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Re: Blessing Water (Thankyou

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Thankyou Hun with me I would feel I was being selfish and also begging my imagination is fun <3 soft smiles with Lacy the land and home they are stopping this family from being whole a teenagers suicide a few divorces and what not I felt voodoo through my computer and I was on target years back a young family were hung in front of the town small Tennessee town and the land house and what not need to be blessed each time I try to help her she needs to stop because they tell her and I say so keep going how does one do this type of thing properly I told her 3 prayers each corner holy water recant to have or ask them to leave and also salt for her doorways I have no

real clue how to help her and she gets stopped or scared and I can feel them we actually have to stop and or change subjects when we talk and I am in California thankyou for all of your concern and time spent helping me.. I sent this to her <3 thankyou again from my heart love me <knightsintention@...> wrote: I'll just touch here for a second ...it is your pure intent and imagination, how you picture the words and prayer or meditation doing

what you set them to do. In very old times, or to say, in the original languages. Words had one meaning, so the power of what was meant and intended vibrated in a word, therefore, prayer. Saying certain words produced certain results. Kind of like a spell in other paths. Today, especially in English, words have as many as 10 meanings for the same word, or, diluted of power. That is why a prayer or meditation becomes powerful when you "see it" as done, from within [use imagination], and having the full intention of what you will, a prayer can be silent or spoken, the words having no real meaning, and only serve as directing focus for yourself. By the way, the prayer originals from places like the Bible were shown more as instructions of how to pray instead of a prayer itself. In further instructions it has been shown that it all was in thanksgiving...being grateful for...and then, it was about

all others before we reached anything about ourselves. But, the truth is, in so many words...every moment is a prayer, or walking meditation. A paying attention to the thing at hand as in a ritual. It's an awareness of the moment your in. When you are in that place, thinking of another directs power and energy to them in the thought, taking the same kinds of feelings with it...or, healing. I would say there is no wrong way to do this, yet must add...IT IS DONE because you WILL IT DONE, which is faith, or knowing, or believing...and attracts other related energy to do what you've sent it to do. I would say it had less power when you don't believe it so, or there is an asking, as in begging, or not believing, for which one would have to keep at it in case they aren't being heard, by whatever power is that grants such things. But it is us who directs the power, it is us that set it in motion.

"Where any two [in agreement] are, so am I"..."I", as referred to here, is the power that waits for your direction. Call it Christ, or Love, or Universal Flow...it is your Intent. D~ > > > > > > Blessing Water > > > > > > All you have to do is place your hands over the water or food or > bathing > > > water that you wish to bless. This prayer should also be used for > > bathing > > > water and will have a wonderful effect on the water (70%+) that > resides > > >

within your being. Please use this prayer regularly, you will > > receive an > > > abundance of Divine Blessings. > > > > > > Divine most powerful and most gracious father I command in your name > > that > > > you bless the Water/Food that I hold between my hands and the water > > within > > > my body and the oceans of our world, may you heal me completely, > > mind, body, > > > heart and spirit. > > > > > > I ask that the Water/Food be enriched with every vitamin, mineral, > > herb or > > > homeopathic remedy or healing vibration that I may need to fill > my being > > > with, in order to restore me back to 100% full health both mentally, > > > physically, emotionally and spiritually. > > > > > > I ask that this Water/Food be empowered with an energy so great > and so > > > magical that it miraculously heals, every level of my being, helping > > me also > > > to cut ties with the past and release me from anything and anyone > > that is > > > stopping me from moving forward and upward onto a more joyful, > > satisfying > > > and healthy lifestyle. > > > > > > May this water be the most divine, sacred and blessed Water/Food > > that has > > > ever existed on this earth plane and may it have a miraculous > > influence on > > > me and on my life in general. I ACCEPT that I am being healed on all > > levels > > > and that I DESERVE that healing! > > > > > > May this

healing received be an example to others so that they too > > can gain > > > the faith that I have found within me and progress as I am > > progressing, and > > > may I as your instrument of divine healing go onto perform > miracle after > > > miracle in your name. > > > > > > Dear beloved God Presence, I AM (Monad) presence, Soul Presence, The > > Mahatma > > > Energy, the collective consciousness of the Ascended Masters, In the > > name of > > > the God within us, we ask that this Divine meditative prayer, be > > multiplied > > > and manifested and used to assist all lifeforms on this planet and > > > throughout the universe. We accept it done according to the highest > > Will of > > > God. >

