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Learning to Drive the Car of Consciousness, by Zany Mystic

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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Learning to Drive the Car of Consciousness

As we shed the layers of the onion skin, meaning our personalized “baggage”, the natural and supernatural intelligence of the various centers which govern thought, movement, instinct and emotion begin to work more harmoniously. Messages are relayed directly to the higher functions, analogous to the higher intellectual and emotional centers, if you’re a Gurdjieffian, or the 6th and 7th intuitive senses, beyond the five we ordinarily use. The reason this can happen is because the ordinary unconscious being imagines itself to be awake while working, playing, eating and having sex, but is being run or led by the four lowest aspects, each with its own sets of unique and ever-changing desires. Once one moves into the higher aspects above those, one restores the Driver to the front seat, which has been relegated to the back seat since falling asleep. The car analogy works pretty well. When we are asleep, which is most of our waking

time, the car is driving itself. Whatever it wants or feels like doing, it pretty much goes in that direction. Oh, on occasion it gets a bee in its bonnet and is able to hold the road for a mile or so, maybe even longer, to complete some task. But it remains there is no one driving; it’s simply following the direction it’s placed. This means it could veer off the road at any moment. Let’s say you have a goal of going to college. In your first semester, you “fall in love”. He or she is everything you could possibly want; so why continue? You start to slack off in your studies, the edge disappears, and you’re in “Loveland”.Suddenly, in the second semester, you catch that person high on drugs naked having sex with your best friend. You’re crushed. It’s as if you’re dearest Auntie just died. Mourning, your grades drop even further. Still, you have friends who assure you that person “was never the right one”, and “I told

you so”, and slowly you throw yourself back onto the road you were on with gusto. This is just a microcomical example which could be spun out in stories, yarns, and even novels. Much of what is called “literature” is chock full of this stuff, and even gets so “juicy” that best sellers are made. Such is the depth of modern life; as unforgiving as plastic at the dump yard. The goal of becoming a “conscious being” is not only due to the fact that this is what we are designed to be, but everything runs much differently. Everything is communicating with us, but because we’re “stuck” in the lower centers, unconscious, we only experience the matrix of our attention. Because everything which appears to be outside ourselves is constantly vying for the funds of our energy/attention, it’s easy to understand how mankind is caught up in a tangled web of meaninglessness. Soon, there is nothing else to listen to, and we “pooh pooh” anyone who

tries to convince us otherwise.What difference does consciousness create?First, the driver that has been tied up and gagged in the back seat is freed. Once that occurs, It sees the horror of driving willy nilly, perhaps even over a cliff, into a brick wall or two, or in a mass pile up on the freeway of unconsciousness. It climbs over the seat, grabs the wheel and immediately turns towards the compass of the highest road possible. This is where we were headed when we slopped into these flesh bags in the first place. True, it’s a bit horrifying to “wake up” at any age beyond 2 or 3, and realize that you’ve been dreaming a dream of a dream all along. But, I say “better late than never”. You begin to look around at all the other cars, going hither and thither, and you thank your lucky stars that you woke up just in time. Now, everything looks the same but it’s entirely different. The new matrix which you are communicating with

begins with your own lower brains. They are HIGHLY evolved and far more intelligent than you could have imagined. Once you begin that wordless dialogue, they tell you things that you wouldn’t have fathomed had you been asleep. The miraculousness of life returns in all things, wherever you are, wherever you go. The “nowness” of life snaps back and the red carpet of synchronicity rolls out to the Royalty you Are, worthy of the finest in automotive craftsmanship.Analogies can only take us so far. This is why timeless poetry such as the Sufi mystic Rumi, the Whirling Dervishes, DaVinci’s work and the Mona , Michelangelo’s , Bach, Einstein, Tesla and many others too numerous to mention, endure and evoke the highest within us. They are signposts along the way towards becoming conscious beings. Consciousness is a funny thing. It cannot be pursued, like a romantic partner, it must be approached from many directions without

expectations. I’ve found what often works for me, though not always, is attempting to work on releasing that which is lower and unconscious in my own behavior. What’s left is what’s more real than what I tossed overboard with reluctance, often clinging to as if it’s treasure. As the ship lightens, it seems to operate more smoothly and with greater speed, the wind whipping my locks. Well, I have no locks, so there you have it: analogies can only take one so far.Nonetheless, magic, mystery and hidden worlds open their doors ever so slightly to provide a peek into realms so magnificent that they are blinding in their beauty. Things we considered “of the utmost importance” fall away, and the moment guides us wherever we are, as if on a sacred treasure hunt. Tonight, I discovered “Mushroom Land” in my own lawn. Underneath the pine tree, a gaggle of mushrooms has made its home, appearing like some mystical land on another planet. We

