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The Tesla Shield

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Powerful And Advanced Transformational Technology For Mind Body And Soul.

The creation of The Tesla Shieldâ„¢ was inspired by the work of the famous inventor Nikola Tesla, and was designed by Life Technologyâ„¢ to heal, strengthen and protect the mind body and soul.

Nikola Tesla understood that the cosmos is in resonance. Everything that exists possesses a unique vibratory rate which resonates with the heart of the cosmos. It was this discovery which inspired Tesla to invent The Tesla Personal Oscillator in the early 20th Century.

Nikola Tesla marketed his Personal Oscillator as being a free energy antenna capable of enhancing the human energy field. It is claimed That The Tesla Personal Oscillator was the most popular gadget of 1907 and was widely used in The USA and Europe.

Life Technologyâ„¢ are priviledged to have been given exclusive access to some of Nikola Tesla's papers and have been able to update and upgrade the original design of The Tesla Personal Oscillator.

The final product, The Tesla Shieldâ„¢ combines the original Tesla principles of harmonic oscillation and Tesla design considerations with an advanced state of the art internal module designed by Life Technologyâ„¢.

100 years after Tesla's original invention of The Tesla Personal Oscillator, Life Technologyâ„¢ have created The Tesla Shieldâ„¢, a device whose uniquely synergistic effects are profoundly more effective and powerful than the original Tesla device.

The Inspiration And Science behind The Tesla Shieldâ„¢.

The Tesla Shieldâ„¢ has two active elements which act in synergy with one another. These are the bioactive outer shell which was invented and developed by Nikola Tesla and his assistant Ralph Bergstresser, and the bioactive internal module which was developed by Life Technologyâ„¢.

The specialist bioactive outer shell of The Tesla Shieldâ„¢ was developed by Nikola Tesla and Ralph Bergstresser. The bioactive outer shell of The Tesla Shieldâ„¢ is created by the Tesla/Bergstresser process and allows the device to resonate with the cosmic energy particles known as tachyons. The Tesla Shieldâ„¢ emits a positive tachyon field with a radius of approximately 10 meters which is capable of penetrating any material substance or living organism.

Nikola Tesla first described tachyon fields at the end of the 19th century and used this energy in some of his inventions. Tachyon energy is observed to affect subatomic structures in an ordering way, aligning molecular structures uniformly, harmonizing life energy and by neutralising disruptive or dissonant fields.

Tesla said, that when tachyons are slowed down, they produce energy fields of high density. As conveyors of intrinsic energy fields they are said to have a very beneficial effect on living organisms and to neutralize negative fields.

The bioactive outer shell of The Tesla Shieldâ„¢ generates a field that slows down the cosmic particles known as tachyons. In this manner the surface of The Tesla Shieldâ„¢ gets charged with subtle energy which is then conveyed to the energy field of the user.

The bioactive outer shell of The Tesla Shieldâ„¢ has a unique crystal lattice structure which is identical to that of rubies and sapphires which share the same chemical composition. Coincidentally, rubies are highly prized in many parts of the world for their healing properties, particularly in India where they are known as Power Stones and are commonly worn by men to enhance their health, vitality and strength.

The Tesla Shieldâ„¢ has the ability to transfer specific information rich energy from the Schumann Resonance Field to the human bioenergetic field. The Schumann Resonance Field is a natural magnetic field with a unique harmonic frequency of 7.83Hz. It is scientifically recognised that The Schumann Resonance Field performs a vitally important function of sustaining all life on the planet through its ability to support and maintain the electromagnetic energy field of all organisms.

The Bioactive Internal Componentry Of The Tesla Shieldâ„¢.

The Tesla Shieldâ„¢ incorporates several synergistic technologies as a basis for its creation and capsular design. The Tesla Shieldâ„¢ is a functional creation based on the principles of sacred geometry, zero point energy, orgonomy, superconductivity, and harmonic frequencies of light.

Aside from the bioactive outer shell which was developed by Nikola Tesla and Ralph Bergstresser, The Tesla Shieldâ„¢ also incorporates a bioactive internal module which was developed by Life Technologyâ„¢.

The internal module consists of a pair of harmonically coupled Zeusiteâ„¢ microsphere resonators and an Ethero-Magneticâ„¢ caduceus coil. Before final assembly at our laboratory, The Zeusiteâ„¢ microsphere resonators are psychotronically programmed with specific frequencies which promote the health and wellbeing of the mind body and soul.


Zeusiteâ„¢ is a unique proprietary material developed by Life Technologyâ„¢ as a result of our research into novel materials which have the inherent capability to mitigate the effects of electromagnetic radiation EMR.

Zeusiteâ„¢ consists of a high energy compressed matrix of precious and semi precious stones, precious and non precious conductive metals, and monatomic covalent mineral elements which are specifically chosen not only for their protective effetcs but also their subtle energy enhancement effects.

Aside from the Zeusiteâ„¢ microsphere resonators, The Tesla Shieldâ„¢ internal module also incorporates a Quantum Microvortexâ„¢ orgone generating caduceus coil. This specially designed Quantum Microvortexâ„¢ orgone generating caduceus coil utilises the sacred Lost Cubit measurement.

The Significance Of The Lost Cubit In The Design Of The Tesla Shieldâ„¢.

