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Definition Of Lightworker

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Definition of Lightworker Definition of Lightworker ESP and LIGHTWORK American Healer Indian Native Seer, Contact Hands Healer, planetary healing, Pleidaes, spirit guide, aquarian age Enjoy Light Worker Information and Resources to Assist you with Planetary Healing and Ascension American Healer Indian Native Seer, Contact Hands Healer, planetary healing, Pleidaes, spirit guide, aquarian age Definition of Lightworker ,Ways to assist Planetary Healing as a Light Worker DEFINITION OF LIGHTWORKER DEFINE LIGHT WORKER What is Light? A form of consciousness or energy that connects everything in the universe It can be felt with your whole being by attuning to unconditional love When you feel this energy it radiates effecting those around you positively This is called Light Work What is a Light Worker? In a broad sense anyone who in their heart is committed to helping others grow in love is a Light Worker A Light Worker is a spiritual being who incarnated for the purpose of spreading love and light. Certain situations act as a catalyst for their own

awakening and remembrance of what it is they came to earth to do. They radiate an amazing presence and through their being a quickening is extended to all they meet They are therefore a catalyst for others growth A person who strongly resonates with the information coming from spirit at this time of ascension A lightworker may be an American healer Indian Native Seer, contact hands healer or catholic healer or other religion spirital healerdefinition of lightworker A quote from Kristal Vaughn- a Light Worker "I will hold space and energy to create what desires to be done" AM I A LIGHT WORKER? Answer the Questions Below Do you feel a sense of time urgency within you? Do you feel draw to help humanity? Do you feel draw to spirituality? Do you get a persistent

ringing sound in your ear? Have you been told by others that you are too sensitive? Do you feel different from others? Do you believe that spiritual methods can heal any situation? Do you know that you are here for a higher purpose? If you answered yes to these questions and resonate with the definitions of a Light Worker given, the chance is that you are a light worker Only you can truly answer this question for yourself definition of lightworker HOW DOES LIGHTWORK WORK? Light Work works through vibration It words like a chain reaction to eradicate fear and elevate

consciousness The lightworker brings the source of light to the physical plane through their own consciousness and through the higher vibration all things are effected Planet lightworker, spiritual lightworkers, the lightworkers way, light worker planetary healing ascension,definition of lightworker,lightworker,american healer indian native seer,contact hands healer,spiritual healing,prana,love LIGHT WORK RESOURCES AND INFORMATION Catholic healer, planetary healing, ascension Definition of lightworker, light worker American Healer Indian Native Seer, Contact Hands Healer, LIGHTWORK HISTORY Nobody knows when the first Light Worker incarnated Who knows perhaps they have always been present The Light Workers born in the 1940's known as the baby boomers encouraged the development of their children's spirituality and were part of the 'hippy' movement The children of these Light Workers are known as star seeds The Light Workers born from the late 1980's known as the indigo children came to assist us with our next stage in evolution Throughout history Light Workers have incarnated to bring love to the planet Light Workers began the new age movement so that forthcoming lightworkers had a foundation to work from Planet lightworker, spiritual lightworkers, the lightworkers way, light worker planetary healing ascension,definition of lightworker,lightworker,american healer indian native seer,contact hands healer,spiritual healing,prana,love LIGHTWORKING TOOLS A Lighter Worker may use different extrasensory perceptions as tools for spreading light. Some of these include: Clairvoyance Clairaudience Claircognizance Clairsentience Clairalience Clairambience They may also use physical tools for example crystals and herbal drops TYPES OF LIGHT WORK Light

Workers may choose to spread love in all sorts of unique ways. Ultimately it is a form of consciousness, a way of being that when realised all loving actions come from. These are just a few examples of how a lightworker may choose to help humanity ascend: - Mediumship - Healer: distant healing, hands on healing - Psychic Artistry - Sound therapy Whether you are a cleaner or a spiritual healer know

light workers are needed in all areas of life. The only thing of real importance is that you are coming from a space of love. You may choose to learn more about spirituality or channel your energy through a metaphysical path. It is entirely up to where you feel you are needed and able to assist. CAN I LEARN TO BE A LIGHTWORKER? Anyone of any age, gender race or religion can be a Light Worker With the intention to assist humanity evolve your ability to be a Light Worker will manifest itself A LIGHTWORKERS POEM The Calling deep within a stirring right before my eyes the mist descends upon this earth the change is imminent within its birth lies the discovery of the truth unknown yet to many carried by the few to a new dawn spreading the wings of light so that you may too feel the growth on the back of your shoulders by

Lila* HOW TO SEND LIGHT? Your spiritual gifts will be activated with pure intent A Meditation to Send Light Through Distant Healing Close your eyes Feel your connection to all that is within your being Sense the energy that joins you to all that is Feel your love for all that is Spend a moment developing this sense Visualise a stream of white light (energy) flowing down from the heavens through the top of your head filling your being with healing energy as it continues down to earth A sphere of pure white light forms over your heart See it expand in size filling your entire chest space Visualise a situation, person or place that you would like to send this light to Visualise the Sphere of pure white light engulfing them When you feel the process is complete see the person, place or situation dissolve Come back to the stream of energy that is flowing from the heavens through you to mother earth Feel the earth beneath your feet Notice where your physical body is in the present moment Slowly bring yourself back to the here and now The essence of this can be done when you see a baby crying or a couple arguing. It becomes a way of being an energy that pours out from you. When you become love there will be less of a need to remind yourself of the process other than occasionally when we become angry or frusterated. More information on Lightwork and ESP Planet lightworker, spiritual lightworkers, the lightworkers way, light worker planetary healing ascension,definition of lightworker,lightworker,american healer indian native seer,contact hands healer,spiritual healing,prana,love Planet lightworker, spiritual lightworkers, the lightworkers way, light worker planetary healing ascension Return from Definition of Lightworker to Angel Guide Site Tell me and I'll forget Show me and I may remember Involve me and I'll understandsending healing and soulful messages from the angels of mystic I'm following the rainbow of love

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