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I feel this need to share with you my new, and very clear path's that I have been shown, and most importantly blessed with…These are a path that has been one of the Elders…When we think of the Elders, we have the images of some Ancient Tribe, or that these Elders come from a long line of let's say, Native American Indian tribes… I do not speak of this type, as they are from many areas of the world, and these United States… These Elders are of much wisdom, and Knowledge we can be sure…Many are first generation Americans, and some are with Native American Roots…But they are Elders all the same… Truly wise, with stories and visions, past, present, and future… I just found myself lead on this most important path that has grown to be one of need, love, and wisdom…It seems that each day I am given a new Elder soul to learn from…Truly an amazing experience for me, and at times very draining both emotionally and physically, but a very blessed path…I now sit with as many as 10 women, starting with the age of 78 on up to 96...Each with a new story, and many with wonderful stories of insight, pain, darkness, light, and much wisdom.... Some have a deep need to share it… So I find myself after helping them with shopping needs, and driving them to appointments, gathering resources for them, I find myself sitting with a listening ear to whatever they want to share, and All have something to share, you can be sure…This all does takes time and patience, by me and it has been truly draining but so rewarding…When I speak of emotional draining, I find I am mostly drained by the one's with Mental disorientation, or short term memory loss…I find myself each day coming home in tears, (but this is to be), and... I know that it came with my own agreement before coming here to earth... I know this deeply And profoundly in my soul…This to me is the hardest. The physical drain is only surface, from lifting their s, or wheelchairs as I have my own problems with my back... This I can temporarily calm with rest, and meditation…Having said this, I encourage you all this holiday season to take a moment and maybe a little time with the Elders, Shut in and the needy... It is worth the time In sharing your love, and getting back soooooooo much in return… The real purpose of this, is to take the lessons learned and apply them moment to moment in our thoughts, our words, and our actions… Take time to listen, and learn from respected Elders from all cultures and traditions... Discover the common link that binds us all together and carry the positive energy back to your home, your workplace, and your community… By listening, and not speaking, we shift into a place where we can hear, feel, and experience spirit guiding us through these Elder souls…What you will experience is priceless.... Then you begin another soulful journey…You begin to look back over the years, and ask yourself how do you feel about your life?… Any regrets?… Anything you missed out on that you wish you had done?… Is there anything you would do differently if you had it to do over again?…I sincerely believe that the change we long for, change that is lasting and will truly bring peace and prosperity to all of us, is not the money we seek, but the wisdom to change the human heart…I now have been given another path to follow also, one of healing, this is one with abandoned and needy infants…I have started with our local hospitals, and I sit with these new born souls and rock them, feed them when they cry... Some are not just abandoned they just need to be held…Now this is truly the healing path… This is where smiles and tears of the heart join and I come home feeling renewed… Please know that I will be spending a little more time here now…I ask for your prayers for my new paths…So many of you have worried about me, and askedWHERE THE HECK IS KAREN~KARMA?I want you all to have a wonderful Thanksgiving, blessings to you all…I have missed you all so much… Love~All~Ways~Karma

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I just spoke of you today to my sister.

Just telling her how when I first joined HH,

a year ago, you were one I remember who reached out with love.

Manifesting...such a beautiful thing!

Sending you "Light" "Full" steps on your wonder-ful





From: karmarqu69 <karmarqu69@...>Subject: [] WHERE THE HECK IS KAREN~KARMA? Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2008, 12:48 AM

I feel this need to share with you my new, and very clear path' s that I

have been shown , and most impor tantl y bless ed with…These are a path that has been one of the Elder s…When we think of the Elder s, we have the image s of some Ancie nt Tribe , or that these Elder s come from a long line of let's say, Nativ e

Ameri can India n tribe s…I do not speak of this type, as they are from many areas of the world , and these Unite d State s…These Elder s are of much wisdo m, and Knowl edge we can be sure…Many are first gener ation Ameri cans, and some are with Nativ e Ameri can Roots …But they are Elder s all the same… Truly wise, with stori es and visio ns, past, prese nt, and futur e… I just found mysel f lead on this most impor tant path that has grown to be one of need, love, and

wisdo m…It seems that each day I am given a new Elder soul to learn from…Truly an amazi ng exper ience for me, and at times very drain ing both emoti onall y and physi cally , but a very bless ed path…I now sit with as many as 10 women , start ing with the age of 78 on up to 96...Each with a new story , and many with wonde rful stori es of insig ht, pain, darkn ess, light , and much wisdo m....Some have a deep need to share it… So I find mysel f after helpi ng them with shopp ing needs , and drivi ng them to appoi ntmen ts, gathe ring resou rces for them, I find mysel f sitti ng with a liste ning ear to whate ver they want to share

, and All have somet hing to share , you can be sure…This all does takes time and patie nce, by me and it has been truly drain ing but so rewar ding…When I speak of emoti onal drain ing, I find I am mostl y drain ed by the one's with Menta l disor ienta tion, or short term memor y loss…I find mysel f each day comin g home in tears , (but this is to be), and. .. I know that it came with my own agree ment befor e comin g here to earth ... I know this deepl y And profo undly in my soul…This to me is the harde st.The physi cal drain is only surfa ce, from lifti ng their Walke rs, or wheel chair s as I have my own probl ems with my back. .. This I can tempo raril y calm with rest, and medit ation …Havin g said this, I encou rage you all this holid ay seaso n to take a momen t and maybe a littl e time with the Elder s, Shut in and the needy ...It is worth the time In shari ng your love, and getti ng back soooo oooo much in retur n… The real purpo se of this, is to take the lesso ns learn ed and apply them momen t to momen t in our thoug hts, our words , and our actio ns… Take time to liste n, and learn from respe cted Elder s from all cultu res and tradi tions

....Disco ver the commo n link that binds us all toget her and carry the posit ive energ y back to your home, your workp lace, and your commu nity… By liste ning, and not speak ing, we shift into a place where we can hear, feel, and exper ience spiri t guidi ng us throu gh these Elder souls …What you will exper ience is price less. ...Then you begin anoth er soulf ul journ ey…You begin to look back over the years , and ask yours elf how do you feel about your life? … Any regre ts?… Anyth ing you misse d out on that you wish you had done? …

Is there anyth ing you would do diffe rentl y if you had it to do over again ?…I since rely belie ve that the chang e we long for, chang e that is lasti ng

and will truly bring peace and prosp erity to all of us,is not the money we seek, but the wisdo m to chang e the human heart …I now have been given anoth er path to follo w also, one of healing, this is one with aband oned and needy infan ts…I have start ed with our local hospi tals, and I sit with these new born souls and rock them, feed them when they cry. ..Some are not just aband oned they just need to be held…Now this is truly the healing path… This is where smile s and tears of the heart join and I come home feeli ng renew ed… Pleas e know that I will be spend ing a littl e more time here now…I ask for your praye rs for my new paths …So many of you have worri ed about me, and askedWHERE THE HECK IS KAREN ~ KARMA ?I want you all to have a wonde rful Thank sgivi ng, bless ings to you all…I have misse d you all so much… Love~ All~ Ways~Karma

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