> > > > > I Humbly Thank You. > > > > > > Amen > > > > > > If you print out this prayer you could laminate it and place it > > within your > > > bathroom and kitchen for easy reference. If you are using prayer for > > food > > > say the prayer after the food has been cooked. > > > > > > Longer Version > > > > > > Divine most powerful and most gracious father I command in your name > > that > > > you bless the Water/Food that I hold between my hands and heal me > > > completely, mind, body, heart and spirit. > > > > > > I ask that the water/food be enriched with every vitamin, mineral, > > herb or > > > homeopathic remedy or healing substance that I

may need to fill > my being > > > with, in order to restore me back to 100% full health both mentally, > > > physically, emotionally and spiritually. > > > > > > I ask that this Water/Food be empowered with an energy so great > and so > > > magical that it clears my cluttered mind of all disruptive > thoughts and > > > clears my body of all negativity and illness, helping me also to cut > > ties > > > with the past and release me from anything and anyone that is > > stopping me > > > from moving forward and upward onto a more joyful, satisfying and > > healthy > > > lifestyle. > > > > > > I demand full protection from ALL outside influences and ask that a > > barrier > > > of golden light

to be encased permanently around me so that nothing > > bad can > > > draw close to me EVER again under no circumstances! > > > > > > May this water be the most divine, sacred and blessed Water/Food > > that has > > > ever existed on this earth plane and may it have a miraculous > > influence on > > > me and on my life in general. With each Sip/Taste of this healing > > water that > > > I drink I KNOW and I ACCEPT that I am being healed on all levels and > > that I > > > DESERVE that healing! > > > > > > I am strong, I am powerful, I am confident and self assured. > > > > > > I am at one with the divine source that surrounds me and I am free to > > > express myself in which ever way I

choose. > > > > > > May this healing received be an example to others so that they too > > can gain > > > the faith that I have found within me and progress as I am > > progressing, and > > > may I as your instrument of divine healing go onto perform > miracle after > > > miracle in your name. > > > > > > I Humbly Thank You. > > > > > > Amen > > > > > > > > > > > > -- > > > "Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark." > > > Rabindranath Tagore > > > > > > Download Our Toolbar: > > > http://.OurOrganizationToolbar.com > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Tell me and I'll forget > > Show me and I may remember > > Involve me and I'll understand > > > > > > sending healing and soulful messages > > from the angels of mystic > > I'm following the rainbow of love > > > > > > > > > > > > Tell me and I'll forget > Show me and I may remember > Involve me and I'll understand > > > sending healing and soulful messages > from the angels of mystic > I'm following the rainbow of love > > > > > > > > --------------------------------- > Psssst...Have you

heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com. > > > > > > > > > Tell me and I'll forget > Show me and I may remember > Involve me and I'll understand > > > sending healing and soulful messages > from the angels of mystic > I'm following the rainbow of love > Tell me and I'll forget Show me and I may remember Involve me and I'll understandsending healing and soulful messages from the angels of mystic I'm following the rainbow of love

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Consciousness....what is " being conscious " ? As beings, we realize we

are conscious...or, " thinking beings " . Thoughts are the consciousness

of a being. Are we conscious of our thoughts, and their power? Many of

us in the world haven't been asking ourselves this. Once we do, then

we begin our journey of questioning, and experimenting, therefore


When these bodies of experience die, or cease to be of use to us, our

consciousness remains. If you remove every body awareness and thoughts

to do with body and living, you are left with " pure consciousness " ,

and while independent, as a stream of thought, or thought thread, it

is connected to all others, to the whole...one mind.

