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Energy Healing

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Energy healing

promotes healing by enhancing energy flow and correcting blocks in the human

energy field or aura which permeates and surrounds

the body. Improving the flow of energy in the energy field supports the

self-healing capacity of the body.


energy healing is witnessing gains in popularity. Laying on of hands, which appeared in many

ages and cultures in history, is being rediscovered. There are also more people who are

becoming sensitive to the energy able to perceive it.


is Energy Healing?

Since everything is energy,

all healing ultimately involves energy. Most energy healing methods are focused

on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels of life, without

recognition of the energetic underpinnings of the interventions. Energy

healing works purely with the energetic level of our being. Since

everything is made up of patterns of energy, working directly with energy

influences the physical, mental and emotional, as well as

the spiritual level. If there is an illness or disturbance in the body,

mind or emotions, Reiki can address those levels. Energy healing complements and supports other methods of healing, because it

uses the

energy of which the body, mind and emotions are composed.

Energy Healing as Part of Energy Medicine

Energy healing is part of the larger field

of Energy Medicine. Use of herbs, crystals or sound are

examples of energy medicine that contain vibrational patterns that influence the energetic patterns at work in the body.

Energy healing

is a unique part of energy medicine in that it involves the intended use of the

energy field of the healer to affect the energy field of the recipient.

Some energy healers may use crystals or other tools, but more

often it is simply the intent of healer and recipient that directs the energy



Human Energy Field


as we have a physical body, we have also have an energy body.

The human energy field or aura surrounds and

permeates the physical body. The physical body could be thought of as only one of a number of bodies which

we have in our energy field.

There are many descriptions of the energy field from both

ancient and modern sources. Many of these sources describe the aura as being in

layers. They will also describe the chakras which are " energy centers " where important

exchanges of energy take place. Energy healing effects change by

positively influencing the energy field.


scientific views and energy healing

Western civilization

has developed the scientific model as a means of describing our physical


and many believe that it is the only means that can be trusted as reliable and

accurate. How we learned to think and many of our thoughts about ourselves and

others are based on this scientific model. If it can't be proven by

experiment this means another explanation (Theory) will have to be found to

explain the experiment.

There are other ways of gaining knowledge which would be equally

valid to some. With regard to the human

energy field, there are those who are able to sense it through higher sense

perception. Even though they have no doubt of what they sense a

Western scientist would refute its existence until it were actually detected

through some sort of provable experiment performed using their scientific

methods. It is easier to believe in something when everyone is able to see

the same thing, not everyone is able to sense the energy, this takes


We know from scientific

understanding that everything is composed of energy, and yet the presence of

this energetic aspect of ourselves and our surroundings is usually not

acknowledged in our culture. Solid objects like a table appear to be solid due to the

meaning we make of it, we see things the way we want to see them.


science has made discoveries about the nature of reality that are consistent

with the existence of the human energy field and the ability to

influence healing through manipulation of energy. These discoveries have

radical implications on how we view and experience our day to day reality.

It takes time for new understandings to be absorbed and integrated into

our understanding of reality. There has been research, however, which indicates that

energy healing does have an effect.

The following references are recommended in investigating the question of how

energy healing has been studied, understood and viewed in terms of Western



Emerging by Barbara Brennan- Hands of Light by Barbara


Vibrational Medicine by


Spiritual Healing Benor



Energy healers are channels

for divine healing energy. All energy healing originates from

Father/Mother God and the soul of the client. Energy healers

help their clients to co-create an energetic space that is conductive to

healing. Energy healers are not as attached to the underlying

disease and pain as the client is - it is easier for them to facilitate

the energy healing process. Each person is really responsible on the soul

level for their own healing and if their souls are not ready to heal

themselves, usually a permanent healing will not occur. Often there are

many energetic causes and weaknesses associated with an illness or disease

and so it is not uncommon for someone to heal and clear a lot but they may

not feel totally well because they are not ready to release the next level

or layer of the pattern. It often takes time to heal and clear old

energetic imbalances that were created over many years.

