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RE: New...and just too tired to do this.

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I have Lyme and so does my 3 yr old so..who dx is autism...After being sick

since 2005..I found out 6 months ago I have chronic lyme....we have been on abx

for 6 months and with herbs...looking into other treatment

alternatives..frequency machines..etc...

I am also looking into frequent dose chelation..in oral form..there is a

group too...this may answer why he has ongoing candida..

LLMD..they know alot about Lyme..your lucky to be in the USA..in Canada..Dr's

here think it doesn't exist

Diet is important ..but so is rest..you need to balance your rest to get

better...provided you are doing treatment too..make sure you enlist the help of

all friends and family..maybe they can cook a dish, peel veg, or whatever you

need to lighten the load..I see somepost that they are better ..so thats what I

hold onto...I am also a single parent...no near family...I hear your

struggle...keep going...sign up for list serves..learn..never give up your

hope...life is not over..just a challenge to overcome..peace..ttys Leanne

From: annegoggans@...

Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 02:56:45 +0000

Subject: [ ] New...and just too tired to do this.

Hi friends, After almost 2years of being on a modified GAPS protocol for our

son's systemic candida, I now face lyme. I began to list out symptoms on the

GAPS support group and a friend there suggested I look into lyme. After reading

many sumptoms, we have nearly all of them between the two of us (my 4yo and I)

My husband, fortunatley is a little more resilient for now. I don't think he has

had it for life like I have...and now our son.

As I type this the fatigue is crippeling. I seem to walk in circles all day and

fight the palpitations at night. I have a family to raise and a grain free GAPS

kid to cook for. A year ago I didn't have any symptoms except for being scatter


Our son who is almost 5 is low energy and muscle response. Big circles under the

eyes, a little belly bloat (possibly still candida), temper and fear issues, and

now what seems to be air hunger with a little cough. he stretches his neck up to

the ceiling and then after a second has to get air. This is new as of a month

ago and no one can find any reason for it. When I saw it on a board, I knew

right away what we were in for and my heart sank.

If anyone out there is healing a child, please drop me a line. I would love to

have some direction, as we brought this to KY from FL and no one here seems to

know a thing about lyme...as far as I have found.

We also don't have the money for any expensive treatments. We have been on this

" spin the disease wheel " for 2 years now and we are now officially

broke....especially since all of our food is mega expensive.

Thanks so much for any assistance you might have. Your 2 cents is worth a

million bucks:),


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i don't know where in KY you are, but there is a Lyme literate naturopath in SW




From: nosleep4mommy <annegoggans@...>

Subject: [ ] New...and just too tired to do this.

Date: Saturday, January 1, 2011, 9:56 PM


Hi friends, After almost 2years of being on a modified GAPS protocol for

our son's systemic candida, I now face lyme. I began to list out symptoms on

the GAPS support group and a friend there suggested I look into lyme. After

reading many sumptoms, we have nearly all of them between the two of us (my 4yo

and I) My husband, fortunatley is a little more resilient for now. I don't

think he has had it for life like I have...and now our son.

As I type this the fatigue is crippeling. I seem to walk in circles all day and

fight the palpitations at night. I have a family to raise and a grain free GAPS

kid to cook for. A year ago I didn't have any symptoms except for being scatter


Our son who is almost 5 is low energy and muscle response. Big circles under

the eyes, a little belly bloat (possibly still candida), temper and fear issues,

and now what seems to be air hunger with a little cough. he stretches his neck

up to the ceiling and then after a second has to get air. This is new as of a

month ago and no one can find any reason for it. When I saw it on a board, I

knew right away what we were in for and my heart sank.

If anyone out there is healing a child, please drop me a line. I would love to

have some direction, as we brought this to KY from FL and no one here seems to

know a thing about lyme...as far as I have found.

We also don't have the money for any expensive treatments. We have been on this

" spin the disease wheel " for 2 years now and we are now officially

broke....especially since all of our food is mega expensive.

Thanks so much for any assistance you might have. Your 2 cents is worth a

million bucks:),


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nosleep4mommy <annegoggans@...> wrote:

>Hi friends, After almost 2years of being on a modified GAPS protocol for our

son's systemic candida, I now face lyme. I began to list out symptoms on the

GAPS support group and a friend there suggested I look into lyme. After reading

many sumptoms, we have nearly all of them between the two of us (my 4yo and I)

My husband, fortunatley is a little more resilient for now. I don't think he

has had it for life like I have...and now our son.


