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Re: : Chi, toxins, diet, phsycho detox and Happy NY!

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> and everybody! I haven't followed all the posts as I just came

> back from hollidays... Sorry to hear of you all suffering relapses.

> Not my case this year.


> I think in my case in last year's holidays, it was more due to cold

> (colder winter days) than with food but I can't 'swear' as I was not

> too 'food' aware (at least, not sugar/carb aware) until these last

> months.


> I spent half of my holidays on a strict sugar and carb diet, not

> because of lyme, but because of my feet/hand fungi (chronic) and

> guess what? It's gone. I consumed lots of Agave as sugar substitute,

> and never flared from it.


> I'm still on light detox treatment (foot baths), but it's gone!!!!! I

> hope it won't come back, but I still can't be too confident, as this

> was a total chronic infection.


> I changed my attack plan, concentrated more on detox and massage than

> on killing. I'm back to full normal sugar/ carb consumption, drinking

> my glass of wine daily (now I'll stop, as the parties ended...). No

> problem these last 10 days or so, no flares either. Just a few days

> until Xmas, I was still flaring. Since then, no more flares, my skin

> is still not totally healed, but I'm still doing my foot/ hand baths

> with salt.


> If any of you is feeling infection is back, get away from alcohol.

> Alcohol was very immunosupressive in all times for me.


> I read a text about Gu infections sometime in November, and I guess

> the doctor gave me 3 good insights on chronic infections:


> 1- that blood stagnation is a characteristic of chronic infections/

> fungal infections so we need to counter attack this making not only

> the blood move, but making the Chi move (with accupressure/

> moxibustion/ accupuncture/ Taichi or ChiQong or Yoga breathing

> exercises, not only with physical exercise) - I did accupressure/

> moxibustion to try to stimulate my ANS to produce right hormones to

> keep my extremities warm, as well as I got back to my ChiQong

> breathing/ moving exercises plus one or two Yoga breathing techniques

> to make the Chi move). I'm still on all these 3 things. These stuff

> amazingly help my extremities to be warmer than any physical exercise.


> 2- that caustic herbs/ medicines like Rifampin/ strong herbs is not a

> solution long term, only a brief solution short term (which for me is

> very true, nothing too strong ever helped me to get rid of a long

> term infection, but my body prefers milder killers)- this time, I

> chose to take only astragalus, propolis, coconut milk (bits), and

> diluted tee tree oil with jojoba oil to rub on skin, and that was all

> I used as killers, nothing stronger.


> 3- that critters developed toxicity not by accident, but on the

> contrary, they developed toxic substances to win the battle against

> us, to poison the host as best as they can so that our immune system

> won't work well. So they poison us while alive with their by-products

> on purpose, and also when they die and evolution 'chose' these

> critters because they're more toxic than others, so they can win

> against more people. I'm now a total believer on that. If we don't

> address their toxins, they'll win. I'm not talking about heavy metals

> specifically, I'm talking about biological toxins.



> These 3 things above made me think a lot, and I used these 3

> approaches for my fungal battle this time. To clean their toxicity, I

> used chlorella, lots of cardamon in black tea, and did daily long

> massages on my feet/ hands while doing these baths on hot water with

> sea salt and vinegar. The baths pulled lots of fungal toxins, my skin

> changes color everytime I finish a bath (from deep purple to red/

> skin color). Baths plus the massage (I kept asking where to massage

> more), plus the accupressure/ Chi Qong, kept the energy moving/

> toxins cleaned. At least, that's what I believe. The only 3 new

> things I did were these massages, the low carb diet and muscle tests

> to ask how long must I do the baths/ massages.


> had suggested that low carb diet helped her, and I decided to

> do that (zero sugar, low carb). Difficult, but I could do it for a

> few weeks, until I didn't flare anymore. Lots of avocados, lots of

> home made yoghurts, kefir, fresh cheese, some beans, eggs, seeds/

> nuts, meat protein, veggies of all sorts, and only ate the darkest

> bread possible once a day. Two spoons of brown rice or a small potato

> in a meal but nothing else... It was the first time in my life I

> didn't eat fruits for weeks. Difficult. Diet only doesn't cure, I

> believe, but it helped me not to get flares.


