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The View From Up Here

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I thought this was very interesting.--*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~"Breathe deep, walk slow, hold tight to those you love, for the sun issetting and it will be over so fast." -- Ken PierpontBe blessed my friend,http://livingonlove.ning.comhttp://myspace.com/rarebreezehttp://myspace.com/asundayinjune The View From U p Hereby More than at any other time since the Harmonic Convergence, I amsensing the Reconnections Universe slowly, carefully, andQUIETLY...(!) turning down the volume on our investment in, andattachments to 3D Reality. This is being enacted differently, fromperson to person, depending upon how much actual participation in the3D "Grind" has been built into one's life itinerary.In their transmission on "Getting Free," delivered approximately twoyears ago, the Guides suggested to us:"In days past, your gaze has been intensely fixed upon those levels ofbeing which were most dense, most compacted, most unyielding to yourtouch. The physical self. An addiction to struggle. Other levels ofBeing--the higher, lighter, easier dimensions--were contacted onlyfleetingly, out of the corner of your eye.Why not turn that around? Let your most intensive focus be INWARD,contemplating not just WHAT IS, but also WHAT COULD BE. Place yourdeepest investment THERE, navigating physical reality fleetingly, outof the corner of your eye.It will be tricky at first---as you measure how much (or how little)struggle a person truly needs in order to get by in this world. Lookbeyond that which screams for your attention. Let it go. Let go allvexation and despair. Move your attention to the littlethings.......that whisper and wink and play happily before you. Learnto appreciate the subtlety, the nuances of life.Little by little, dreams become reality, even as reality becomes adream. And you mix and mingle each level according to YOUR desire,YOUR sacred choosing. And it begins. The Age of Conscious Choice. Yourown World of Time/No-Time."Some folks are feeling TIRED because they are being called to goMultidimensional. In most cases, this feels very much like SLEEP,although it often happens outside of time. You sit or lie down, closeyour eyes, and you're GONE........(zoom)......and then you'reback.......completely refreshed, and feeling like you've suddenly beendropped out of a space ship into a meadow, far below. Quick. Easy.Efficient.Sometimes.......people don't heed these "calls" because they say tothemselves: "I know I need a nap, but I don't have time right now."But maybe a "nap" is NOT what we're needing at all. Maybe what'swanting to come through is a ZAP........a quick SHOT of Multiverse,followed by a rapid return to 3D. We're all getting these "infusions,"constantly, all through the day. But many of us are not CONSCIOUS ofwhat's happening. Now is the time for us to become fully aware of whatour Multi-D Self has been doing for quite some time.Little by little, the MIND will begin to LET GO of our intensiveCOMMITMENTS to 3D Continuity, so we can drink deeply from a "well"that never runs dry.......never says "no." And the operative phrasebeing given to us, by our Interdimensional Coaches is: "Small steps,Ellie.....!" Remember, in the movie ("Contact").......Ellie's 3DJourney only lasted 43 seconds to the naked eye? Time isirrelevant........which is something we're all beginning to REMEMBER. http://www.bbsradio.com/cgi-bin/webbbs/webbbs_config.pl/read/23586

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