>As I type this the fatigue is crippeling. I seem to walk in circles all day

and fight the palpitations at night. I have a family to raise and a grain free

GAPS kid to cook for. A year ago I didn't have any symptoms except for being

scatter brained.


>Our son who is almost 5 is low energy and muscle response. Big circles under

the eyes, a little belly bloat (possibly still candida), temper and fear issues,

and now what seems to be air hunger with a little cough. he stretches his neck

up to the ceiling and then after a second has to get air. This is new as of a

month ago and no one can find any reason for it. When I saw it on a board, I

knew right away what we were in for and my heart sank.


>If anyone out there is healing a child, please drop me a line. I would love to

have some direction, as we brought this to KY from FL and no one here seems to

know a thing about lyme...as far as I have found.


>We also don't have the money for any expensive treatments. We have been on

this " spin the disease wheel " for 2 years now and we are now officially

broke....especially since all of our food is mega expensive.


>Thanks so much for any assistance you might have. Your 2 cents is worth a

million bucks:),




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> Hi friends, After almost 2years of being on a modified GAPS protocol for our

son's systemic candida, I now face lyme. I began to list out symptoms on the

GAPS support group and a friend there suggested I look into lyme. After reading

many sumptoms, we have nearly all of them between the two of us (my 4yo and I)

There are very few 'symptoms' that are specific for Lyme, and there is a huge

overlap with Candida and other problems. You cannot diagnose Lyme with a symptom

list, except for the very specific signs like EM and certain neuroborreliosis

problems. Even relatively simple stuff like vitB12 deficiency can easily cause

50 or so 'Lyme symptoms'.

If you and your family have a tick byte history I suggest getting a good Lyme

test (Western Blot from IgeneX, or PCR). Tests are not perfect, but pretty

reliable. Without a test, you may be treating the wrong problem and waste lots

of time and money on that.

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i have to disagree with how reliable Lyme testing is. even people with EM test

negative at least 30% of the time. And with the band pattern to be positive so

controversial i think it only helps, but is not something that should be used to

say someone does not have Lyme.


From: knot_weed <tek0nik@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: New...and just too tired to do this.

Date: Monday, January 3, 2011, 5:34 AM



> Hi friends, After almost 2years of being on a modified GAPS protocol for our

son's systemic candida, I now face lyme. I began to list out symptoms on the

GAPS support group and a friend there suggested I look into lyme. After reading

many sumptoms, we have nearly all of them between the two of us (my 4yo and I)

There are very few 'symptoms' that are specific for Lyme, and there is a huge

overlap with Candida and other problems. You cannot diagnose Lyme with a symptom

list, except for the very specific signs like EM and certain neuroborreliosis

problems. Even relatively simple stuff like vitB12 deficiency can easily cause

50 or so 'Lyme symptoms'.

If you and your family have a tick byte history I suggest getting a good Lyme

test (Western Blot from IgeneX, or PCR). Tests are not perfect, but pretty

reliable. Without a test, you may be treating the wrong problem and waste lots

of time and money on that.

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> i have to disagree with how reliable Lyme testing is. even people with EM test

negative at least 30% of the time.

yes, about 50% of infected patients test negative with the standard ()

tests for EM stage. But there is an obvious explanation for this large

percentage of 'false negatives' with EM. And I'm assuming we are not talking

about early lyme (EM or recent tick byte) in this case.

The immune system takes 4-8 weeks to develop a full response. Many people get

tested right after a tick byte, which is plain stupid (scientifically at least)

and skewes the numbers. The standard immune tests simply shouldn't be used (or

trusted) until 6-8 weeks after infection.

There is a group of patients that remain 'false negative' with test later

on (where Bb infection can be proven with PCR, culture or other tests), but this

is mostly due to immune problems and limitations of the standard test.

Many of these patients, assuming they are really infected, will test positive on

a good Western Blot.

> And with the band pattern to be positive so controversial i think it only

helps, but is not something that should be used to say someone does not have


The band patterns are not really controversial in a scientific sense, it is

mostly a political ('medical') issue.

If someone is really infected there will usually be multiple bands in the

western blot (again, assuming a competent lab). Maybe not 'CDC positive' but the

signs will be there to see. The number of 'false negatives' with a good Western

Blot, when testing at least 6-8 weeks after infection, is pretty low. Often

there is the remaining question if the infection is still active, but that is

another issue.