> I'm taking only astragalus once a day, cats claw (1 00 pill) once a

> day too, these are the only herbs that test for me. The others test

> forbidden so I'm not taking. I'm still knocking on wood, but I think

> lyme and co-infections are again back to backstage for about a month

> or so. This last lyme relapse was very mild and very easy to control.


> Detoxing is the most important thing to do in my opinion, and

> also 'pshycho' detox. Never forget the pshychological part, in my

> case, in almost every infection/ problem I had a related

> pshychological blockage/ problem to treat. So I guess, the trio:

> attack infections mildly + detox what the body is needing in the

> moment + cleaning pshychological problems related to the disease(s)

> made the combination I needed (so far).


> Cardamon proved to be an important detoxifier for fungal toxins in

> these last weeks, as well as sencha (Japanese) but taken in different

> times of the day or on different days. Chlorella proved (for me) to

> be the most precious detoxifier during lyme / co-infections and an

> important detoxifier in this last fungal battle. I owe chlorella a

> lot.


> I feel my chronic infections war is reaching an end. I don't believe

> heavy metals is a big issue for me anymore. My whole body has very

> soft skin. More battles may come, but it does feel like the time of

> the battles are getting shorter and it's much easier to get them

> under control (symptom free condition). A bit like 'everybody' else,

> they get a cold, treat a bit, they get better. They get lyme, they

> treat a bit, they get better. And so on.


> I hope you all can get back to a normal/ quiet life without chronic

> infections and toxins. I'm more and more convinced that killing is a

> tiny part of the treatment and that the most difficult is still

> detoxing. For some reason, critters' toxins stay stuck in some parts

> of our bodies (due to pshycho blockage, heavy metals, lack of Chi

> moving, blood coagulation etc) and that's the main reason we don't

> get better.


> Happy New Year to everybody,

> Selma


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Hi Carolyn!

Sorry to hear you can't eliminate toxins... I think I can't either,

at least, not without lots of help.

If I understood well, Cholestepure is cholestyramine?? And that's

helping you? I think dr. B also talks about that (if I remember well).

Or was it Shoemaker ?

Is this an expensive supplement? Do you get it without prescription?

In my experience, toxins do vary according to what we're killing and

we need constant change of binders. For me, chlorella was the longest

term thing I used but all other stuff varied considerably.

I think a mere solution of Himalayan salt (very light) sometimes

helped me too, as well as things like Zeolites, Chitosan, MSM,

enzymes like Rechtsregulat/ Vita Biosa, and surprisingly, mineral

supplements (trace minerals specially). Another thing that worked

surprisingly for binding fungal toxins was cardamon but I still

needed chlorella for the rest of toxins plus the salty hot water for

baths. I usually never test for a clenser for long (Mucuna bean just

tested for a few days, for example). Chitosan never tests for longer

than a week as well as Zeolite. But MSM tested for a few weeks and

trace minerals are testing for weeks (I guess about 2 months now).

Of course, another long term cleanser (?) was Milk thistle (for

liver) and artichoke extract (for pancreas). During metal detox, I

couldn't survive without Bear garlic tincture either (for kidneys). I

guess our experience of trying different binders is not 'exceptional'

but common.

In the course of treatment, I started to spend much more money in

supplements for cleansing than for killing.

I do hope you'll get good results with cholestyramine, please let us


Good luck!



> --- In ,


> Hi Selma,


> Happy New Year to you too and to everyone here!


