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Looking for Love

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Well, guys I am sitting the day out from my job. Yesterday I was taking a nap

before school and had a grand mal in my sleep. It was unexpected and out of

the blue. No warning signs or anything just blam.And then after the seizure

in which I have about 20 minutes of disorientation. Walking around the house

asking my family silly questions.Usually if I am awake I know when I am going

to have a seizure and I usually keep them from going into grand mall. I have

been having seizures for over three years now and I work a holistic approach

to the healing process. I have not taken any medication for them. I have been

working with DR. s therapy and have been working out and following a

good diet of fruits and vegetables. Easy for me because I am a vegetarin.And

the process helps a lot but they have not ended.The thing I hate is that I do

all that is rt. or all that I think is right and I still have them.Am I

asking to much to want to be rid of the completely. I refuse the medical path

of AED so I am not complaining. I guess I am just venting some of my

frustrations and fears out to people who can understand what it is I am going

thru. The fact is I like being able to function with my faculties in tack

inbetween seizure that the AED medication sometimes robs us. Arnold and Zoe I

find your info very enlightening and I hope one day to join the ranks as one

who is healed. One thing I have noticed is I need to constantly eat so as not

to become on the threshold. I dont know if its low blood sugar or not.But I

do know if I dont eat I feel like it pushes me right on that threshold.Well I

am sorry of jabbering with no real direction it is just that I could use some

love today.


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  • 7 years later...

Looking for Love

" Love makes the world go 'round, " is an apt description of what may be

the most important and fulfilling experience on earth. Love creates

individuals, families and organizations. Love brings joy, exuberance

and appreciation as well as hurt, guilt and sadness. We love our pets,

movies, books, vacations, trees, birds and most anything we can sense.

At one time or another, we've all felt the longing for love. Love is

central to life.

In separation consciousness, love is seen as that which makes us whole

or complete. Since we are viewed fundamentally as being apart from

others, we need the love and acceptance of others to create a sense of

being loved or whole. The desire for love can easily lend itself to

the ownership of or dependence on another, be it a spouse, parent,

son, daughter or friend. It is common in separation consciousness to

use manipulation and persuasion in an effort to maintain this sense of

love. With love, we fill the chasm of separation consciousness, and

when love is lost we re-experience that chasm. We experience a loss of

love in break-ups, divorces and death. Such perceived loss is

accompanied by sadness, heartache, grief or even agony.

The view of relationships in separation consciousness has two sides -

giving love and accepting love. Giving love can be defined as the

offering of one's self through thought, word or deed. Accepting love

is the opposite and receptive quality that allows such offering to

come from another -- or ourselves. There are few more precious words

to our ears than " I love you, " whether we are delivering or receiving

them. Love is a wonderful thing!

Love takes on a different meaning in unity consciousness. Consider the

idea that in unity consciousness, we are viewed as being complete and

whole. We are not separate or apart from one another as we fully

coexist with one another and all of life. There is no chasm between

individuals that would lead to personal ownership. There is no sense

of loss -- even in the face of death -- only a changing of

appearances. Life is energy and energy can be transformed, but it

never leaves us. We are One and in unified consciousness we are

inherently tied to all that is.

In unity consciousness, there is no lack of or longing for love. We

are love itself and love is recognized as our nature instead of

something we need to acquire. We become the " light bulb " of existence,

complete in shining our light into the world. The light bulb is

complete in its sharing, emitting and giving; it does not long for

anything to be returned to it.

In the purity of unity consciousness, our relationships with others

provide a reflection of who we are. The love we experience seemingly

from others is simply the reflection of our shining light of love.

" You complete me " is transformed into " You reflect me. " Actually,

there is no " you " and " me " in unity consciousness and all that remains

when taking away the sense of individuality is the existence of love.

As soon as the ideas of " you " and " me " are recognized, the chasm

exists, which we attempt to fill with the presence of and love " from "

the other.

In separation, we believe that another is necessary to experience

love. And as long as perception remains in separation, this is true.

When the perception changes to unity, the chasm is filled and the

longing or need for love dissipates. What remains is the realization

that we are love and that all the love of the universe is an inherent

part of our nature. In such realization, there is no longer the

thought of the giving and taking of love as a commodity. In our

stillness, we are love, sufficient unto itself. And wherever we are

and whatever we do, there love is. We do not need to try to love; love

is what we are.

The paradoxical nature of separation/oneness can be viewed through the

eyes of love. In unity consciousness, the individual can stand alone

in the experience of love and completeness. There is no need or want

of another, though others will certainly be in one's sphere of

association. Such associations will be void of negative separation

qualities that are reflective of an inner chasm. While there is

recognition of the uniqueness of individuality, there is also the

awareness that the " other " is a part of the self. As " I " am love,

" you " are love. Here again, drop the " I " and " you " and only love remains.

In separation, love is viewed as a healing force. It is the medication

that soothes the inner chasm created by the entity. Love is the

band-aid that rescues the separation consciousness from itself. What

is needed is not the band-aid but the healing -- a realization that

the chasm can be permanently filled.

Why does one want to be loved when one is love itself? How can one

need to love when one is complete love? How can one feel loss when

unity consciousness shows we we are one with all existence? How can we

attain love from another when we are universal love itself? Needing,

losing and attaining love are all views of separation consciousness,

where we are seen as incomplete until we are made complete by another.

The chase for love disappears in unity consciousness, where we can

stand still and experience infinite love as who we are.

Have a superb week,


Savannah GA





" Breathe deep, walk slow, hold tight to those you love, for the sun is

setting and it will be over so fast. "

-- Ken Pierpont

Much love to you,

Please visit me at:




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