The Lost Cubit was discovered in April of 2000 by German astrophysicist Hans Becker and has, in the last ten years, been extensively researched by the well known metaphysical researcher Slim Spurling. The Lost Cubit is a previously unknown cubit length which fills a harmonic gap between the Sacred and Royal cubit lengths of Ancient Egypt. Research and calculations made by Becker indicate that the Lost cubit may well have been deliberately omitted from ancient records due to its important and powerful esoteric significance.

The secrets if The Lost Cubit was always strongly guarded by the priesthood of Egypt, and was reserved exclusively for high initiates and Phaoroh himself. This is why there are no records of the Lost cubit to be found in orthodox historical records.

The Lost Cubit is derived from the sum of the polar and equatorial circumferences of the Earth divided by the speed of light. The Lost Cubit therefore relates to cosmic harmonics in a special way. Due to its dual ability to resonate with cosmic energy frequencies and earth energy frequencies, The Lost Cubit is the secret key to extraordinary health and extreme longevity.

The Lost Cubit has a natural resonant frequency of 177 megahertz which corresponds to the frequency of DNA, thereby facilitating DNA repair and the capability of consciously controlled DNA activation and ascension. It is becoming more widely accepted by scientists that DNA acts as an antenna for light energy, and therefore the harmonic frequencies of light and The Lost Cubit in particular are vitally important aspects of the equation.

Measurable Effects Of The Tesla Shieldâ„¢.

In the field of quantum physics it is observed that all material objects and living organisms have an individual frequency of Angstrom Units (light waves) per second. This value is also known as the Light Quotient (LQ).

The energy levels of The Tesla Shieldâ„¢ in terms of Angstrom Units can be measured using specialist radionic equipment known as The Bovis Biometer. When using the angstrom measurement scale, the Light Quotient of a normal healthy human being would be approximately 10,000 - 15,000 angstroms. This may be illustrated using a Kirlian photo:

When The Tesla Shieldâ„¢ is held in the hand or worn as a pendant, the user's Light Quotient rapidly increases to approximately 80,000 - 85,000 angstroms. This may be illustrated using a second Kirlian photo:

When worn continuously, The Tesla Shieldâ„¢, will enable the user's Light Quotient to increase to 100,000 angstroms and higher which indicates an optimisation of energy flow throughout the entire organism.

The Light Quotient enhancement properties of The Tesla Shieldâ„¢ are such that a tangible positive light field is produced uniformly in all directions from the centre of the capsule. This light field has a diameter of approximately ten meters and is actually visible to certain sensitive individuals like psychics or clairvoyants.

Benefits Of Using The Tesla Shieldâ„¢ Include:

Protection Against harmful electromagnetic radiation (aka EMF EMR EMP) Increases Energy Levels Heals On All Levels Of The Mind Body And Soul Reduces Fatigue Enhances Physical Strength And Stamina

Improves Sleep Retards Aging DNA Repair Completely Clears Negative Energies Of Cosmic Or Telluric Origin Acts As A 24/7 Passive Psychic Shield Energises Food And Water Beneficial For Animals And Plants

Stimulates The Third Eye Chakra and Improves Intuition Assists Connection To The Divine Source Awakens And Enhances Psychic Abilities Empowers Meditation And Prayer Facilitates Ascension Increases Synchronicity

Enhances Manifesting Abilities Assists Astral Projection And Lucid Dreaming Use As A Pendulum In Chakra And Aura Balancing Use As A Transmitter Pendulum In Distant Healing Use As A Tuning Pendulum In Radionics

Use As A Pendulum For Radiesthesia And Dowsing The Tesla Shieldâ„¢ Has Many More Uses Which Are Regularly Discussed At The Life Technologyâ„¢ Blog And Forum.

The Tesla Shieldâ„¢ Represents The Synergy Of Futuristic Free Energy Tesla Technology With Contemporary Holistic Healthcare.

The Tesla Shieldâ„¢ has been rigorously evaluated in vivo under carefully controlled laboratory conditions and has been demonstrated to substantially enhance the human bioenergy field. A substantial amount of clinical research recently carried out by Russian and American Physiologists clearly demonstrates that enhancement or optimisation of the human bioenergy field can have a profound beneficial effect on every measurable parameter of health eg immune response, circulatory strength, stamina and endurance, blood pressure, tissue oxygenation levels etc.


At Life Technology® we receive many genuine product testimonials weekly from delighted clients all over the world. If you would like to view a selection of testimonials pertaining to this product, please email us at lifetech@... .


The Tesla Shieldâ„¢ is supplied complete with an informational/instructional guide and is available to buy exclusively from Life Technologyâ„¢.

You will notice our excellent customer feedback score which indicates our level of commitment to our customer care and satisfaction . We are delighted to report that our customers keep returning !!!

Please visit The Life Technology® Ebay Store to view our other listings. At The Life Technology® Ebay Store our products often list at $0.95 so please check back often to view our latest offers.

This product may be of interest to students or practitioners of Alchemy ,Kabbalah, Reiki, Homeopathy, Healing, Buddhism, Shamanism, Rife Therapy, Chakra Therapy, Witchcraft, Antropology, Wicca, Magick, Huna, Hypnosis, NLP, Rosicrucianism, Mysticism, Radionics, Psionics and Psychotronics etc.

Any questions? Email us at lifetech@...

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