> How good that you seem to have got the upper hand on that stubborn

> foot fungus at last! It was great to read your detailed post and I

> would like to echo your message about the detoxing:


> I was taking lots of stuff to detox, including, but not limited to,

> chlorella, clay/charcoal/apple pectin/herb/linseed mixture,Vit C,


> thistle, sarsaparilla, Dr Jernigan's Neuro Anti-tox, molybdenum,

> mucuna and probably more that doesn't come to mind right now, all in

> conservative quantities because I didn't want to disturb my thyroid

> meds. I then took MMS for a while a few months back

> and had to stop because of increased [and ever-increasing]

> intensification of symptoms such as extreme aching, very limited

> walking, fatigue etc; very much like my previous reaction to

> Doxycycline. After researching and taking Dr Shoemaker's VCS test

> online and getting a clear positive for neurotoxins, I decided to

> assume that I am one of the 20 odd percent of people who can't clear

> these biotoxins. In the States you can get the genetic lab work done

> to show this, but in the UK I don't have access to these. Before

> trying to persuade my doctor to prescribe Cholestyramine, which Dr S

> uses to bind, after he had tried various of the natural binders

> without much success, I decided to try Cholestepure, which was

> mentioned in an article on Mould and Lyme by Dr Loyd that was widely

> posted on Lyme forums and on his site [www.royalrife.com]. I am only

> part way through this treatment, having built slowly up to 6


> daily, but I felt the intensification die down a lot within a month,

> so I am going to persevere with it. I may start MMS again soon,

> pulsing it and using the Cholestepure.


> I do feel that for many of us, especially those with the genetic


> problems, killing alone or with ineffective binders can make matters

> much worse. When I've been on Cholestepure for longer, I will retake

> the VCS test to see if my levels have improved and will post how I

get on.


> Happy and healthy year to all,


> Carolyn



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I have learned that one really good way to help the body get rid of toxins is by

colonics. Just wanted to mention it because I have found it to be very helpful

if not life saving at times for me.

best wishes,

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> Hi Carolyn!


> Sorry to hear you can't eliminate toxins... I think I can't either,

> at least, not without lots of help.


> If I understood well, Cholestepure is cholestyramine?? And that's

> helping you? I think dr. B also talks about that (if I remember well).

> Or was it Shoemaker ?


> Is this an expensive supplement? Do you get it without prescription?


> In my experience, toxins do vary according to what we're killing and

> we need constant change of binders. For me, chlorella was the longest

> term thing I used but all other stuff varied considerably.


> I think a mere solution of Himalayan salt (very light) sometimes

> helped me too, as well as things like Zeolites, Chitosan, MSM,

> enzymes like Rechtsregulat/ Vita Biosa, and surprisingly, mineral

> supplements (trace minerals specially). Another thing that worked

> surprisingly for binding fungal toxins was cardamon but I still

> needed chlorella for the rest of toxins plus the salty hot water for

> baths. I usually never test for a clenser for long (Mucuna bean just

> tested for a few days, for example). Chitosan never tests for longer

> than a week as well as Zeolite. But MSM tested for a few weeks and

> trace minerals are testing for weeks (I guess about 2 months now).


> Of course, another long term cleanser (?) was Milk thistle (for

> liver) and artichoke extract (for pancreas). During metal detox, I

> couldn't survive without Bear garlic tincture either (for kidneys). I

> guess our experience of trying different binders is not 'exceptional'

> but common.


> In the course of treatment, I started to spend much more money in

> supplements for cleansing than for killing.


> I do hope you'll get good results with cholestyramine, please let us

> know.


> Good luck!

> Selma







> >

> > --- In ,

> >

> > Hi Selma,

> >

> > Happy New Year to you too and to everyone here!

