically have the mercury removed by a dentist?


I've heard few reports of tinnitus clearing up, no matter what therapy the patient tries. I'm wondering how many of you out there have connected metal in the mouth as being the culprit? I was delighted after the first quadrant of mercury was removed to discover that the level of noise in my head was greatly reduced. Now today after the second removal it is even less! is Rotella, M.Ac.,, Arnold land (www.jadespring.com)............................................

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I am a tinnitus sufferer also, and lately saw an ad by a company or doctor in New York that provides a bioenergetic treatment for it. They administer the frequency of the sound that one is hearing. Apparently it work very well after a few treatments. To my dismay I lost the ad. However, should be able to add this to the QXCI.

Jim Syfers, Sonoma, CA


I've heard few reports of tinnitus clearing up, no matter what therapy the patient tries. I'm wondering how many of you out there have connected metal in the mouth as being the culprit? I was delighted after the first quadrant of mercury was removed to discover that the level of noise in my head was greatly reduced. Now today after the second removal it is even less! is Rotella, M.Ac.,, Arnold land (www.jadespring.com)............................................

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Yes, I have had three quadrants removed by a biological dentist, Dr. Michae=

l Baylin, in Pikesville, Md. He's one of the best in the

field. I have the last to go on Monday -- only two. It has been challengi=

ng but have to say the head feels a lot better even tho I'm

detoxing. There's a whole new space opening up in my brain and I feel so m=

uch more relaxed, not always " on edge " ....is

Rotella, M.Ac., Licensed Acupuncturist, polis, Md.

> I am a tinnitus sufferer also, and lately saw an ad by a company or docto=

r in New York that provides a bioenergetic treatment for it.

They administer the frequency of the sound that one is hearing. Apparently=

it work very well after a few treatments. To my dismay I

lost the ad. However, should be able to add this to the QXC=


> Jim Syfers, Sonoma, CA

> tinnitus



> I've heard few reports of tinnitus clearing up, no matter what therap=

y the patient tries. I'm wondering how many of you out there


> connected metal in the mouth as being the culprit? I was delighted a=

fter the first quadrant of mercury was removed to discover


> the level of noise in my head was greatly reduced. Now today after t=

he second removal it is even less! is Rotella, M.Ac.,,


> land (www.jadespring.com)





> ............................................



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  • 1 month later...
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thanks so much Alice.

ok that should be easy enough, he's already on low sodium, and never

drinks caffeine! this should be a piece of cake!

we all just woke up from nice loooonnnngggg nap!

he's a bit sore, but still no major complaints. thank God.

talk again soon,


> Definition: Tinnitus

> A ringing, whistling, or other imaginary noise perceived in the

ears; -- called also tinnitus aurium.


> It's hard to say what to expect with it. If Chauncey can stay away

from salt and caffeine for a few days, that should help a little but

this tinnitus is making noise because of the surgery and should

pass. Just tell him. wow. you already have sound. It is very common

after surgery. <smile>


> Alice



> thanks for letting us know!

> will it get worse, or better, should we be glad it's just a

> soft 'beep' at this point?




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In a message dated 5/18/2004 1:23:23 PM Pacific Standard Time,

sarah.stevens@... writes:

cited two French studies showing conclusive effectiveness of ginkgo

biloba for both tinnitus and cochlear deafness. Anyone know anything

more about this?

I dont know, but I can use it for legal courses I will be taking,,, (going

back to school to study law). This is same herb that long been used as " memory

booster " .


34 days til " back to school "

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  • 4 weeks later...
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hi kathy

i agree with alice and lisa at night i too have this wind like noise and

other sounds

not knowing what it is is scary to a kid it's like when he was first

hooked up and would asks " what's that sound " i kinda think of it as the

absent of sounds lucky for me it's only when i take the processor off but

by then i'm tired so i go to sleep i take the processor off

just when i am ready to fall asleep .... maybe after reading in bed for a few

minutes when i can unwind then i take them off knowing i'll be asleep



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I am pretty sure you are right and that it's tinnitus. Is he drinking lots of

soda or eating salty food or maybe chocolate candy? This may be making it



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Chocolate contains caffeine and sugars. That's why it is on the list, I


My tinnitis is worsened by stress, fatigue, and always by being in a high

stimulation area, crowds, and noise. Those seem to be the most consistant

agitators to my noisey head.

I've tried all different kinds of elimination diets and none works as well as

eliminating or at least cutting down on the exposure to stress, fatigue,

environmental noise and stimulation and crowded places.


