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Indigo Children: Meeting The Holopraphic Child

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Indigo Children: Meeting the Holographic Child By Salandra through Carmen Dorsey Indigo Children: Meeting the Holographic Child The New millenium has shown us many differences between the young people of today and older people of a past generation. These differences have created confusion and difficulty in relationships between parents and children, older and younger co-workers, teachers and students and so on. Where can we begin to heal a division that never existed on the planet before? Our young people are dealing with very real issues of violence and rage, drug addiction, suicidal tendencies and depression. Most institutions have not been able to help. We watch explosive outbursts of rage in our families and schools. We worry about safe environments for our children and wonder if there is a solution. Many are beginning to learn how to nurture our children in a new way that will not only help the Earth and its citizens evolve, but also promote a safe and spiritual atmosphere where children of the twenty-first century will flourish. Our children process

information in a different manner than most adults have in the past. We who have been programmed to be linear thinkers have always solved problems in a linear progression. When young people are faced with a problem, they experience their thoughts simaltaneously. Information from many dimensions enters their minds rapidly and all at once. Why is this observation necessary in understanding ways to improve our relationships with the children of today and the future? Our awareness and acceptance of how children process information is not only helpful and soothing to our young people, it can at times mean the difference between life and death. Let us study six facets of a brand-new species that has come to the planet. With our hearts and minds open to these children, we will find many strategies for improving our educational systems, medical systems and personal family relationships. As we become aware of what our

children have come here to teach us, we will be able to unravel the mystery of ascension by following their example. This will lead us to safer, more loving and enriching environments and enlightenment for all. SIX FACETS OF THE HOLOGRAPHIC CHILD 1. Easy Travel across the Veil : One of the most exciting capabilities the new human being is bringing to Mother Earth is multidimensionality. For the new child, movement through each dimension is natural and easy. The child might have "imaginary" friends who are true companions, relationships with family members who have passed on, angels of many different dimensions or star structures who are guiding and relating to the child. There is a negative aspect to this ability. If the child gets depressed and frustrated, the desire to cross the veil can turn into a very strong, seductive force that can lure the child across

.... to a place where many souls who have passed on reside. This might become a comfortable place for the child to dwell. The child might find it easier to live among the nonliving that to deal with the loneliness of being grounded in the body. In this comfort, the child might choose to leave this life rather than stay and complete his or her purpose - sort of already being on that side and taking the last step by simply cutting off his or her oxygen. Children who indulge in self-mutilation are usually staying on that side and cut themselves as they say it helps them feel alive. This act of cutting oneself helps them release some of their pain. Most children know very well where they are abiding but do not see another way to cope. Hope is the solution to this condition. For those working with depressed children, a simple exercise that teachres the child to look up with the eyes can be very helpful. This is not a metaphor for being hopeful - focusing the eyes in an upward glance is actually a true physical strategy. This effort results in a pulling off the life force more toward the Earth plane, providing stronger feelings of hope and optimism. There are many healers who already share this knowledge and could be working with young people suffering from depression. The fear of appearing eccentric or even irresponsible in seeking alternative therapies to help their children keeps parents from seeking answers to their children's problems other than in traditional settings. Fear stops parents, educators and the media from embracing spiritual and New Age philosophies for healing. How sad! Unfortunately, the adult population's lack of understanding of the problem can lead to a lack of hope in children who are already depressed. Consequently, this lack of hope increases the seduction to the other side as a healthy fear of death is replaced with apathy. The child or teen no longer cares about staying on this side of the veil. As mentioned earlier, symptoms such as self-mutilation or suicidal attempts can occur as a way of feeling alive or calling out to someone. Learning to help children feel alive and enthusiastic for life is the difficult task of the parent, counselor or teacher. But when children learn healthy ways of feeling enthusiasm for being on the Earth, they can begin to trust beings on the Earth plane and find his or her own purpose for being here. As human beings continue to evolve spiritually, it is hoped that many will understand this wonderful gift of easy accesss afforded to the new human being and will be able to serve as guides for our children through this challenging ability. 2. Rage vs. Empowerment: A common symptom of discomfort in the new child is a physical rage that lies just beneath the surface of his or her manifested personality. Medications seem to be the partial answer to this problem. For many children, the ability to be less in pain and more in control is as