> >

> > How good that you seem to have got the upper hand on that stubborn

> > foot fungus at last! It was great to read your detailed post and I

> > would like to echo your message about the detoxing:

> >

> > I was taking lots of stuff to detox, including, but not limited to,

> > chlorella, clay/charcoal/apple pectin/herb/linseed mixture,Vit C,

> milk

> > thistle, sarsaparilla, Dr Jernigan's Neuro Anti-tox, molybdenum,

> > mucuna and probably more that doesn't come to mind right now, all in

> > conservative quantities because I didn't want to disturb my thyroid

> > meds. I then took MMS for a while a few months back

> > and had to stop because of increased [and ever-increasing]

> > intensification of symptoms such as extreme aching, very limited

> > walking, fatigue etc; very much like my previous reaction to

> > Doxycycline. After researching and taking Dr Shoemaker's VCS test

> > online and getting a clear positive for neurotoxins, I decided to

> > assume that I am one of the 20 odd percent of people who can't clear

> > these biotoxins. In the States you can get the genetic lab work done

> > to show this, but in the UK I don't have access to these. Before

> > trying to persuade my doctor to prescribe Cholestyramine, which Dr S

> > uses to bind, after he had tried various of the natural binders

> > without much success, I decided to try Cholestepure, which was

> > mentioned in an article on Mould and Lyme by Dr Loyd that was widely

> > posted on Lyme forums and on his site [www.royalrife.com]. I am only

> > part way through this treatment, having built slowly up to 6

> capsules

> > daily, but I felt the intensification die down a lot within a month,

> > so I am going to persevere with it. I may start MMS again soon,

> > pulsing it and using the Cholestepure.

> >

> > I do feel that for many of us, especially those with the genetic

> detox

> > problems, killing alone or with ineffective binders can make matters

> > much worse. When I've been on Cholestepure for longer, I will retake

> > the VCS test to see if my levels have improved and will post how I

> get on.

> >

> > Happy and healthy year to all,

> >

> > Carolyn

> >

> >


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I have used cholestyramine for two years, with no side effects. It

decreases my symptoms. I have Lyme.

-- [ ] Re: : Chi, toxins, diet, phsycho detox and

Happy NY!


> Hi Carolyn!


> Sorry to hear you can't eliminate toxins... I think I can't either,

> at least, not without lots of help.


> If I understood well, Cholestepure is cholestyramine?? And that's

> helping you? I think dr. B also talks about that (if I remember well).

> Or was it Shoemaker ?


> Is this an expensive supplement? Do you get it without prescription?


> In my experience, toxins do vary according to what we're killing and

> we need constant change of binders. For me, chlorella was the longest

> term thing I used but all other stuff varied considerably.


> I think a mere solution of Himalayan salt (very light) sometimes

> helped me too, as well as things like Zeolites, Chitosan, MSM,

> enzymes like Rechtsregulat/ Vita Biosa, and surprisingly, mineral

> supplements (trace minerals specially). Another thing that worked

> surprisingly for binding fungal toxins was cardamon but I still

> needed chlorella for the rest of toxins plus the salty hot water for

> baths. I usually never test for a clenser for long (Mucuna bean just

> tested for a few days, for example). Chitosan never tests for longer

> than a week as well as Zeolite. But MSM tested for a few weeks and

> trace minerals are testing for weeks (I guess about 2 months now).


> Of course, another long term cleanser (?) was Milk thistle (for

> liver) and artichoke extract (for pancreas). During metal detox, I

> couldn't survive without Bear garlic tincture either (for kidneys). I

> guess our experience of trying different binders is not 'exceptional'

> but common.


> In the course of treatment, I started to spend much more money in

> supplements for cleansing than for killing.


> I do hope you'll get good results with cholestyramine, please let us

> know.


> Good luck!

> Selma







> >

> > --- In ,

> >

> > Hi Selma,

> >

> > Happy New Year to you too and to everyone here!