When a body, personality/ego has base thoughts...that is, the everyday

thoughts of get and survive, fear and hurt, greed and anger....and all

the rest of those little beyond our immediate state of being, when we

die, we go back to our conscious state of being, which is these same

thoughts...our own unique thoughts without a body.

When it is said that someone sees a ghost, or they experience what

could be described as spirits of one kind or another, especially where

they " hang around " an area or dwelling, or at the place of the bodies

death...all of that dead persons thoughts center there. But they are

still only thoughts.

When another person living comes into contact with that...these

thoughts enter, just like every thought we have. They are NOT our own.

We've all had those thoughts enter that we knew were not ours. And ALL

THINGS, including thoughts come to us for healing, that is, for

LOVE...call it forgiveness, call it blessing, it's all the same. We

transmute the thoughts by adding love to them.

When it is said to " go into the light " when referring to these

supposed entities, it is meaning that Love should enter now. Go into

the Light means to direct the thoughts towards the truth. We know

Light is total information, or Thoughts...we are pointing towards our

inner state of being. We are point " them " to theirs. They are still

focused towards the outer, as when experiencing in a body.

We become what we think about...the thoughts we entertain...so if we

come into a place where thoughts are " there " , such as when someone is

killed...we make contact, or can. To take them in is to experience

" them " , not a ghost, or spirit, or even a demon...but the thoughts

that were part and parcel of the person that was there. The thoughts

they had have not went anywhere, and don't know how to. They don't

understand. Therefore, we don't accept these as truth and we direct

them to the light they will be aware of by turning it around.

Thoughts are consciousness, pure and simple...and they can only

experience anything when they do so through a body. When some is said

to be possessed, we are saying they have " taken on the thoughts " of

one or more who maintained, or had maintained them.

Rituals to remove something we see as bad or dark is nothing but a

focusing measure for those who use it. Use at will, but it's the

bringing love and light to the matter that resolves it. Therefore, we

heal that which has been brought before us.

When enough thoughts of like kind have been produced or drawn, they

become a thing. They are IN A STATE OF BEING, not a BEING.

Make no mistake, THOUGHTS are very powerful things...but LOVE will

always be the most powerful, at even it's weakest point. Love always

transmutes that which is not that. Clear water in the muddy glass

always displaces the unclear...always.


> > > >

> > > > Blessing Water

> > > >

> > > > All you have to do is place your hands over the water or

> food or

> > bathing

> > > > water that you wish to bless. This prayer should also be

> used for

> > > bathing

> > > > water and will have a wonderful effect on the water

(70%+) that

> > resides

> > > > within your being. Please use this prayer regularly, you


> > > receive an

> > > > abundance of Divine Blessings.

> > > >

> > > > Divine most powerful and most gracious father I command in

> your name

> > > that

> > > > you bless the Water/Food that I hold between my hands and

> the water

> > > within

> > > > my body and the oceans of our world, may you heal me

> completely,

> > > mind, body,

> > > > heart and spirit.

> > > >

> > > > I ask that the Water/Food be enriched with every vitamin,

> mineral,

> > > herb or

> > > > homeopathic remedy or healing vibration that I may need

to fill

> > my being

> > > > with, in order to restore me back to 100% full health both

> mentally,

> > > > physically, emotionally and spiritually.

> > > >

> > > > I ask that this Water/Food be empowered with an energy so


> > and so

> > > > magical that it miraculously heals, every level of my

> being, helping

> > > me also

> > > > to cut ties with the past and release me from anything and

> anyone

> > > that is

> > > > stopping me from moving forward and upward onto a more


> > > satisfying

> > > > and healthy lifestyle.

> > > >

> > > > May this water be the most divine, sacred and blessed

> Water/Food

> > > that has

> > > > ever existed on this earth plane and may it have a


> > > influence on

> > > > me and on my life in general. I ACCEPT that I am being

> healed on all

> > > levels

> > > > and that I DESERVE that healing!

> > > >

> > > > May this healing received be an example to others so that

> they too

> > > can gain

> > > > the faith that I have found within me and progress as I am

> > > progressing, and

> > > > may I as your instrument of divine healing go onto perform

> > miracle after

> > > > miracle in your name.

