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Happy Thanksgiving

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Hi everyone,

I sat here at my computer tonight after cooking 2 apple pies 2 banana

cream pies and other goodies for tomorrow (were going to my in-laws

and my sister's so I had to cook for both) and thought to my self we

all have so much to be grateful for this year. I'd like to share my

thoughts that come from my heart with you.

I'm thankful for the CHERAB Foundation for I found it when I needed

it most.

I'm thankful for all the new friends I have made here and the new

ones I will make.

I'm thankful for the gift the Headquarters Plaza is bestowing on us

this December 5th by honoring the CHERAB Foundation and our children

at the Christmas Tree Lighting.

I'm thankful for EFA's and what they have done for my son and so many

other children on this list.

I'm thankful for the research Dr. Katz is heading so we can help so

many more.

I'm thankful for the upcoming meeting with Congressman Mike Ferguson

that my husband and I will attend with Dr. Katz where we will discuss

issues about our children and CHERAB and the opportunities this will

bring to all our families.

I'm thankful for stopping off at

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I am thankful for everything I have. Thankful that by the grace of

God I was born in this country, where I can say " Thank You " to Him. I

don't usually pass on emails, but this I thought I'd share:

If you have food in the refrigerator,

clothes on your back, a roof

overhead and a place to sleep ... you

are richer than 75% of this world.

If you have money in the

bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a

dish someplace ... you

are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy.

If you woke up this morning with more health

than illness ... you are more blessed than

the million who will not survive this week.

If you have never experienced the danger of

battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the

agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation...

you are ahead of 500 million people in the world.

If you can attend a church meeting without fear

of harassment, arrest, torture, or death ... you

are more blessed than three billion people in the


If your parents are still alive and still married ...

you are very rare, even in the United States.

If you hold up your head with a smile

on your face and are truly

thankful ... you are blessed because the

majority can, but most do not.

If you can hold someone's

hand, hug them or even touch them on the

shoulder ... you are blessed

because you can offer healing touch.

If you can read this

message, you just received a double blessing in

that someone was thinking of you, and furthermore,

you are more blessed than over two billion people

in the world that cannot read at all.

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Thanks a....Happy Thanksgiving to all my RA friends....


Check out my website at: http://www.geocities.com/callyanne21/

>From: " a " <paula54@...>


>< >

>Subject: [ ] Happy Thanksgiving

>Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 11:10:02 -0800


>Happy Thanksgiving to all. My heart goes out for those who will have empty

>seats at their Thanksgiving dinner table. I know the sadness it brings to

>those who lost a loved one during the tragic events of September 11th, and

>also to those that have lost someone for any reason. It will be difficult

>for those to give thanks through the tears. The holidays are always the



>For those that have family and friends in the military, be proud that your

>loved ones are helping a nation regain freedom. As the men shave the

>mandatory beards, the woman need not fear whippings from the taliban for

>showing their faces. Television is on again after 5 years of silence.


>smile. They have hope.


>These last few months have put many things into perspective. Friendship


>loved ones have become more sacred. I believe that our country has a

>renewed appreciation for the word freedom. We all have so much to be

>thankful for.

>My blessings to all my RA friends. May your day be full of love and empty

>of pain.





>I meant to send this link days ago, but fibro fog set in:

> http://www.localpics.com/thanksgiving1.htm









Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp

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Dear a:

I hope your Thanksgiving was a good one. Your email that you wrote really

hit home with me. I have lost several family members the last one in May, my

sister-in-law, June. There were many times we were all together, and I have

those memories. The death of June is still very hard to deal with since it

is still fresh in my mind yet, and plus since she was so healthy till

scleraderma hit.

I pray that everyone had a good Thanksgiving or if they didn't I hope that

they have good memories like I have. Although, I have to count my blessings,

my Dad and I had a nice Thanksgiving even though it was only the two of us.

I don't know what I would do without him. Yet someday I know that, that will

be so.

My prayers go out to everyone that we all will have better days. Special

prayers for those who lost someone on Sept 11th. I lost one of my best

friends, and her husband, who was on flight 93.

Their names are and Don . I miss them terribly. Well, I guess

this hasn't been the best of years. Somehow, I know I have to be strong and

I am trying to. Thank you all, for all your help in the past.

Sincerely, Colletti


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Thank you, I did have a nice Thanksgiving. My table was full and for that I am


I know how much you mourn the loss of June. This has been such a year of loss

for you.

I'm sure you will be happy to see it end. Your memories of Don and June


always be with you. I hope the happy memories of the times you had with them


you strength.

May you have many many more Thanksgiving dinners to share with your dad.



Re: [ ] Happy Thanksgiving

Dear a:

I hope your Thanksgiving was a good one. Your email that you wrote really

hit home with me. I have lost several family members the last one in May, my

sister-in-law, June. There were many times we were all together, and I have

those memories. The death of June is still very hard to deal with since it

is still fresh in my mind yet, and plus since she was so healthy till

scleraderma hit.

I pray that everyone had a good Thanksgiving or if they didn't I hope that

they have good memories like I have. Although, I have to count my blessings,

my Dad and I had a nice Thanksgiving even though it was only the two of us.

I don't know what I would do without him. Yet someday I know that, that will

be so.

My prayers go out to everyone that we all will have better days. Special

prayers for those who lost someone on Sept 11th. I lost one of my best

friends, and her husband, who was on flight 93.

Their names are and Don . I miss them terribly. Well, I guess

this hasn't been the best of years. Somehow, I know I have to be strong and

I am trying to. Thank you all, for all your help in the past.