> >

> > How good that you seem to have got the upper hand on that stubborn

> > foot fungus at last! It was great to read your detailed post and I

> > would like to echo your message about the detoxing:

> >

> > I was taking lots of stuff to detox, including, but not limited to,

> > chlorella, clay/charcoal/apple pectin/herb/linseed mixture,Vit C,

> milk

> > thistle, sarsaparilla, Dr Jernigan's Neuro Anti-tox, molybdenum,

> > mucuna and probably more that doesn't come to mind right now, all in

> > conservative quantities because I didn't want to disturb my thyroid

> > meds. I then took MMS for a while a few months back

> > and had to stop because of increased [and ever-increasing]

> > intensification of symptoms such as extreme aching, very limited

> > walking, fatigue etc; very much like my previous reaction to

> > Doxycycline. After researching and taking Dr Shoemaker's VCS test

> > online and getting a clear positive for neurotoxins, I decided to

> > assume that I am one of the 20 odd percent of people who can't clear

> > these biotoxins. In the States you can get the genetic lab work done

> > to show this, but in the UK I don't have access to these. Before

> > trying to persuade my doctor to prescribe Cholestyramine, which Dr S

> > uses to bind, after he had tried various of the natural binders

> > without much success, I decided to try Cholestepure, which was

> > mentioned in an article on Mould and Lyme by Dr Loyd that was widely

> > posted on Lyme forums and on his site [www.royalrife.com]. I am only

> > part way through this treatment, having built slowly up to 6

> capsules

> > daily, but I felt the intensification die down a lot within a month,

> > so I am going to persevere with it. I may start MMS again soon,

> > pulsing it and using the Cholestepure.

> >

> > I do feel that for many of us, especially those with the genetic

> detox

> > problems, killing alone or with ineffective binders can make matters

> > much worse. When I've been on Cholestepure for longer, I will retake

> > the VCS test to see if my levels have improved and will post how I

> get on.

> >

> > Happy and healthy year to all,

> >

> > Carolyn

> >

> >


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> >

> > Hi Carolyn!

> >

> > Sorry to hear you can't eliminate toxins... I think I can't either,

> > at least, not without lots of help.

> >

> > If I understood well, Cholestepure is cholestyramine?? And that's

> > helping you? I think dr. B also talks about that (if I remember well).

> > Or was it Shoemaker ?

> >

> > Is this an expensive supplement? Do you get it without prescription?

> >

> > In my experience, toxins do vary according to what we're killing and

> > we need constant change of binders. For me, chlorella was the longest

> > term thing I used but all other stuff varied considerably.

> >

> > I think a mere solution of Himalayan salt (very light) sometimes

> > helped me too, as well as things like Zeolites, Chitosan, MSM,

> > enzymes like Rechtsregulat/ Vita Biosa, and surprisingly, mineral

> > supplements (trace minerals specially). Another thing that worked

> > surprisingly for binding fungal toxins was cardamon but I still

> > needed chlorella for the rest of toxins plus the salty hot water for

> > baths. I usually never test for a clenser for long (Mucuna bean just

> > tested for a few days, for example). Chitosan never tests for longer

> > than a week as well as Zeolite. But MSM tested for a few weeks and

> > trace minerals are testing for weeks (I guess about 2 months now).

> >

> > Of course, another long term cleanser (?) was Milk thistle (for

> > liver) and artichoke extract (for pancreas). During metal detox, I

> > couldn't survive without Bear garlic tincture either (for kidneys). I

> > guess our experience of trying different binders is not 'exceptional'

> > but common.

> >

> > In the course of treatment, I started to spend much more money in

> > supplements for cleansing than for killing.

> >

> > I do hope you'll get good results with cholestyramine, please let us

> > know.

> >

> > Good luck!

> > Selma

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >

> > > --- In ,

> > >

> > > Hi Selma,

> > >

> > > Happy New Year to you too and to everyone here!

