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Attracting Abundance and Happiness

Discovering The Unlimited Potential Provided By

The Source Of All That Exists, Is Within You

Attracting Abundance and Happiness into YOUR life is only dependent

on your level of awareness combined with a willingness to consciously

harmonize your thought, word, deed and intention of not only the

seemingly individual principles which make it possible but through

developing a keen awareness of self.

By discovering, understanding, and " consciously " implementing the

following principles, the kind and quality of life you'll become

empowered to experience will be enhanced dramatically.

These principles are what we'll be referring to as " Power

Principles " , which IF IMPLEMENTED will allow you to consciously align

and purposefully harmonize with the predictable, unwavering, and

precise process of creation governed by Universal Law , and will

empower you to begin consciously and purposefully attracting an

abundance of " desired " outcomes and experiencing a life that to this

point you may have considered to be out of reach.

The power principles that you are about to discover and learn to

implement into your life, although extremely simple, if purposefully

and consistently utilized, are far more powerful and creative than

any external form of power known to man.

Do not let the simplicity of these principles fool you. The life

changing power that can be realized if consistently and properly

utilized will turn your life into a joyful, fulfilling, prosperous

and harmonious journey.

These power principles are NOT " Newly Discovered Secrets. " They are

NOT difficult to implement into your day to day life, and are

presented to you with a depth and clarity that will allow you to

grasp, understand, and develop an unshakable belief in the undeniable

creative power that you hold.

As you begin to explore each of these Power Principles individually,

you will discover that each has no set or distinct boundaries and in

one way or another overlap and interconnect with each other revealing

the oneness or interconnected character of each, just as EVERYTHING

in our universe is interconnected in some way as you will soon

discover. Each is equally important and each, as with everything in

life, whether physical or meta-physical serves a very important,

distinct, and meaningful purpose for it's existence.

With all that said, let's get started exploring these Power Principles

Now that we have developed an understanding of the powerful Universal

Laws that govern the entire cosmos and the crucial role they play in

creating your life experiences, let's explore these self empowering

and creative Power Principles that you have the choice as well as the

ability to implement into your day to day life, which will without

fail bring about the Abundance and Happiness that you desire.

Although you are unable to change the immutable and unwavering

operation of Universal Law and how the universe operates and creates,

there are specific Power Principles that can be learned and

implemented which allows you to consciously align your thought, word

and deed, enabling and empowering you to come into harmony with it's

predictable and unwavering creative process, and attract far more

Abundance and Happiness into your life than you could have ever

previously conceived or dreamed possible.

The awareness and consistent implementation of these principles

combined with the infinite and unlimited potential and power of the

human mind , created by the Source of all that is, will enable and

empower you to achieve far in excess of what you may have perceived

to be possible to this point.

Upon the discovery and deeper understanding of these powerful,

creative principles, you will have developed an " Awareness " far in

excess of the average person, and will have come to know the true and

unlimited dormant power that lies within you, ready to be discovered

and awakened.

The power principles contained here are, quite literally the keys to

Unlimited Wealth, Health, Inner Peace, Happiness, Abundance and Joy

limited only by your ability to idealize, conceptualize and

consciously apply the limitless creative power that each holds.

Correct and conscious implementation of each of these powerful and

creative principles, will open your life to attracting Abundance and

Happiness far superior to any that you have come to know or

experience thus far, allowing and empowering you to further the cause

of expanding the knowledge and resources gained, to assist others in

also discovering, achieving, and experiencing a life filled with

Contentment, Fulfillment, Inner Peace, Enlightenment, and Love as it

was intended to be.

Power Principles For Attracting Abundance and Happiness

(Each of the links below will open a new window. Upon the completion

of each page, simply exit and this page will remain.)

The Power Of Acceptance

Discover how The Power Of Acceptance can quite literally transform

your life and enable you to begin attracting unlimited Abundance and

Happiness into your life.

The Power Of Accepting Responsibility

Do you believe that you're a " Creature of Circumstance " or a " Creator

of Circumstance? "

By becoming aware of WHO is responsible for the current events,

conditions, and circumstances in your life you will become empowered

to begin the process of attracting abundance and taking focused and

intentional action to dramatically transform your results.

The Power Of Action

Action is inevitably necessary to accomplish any goal or vision held,

but not necessarily the type of action that you have been programmed

and conditioned to perform. Discover which type of action is

necessary to begin attracting abundance and the means to bring about

your most sought after dreams and desires.

