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How exciting! I will tell you that I don't know much about the whys

and hows of getting them but until you do there are some fundementals

I cover with every practicum that rotates through

our home: I present pairing. Creating an envoirnment that entices

that kid to want to know you (something good teachers do anyway)

or at least come near you. Becoming a conditioned reinforcer. I

call it

the 'grandpa procedure'. You know that grandpa's got something good

his pocket so you immediately run to him.

After that I go into DTT and errorless teaching. And I don't really

get into the technical aspects of Sd---R---Sr. In layman's terms, I

tell them you're asking something, you're gonna get a response and

the response is going to be one of three things: correct (and

quick), incorrect, or no response. If it's correct you reinforce,

if it's incorrect you ignore it and immediately ask it again with a

quick prompt so he can get reinforced, then ask again to see if they

get it

on their own if they don't in a second or two prompt and reinforce

differentially. Don't go over 3 times and don't let him take longer

than 3 seconds. If there's no response then look to your


Then I go into types of reinforcement and why creating motivation is

KEY to teaching our autistic kiddos. I show footage of my son working

his rear-end off for yogurt and doing nothing once the desire for

yogurt is gone. I cover thick reinforcement schedules and how to

thin by slipping demands in gradually. I love the idea that one Sd

reinforces the next Sd as the child knows they will eventually

contact reinforcement.

Then I go into maladaptive behaviors (with a great deal of help from

my consultant) discussing attention, excape, and self stim behaviors

that impede instructional control. After that we cover the verbal

operants: mands, tacts, IV, etc. And the transfer procedures.

This last time that I heard Carbone speak I was please to finally

understand the full progression of combining extended tacts: The big

ugly frog jumped in the pond. So, I am trying to illustrate to the

students now how it is that these verbal operants progress and

connect to create conversation. I'm going to have our consultant

cover this more clearly when we see her (my son is early into this so

I have no direct experience with the advanced learning modules).

I cover the different response forms: sign, pecs, and vocal and

discribe the procedure we used to get our nonverbal son to echo and

now to mand (with some spontaneous tacting beginning to emerge). I

cover the automatic reinforcement pairing procedure that is in the

S/P book but it's best to have a consultant involved in that as it's

kind of tricky. I cover NET but for our school district (who is

going to implement this this coming fall) they were more inclined to

know about data procedures and the amount of extra help they would

need in the classroom.

I cover the ABLLS briefly with the practicum students and usually

have them read the companion guide. I'm meeting Jim Partington

this coming week and am sure that I'll gain much from that

ABLLS workshop.


Some of the questions I got from the district were related to

class instruction. How do we set it up with so few aides and data

as I have said before.

Also, emphasizing that they do reinforce good responding, they wanted

to know what was different. My reply is always the premise

that a word is not defined by it's form which any child with severe

language delay can illustrate. I've discussed children they work with

that can tact 50 things but when you ask them to bring you the

______ (an object they can tact) they can't do it. It always helps to

use a child they're familiar with. Because it is always an


knowing: ahhh, yeah. So now they're going to be reinforcing all

the operants of a object


I also mention that we want to prompt then fade out prompts

rather than wait for a response which creates a slow response.

Our goal is the kids speak like we drive our standard stickshift.

They don't have to think as they speed through a conversation...they


start talking ( or signing ).

I've also discussed what all of these PhD and MEd are saying

about sign opposed to PECS and that usually meets with much

debate and again you're better off having one of them next to

you on that subject.

Get your hands on videos. They speak volumes. My first experience

was I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes!

Now, I get to see it everyday in my own home!

Luck and Blessings,

> Greetings all!!

> Recently I was approached by a colleague who has been a special

> education teacher in our area for many years. She has been askedto

> give a presentation to some local school administrators concerning

> the

> possible implimentation of the ABLLS/S & P Verabl Behavior curriculum

> at

> her school. She has asked me to assist her in putting the


> together, as to date I am one of only a handful of people in the


> that has attended a conference.

> To date, she has purchased all 3 S & P manuals, and I have provided


> with my handouts and any other info. I can dig up. However, we are

> certain that the administrators will be asking some questions that


> just don't have answers for (we are excited about this program and

> really want to sell them on it).


> #1 Do Dr. Carbone or Dr. McGreavy typically travel to schools to

> impliment the program and train staff on site?

> #2 If so, how much can a school expect to pay for their services?

> #3 If not available, how would we locate a well trained consultant?

> #4 How much does it cost to attend a typical 2-3 day training

> conference (last I knew it was $180.00 per person + expenses)?

> Lastly, If you were giving this presentation yourself, what key

> points

> concerning this program would you stress to convince administrators

> that it is well worth the time and money being spent, in addition


> being an effective teaching approach with students?

> Thank you in advance....comments welcome and appreciated!!


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  • 7 months later...