In a message dated 6/13/2004 9:47:14 PM Alaskan Daylight Time,

kathysk2001@... writes:

> Hi Alice and


> Thanks for your replies. We actually have a very low salt diet and

> even though in the past have drunk a lot of soda (we call it soft

> drink) as my husband used to work for the soft drink company, he

> doesnt anymore so we rarely have that either. Chocolate however is

> a different story. Is it all kinds of chocolate he needs to be wary

> of ie icecreams and biscuits etc or just actual chocolate blocks?

> He has been a bit funny about going to school lately. I have spoken

> to the teacher and we feel as it is nearly holiday time he might be

> tired.

> I tried to explain to him what I thought it was but since I dont

> really understand myself what it is like find it difficult to put

> into words. Also is it something that will come and go or once you

> have it is it there forever.


> Thanks


> Kathy---


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Hi Kathy-- you guessed right that what is dealing with is Tinnitus--

what you can do is limit caffeine from soda, make sure that he doesnt eat lots

of sodium(salt.), try to maintain a stressfree environment. You can explain to

that what he is dealing with is tinnitus in words that he would

understand. They are phantom noises. I have a bad case of tinnitus but I try to

ignore it and it doesnt really bother me.

Hope that helps.


Bilateral CIer

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Hi Alice and

Thanks for your replies. We actually have a very low salt diet and

even though in the past have drunk a lot of soda (we call it soft

drink) as my husband used to work for the soft drink company, he

doesnt anymore so we rarely have that either. Chocolate however is

a different story. Is it all kinds of chocolate he needs to be wary

of ie icecreams and biscuits etc or just actual chocolate blocks?

He has been a bit funny about going to school lately. I have spoken

to the teacher and we feel as it is nearly holiday time he might be


I tried to explain to him what I thought it was but since I dont

really understand myself what it is like find it difficult to put

into words. Also is it something that will come and go or once you

have it is it there forever.



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Hi Snoopy & Kathy!

My HH son, 16, has been complaining about Tinnitis, too, even tho not officially

diagnosed. I read with interest about the caffeine and salt issue, and will

suggest to him to lay off all that caffeine-loaded Mountain Dew he thinks he has

to have!

=) Vicki

Re: tinnitus

Hi Kathy-- you guessed right that what is dealing with is Tinnitus--

what you can do is limit caffeine from soda, make sure that he doesnt eat lots

of sodium(salt.), try to maintain a stressfree environment. You can explain to

that what he is dealing with is tinnitus in words that he would

understand. They are phantom noises. I have a bad case of tinnitus but I try to

ignore it and it doesnt really bother me.

Hope that helps.


Bilateral CIer

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Since I kicked my daily caffeine habit a few months ago, my

tinnitus settled down quite a bit,a s well as the headaches. I still

get an espresso drink now and then so I am able to survive. LOL

*---* *---* *---* *---* *---*

Always and never are two words you should always remember never to


& Gimlet (Guide Dawggie)

Portland, Oregon

N24C 3G 8/2000 Hookup



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my tinnitus is not always the same i have noticed that when i am

stressed out or my day has been hectic that the tinnitus is worse when i take


my CI's at night i have found that going to bed with them on and reading

for awhile just to sorta unwind or go into slow gear has helped reduce the


kathy some chocolates are worse than others so i was told but i'm

trying hard to remember what " good " chocolate were that is if you

must have chocolate than these were better to pick from i have to look up

this list i know kids and chocolate are inseparable

at times let me see if i can find this list


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Hey Pam,

You described me. If I am around a party or a bunch of people having a

great time I am miserable. When I get home and pull off my hearing aids I am

plagued with the high pitched whistling. (tinitus) This is why I avoid

parties and loud crowds at all costs. I do like to go on dates sometimes

with My Sharon. We try to pick restaurants we know won't be too loud.

When I was a teenager I would play loud music through the headphones, I

would have flareups every time. With today's music, it would be so easy.

Well thank you for putting up with my rambling. This old geezer is out of

here. Larry

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I am stressed trying to hear my computer speech with the room air

conditioner going in the next room (no doors). How can I maximize hearing

with background noise? Have turned down volume and up sensitivity.

Re: Re: tinnitus

> Chocolate contains caffeine and sugars. That's why it is on the list, I

> guess..


> My tinnitis is worsened by stress, fatigue, and always by being in a high

> stimulation area, crowds, and noise. Those seem to be the most consistant

> agitators to my noisey head.


> I've tried all different kinds of elimination diets and none works as well


> eliminating or at least cutting down on the exposure to stress, fatigue,

> environmental noise and stimulation and crowded places.