The Power Of Belief

A deeper understanding of The Power Of Belief will allow you to

discover the true power available to you and your unlimited potential

to attract abundance and create the life that the majority only dream


The Power Of Choice

Are the current choices that you are making in alignment and harmony

with attracting abundance in correlation with your desired outcomes?

Whether you may realize it or not, you DO have a choice you know.

The Power Of Emotions

The emotions that you experience play a far bigger role in attracting

abundance than you may realize in relation to the day to day events,

conditions and circumstances that you are currently experiencing. If

your life circumstances aren't all that you have a desire for them to

be, find out what you can do to change them. You'll be absolutely


The Power Of Focus

Your predominant focus is an essential and necessary aspect of

attracting abundance and plenty into your life. Where you choose to

keep your " attention " determines your often unconsciously

held " intention " and will without fail deliver to you precisely what

you choose to to keep your focus on.

The Power Of Forgiveness

The Power of Forgiveness should never be underestimated and is

absolutely essential to enable you to begin attracting Abundance and

Happiness into your life. Find out why.

The Power Of Gratitude

How is it that Power Of Gratitude can effect the life experiences

that you encounter from day to day? This in depth explanation will

provide you with a depth of understanding and insight that few

are " consciously " aware of yet everyone should know.

The Power Of I AM

The Power Of I AM will provide you with a deeper understanding as to

how the events, conditions and circumstances unfold in your life and

more importantly awaken you to the crucial and certain role that you

play in the process. I AM will reveal to you why and what your

experiences are

The Power Of Intention

The Power Of Intention without fail provides whatever outcomes you

might be experiencing in your life. Become aware and conscious of

what you are intending for yourself and you'll have discovered yet

another key to experiencing the kind and quality of life that ALL

desire yet far too few ever experience.

The Power Of Love

Love is by far the strongest, most creative and most powerful of all

principles. Discover how to harness it's limitless power for profound

and pleasing results and the essential role it plays in attracting

abundance in every aspect of your life.

The Power Of A Mastermind Group

If you're serious about taking your results in life to the next

level, the power of a mastermind group can prove to be a much needed

and powerfully effective ally in assisting you in fulfilling your

most heartfelt dreams, desires, visions and goals. Discover for

yourself how the power of a mastermind group can assist in attracting

abundance and provide enormous benefit.

The Power Of Meditation

Discover how the Power Of Meditation will enable you to tap into

never before realized territory and discover the life changing

experiences of enlightenment, guidance, heightened awareness,

improved health, and profound inner peace. If you're not doing this

you're missing out on FAR more than you know.

The Power Of Passion

Are you fulfilling your heartfelt passion? Find out how discovering

and working toward fulfilling what you are passionate about will open

doors of opportunity and enable you to experience a sense of harmony

and fulfillment that you never previously knew existed.

The Power Of Perception

Do you fully understand the difference between real truth and

perceived truth? Your perceptions are merely filters based on

beliefs, not all of which are correct. They can certainly make all

the difference in how your life experience unfolds. This will show

you how and why.

The Power Of Perseverance

What does Perseverance have to do with attracting Abundance and

Happiness into your life? Whether or not you realize it, it has

EVERYTHING to with it. Discover how and why.

The Power Of Positive Affirmations

Discover how to " correctly " structure and utilize the Power of

Positive Affirmations and why they are an essential aspect of

attracting abundance and manifesting " desired " results.

The Power Of Positive Self Esteem

Do you believe that you are worthy of receiving all that was intended

for you? The Power of Positive Self Esteem can make ALL the

difference between experiencing mediocre and mind blowing results.

The Power Of Creative Visualization

Bringing about the desired results in your life is much simpler than

most can imagine and are able to conceive. Discover how the Power of

Creative Visualization can assist and empower you to begin

consciously and intentionally attracting Abundance and Happiness into

EVERY aspect of your life.

The Power Of Self Awareness

The Power Of Self Awareness goes far beyond who and what you " think "

you are or what you are doing from moment to moment in your physical

world. Discover what true Self Awareness really is and how it can and

does have a dramatic impact in molding and shaping your quality of


The Power Of Surrender

Learn to become detached and ALLOW your life to unfold utilizing The

Power Of Surrender and you will have discovered the key to a life of

fulfillment beyond your wildest expectations. Contrary to widespread

belief, attracting abundance isn't about " making " things happen.

The Power Of Thought

Did you realize that the average human thinks approximately 60,000

thoughts per day? Discover how those thoughts allow you to, or can

keep you from, attracting limitless Abundance and Happiness into your


Unlimited Abundance and Happiness Is And Always Has Been Available To

You. Consciously Utilizing These Power Principles Will Open The


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