Hi Koleen,

Before hiring an attorney, consider finding a parent advocate (if you haven't

already) and call another IEP meeting which you have the right to do at any

time. The advocate can help you understand you full rights and help you

negotiate with the IEP team. Also, as for not administering your child's

oral/motor exercises as per the IEP states, that is not legal without your

consent. Ask the school if there is a parent advocate committee (most do) or

check with the Early Intervention program in your area.

Hope that helps!

good luck!

Kori Gaddis

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I am sorry that I don't write you with any help, but more for advice. I live in Southern California and am very concerned about the program our regional center offers. We have a 23month old son with oral and speech Apraxia. We got the diagnosis about two months ago. We've been paying for speech therapy out of pocket and are now trying to go through our regional center. They have a program called infant circle. The county where I live only contracts with one speech therapist who oversees teachers to administer the program. I don't think this is appropriate care. Do you have any suggestions. Also, you might try to put some preassure on your local school district. Contact the school reporter for your local newspaper and try to get her to write a story about your situation. This kind of preassure really works with school districts. My husband used to be a journalist and now is in public relations. If you want some free advice on doing this you can e-mail us back.

Good luck,


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Hi Koleen-

I am from Southern CA and currently live in Carson City, NV, just over the hill from you. You are the first person I've seen on the west coast- yay! I am truly sorry you are having such a hard time. I am just about to enter my daughter Rebekah into the school system over here and so far they have been accomodating in this state but we'll have to see. I may have a fight on my hands as well as I have specific things I want for her already. The reason I'm writing to you is because we have many friends/family/business connections in CA and I will be asking around for you thru our connections for a good lawyer. In the meantime, you and Kelli will be in my prayers.

Keep the faith!

Norberg aka bekahsmomma@...

ceoblonde@... wrote:

Hello everyone...I have been a quiet reader of this newsletter for some time now. I don't mean to make this letter long, but I am in desperate help. SO here it goes... up until recently I have had no problems with our school district and the services they are providing for my daughter, age 9 who is severely oral apraxic with possible limb apraxia. They will not provide her with 2 more hours of speech therapy with our NDT certified speech pathologist because they feel they are giving her an "appropriate education" with just ONE hour of speech therapy (although all the experts in apraxia AND our neurologist say she needs 5 since she is very severe). WE ARE OUTRAGED! In the past they have provided 5 hours with a different speech clinic and therapist (Kelli was misdiagnosed with autism--so all the therapy was geared towards that diagnosis). Now, that we have the real, true diagnosis, they are putting their foot down and saying they will not provide additional speech therapy---"why should we do this now when no significant results were produced with the last 5 hours we paid in the past?"--keep in mind---different speech pathologist, different type of therapy. Also, they said this is a "medical condition" which our insurance needs to be paying for the additional therapy sessions. PLUS--the classroom teacher was not administering Kelli's every 2 hour oral stimulation exercises in class as our IEP documents stated she was to do! She "decided" she didn't feel comfortable with doing the exercises and didn't do them anylonger--for about 2 months this went on!!! SO, my question is this....does anyone know of an attorney that is in California that works on a contingency basis? If not in the Northern California area, anyone outside of California? Husband and I have been dealing with this school district for quite some time now, along with our regional center, and we are quite exhausted--we need someone desperately to represent us and Kelli. Please let me know ASAP....you may email me personally at ceoblonde@.... Thanks for your time, Koleen Biegacki Antelope, CA

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  • 4 months later...
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Hi UK calling

Did you miss me

Boo has jaundice and hemi-plegia as well as tort/plagio can it get any worse.

He had a scan because the doctors were concerned his left side was growing at

a different rate and it is! His left kidney is smaller than the right

He is also having difficulty eating

have any of you experienced this?

Ann and Boo (UK)

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Have you had his tongue checked out? Some of the kids have tongues that are

too much attached to the bottom of the mouth. Can he seem to move his

tongue out of his mouth? Just a suggestion.

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Hi Matilda,

Welcome to the group. We all have been through the same thing as you

wondering if our children will ever talk and trying to get the best help

professionally that we can. I am one of the group Grandmother's here and I

can tell you that my granddaughter is about 3 years and 5 months old and has

only a few words. We have been to a neurological pediatrician, a

developmental pediatrician and through early developmental program. She is

in IEP (Individual Education Program) and this has been the best thing for

her so far. She goes four mornings a week and it has helped her personality

and given her a lot of confidence. Still she doesn't have but only 20 words

although she is attempting more.

Matilda, you will hear from a lot of wonderful people here. It is such a

warm and loving and knowledgeable group. I have been with the group for

about year now and I am still trying to learn so many things. It is a long

process and nothing happens quickly but people are here for you through it


I know that someday our will open up and talk. With spiritual

help and lots of hugs and caring, our children will do there best.

Thanks for joining us Matilda and hugs to your family.