I'm not claiming that a negative test rules out Lyme. But the reverse, assuming

someone has lyme because of some general symptoms and despite a negative

(reliable) Lymetest, is at least as dangerous IMHO.

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i am interested in knowing how a governement supported health care system

has been positve or negative for you in regards to lyme since we here in the

US seem to be headed that direction and i am very concerned.


danielle :)

On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 9:50 PM, K M <leemo555@...> wrote:




> I have Lyme and so does my 3 yr old so..who dx is autism...After being sick

> since 2005..I found out 6 months ago I have chronic lyme....we have been on

> abx for 6 months and with herbs...looking into other treatment

> alternatives..frequency machines..etc...

> I am also looking into frequent dose chelation..in oral form..there is a

> group too...this may answer why he has ongoing candida..

> LLMD..they know alot about Lyme..your lucky to be in the USA..in

> Canada..Dr's here think it doesn't exist

> Diet is important ..but so is rest..you need to balance your rest to get

> better...provided you are doing treatment too..make sure you enlist the help

> of all friends and family..maybe they can cook a dish, peel veg, or whatever

> you need to lighten the load..I see somepost that they are better ..so thats

> what I hold onto...I am also a single parent...no near family...I hear your

> struggle...keep going...sign up for list serves..learn..never give up your

> hope...life is not over..just a challenge to overcome..peace..ttys Leanne


> < %40>

> From: annegoggans@... <annegoggans%40>

> Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 02:56:45 +0000

> Subject: [ ] New...and just too tired to do this.


> Hi friends, After almost 2years of being on a modified GAPS protocol for

> our son's systemic candida, I now face lyme. I began to list out symptoms on

> the GAPS support group and a friend there suggested I look into lyme. After

> reading many sumptoms, we have nearly all of them between the two of us (my

> 4yo and I) My husband, fortunatley is a little more resilient for now. I

> don't think he has had it for life like I have...and now our son.


> As I type this the fatigue is crippeling. I seem to walk in circles all day

> and fight the palpitations at night. I have a family to raise and a grain

> free GAPS kid to cook for. A year ago I didn't have any symptoms except for

> being scatter brained.


> Our son who is almost 5 is low energy and muscle response. Big circles

> under the eyes, a little belly bloat (possibly still candida), temper and

> fear issues, and now what seems to be air hunger with a little cough. he

> stretches his neck up to the ceiling and then after a second has to get air.

> This is new as of a month ago and no one can find any reason for it. When I

> saw it on a board, I knew right away what we were in for and my heart sank.


> If anyone out there is healing a child, please drop me a line. I would love

> to have some direction, as we brought this to KY from FL and no one here

> seems to know a thing about lyme...as far as I have found.


> We also don't have the money for any expensive treatments. We have been on

> this " spin the disease wheel " for 2 years now and we are now officially

> broke....especially since all of our food is mega expensive.


> Thanks so much for any assistance you might have. Your 2 cents is worth a

> million bucks:),


> Anne






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Well I think it has little to do with the system and alot to do with lack of

education about Lyme....here the infectious disease specialists are the only

ones to prescribe IV and only if you test positive...now here in Canada we have

a test for Lyme but it is extremely poor for detecting it...kinda like a quick

scan..so most all come up negative....so it wasn't helpful at all for us...you

have to get tested by Igenix to find out more. Here there are wait lists for

alot of medical tests and surgerys..and you cant skip a province to see anouther

Dr... but I would prefer this system over the US for the simple reason you do

not have to deal with snakey insurance companies...for the most part, unless

your getting add on medical care. However in the US if you have the cash you

can find someone..excellent or horrible to treat you..usually as faast as you

want. I really hope at some point really soon there will be a place very near

to everyone that detects treats Lyme without all the political BS...never got

that..still do not understand why it is such a huge debate...mind boggling.



> From: kndplus2@...

> Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2011 19:51:22 -0800

> Subject: Re: [ ] New...and just too tired to do this.


> KM,

> i am interested in knowing how a governement supported health care system

> has been positve or negative for you in regards to lyme since we here in the

> US seem to be headed that direction and i am very concerned.

> thanks,

> danielle :)


> On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 9:50 PM, K M <leemo555@...> wrote:


> >

> >

> >

> > I have Lyme and so does my 3 yr old so..who dx is autism...After being sick

> > since 2005..I found out 6 months ago I have chronic lyme....we have been on

> > abx for 6 months and with herbs...looking into other treatment

> > alternatives..frequency machines..etc...

