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The Great Reconfiguration

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2009 - The Great Reconfiguration

a message from The Council of 12 channeled by Selacia

Monday, 29 September, 2008 176 views,

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In the year 2009, there will be an accelerated momentum of the

transformational shifting that has been underway for a very long time.

It will be both global and personal. This shifting will eventually lead

to a radical reshaping of many worn-out structures and ways of being in

your world.

In the future, when you look back on these times, you will understand

how 2009 and the several years that follow are a time of

reconfiguration. The year 2009 is to be pivotal in this regard, for

many pieces in the foundation of the new Earth will be initiated for

assembly. This won't be like any foundation you have seen before, for

it will have global connections and linkups with every element of


On a grand scale, this relates to human society rearranging itself.

Humanity has not seen such a rapid rearranging of this magnitude in any

earlier timeframe. There is no template for it, for the way it is being

carried out is brand new.

With no roadmap to follow and so many uncertain variables, the

unfolding of the reconfiguration is quite fluid. Likewise, the

challenges being faced are too complex and wide reaching to be resolved

with yesterday's methods. This is true for both individuals and society

as a whole.

Those at the leading edge of change are now in the process of

discovering new more enlightened approaches and ways of viewing the

growing list of dilemmas. Where is this movement headed and what will

it look like?

Changes Reconfiguring Your World

Institutions based on old paradigm approaches will either fade away

or be reconfigured to match the new energies. Outmoded codes of human

behavior, elite power bases, and allocation of resources will be

challenged and changed by those who carry an awakening consciousness.

Every aspect of life and living as you now know it will be impacted.

The changes will reconfigure your outer world. More importantly, they

will reshape your inner world and how you experience the human

condition. It is happening, and will happen, in phases-each one

building upon the last and setting the stage for future ones.

Earth changes will be felt in some of the familiar places, and in some

new locations not before touched by erratic weather patterns. Over the

coming years, this means that many people who moved to other locations

to escape the effects of weather changes will find their new location

also beset with unusual climate-related alterations. As increasing

numbers of people feel the effects of climate change, new paradigm

trailblazers will create new thought forms of compassion, caring,

connectedness, and helpfulness.

Solutions for many of the world's imbalances can come from these more

enlightened viewpoints, to be seeded during some of humanity's darkest

times. The new thought forms will become a part of humanity's mass

consciousness, helping to shift long-established views involving fear,

competition, and dominance.

The trailblazers of new paradigm thought will fuel a revolution in how

life is lived. They will model this new way of being, showing other

people and the world the fruits of an awakened life.

As part of that, these pioneers will challenge and change the dream of

success. People have learned over many generations to associate success

with linear concepts involving climbing ladders, rigid goal setting,

and advancing beyond where others are to feel important. This

old-fashioned view is based on the illusion of lack and insufficiency.

These reference points have kept people enslaved in lifetimes of

endlessly seeking more. The greed fostered in such an approach can

never be satisfied.

Changing Your Dream of Success

Changing the dream of success will happen first on an individual level,

as increasing numbers of people begin to question what it really means

to be powerful in the world. The questioning may come after a job loss

or other career setback. It may come from the exhaustion or ill health

that can accompany climbing to the top.

To be sure, changing the dream of success will require more than simply

asking the basic questions that have been asked in recent years by a

growing number of unsatisfied people. These questions include things

like: "why don't I have what others have?" and "what is holding me

back?" and "why has all of my hard work not paid off?"

These questions typically come from a reference point of competition,

doubt, insufficiency, and lack of clarity about one's real purpose and

spiritual path. This reference point can be hidden from conscious

awareness, of course, for it's rooted in subconscious belief systems

that impact how people view and respond to life.

People asking these ill-founded questions oftentimes don't have the

larger view of why they have incarnated on Earth during these pivotal

times. For those who do understand this bigger picture view, there can

still be lack of clarity about the truth of their life's progression

and what is really in the way of the more fortunate circumstances they


What are some productive questions to ask so that you can understand

your path of success? And what is the way to most appropriately ask

these questions?

First, keep in mind your state of mind and energy flow when

inquiring about your success. Asking such questions when you are tired,

hungry, or depressed will not give you the same level of clarity you

will have when feeling energetically balanced and in positive spirits.

Second, you want to invoke your intuitively guided reason and

the messages from your heart when asking questions. A whole-brain and

spirit-based approach is what will lead you to the greatest

understanding of life's questions.

Third, keep in mind Divine timing. Asking the same question over

and over, simply because you want to know, is not the most productive

approach. It is a universal principle that truths are revealed at the

appropriate time, and not a moment sooner. Also, remember that Divine

timing is fluid and not linear.

Here is an example. Just because you earlier intuitively sensed that a

certain success would come by next year, when that date arrives and the

success hasn't materialized, it doesn't mean your information was

incorrect. When this happens, it can mean many things.

For one, the thing that was to have happened may have been pushed

further into the future because of a host of factors, some of which may

have little or nothing to do with you.

For another thing, what you wanted may no longer be in your highest

good in the way it was to have been configured. Perhaps it will still

manifest, but look differently. Or maybe it will not happen at all,

because something much more wonderful is coming your way down the road.

Fourth, remember when asking your questions to follow up any unclear or

unsatisfactory answers with additional inquiry. So much of how you will

progress this lifetime is in your questions. Skillful means are needed

to get the clarity you seek. If, for example, you ask a "yes-no" type

of question and the response confuses or disappoints you, ask other

types of questions to go deeper. The more beneath the surface you

investigate, the closer to the truth you will be.

