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Fw: Reba_special request_intention experiment

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Dear Friends & Clients, I am sending this email as a special

request for you to participate in an intention experiment to help my grandson

talk. Some of you know that my daughter in law, Kiki, died the end of September

leaving behind three children. The middle child, Quinn, is autistic and

unable to speak. As a result of her death, I have been especially

motivated to bring healing to Quinn to enable him to talk. This would

change his life dramatically, and now that my son alone will be raising the

three children, it would make their lives significantly easier if Quinn could

speak. After Kiki’s death, large numbers of

people sent prayers and healing intentions to the family. The huge amount of

healing energy had a major impact on the family causing many good things to

flow to them. I could clearly see the power of prayer and intentions, and got

the idea of sending out a request for healing energy to help Quinn talk. I happened upon a book, The Intention

Experiment, that actually explains from a scientific perspective how

prayers/intentions work and how to make them more effective. I decided that if

I taught you how to use the information in the book, you could start by using

it on Quinn, and once you have mastered the intention experiment protocol, you will

be able to use it in your own life to create what you want. I have summarized

the Seven Step Protocol for using prayers/intentions and it appears on the web

site www.HelpQuinnTalk.com and also

at the bottom of this email. If you are not interested in the Intention

Experiment Protocol, you may just want to do prayers, reiki or send healing

energy in your own way. We are focusing on him being able to speak by his

birthday, March 22, 2009. He can say a few words now like hi, bye, no and fine.

I know that with miracles, time does not exist and this could easily happen by

his birthday or quicker. My son designed the web site www.HelpQuinnTalk.com to give

information on Quinn and on The Intention Experiment process. Besides the Seven

Step Protocol, there is information on how timing and space weather can magnify

the impact of your intentions and prayers. At 1:00 pm local sidereal

time, your intentions are magnified due to the angle of the earth. In

addition, when there is electromagnetic activity in the atmosphere, your

intentions will manifest more easily. To help spread the word, I have attached

two flyers that you can print and share either at church or with reiki groups,

healing groups, or friends and family. One is a specific request for

prayers and would be appropriate to post at a church. The other is focused on

reiki and other types of healing and could be posted at centers where those

activities take place. So to summarize, I am asking you to: 1.

Participate by either

simply doing prayers, reiki or use the Seven Step Intention Experiment Protocol

daily or several times a week as you are lead to do. 2. Print

a photo of Quinn and place it on your altar or in your intention space to help

focus your prayers and healing. There is one

on the website that you can click on to print or you may want to use one of the

attached flyers. 3. Print

one or both of the flyers and share them with church groups, healing groups,

family and friends. 4. If

you desire, check the website regularly to see updates on Quinn. We want you to

see the results of your prayers and intentions. I am sending this out on Thanksgiving

weekend as this is such a powerful time of thankfulness. What better way to

celebrate than to start the process of giving the gift of speech to Quinn. I

want to thank you for participating in this healing endeavor. I know that

a miracle is possible and that together we can create one for Quinn. Please forward this email to any people you

feel would want to participate in this healing effort for Quinn. If you have a

website and are drawn to put a link to www.HelpQuinnTalk.com

that would also be appreciated. Should you have questions or need more

information, email or call. Blessings for a rich and fulfilling holiday

season! Reba Reba Cain Cell 253 921

5637 FL 813

600 5840 reba@... www.HelpQuinnTalk.com The Intention Experiment Protocol From The Intention Experiment by Lynne McTaggart The Seven Steps for Working with Your

Intention for Quinn: Enter your intention space –

have a special place where you do your intention each time. It should be

peaceful and uplifting. As you use this space, the residual energy builds

and your intentions manifest easier.Slow your brain waves to alpha

through breathing or meditation. An easy way to do this is to

simply breathe in and out for 3 to 5 minutes, making the in-breath and the

out-breath the same length.Move to peak focus – be

fully present and hold your focus only on the Quinn intention, not

allowing your mind to wander to other things.Form a compassionate, empathetic connection with Quinn which will

cause brain wave entrainment, meaning you become connected to Quinn on the

energetic level. This can be accomplished by looking at his picture, (you

may want to print one and put it in your intention space). You’ll

also want to put yourself in his shoes in order to bring compassion into

the process. Try to imagine what it would be like to function in your life

without being able to ask for what you wanted or share your thoughts and

feelings.State your intention by using

this statement “Quinn now speaks clearly and with ease by his

birthday, March 22, 2009.”Believe and visualize it in

vivid detail. Believe so strongly that it is possible for Quinn to talk

that you can imagine having a conversation with him as he tells you about

his life. See details at www.HelpQuinnTalk.com/intention

for suggested topics.Surrender and let go of the

outcome – Move your ego aside and see yourself as a conduit to deliver

this request to the universe or to God, which ever fits with your personal

beliefs. At this point you may feel your intention is being taken over by

a greater force.

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Dear Reba,I will be happy to participate. I believe the purpose of our lives is to share our healing energies with each other, especially those who need it most. I will send my intention thoughts to Quinn every day, praying for healing, and will visit your website for more information. We are all connected, so when one is hurt, we are all hurt, and we can only heal together. Thank you so much for the information, I am sending my love, knowing that Quinn will be healed. "So we, being many, are one body... and every one members one of another." (Romans 12.5)Love & blessings,

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