> > I am also looking into frequent dose chelation..in oral form..there is a

> > group too...this may answer why he has ongoing candida..

> > LLMD..they know alot about Lyme..your lucky to be in the USA..in

> > Canada..Dr's here think it doesn't exist

> > Diet is important ..but so is rest..you need to balance your rest to get

> > better...provided you are doing treatment too..make sure you enlist the help

> > of all friends and family..maybe they can cook a dish, peel veg, or whatever

> > you need to lighten the load..I see somepost that they are better ..so thats

> > what I hold onto...I am also a single parent...no near family...I hear your

> > struggle...keep going...sign up for list serves..learn..never give up your

> > hope...life is not over..just a challenge to overcome..peace..ttys Leanne

> >

> > < %40>

> > From: annegoggans@... <annegoggans%40>

> > Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 02:56:45 +0000

> > Subject: [ ] New...and just too tired to do this.

> >

> > Hi friends, After almost 2years of being on a modified GAPS protocol for

> > our son's systemic candida, I now face lyme. I began to list out symptoms on

> > the GAPS support group and a friend there suggested I look into lyme. After

> > reading many sumptoms, we have nearly all of them between the two of us (my

> > 4yo and I) My husband, fortunatley is a little more resilient for now. I

> > don't think he has had it for life like I have...and now our son.

> >

> > As I type this the fatigue is crippeling. I seem to walk in circles all day

> > and fight the palpitations at night. I have a family to raise and a grain

> > free GAPS kid to cook for. A year ago I didn't have any symptoms except for

> > being scatter brained.

> >

> > Our son who is almost 5 is low energy and muscle response. Big circles

> > under the eyes, a little belly bloat (possibly still candida), temper and

> > fear issues, and now what seems to be air hunger with a little cough. he

> > stretches his neck up to the ceiling and then after a second has to get air.

> > This is new as of a month ago and no one can find any reason for it. When I

> > saw it on a board, I knew right away what we were in for and my heart sank.

> >

> > If anyone out there is healing a child, please drop me a line. I would love

> > to have some direction, as we brought this to KY from FL and no one here

> > seems to know a thing about lyme...as far as I have found.

> >

> > We also don't have the money for any expensive treatments. We have been on

> > this " spin the disease wheel " for 2 years now and we are now officially

> > broke....especially since all of our food is mega expensive.

> >

> > Thanks so much for any assistance you might have. Your 2 cents is worth a

> > million bucks:),

> >

> > Anne

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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> KM,

> i am interested in knowing how a governement supported health care system

> has been positve or negative for you in regards to lyme since we here in the

> US seem to be headed that direction and i am very concerned.

> thanks,

don't expect any good from that ...

I'm from the Netherlands where everyone (including people who don't pay the

mandatory health insurance or taxes) is entitled to 'unlimited free healthcare'.

You need extra insurance here for certain medical procedures/services that are

considered 'luxury' or non-essential from a medical point of view.

From what I understand, much of Obama's healthcare plan is based on the

experience in the Netherlands. But it looks like they have been wrongly informed

about the costs and the benefits of the Dutch system. Spending is totally out of

control here as well, and has been growing by 10-20% a year or so for many

years, while more and more services are excluded from coverage.

Some forms of alternative medicine (e.g. acupuncture) are partly paid for if you

have extra insurance, but in practice the 'free healthcare' is very effective in

elimination alternative medicine because most people have to pay for that out of


Despite the 'free healthcare' you are lucky if you can get an ABX prescription

of more than 2 weeks for Lyme. If you want a reliable test (Western Blot, PCR

etc.) instead of the basic , you often have to pay out of pocket. Negative

test = no treatment, and chronic lymies are totally out of luck because

according to the medical community chronic lyme does not exist.

While ABX are used in huge quantities for farm animals, you cannot even buy some

ABX for selftreatment if you want to pay for it out of pocket (well, you can if

you order them over the internet from another country, or if you know a vet


Most of the Lyme patients here who are treated by a medical doctor (instead of

self-treating) go to doctors outside the country, e.g. in Germany or former

Eastern Block countries where they don't follow all the stupid IDSA ideas about

Lyme disease...