> Pam



> In a message dated 6/13/2004 9:47:14 PM Alaskan Daylight Time,

> kathysk2001@... writes:


> > Hi Alice and

> >

> > Thanks for your replies. We actually have a very low salt diet and

> > even though in the past have drunk a lot of soda (we call it soft

> > drink) as my husband used to work for the soft drink company, he

> > doesnt anymore so we rarely have that either. Chocolate however is

> > a different story. Is it all kinds of chocolate he needs to be wary

> > of ie icecreams and biscuits etc or just actual chocolate blocks?

> > He has been a bit funny about going to school lately. I have spoken

> > to the teacher and we feel as it is nearly holiday time he might be

> > tired.

> > I tried to explain to him what I thought it was but since I dont

> > really understand myself what it is like find it difficult to put

> > into words. Also is it something that will come and go or once you

> > have it is it there forever.

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> > Kathy---

> >





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  • 3 months later...

Hi, All,

Thought I would weigh in here on the tinnitus discussion. I've had it

all of my life, and like many of you, it comes in different forms. But it is

NEVER gone. In fact, since my CI surgery it has become louder and more

insistant. These days it sounds mostly like a heat vent or air conditioner

blowing out air continuously. I wake up sometimes with a high pitched sound


like that we hear on a hearing test, but sustained, not just for a second.

Over the years, I have experienced all of the things listed by so many of you.

But, did you know that when you hear music, if you sing the words to a song

you like, the music in your ear may actually conform? Try it, it really

works sometimes! LOL Of course, whatever song we hear, it is over and over

again. The one I hated the most was a commercial: " Aren't you glad you use

Dial, don't you wish eeeeverybody did!, Aren't you glad you use Dial?!! " Now

try to get that out of your head! LOL Anyway, as we all know there is no

cure. We can only do the " mind over matter " and hope it doesn't matter too

much! <get that?> I must warn you of one thing, however. Please take care of

where you are talking about the " voices in your head. " In today's society, if

overheard, it just might get you in a straight jacket or in jail! LOL

Hope it's a beautiful day out there for you all!

Jackie (Flash)

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In a message dated 10/3/2004 9:15:32 AM Alaskan Daylight Time,

Flashwun@... writes:

> Please take care of

> where you are talking about the " voices in your head. " In today's society,

> if

> overheard, it just might get you in a straight jacket or in jail! LOL

> Hope it's a beautiful day out there for you all!

> Jackie (Flash)

Hi Jackie;

It's fun to compare tinnitis notes.. I wonder how the brain decides what

material or sounds to use for tinnitis? Will we ever know? :-)

I worked in mental health and treatment hospitals all my life and now have a

great compassion for the mentally ill who hear voices or hallucinate.. Luckily

for me my voices are not intrusive thoughts but merely recordings of non

understandible verbage playing over and over.

I am glad to say they don't give me any messages or directions.. :-)

It is a pretty day here in Anchorage. At least the sun is out momentarily and

it has stopped raining (momentarily). Most of the time humidity is between

60 and 95% here!


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Hi Flash,

You're gonna hate me! I can't resist but do you remember that

little ditty: " You'll wonder where the yellow went when you

brush your teeth with Pepsodent! "

....or the Alka-Seltzer jingle.

--Gayle and her pennyworth of thoughts

> Hi, All,

> Thought I would weigh in here on the tinnitus discussion.

I've had it

> all of my life, and like many of you, it comes in different

forms. But it is

> NEVER gone. In fact, since my CI surgery it has become louder and


> insistant. These days it sounds mostly like a heat vent or air


> blowing out air continuously. I wake up sometimes with a high

pitched sound much

> like that we hear on a hearing test, but sustained, not just for a


> Over the years, I have experienced all of the things listed by so

many of you.

> But, did you know that when you hear music, if you sing the words

to a song

> you like, the music in your ear may actually conform? Try it, it


> works sometimes! LOL Of course, whatever song we hear, it is

over and over

> again. The one I hated the most was a commercial: " Aren't you

glad you use

> Dial, don't you wish eeeeverybody did!, Aren't you glad you use

Dial?!! " Now

> try to get that out of your head! LOL Anyway, as we all know

there is no

> cure. We can only do the " mind over matter " and hope it doesn't

matter too

> much! <get that?> I must warn you of one thing, however. Please

take care of

> where you are talking about the " voices in your head. " In today's

society, if

> overheard, it just might get you in a straight jacket or in jail!


> Hope it's a beautiful day out there for you all!

> Jackie (Flash)




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