are so inundated with inanity that our minds say, “So what?” Everything becomes mundane, cynical and regurgitated. “Oh, I’ve seen that before!” indicates we are in sleepy land again. Nothing is ever repeated in all Creation. It is constantly “refreshed” like the computer screen you’re reading right now. Hit “refresh” and you get the newest “in the moment” now information. We know what happens when the computer picks up an archived website; I often find myself reading yesterday’s news before I think “Whoops! Hit refresh”. So too are we, and everything is busily bee bopping in and out of dimensions faster than it takes for this thought to register. Speaking of thought…Food for ThoughtWe all have people in our lives who come to us for guidance, information, friendship or just because they are attracted to our energy. Sometimes that’s flattering, and sometimes it’s not. What if those people who admire us,

and come to us for our wisdom are, in reality, part of our “team”? Let’s use the standard label of Guardian Angel for now. Those souls who tell us how wonderful we are, how we inspire them or help them through a moment, could be the higher beings who are bringing THEIR energy to US, to infuse us with a needed shot or injection of conscious matter. Today, a friend who is from an entirely different paradigm than myself, dropped by, “because he enjoys talking to me”. During the conversation, I kind of egged him on to tell my why my energy seems to have a positive effect on him. He said that I have a kind of “magnetism” that draws people to me, and inferred that he was the one benefiting. I laughed and told him that I always enjoy his company, and feel uplifted when he leaves. We usually end up yakking about paranormal, spiritual and woo woo stuff. Today, he admitted having been picked up by a UFO. It wasn’t the first time. He was taken

outside this system, and shown a beautiful place with rolling hills, peaceful and inviting, and told, “This is your home…”. On another occasion, he was with two friends, who all experienced the same thing: a ship hovered directly over them, a searchlight went on, each one feeling as if their minds were being read.I often say that no matter what we’re doing, even sleeping, we’re busy 24/7 in multiple dimensions, doing things we have no clue about. It would have to be that way, or the brain would overload. Also, wherever we go we carry the frequency of our own vibration, and if that vibration is of a higher resonance, meaning that we’re removing the barriers to beaming our own searchlights into other’s minds, hearts and souls, then we are continually shifting the atomic and molecular structures wherever we go. To put it plainly, we have a profound effect on everyone no matter how asleep they are. At the soul level, they “get” the

energy and it’s like a signal beacon that says, “Time for TelleTubbies”….Time to Wake Up. People are not going to swoon and fall on the floor at the grocery store, talking in tongues, because it doesn’t work in such a ridiculous fashion. No, consciousness is far more elegant and subtle than that; usually. To reiterate: what if those who admire us most are the ones who are lighting our torch, not the other way around? It’s easy to see how someone could become enamored by the adulation of others, and mistakenly think they are “something special” or a big ‘ol Guru which is true at many levels. But it’s also a deterrent to moving up in the scale of octaves called consciousness. It’s as if the piano keys only play the middle range. The rats have eaten through the other strings, and to get a larger composition going, we have to have outside help to restore our range by replacing those tired, old worn out parts. Taking this a bit further,

what if the “other” is all things; from enemy to guardian angel to God? We each contain a spark of the Divine; what if It is peering at us from other’s eyes and we are not awake enough to see?Awakening has degrees, just like the octave in musical scales. There are subsets and minor/major tones but they are all there waiting to be discovered. Layers upon layers of magic which represent higher densities working in a lower one. This is one aspect about magic: it is the operation of a higher dimension working in a lower one. The lower cannot see the higher, so it is always obscured from us, depending upon the range of our ability to hop dimensions. By remaining in the lowest, where television, cell phones, politics, relationships and making money or having power reside, we are gaining lessons, but there is a point when the lesson has been learned and we are best served by moving on. We all know what it’s like to remain in a relationship or a

job too long; it turns very sour and becomes a tortuous path, often stimulating the desire to escape into alcohol, games, food, sex, anything that can be addicting, even negative emotions. There is a payoff for all our “bad” experiences which repeat themselves, and first and foremost we must look at what we are getting from them. This takes a brave soul to look at it’s own follies without judgment. Each time we work through a judgment about someone or something in our lives, we strengthen our ability to stop being so hard on ourselves. This is the trick. If there is a trick it’s in learning to see ourselves as others see us, move out of the victim role and into the Driver’s Seat of Awakening. Ooops… watch out: there’s a cliff ahead!Happy Driving!Zany Mystic

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