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thank you both for you experiences! i consider myself extremely lucky in

regards to my healthcare plan. before i knew i had lyme i had all the

" bizarre and unexplainable symptoms " so i was denied 2 years in a row for

insurance, however here in california they sent a letter with my denial that

stated i could apply for MRIP (major risk medical program) that was state

funded through the tobacco tax. i applied and was instantly accepted, even

tho my monthly payment is high $550/month all my antibiotics have been

covered no problem for 2 years, my ER visits, MRI, CAT scans, all bloodwork,

and tons of other testing that my integrative (nonlyme) dr. tests me for

like hormones, candida, ect. i do pay out of pocket for my llmd appt. but

she is a ILADS trained naturopath and i pay about $165 per visit every 8-12

weeks so that is resonable considering some of the amounts i have heard

others paying their llmd. i am coming on my 2nd year of antibiotics and have

responded very well and am trying to educate myself on buhner and any other

alternative that my body will respond well to cuz i would really love to get

off antibiotics.

thanks again,

danielle :)

On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 8:08 PM, K M <leemo555@...> wrote:




> Well I think it has little to do with the system and alot to do with lack

> of education about Lyme....here the infectious disease specialists are the

> only ones to prescribe IV and only if you test positive...now here in Canada

> we have a test for Lyme but it is extremely poor for detecting it...kinda

> like a quick scan..so most all come up negative....so it wasn't helpful at

> all for us...you have to get tested by Igenix to find out more. Here there

> are wait lists for alot of medical tests and surgerys..and you cant skip a

> province to see anouther Dr... but I would prefer this system over the US

> for the simple reason you do not have to deal with snakey insurance

> companies...for the most part, unless your getting add on medical care.

> However in the US if you have the cash you can find someone..excellent or

> horrible to treat you..usually as faast as you want. I really hope at some

> point really soon there will be a place very near to everyone that detects

> treats Lyme without all the political BS...never got that..still do not

> understand why it is such a huge debate...mind boggling.

> Leanne

> > < %40>

> > From: kndplus2@... <kndplus2%40gmail.com>

> > Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2011 19:51:22 -0800

> > Subject: Re: [ ] New...and just too tired to do this.


> >

> > KM,

> > i am interested in knowing how a governement supported health care system

> > has been positve or negative for you in regards to lyme since we here in

> the

> > US seem to be headed that direction and i am very concerned.

> > thanks,

> > danielle :)

> >

> > On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 9:50 PM, K M


> wrote:

> >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I have Lyme and so does my 3 yr old so..who dx is autism...After being

> sick

> > > since 2005..I found out 6 months ago I have chronic lyme....we have

> been on

> > > abx for 6 months and with herbs...looking into other treatment

> > > alternatives..frequency machines..etc...

> > > I am also looking into frequent dose chelation..in oral form..there is

> a

> > > group too...this may answer why he has ongoing candida..

> > > LLMD..they know alot about Lyme..your lucky to be in the USA..in

> > > Canada..Dr's here think it doesn't exist

> > > Diet is important ..but so is rest..you need to balance your rest to

> get

> > > better...provided you are doing treatment too..make sure you enlist the

> help

> > > of all friends and family..maybe they can cook a dish, peel veg, or

> whatever

> > > you need to lighten the load..I see somepost that they are better ..so

> thats

> > > what I hold onto...I am also a single parent...no near family...I hear

> your

> > > struggle...keep going...sign up for list serves..learn..never give up

> your

> > > hope...life is not over..just a challenge to overcome..peace..ttys

> Leanne

> > >

> > > To:

< %40><Lyme_Aid_Buhn\


> 40>

> > > From: annegoggans@... <annegoggans%40> <annegoggans%

> 40>


> > > Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 02:56:45 +0000

> > > Subject: [ ] New...and just too tired to do this.

> > >

> > > Hi friends, After almost 2years of being on a modified GAPS protocol

> for

> > > our son's systemic candida, I now face lyme. I began to list out

> symptoms on

> > > the GAPS support group and a friend there suggested I look into lyme.

> After

> > > reading many sumptoms, we have nearly all of them between the two of us

> (my

> > > 4yo and I) My husband, fortunatley is a little more resilient for now.

> I

> > > don't think he has had it for life like I have...and now our son.

> > >

> > > As I type this the fatigue is crippeling. I seem to walk in circles all

> day

> > > and fight the palpitations at night. I have a family to raise and a

> grain

> > > free GAPS kid to cook for. A year ago I didn't have any symptoms except

> for

> > > being scatter brained.