Immediately after we are

born, we

begin to absorb the negative beliefs of our family and society which

blocks the

natural flow of emotions through our consciousness. This creates an

imbalance in

our energy fields and aura and their frequency or vibration level drops


eventually this creates physical problems, disease, stress and

discomfort. While

most of Western science focuses on the symptoms or effects of energetic

imbalances, energy healing addresses the root cause of disease. Energy

healers act as facilitators to assist people to upgrade the

frequencies of their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy


back to the original level of unconditional love so that imbalances can


released. Often it can be quicker to clear things with alternative


healing than through more traditional healing treatments and drugs.

There are many healing

modalities in the world today. Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) is a

title used to refer to a diverse group of health-related therapies and

disciplines which are not considered to be a part of mainstream medical care.

Other terms sometimes used to describe them include 'natural medicine',

'non-conventional medicine' and 'holistic medicine'. Here are a few: (this does

not cover in totality all the modalities available).



is a form of energy healing, which uses a simple hands-on healing technique.

Reiki is one of the most common forms of alternative energy healing in the world

right now. There are many forms of Reiki with Usui being the most common form.


Aromatherapy has been practiced for thousands

of years. The ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians had recognized the healing

properties of essential oils. The Indians

and the Chinese have also been aware of the therapeutic benefits of essential

oils for centuries. Aromatherapy is the skilled and controlled use of

essential oils for emotional and physical health and well-being. The essential

oils are taken from plants and used in Aromatherapy.

Feng Shui

Feng Shui is the Chinese art of design and

placement of objects. Chinese believe that everything in the universe including

living beings is made of energy called "chi". A basic understanding of this

energy is essential to bring in harmony and prosperity in our lives.

Crystal Therapy

Practitioners of this therapy believe that

gemstones carry certain vibrations which when placed within a person's aura, has

the effect of changing it.


Meditation was a '90's buzzword,

" mind/body connection. " Meditation has been known through the

centuries in many forms: prayer, chanting, hypnosis, visualization,

" bio-feedback " devices, breath control; all of these are just a brief

listing of the ways mankind has used to quiet the racket of the conscious and

allow thought to do its perfect work.


The word

" yoga " means " union " ; the conscious integration of body,

mind and spirit with the awareness of the One. Stretching without involving the

mind is ... stretching. Actively connecting with the body through thought and

conscious breathing, while remaining aware of spirit, comes closer to the idea

of what yoga advances.


Homeopathy uses medicines in a way totally

different than conventional therapy. Homeopathy sees the body as a whole system.

It treats people, not disease, and the whole person includes mental, physical

and emotional. This idea makes, homeopathy holistic in nature. Homeopathy does

not treat symptoms but sees symptoms only as the outward manifestation of a

deeper-level imbalance.


Hypnosis is really nothing other than relaxing

the conscious mind and therefore making the subconscious available for positive

and beneficial suggestions. The effectiveness of these suggestions is relative

to the way they are phrased, formulated and delivered.

Therapeutic Touch

Therapeutic Touch uses the knowledge that

illness is the result of the body's energy field becoming unbalanced. Dr.

Krieger surmised that the touch worker, by interfacing their energy field with

the field of the sick person, would influence the patient's energy. This

interface, when properly established, would then change imbalances in that field

and allow the energy flow to proceed uninterrupted. The natural, healthy state

is thereby restored.


Reflexology is a energy therapy that

puts pressure to reflex areas, formed by nerve endings in each hand and foot,

that results in improved communication to each and every single gland,

organ and part of the body, thus encouraging the body to come into balance.

Universal Energy


Points of Alternative Energy Healing:


is energy.


follows thought.


life energy can be directed through the hands to facilitate healing.


focused attention is a ray of energy and can affect whatever it is focused



have an energy body just as we have a physical body.


in the human energy field are expressed in the body over time, these

changes can be positive or negative depending on how we are living our life.

Greater flow and balance

of energy in the human energy field facilitate healing.


flow of energy is essential to health and well-being, blocks in energy will

cause negative changes which may be healed with energy.


healer can influence the energy field of the recipient through the use of the hands,

focus of thought. A kind of joining takes place between the two fields,

started by the mutual intention for healing to take place.


healing alternatives show the energy field as being in layers, which include the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual

layers of life.

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