welcome to the child as to the adults who are around the child. As the relief of symptoms is provided for, children can then go on to work with the causes of such aggression...hopefully then giving up the need for medication. An understanding of rage is essential for the healing process, both for Mother Earth and her inhabitants. Children sometimes react and sometimes attack for a reason. These verbal and sometimes physical attacks create a difficult atmosphere for adults responsible for their own children's or society's children as a whole. How many adults are willing to endure the cutting open of their souls by the young so that the negative ways of thinking that stifle the adults own growth can surface? If we agree that the child must live in a holographic manner in order to exist, we can see that any threat to this existence will be met with rebellion and even violence. Most rage is an emotional reaction to the person in authority who is

trying to force a linear model of behaviour on the child. And the more abusive and repressive the force, the more rage that will be encountered. There is an excessive drainage of the child's power when he or she is manipulated into submission. The adult's lack of communication usually manifests as a wall of emotional blocks. The adult person whp puts up these blocks does so becuase of judgement and fear of the child's rage. The child loses power as the adult tries to manipulate the child into behaving in a way more acceptable to the old style of relationships. Changing our behaviour pattern to one that totally respects our children's knowledge and power comes from the depths of reason, yet it is so difficult for us to transmute that reason into bodily understanding. Of course, discipline is necessary for human beings to survive. How can this be accomplished if children will have none of it? The answer is so simple. Children welcome discipline

when accompanied by humility and respect and actually provides much-needed direction to our young. The child is not seeking an escape from responsibility, the child simply will not be forced into submission, for he or she knows on some level that blind submission does not meet the needs of our society and certainly is in direct conflict with the ascension process. There are new facilities developing throughout the world that honor the vital need for respect that our young models of ascension require. Family paradigms are changing to ones that endorse treatment of all members of the family with equal respect. Linear measuremets of age or financial power are being replaced with the knowledge that all members of the family are equal and have something important to contribute. Using mild approaches of peaceful acceptance and abandoning enforcement of rigid rules of conduct can help change the rage into empowerment,

which the child can use to co-create a life filled with meaning and purpose. Those healers and parents working with our new children will actually share in this power and find healing for themselves. 3. Psychic Ability: Most young people can discern the honesty and character of other people. This ability comes from the fact that the new children function as a group rather than as individuals. They are coming in as group souls. This is an amazing observation, for it would certainly seem otherwise. But careful examination of the dynamics of relationships among this generation reveals that most children can tell innately if someone is working in their best interests. When a child expresses intuition, adults can honor and respect that true gift. Encouraging the child to trust his or her intuition is powerful; it puts that child in touch with his or her spiritual guides. Our young

people can watch as we manipulate, lecture and predict doom and laugh to themselves for they know better. Adults in spiritual relation with the younger generation can affirm that an interactive sharing of feelings coupled with an honest approach is the only sharing that will be accepted by our children. Many of us fear this, for we see it as making us vulnerable, opening us to our own shortcomings. Nothing could be further from the truth. Trust is one of the greatest gifts that young people are willing to bestow on the brave. And in being trusted for our integrity, we shall be brought closer to that dimension of ourselves that we deem holy. 4. Approaching Tasks in a Nonlinear Fashion: The holographic child has come to the Earth plane in order to change the structure of all our systems. A study of chakra healing reveals that the child's sense of wellbeing radiates at the Earth and

sacral (first and second) chakras. These two energy centers deal primarily with the physical world. This child will exhibit symptoms of impatience aand hostility if forced to listen to detailed instruction and long tedious explanations- the reason being that those two chakras are being forced to close by the instructor. What is thought of as rebellion is simply a reaction to the threat of losing their energy due to the instructor's lack of understanding in teaching the new child. It is important to note that this talent for mechanical and physical manipulation of the material plane is to a much more expanded degree than that of fifty years ago. What is different about this generation is that these young persons actually carry blueprints for technological advancement and societal changes in their energy body - again, not just a knack for mechanics or a preference for hands-on activity. This gift is built into the child's systems, enabling him or