Fifth, consider these examples of questions to understand your path of success:

1. What about my self-image prevents me from acknowledging the success I already am?

2. What are some of my gifts that are a natural part of my success in this life?

3. What belief systems do I subconsciously hold that block my success?

4. How can I make better use of the Divine timing and other opportunities in my life?

5. Who are the people in my life who have helped mold my ideas of success?

6. Who in my current life is a positive influence on my being successful in the new paradigm world?

7. Who in my current life is a negative influence on that success?

8. What habits could I change to be more successful?

9. What skills could I develop to be more successful?

10. How does my attitude of gratitude impact my forward movement?

11. Who or what in my outside world have I given my power to, blocking my success?

12. What am I not seeing about myself, others or the world that gets in my way?

Birthing of the New

When find yourself questioning your progress, step back for a moment

and remind yourself that you are on Earth at this time to birth a

revolution on both personal and global levels in how life is lived.

Success is but one of countless concepts and structures up for a

radical overhaul. As you and others like you personally address and

reconfigure these things, you help to create a ripple effect of

transformation in your outer world.

When you have moments of doubting, know that much is shifting. That's what these times are about.

Progress in 2008

Despite appearances to the contrary, a brand new paradigm of

enlightened consciousness is in the process of being born! Much

progress has been made, including in 2008 when the playing out of

opposites amplified in every corner of the planet.

Oppositional thinking, power mongering, and lies of many stripes showed

up in political campaigns, country power plays, and international

global warming talks.

On a personal scale, increased stress levels took many people to the

edge, fueling ego-based responses to a host of situations. Sometimes

even those usually able to respond to life sanely and kindly became


With the volume of stress and uncertainty turned up significantly,

people from all walks of life increasingly found they had a lower

boiling point than before.

To be sure, hot buttons for many were the economy, personal finances,

and the "what if" fears generated with each exposure to the news.

Some of the changes being made now-considered separately and measured

against utopian goals-may seem minor or insufficient. However, when you

look at the big picture and the overall reconfiguration process, each

of these seemingly miniscule shifts is quite potent and vital to the

big picture of where humanity is headed.

Consciousness is changing, not due to legislation or other forceful means, but within the hearts of people on every continent.

Checklist for Personal Transformation in 2009

In 2009, consider the following checklist for personal transformation,

using it as a guide to stay on track, in the moment with life, and

connected with your heart.

1. Set your intention at the start of each day to utilize any obstacles as opportunities for growth.

Learning the most from each obstacle will help you to avoid the need of

repeating painful situations and toxic relationship patterns.

2. Remember that you are really a spiritual being living in a physical form. Connect with that knowing and allow it to fuel your next thoughts, words and actions.

3. Decide you will approach your world of physicality as a sacred home. When you consider your body and your planet as sacred containers for life, it is easier to be patient and loving.

4. Make every effort to become sane about the past. This

includes a letting go of how life used to be-whether you like it now or

not-so you can be in the moment and more accepting of how things are.

It also means becoming aware of the limiting belief systems you brought

with you from your past. These beliefs, hidden out of your view in your

subconscious, stem from your family's lineage going back numerous

generations. They also come from your past lives and ideas you have

taken on from the mass consciousness. Focus your energy on clearing

these limiting belief systems from your DNA so that you can more

quickly move into new paradigm consciousness. Also, keep in mind that

as long as you define yourself by your past, you cannot fully embody

your light in this life.

5. Do your best to become wise about the present. Set

your intention to become more truthful with yourself about what's

happening, when it happens, and with your need to learn more about

topics you thought you had mastered. The ego can play tricks on you at

any stage of awakening, putting you into illusion. No one is exempt.

It's helpful, therefore, to remain humble. Be willing to cover what

seems like "old ground," learning on a deeper level than before.

Refuse to go into judgment with yourself or others when things aren't

to your liking. You may have a different timetable than others for

learning specific things, or for developing positive qualities. Trust,

though, that when you express kindness and compassion with others who

are unable to value these qualities, your efforts are not lost. Your

kindheartedness uplifts you as a being, while planting very useful

seeds within others. Let go of how and when these seeds germinate,

allowing the universal laws of cause and effect to run their course.

Decide that you will be loving to yourself and others, even when the

world tells you to be harsh and critical. Remember that those types of

messages from your world, or outer conditioning, are connected to the

old paradigm views you are in the process of revamping.

Set your intention to become more awake to your limiting thoughts so

that you can accelerate your shifting into the new vibrational

energies. The more conscious you can become of what's negatively

impacting your present, the more power you will have to alter your


Tell yourself daily that you are creating your future by how you respond to life today.

6. Strive to be open-minded about the future. Do not

allow gloom-and-doom thinking or fantasy to color how you approach the

future. The path to finding inner peace involves connecting with

balance and truth. You will not find truth in the gloom-and-doom

approach. You will not discover truth when in fantasy. You find it when

traveling the middle path, connected with your heart and intuitively

guided reason.

As you continue the journey of rediscovering your Divine nature, we

surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12.

Note from Selacia

"This is The Council of 12's annual predictions message for the new

year. In their message about 2009, they give us a big-picture view of

what is ahead. This relates to us on a personal level as well as our

global experience. They speak about the many changes coming up, while

also helping us to make sense of what has occurred during 2008. They

give us specifics of how we can change our own dream of success to

match the new paradigm world. And they give us a checklist for personal

transformation in 2009. I suggest using these ideas as a guide, not

only in understanding and navigating the energies of this last part of

2008, but as a refresher when 2009 begins. Time certainly seems to be

whizzing by this past year, and before we know it, we will be welcoming

in a brand new year! It can be helpful, therefore, to print out this

message and refer to it in January when you are contemplating how to

begin 2009 with the most potency, balance, and connection with your

path of Light. I welcome your feedback and suggestions for other

related topics The Council can address in future messages."

Copyright 2008 by Selacia, Channel for The Council of 12 * * www.Selacia.com

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