> > >

> > > Our son who is almost 5 is low energy and muscle response. Big circles

> > > under the eyes, a little belly bloat (possibly still candida), temper

> and

> > > fear issues, and now what seems to be air hunger with a little cough.

> he

> > > stretches his neck up to the ceiling and then after a second has to get

> air.

> > > This is new as of a month ago and no one can find any reason for it.

> When I

> > > saw it on a board, I knew right away what we were in for and my heart

> sank.

> > >

> > > If anyone out there is healing a child, please drop me a line. I would

> love

> > > to have some direction, as we brought this to KY from FL and no one

> here

> > > seems to know a thing about lyme...as far as I have found.

> > >

> > > We also don't have the money for any expensive treatments. We have been

> on

> > > this " spin the disease wheel " for 2 years now and we are now officially

> > > broke....especially since all of our food is mega expensive.

> > >

> > > Thanks so much for any assistance you might have. Your 2 cents is worth

> a

> > > million bucks:),

> > >

> > > Anne

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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You seem to be in good company (unfortunately). My husband contracted this

from me when we were young and then I gave this to our daughter despite

treatment during pregnancy and she was diagnosed with autism at 2 along with

congenital Lyme by Dr. . We're lucky to live in NYS. We see a very good

LLMD. That said, I was so sick and untreated for so long, that I'm still

struggling BUT I can get out of bed, go shopping and spend time with my

daughter who is now 6 (in a couple of weeks). She is almost recovered from

her autism but if we cut back on her abx, she slides backward into the

autism. All of her symptoms are apparently neurological... I guess since we

caught it just as it was showing physical signs at 2? Before that, she

seemed fine and tests were all neg but we still were on the lookout.

I feel your pain although to not have treatment from a LLMD... The hopeless

feeling must be overwhelming to say the least. There has got to be some

other Lymies in your area who can help. I would do both abx and herbal at

least at first. The air hunger sounds like your son has babesia too.

Horrible feeling. Sounds like he needs a very good quality probiotic and

maybe the gluten free casein free diet. My daughter has been on that diet

since she was two... just found out she is very allergic to dairy so it was

a good call. I find it dramatically reduces hyper/difficult/unfocused


Hang in there. Email me privately if you like anytime. I try to read the

list when I can, but as you know it is hard to do everything I'd like to do.

We hope to start our daughter on the Buhner protocol to get her off the abx,

but I'm waiting for a response from Buhner as to how much of the liquid to

give her! The automated message said he is swamped with emails.


On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 9:56 PM, nosleep4mommy <annegoggans@...> wrote:



> Hi friends, After almost 2years of being on a modified GAPS protocol for

> our son's systemic candida, I now face lyme. I began to list out symptoms on

> the GAPS support group and a friend there suggested I look into lyme. After

> reading many sumptoms, we have nearly all of them between the two of us (my

> 4yo and I) My husband, fortunatley is a little more resilient for now. I

> don't think he has had it for life like I have...and now our son.


> As I type this the fatigue is crippeling. I seem to walk in circles all day

> and fight the palpitations at night. I have a family to raise and a grain

> free GAPS kid to cook for. A year ago I didn't have any symptoms except for

> being scatter brained.


> Our son who is almost 5 is low energy and muscle response. Big circles

> under the eyes, a little belly bloat (possibly still candida), temper and

> fear issues, and now what seems to be air hunger with a little cough. he

> stretches his neck up to the ceiling and then after a second has to get air.

> This is new as of a month ago and no one can find any reason for it. When I

> saw it on a board, I knew right away what we were in for and my heart sank.


> If anyone out there is healing a child, please drop me a line. I would love

> to have some direction, as we brought this to KY from FL and no one here

> seems to know a thing about lyme...as far as I have found.


> We also don't have the money for any expensive treatments. We have been on

> this " spin the disease wheel " for 2 years now and we are now officially

> broke....especially since all of our food is mega expensive.


> Thanks so much for any assistance you might have. Your 2 cents is worth a

> million bucks:),


> Anne




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From my limited experience I'd have to say that the Australian system is

excellent, particularly after living in the U.S. for 16 years and trying to have

a case of Chronic Lyme recognised by infectious disease specialists and

researchers at Stoney Brook University.Ironically, I've found a Australian

doctor who's willing to have a go at Lyme (Montauk Knee in my case). All ABX are

subsidised under our national health care system. Drs visits and tests (

innaccurate as they are here) are free and billed directly to the Govt.