> > >

> > > How good that you seem to have got the upper hand on that stubborn

> > > foot fungus at last! It was great to read your detailed post and I

> > > would like to echo your message about the detoxing:

> > >

> > > I was taking lots of stuff to detox, including, but not limited to,

> > > chlorella, clay/charcoal/apple pectin/herb/linseed mixture,Vit C,

> > milk

> > > thistle, sarsaparilla, Dr Jernigan's Neuro Anti-tox, molybdenum,

> > > mucuna and probably more that doesn't come to mind right now, all in

> > > conservative quantities because I didn't want to disturb my thyroid

> > > meds. I then took MMS for a while a few months back

> > > and had to stop because of increased [and ever-increasing]

> > > intensification of symptoms such as extreme aching, very limited

> > > walking, fatigue etc; very much like my previous reaction to

> > > Doxycycline. After researching and taking Dr Shoemaker's VCS test

> > > online and getting a clear positive for neurotoxins, I decided to

> > > assume that I am one of the 20 odd percent of people who can't clear

> > > these biotoxins. In the States you can get the genetic lab work done

> > > to show this, but in the UK I don't have access to these. Before

> > > trying to persuade my doctor to prescribe Cholestyramine, which Dr S

> > > uses to bind, after he had tried various of the natural binders

> > > without much success, I decided to try Cholestepure, which was

> > > mentioned in an article on Mould and Lyme by Dr Loyd that was widely

> > > posted on Lyme forums and on his site [www.royalrife.com]. I am only

> > > part way through this treatment, having built slowly up to 6

> > capsules

> > > daily, but I felt the intensification die down a lot within a month,

> > > so I am going to persevere with it. I may start MMS again soon,

> > > pulsing it and using the Cholestepure.

> > >

> > > I do feel that for many of us, especially those with the genetic

> > detox

> > > problems, killing alone or with ineffective binders can make matters

> > > much worse. When I've been on Cholestepure for longer, I will retake

> > > the VCS test to see if my levels have improved and will post how I

> > get on.

> > >

> > > Happy and healthy year to all,

> > >

> > > Carolyn

> > >

> > >

> >







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The only symptom really is constipation. I do not use the huge recommended

doses. I use it when I feel badly. Just before I take it I make sure I

have a bit of lemon juice and olive oil to help the liver. Hopefully it

binds the Lyme and mold toxins out of their attachment to the cholesterol.

-- [ ] Re: : Chi, toxins, diet, phsycho detox and

Happy NY!

> >

> > Hi Carolyn!

> >

> > Sorry to hear you can't eliminate toxins... I think I can't either,

> > at least, not without lots of help.

> >

> > If I understood well, Cholestepure is cholestyramine?? And that's

> > helping you? I think dr. B also talks about that (if I remember well).

> > Or was it Shoemaker ?

> >

> > Is this an expensive supplement? Do you get it without prescription?

> >

> > In my experience, toxins do vary according to what we're killing and

> > we need constant change of binders. For me, chlorella was the longest

> > term thing I used but all other stuff varied considerably.

> >

> > I think a mere solution of Himalayan salt (very light) sometimes

> > helped me too, as well as things like Zeolites, Chitosan, MSM,

> > enzymes like Rechtsregulat/ Vita Biosa, and surprisingly, mineral

> > supplements (trace minerals specially). Another thing that worked

> > surprisingly for binding fungal toxins was cardamon but I still

> > needed chlorella for the rest of toxins plus the salty hot water for

> > baths. I usually never test for a clenser for long (Mucuna bean just

> > tested for a few days, for example). Chitosan never tests for longer

> > than a week as well as Zeolite. But MSM tested for a few weeks and

> > trace minerals are testing for weeks (I guess about 2 months now).

> >

> > Of course, another long term cleanser (?) was Milk thistle (for

> > liver) and artichoke extract (for pancreas). During metal detox, I

> > couldn't survive without Bear garlic tincture either (for kidneys). I

> > guess our experience of trying different binders is not 'exceptional'

> > but common.

> >

> > In the course of treatment, I started to spend much more money in

> > supplements for cleansing than for killing.

> >

> > I do hope you'll get good results with cholestyramine, please let us

> > know.

> >

> > Good luck!

> > Selma

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >

> > > --- In ,

> > >

> > > Hi Selma,

> > >

> > > Happy New Year to you too and to everyone here!