> > > >

> > > > Dear beloved God Presence, I AM (Monad) presence, Soul

> Presence, The

> > > Mahatma

> > > > Energy, the collective consciousness of the Ascended

> Masters, In the

> > > name of

> > > > the God within us, we ask that this Divine meditative

> prayer, be

> > > multiplied

> > > > and manifested and used to assist all lifeforms on this

> planet and

> > > > throughout the universe. We accept it done according to the

> highest

> > > Will of

> > > > God.

> > > >

> > > > I Humbly Thank You.

> > > >

> > > > Amen

> > > >

> > > > If you print out this prayer you could laminate it and

place it

> > > within your

> > > > bathroom and kitchen for easy reference. If you are using

> prayer for

> > > food

> > > > say the prayer after the food has been cooked.

> > > >

> > > > Longer Version

> > > >

> > > > Divine most powerful and most gracious father I command in

> your name

> > > that

> > > > you bless the Water/Food that I hold between my hands and

> heal me

> > > > completely, mind, body, heart and spirit.

> > > >

> > > > I ask that the water/food be enriched with every vitamin,

> mineral,

> > > herb or

> > > > homeopathic remedy or healing substance that I may need

to fill

> > my being

> > > > with, in order to restore me back to 100% full health both

> mentally,

> > > > physically, emotionally and spiritually.

> > > >

> > > > I ask that this Water/Food be empowered with an energy so


> > and so

> > > > magical that it clears my cluttered mind of all disruptive

> > thoughts and

> > > > clears my body of all negativity and illness, helping me

> also to cut

> > > ties

> > > > with the past and release me from anything and anyone

that is

> > > stopping me

> > > > from moving forward and upward onto a more joyful,

> satisfying and

> > > healthy

> > > > lifestyle.

> > > >

> > > > I demand full protection from ALL outside influences and

> ask that a

> > > barrier

> > > > of golden light to be encased permanently around me so that

> nothing

> > > bad can

> > > > draw close to me EVER again under no circumstances!

> > > >

> > > > May this water be the most divine, sacred and blessed

> Water/Food

> > > that has

> > > > ever existed on this earth plane and may it have a


> > > influence on

> > > > me and on my life in general. With each Sip/Taste of this

> healing

> > > water that

> > > > I drink I KNOW and I ACCEPT that I am being healed on all

> levels and

> > > that I

> > > > DESERVE that healing!

> > > >

> > > > I am strong, I am powerful, I am confident and self assured.

> > > >

> > > > I am at one with the divine source that surrounds me and I

> am free to

> > > > express myself in which ever way I choose.

> > > >

> > > > May this healing received be an example to others so that

> they too

> > > can gain

> > > > the faith that I have found within me and progress as I am

> > > progressing, and

> > > > may I as your instrument of divine healing go onto perform

> > miracle after

> > > > miracle in your name.

> > > >

> > > > I Humbly Thank You.

> > > >

> > > > Amen

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > --

> > > > " Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is

> still dark. "

> > > > Rabindranath Tagore

> > > >

> > > > Download Our Toolbar:

> > > > http://.OurOrganizationToolbar.com

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Tell me and I'll forget

> > > Show me and I may remember

> > > Involve me and I'll understand

> > >

> > >

> > > sending healing and soulful messages

> > > from the angels of mystic

> > > I'm following the rainbow of love

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Tell me and I'll forget

> > Show me and I may remember

> > Involve me and I'll understand

> >

> >

> > sending healing and soulful messages

> > from the angels of mystic

> > I'm following the rainbow of love

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus

> the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Tell me and I'll forget

> > Show me and I may remember

> > Involve me and I'll understand

> >

> >

> > sending healing and soulful messages

> > from the angels of mystic

> > I'm following the rainbow of love

> >










> Tell me and I'll forget

> Show me and I may remember

> Involve me and I'll understand



> sending healing and soulful messages

> from the angels of mystic

> I'm following the rainbow of love


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