Additonal private health coverage costs about $80 a month and covers

Naturopaths, dental work, gym membership subsidies etc. Working adults who earn

over $35,000 a year pay a medicare levy of about $700 but this is still cheaper

than factoring in the cost of employer contributions reduction of net incomes in

the States. I.E. that if you paid a reasonable levy thrpough taxation the

employer's monthly contributions would end up in your pay packet. I would've

been in far worse shape financially and set adrift diagnostically if I still

lived in NY. I can't believe that the Americans are complaining about something

that country's been sorely needing for decades. Having lived under both systems

it just doesn't make any sense.


> >

> > KM,

> > i am interested in knowing how a governement supported health care system

> > has been positve or negative for you in regards to lyme since we here in the

> > US seem to be headed that direction and i am very concerned.

> > thanks,


> don't expect any good from that ...


> I'm from the Netherlands where everyone (including people who don't pay the

mandatory health insurance or taxes) is entitled to 'unlimited free healthcare'.

You need extra insurance here for certain medical procedures/services that are

considered 'luxury' or non-essential from a medical point of view.


> From what I understand, much of Obama's healthcare plan is based on the

experience in the Netherlands. But it looks like they have been wrongly informed

about the costs and the benefits of the Dutch system. Spending is totally out of

control here as well, and has been growing by 10-20% a year or so for many

years, while more and more services are excluded from coverage.


> Some forms of alternative medicine (e.g. acupuncture) are partly paid for if

you have extra insurance, but in practice the 'free healthcare' is very

effective in elimination alternative medicine because most people have to pay

for that out of pocket.


> Despite the 'free healthcare' you are lucky if you can get an ABX prescription

of more than 2 weeks for Lyme. If you want a reliable test (Western Blot, PCR

etc.) instead of the basic , you often have to pay out of pocket. Negative

test = no treatment, and chronic lymies are totally out of luck because

according to the medical community chronic lyme does not exist.


> While ABX are used in huge quantities for farm animals, you cannot even buy

some ABX for selftreatment if you want to pay for it out of pocket (well, you

can if you order them over the internet from another country, or if you know a

vet ...).


> Most of the Lyme patients here who are treated by a medical doctor (instead of

self-treating) go to doctors outside the country, e.g. in Germany or former

Eastern Block countries where they don't follow all the stupid IDSA ideas about

Lyme disease...


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> From my limited experience I'd have to say that the Australian system is

excellent, particularly after living in the U.S. for 16 years and trying to have

a case of Chronic Lyme recognised by infectious disease specialists and

researchers at Stoney Brook University.Ironically, I've found a Australian

doctor who's willing to have a go at Lyme (Montauk Knee in my case).

interesting ... isn't Australia the country that denies Lyme exists there (i.e.

you cannot get infected in Oz), despite plenty of evidence to the contrary? The

financial side of the healthcare system sounds attractive; if they don't have

the strict treatment rules of the US and many EU countries regarding Lyme, maybe

it works better in practice?

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There are a handful of doctors here who treat according to ILADS guidelines

based on clinical diagnosis, which is no small miracle. Having sought diagnosis

and treatment under both the U.S. and Australian systems I'm glad that I'm now

working with the latter.

Just couple of extra points:Out of pocket expenses incurred through our free

medical system are capped at around $587 a year, from a memory, with an 85%

subsidy applying thereafter. A course of Minocycline currently costs about $30

compared to $70 U.S. for two weeks worth of Doxy in New York in 1993. Public

Hospital treatment is free, without asset testing. Our Medicare system seems to

support ILADS treatment protocols. Lastly, the veterinary community has

acknowledged Lyme disease's presence in Australia for quite some time. Our

medical community is hampered by the IDSA and CDC guidelines, which need to be

fixed Stateside.


> >

> > From my limited experience I'd have to say that the Australian system is

excellent, particularly after living in the U.S. for 16 years and trying to have

a case of Chronic Lyme recognised by infectious disease specialists and

researchers at Stoney Brook University.Ironically, I've found a Australian

doctor who's willing to have a go at Lyme (Montauk Knee in my case).


> interesting ... isn't Australia the country that denies Lyme exists there

(i.e. you cannot get infected in Oz), despite plenty of evidence to the

contrary? The financial side of the healthcare system sounds attractive; if

they don't have the strict treatment rules of the US and many EU countries

regarding Lyme, maybe it works better in practice?


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