Sincerely, Colletti


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  • 1 year later...
  • 5 years later...

Whew!  Matt, for a minute there, I thought you were serious.  I should have know

you were kidding when you thought I was a guy , and when you thought I would

smoke  " medical "   marijuana, that stuff is not good........Bobby


From: Kristie Skipper <skipper3@...>

Subject: [ ] Happy Thanksgiving

Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2008, 10:19 PM

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

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Gratitude is born in hearts that take time to count up past mercies.

~ E. Jefferson

I love this quote because I find it so true.

Life presents us with many choices in so many areas of our lives. We

often make just the right choice for our present circumstance, and

often simply think of it as luck. Then, there are times when we make

a wrong choice. We miss calculate and we make a mistake. We are then

devastated, and it tears away at us because we are at a loss of how

to make right what has gone so wrong. Sometimes, despite our intense

efforts, there simply is no answer at our disposal, and we must go on

and do the best we can hoping to never repeat such a mistake again.

Such an experience can break us inwardly until we learn to gentle

ourselves…toward ourselves, and realize that our humanness brings us

so many hidden gifts. A profound breaking can often be the most

profound gift for our hungry and longing heart.

Pain often drives us to want to look inward with a much more honest

look. There, we begin to discover a deeper well within us. Dietrich

Bonhoeffer wrote, " In ordinary life we hardly realize that we receive

a great deal more than we give, and that it is only with gratitude

that life becomes rich. "

An inward look of honesty brings a heart of gratitude because we

begin to realize a deeper meaning and purpose to our life. We realize

indeed that we want to change, that we want to grow, that we want to

mature out of our childish ways into mature men and women. We are

thankful that the generosity of life places people into our lives

that love us and accept us simply for who we are.

It is very sad when you meet a person who has never been able to

allow the breaking of life to gentle them. No time seems to be given

to look at ones inward landscape with an honest eye and without fear,

but rather they choose to project blame, criticism, and anger towards

others which only serves to intensify their own anger as their ego of

victim-hood goes on a rampage. Their minds become cloudy and

diseased, having forgotten how to be truly thankful and grateful for

the life that they have been given, and for the people that have been

placed in their lives. I wish for those people an awareness of a more

gentle and more forgiving nature so that they may be able to find

peace for themselves once more.

This Thanksgiving season, one is so mindful again of the freedom that

the western countries still enjoy. Thankfulness abounds in our hearts

as America continues to enjoy her freedom in spite of the onslaught

of hatred from those who envy that freedom and therefore want to

attack and destroy it.

I am also mindful of the soldiers who bravely fight and die for this

freedom that we hold so close and dear to our hearts. Freedom does

not just happen but is earned through the dedication and love of our

countrymen. It gives its people the many options to become who they

would like to be. It gives avenues of expression that those who live

in countries that are led by tyrants, could not even imagine would be


In thankfulness, we acknowledge the great opportunity of education.

One is grateful that our children are still free to obtain a

meaningful and lasting education, whether that education comes from

our public schools or from other avenues a parent might choose. This

advantage is a direct by-product of a free society and should never

be taken for granted. Many foreigners come to our land to obtain an

excellent education which broadens their own opportunities. One is

thankful that we have the freedom to read any literature available in

our many libraries and book stores, without any fear of reprisal.

America is the home of many beliefs and numerous religions. One can

only be thankful that the search for " truth " is an option open to all

who desire it. We are free to worship God, the God of Love that is,

in any form we desire. With that search for " truth " comes a desire to

change oneself. To grow through self-honesty and to become kinder to

those with whom we are in contact is a direct by-product of such an

honorable search. The search for " truth " brings great responsibility,

for truth will demand growth and change, be it on a personal level or

on a national or global level. It will bring mankind into greater

awareness of all that is still possible and within our reach.

This Thanksgiving, I am deeply grateful for many things. Daily, I am

reminded of how blessed I am to have my family. Daily, I recognize

that people are sent into our lives for reasons, and I feel

profoundly thankful for each and every one of them. Most of all, I am

thankful for the grace that helps us to look inward, and to allow our

thankful hearts to be transformed into a life of gratitude.

As we sat at our Thanksgiving tables this year and looked at those

whom we love and cherish, I pray that our hearts will have become,

once again, keenly aware, with deep gratitude for the many, many

wonderful gifts that we have been given. Let us pray that these same

gifts will open our hearts and cause us to grow in greater awareness

and in that growth, recognize the awesome responsibility that comes

with such an awareness.

In deep appreciation for All that IS,

we offer this prayer from our great-full hearts to YOU;

Today, and every day ...

May you be filled with Light, Love and Gratitude!

May your brilliance be reflected in the eyes of all you meet.

May the blessings of Life be felt in thought, word and deed.

May you drink deeply from Wisdom's cup.

May you see the gift in every challenge, the sacred in every step.

May laughter roll your belly as you delight in Creation's mystery.

May you breathe freely, Love deeply, rejoice wildly and create


May you be at peace, whether your bowl be empty or full.

May the Light of Love shine brightly upon your soul.

May you listen deeply within, faithfully heeding the guidance of


May you wake to dream each day, remembering NOW is all there IS.

May you feel the energy of co-creation flowing through each hand.

May you remember to honor and give thanks for our Motherland!

May you experience the bliss of a well-lived day ...

Forgiving ignorance; releasing regret, guilt or shame.

May you be sovereign, and to thine own Self be true.

May you remember each person make a difference ...

.... and that person is YOU!

Many blessings always and all ways ...


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