Take care, Patty

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Hi you all,

I just have to say, when my kids were diagnosed at Hackensack Hosp. and told

me that my sons had oral dyspraxia, I thought she was speaking another

language, but she gave me 's Apraxia.cc website. That is where I took off

and tried to learn everything I could. My twin boys were in early

intervention 3x a week and when they turned three went into special ed pre-k

in this past Oct. At 2 they couldn't do anything, blow bubbles suck from a

straw, they just dribbled with their tongue resting on their bottom lip. At

three they had very few words maybe 10 to 15, BUT at 3 1/2 they started

talking ALOT, their therapist said they are starting to " comment on things "

and putting 4 words together. THEY aren't ALWAYS clear, but most of the time

they are. They have about 200 to 250 word vocabulary. So there is hope. I

am thrilled with school, getting 2 1:1 speech, one group therapy, and One

hour of private therapy........Hang in there people its a slow progress but

the results are EXCELLENt, i am speechless on their progress and how they

continue to do so. GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE going through this, it isn't

easy.....but we have a great support group!!!!!!!!!!!! JOYA

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Hi Joya, It is wonderful news that your twins are talking so well. They have

had a lot of good speech therapy. Just wondered what you thought about the

group therapy? It sounds like it would be an excellent help for children to

be with their peers and learning to communicate verbally together.

Congratulations Joya. Grammy Patty to

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Hi Patty,

At first when the school told me about group therapy I was totally against

it and argued that apraxia needs to be worked on an individual basis. BUT

than I broke down and said fine than give them only one group therapy

session. But the school's idea of group is just two kids, which I was

thrilled when I found out. So its one twin with one other kid, and than the

other twin with another boy. I didn't realize the impact that kids look up

to other kids and want to be like other kids and what a great motivator it

really is. One of my kids say, " Oh my god " for every little thing and I

realize his partner in group therapy says that alot. So I don't think group

therapy is bad (in my case anyway) as long as they still receive 1:1 therapy.


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Thanks Joya, Children learn very young about competing. I'm glad that the

group (two children) speech benefited your twins and that they are talking so

well. It's good to know that some of the school districts do cooperate with

the parents. Thanks for letting us know that the twins are doing just fine.

Success stories are the best kind we can get. It makes us all feel good and

helps us to know that one day it will be our very own story.

Good luck in your future plans and our love to your family. Patty, Grammy to

and from Ohio

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  • 5 years later...

I think it’s possible that you have

a sinus infection that you don’t really get rid of between Humira doses

and when you get your shot it becomes active again. I suggest you see either

your GP or an ENT specialist to really get rid of any sinus problems and see if

that helps. This is just my guess but I hope it works for you. God bless.

From: Rheumatoid Arthritis [mailto:Rheumatoid Arthritis ] On Behalf Of GLORIA CODY

Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2007

6:39 AM

Rheumatoid Arthritis



Hi everyone,

OK, the past two times that I have had my humira shot, I have gotten a

sinus infection and I feel like someone has beat me from head to toe. Is this a

sign that it has quit working? Just wanted to know if anyone else has had this


Hugs from Ok.



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Dear Gloria- A sinus infection means your bodys immune system is suppressed so you are more likely to catch a cold. If you still feel after a week as much pain as before your infusion, than you need to either up your MTX if you are on it, or try something else. You might consider Cyclosporine. I recently found out that the biologic I am taking is chimeric. It means that it will bind to my TNF factor to reduce my symptoms significantly but it also can evolve and find a way around that. Chimeric means human to mouse so based on animal DNA responses, it can literally evolve. MTX literally stops that evolving or " smart process " or in essense gives my rejecion response to the drug " amnesia " . You could also simply have a bad cold with body aches. Hugs, Deborah

On 1/2/07, GLORIA CODY <glokay20022002@...> wrote:

Hi everyone,

OK, the past two times that I have had my humira shot, I have gotten a sinus infection and I feel like someone has beat me from head to toe. Is this a sign that it has quit working? Just wanted to know if anyone else has had this experience.

Hugs from Ok.



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  • 1 year later...

Dear Family,

As you know about 5 weeks back I tore the meniscus in my right knee.

I have not been able to work as lanscaping requires good knees.

I had to form a business partnership this summer my work load was


My business partner Jeff Stack took over my duties and kept the

customers happy, while I am still mending my knee

Last night Jeff said he got up in the dark to use the bathroom

and slammed his left foot on the cabinet.

When the nausea hit he realized he broke his foot.

Please we need your help and healing enrgies.

Like me, Jeff lives in Lady Lake Florida.

We need a miracle.


Peace and Jeff Stack

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I send the miracle of Reiki, take what you need and so it is

-----Original Message-----

From: Peace <iampeacewalker@...>

Sent: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 10:46 am

Subject: [] HELP!!

Dear Family,

As you know about 5 weeks back I tore the meniscus in my right knee.

I have not been able to work as lanscaping requires good knees.

I had to form a business partnership this summer my work load was


My business partner Jeff Stack took over my duties and kept the

customers happy, while I am still mending my knee

Last night Jeff said he got up in the dark to use the bathroom

and slammed his left foot on the cabinet.

When the nausea hit he realized he broke his foot.

Please we need your help and healing enrgies.

Like me, Jeff lives in Lady Lake Florida.

We need a miracle.


Peace and Jeff Stack

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