her to build new structures while being pulsed from a sixth-dimensional geometry right through their hands. Technology will expand exponentially as our children become adults. Most of the design and technological abilities of the younger population can cause them to be very intolerant of slow, methodical procedures. They absolutely refuse help or instruction, especially if it is written. Such frustration can arise in a parent or teacher who cannot get very intelligetn children to work with paper or pencil, unless in a solely creative venture. Reduction of anger and frustration can be achieved directly as these young people show us the way to a world that eliminates the need for excess paperwork and inefficient means of communication. 5. Karma vs. Ascension: Many healers have written about the Earth's aascension to a higher vibration. The holographic child has come to assist in

this transition. Those who are here have shown love for the earth and for humankind in general. What is missing is a simple processing of negative karma with other people. An absence of this kind of processing seems to the observer to be a lack of commitment to others, but being beyond the earthly dimensions (as the new children are) requires a different energy and purpose. The child resists the imposition of of anyone else's prescription for proper behaviour. The new child is not here to improve his or her individual relationships, but to improve the functioning of the human being at this new energy level. Love is already at the soul of the purpose, so it does not need to be dealt with as an individual issue. The person working with the child has a greater responsibility, and that is to learn about the relationship of the child with his or her own spiritual world and higher self. Most highly evolved and spiritually minded human beings have

already learned the need for love. What we all need to learn now is to function as a group. This is a very different behaviour, for there will be no completion of task and no true healing if a person still continues to function in isolation. This is not poetic theory. Today's lessons involve learning practical methods for serving in the new energy. Everything will be a group effort. There will be no heroes. Many of us are appalled at the lack of respect that young ones have for authority. Yet there exists not a lack of respect for adults, but a different interpretation, for children actually do not see anyone as being in authority - they view human beings as functioning together as one. We are like as group of people learning to function while chained together. No one can work on his or her own for very long if the group is going to discover new strategies for survival. This behaviour may seem bizarre to the adult,

but parents and helpers can obtain practical information from the child. By being in touch with the child's spiritual dimension the healer will become more of a learner than a teacher. Spirit guides will speak to the healer with prescriptions for healthy new behaviours. How wonderful it will be when the parents of the child can do the same! Parents will be able to walk their children back from such tragic errors in judgement as drug addiction, violence and so on, as they learn spiritual truth and obtain spiritual direction from the child's guides. 6. Attention Deficit Disorder or Multidimensional? Watch televison tonight as a short experiment. Sound funny? Not really! Many new programs for the young use short takes; they cut from new scene to new scene and back, to new scene and back, to new scene. This is a wonderful manifestation of how the child moves through reality. Children whose thoughts move at this rate are usually diagnosed with attention deficit disorder when observed through a third-dimensional viewpoint. But in reality, the child is ony accessing other dimensions. This can be done by quantum impulses. To stay on the Earth plane and

proceed from one step to another is not viable for our youth. To survive energetically as much larger beings, children must be privy to all dimensions so that they will fulfill their purpose. Remember, we have been told ascension means that the human being will not be getting as much energetic help from other dimensions, especially in the natural world. The ascended human will be much more self-sufficient and responsible for becoming much more independent energetically. Many people complain of fatigue and weakness becuase they have not yet learned how to supply their own energy. Our children will show us how to do this. How can we help children diagnosed with attention deficit? We must learn to move at their rhythym. There is a new rhythym being introduced to the Earth plane by sixth-dimensional builders. It will be very evident eventually, that most children with this diagnosis are a newly evolved species coming to change the sound and rhythym

of the planet. These children feel pain if they move too slowly through their thoughts. As we learn their new rhythym,their pain and our fatigue will disappear. As we learn from and accept the new child, we will heal and the Earth will ascend. EPILOGUE Finding solutions to the problems inherent in our society's relationship to its children can be facilitated by the human being's expanded consciousness of the previously mentioned facets of the holographic child. Discussions such as this one help us to access practical strategies that will improve our relationship with our younger generations. Listening to our children without judgement is the first step toward this new consciousness. This article first appeared in the Sedona Journal of Emeregence, August 2001 edition.Tell me and I'll forget Show me and I may

remember Involve me and I'll understandsending healing and soulful messages from the angels of mystic I'm following the rainbow of lovewritten by jenny'smedicine man

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