> > >

> > > How good that you seem to have got the upper hand on that stubborn

> > > foot fungus at last! It was great to read your detailed post and I

> > > would like to echo your message about the detoxing:

> > >

> > > I was taking lots of stuff to detox, including, but not limited to,

> > > chlorella, clay/charcoal/apple pectin/herb/linseed mixture,Vit C,

> > milk

> > > thistle, sarsaparilla, Dr Jernigan's Neuro Anti-tox, molybdenum,

> > > mucuna and probably more that doesn't come to mind right now, all in

> > > conservative quantities because I didn't want to disturb my thyroid

> > > meds. I then took MMS for a while a few months back

> > > and had to stop because of increased [and ever-increasing]

> > > intensification of symptoms such as extreme aching, very limited

> > > walking, fatigue etc; very much like my previous reaction to

> > > Doxycycline. After researching and taking Dr Shoemaker's VCS test

> > > online and getting a clear positive for neurotoxins, I decided to

> > > assume that I am one of the 20 odd percent of people who can't clear

> > > these biotoxins. In the States you can get the genetic lab work done

> > > to show this, but in the UK I don't have access to these. Before

> > > trying to persuade my doctor to prescribe Cholestyramine, which Dr S

> > > uses to bind, after he had tried various of the natural binders

> > > without much success, I decided to try Cholestepure, which was

> > > mentioned in an article on Mould and Lyme by Dr Loyd that was widely

> > > posted on Lyme forums and on his site [www.royalrife.com]. I am only

> > > part way through this treatment, having built slowly up to 6

> > capsules

> > > daily, but I felt the intensification die down a lot within a month,

> > > so I am going to persevere with it. I may start MMS again soon,

> > > pulsing it and using the Cholestepure.

> > >

> > > I do feel that for many of us, especially those with the genetic

> > detox

> > > problems, killing alone or with ineffective binders can make matters

> > > much worse. When I've been on Cholestepure for longer, I will retake

> > > the VCS test to see if my levels have improved and will post how I

> > get on.

> > >

> > > Happy and healthy year to all,

> > >

> > > Carolyn

> > >

> > >

> >







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Carolyn, thanks for your response!

I just found the Pure Encapsulatons PDF file on Cholestepure, it

looks good (I bought their Artemisia Annua when I still didn't


It looks a 'safe' supplement, I mean. Where do you get them? (website)

The problem to buy things from abroad is that I have to pay shipment

then all taxes, that's why I try to reduce the number of providers as

much as I can.

I wonder who can 'stand' these fungi/ bart/ babesia/ lyme toxins.

They feel SOOOO toxic for me.

Yes, you're right, I have loads of unfinished products/ herbs here

with me! I do a big cleaning from times to times.

Have a good day!



> --- In ,


> Hi Selma,

> Thanks for your interest:

> Cholestyramine is the drug Dr Shoemaker uses to bind and remove the

> biotoxins from Lyme and mould in those who can't do it for


> Cholestepure is a natural substance made of several plant sterols


> soy bean oil ; it is mentioned by Dr Loyd as a possible alternative


> the drug and is supposed to be better tolerated [Dr S said in an


> that Cholestyramine causes symptoms 10 times worse than Herxes!].

> Certainly, after an initial slight problem, I can tolerate it, but I

> can't fully judge how effectively it will clear the backlog of

> biotoxins yet.

> I think it's great that you are so good at your intuitive testing of

> what you need at any given time. I have a mental image of a cupboard

> in your house full of partially used herbs and supplements!


> Best regards,


> Carolyn



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> Carolyn, thanks for your response!


> I just found the Pure Encapsulatons PDF file on Cholestepure, it

> looks good (I bought their Artemisia Annua when I still didn't

> encapsulate).


> It looks a 'safe' supplement, I mean. Where do you get them? (website)


> The problem to buy things from abroad is that I have to pay shipment

> then all taxes, that's why I try to reduce the number of providers as

> much as I can.


> I wonder who can 'stand' these fungi/ bart/ babesia/ lyme toxins.

> They feel SOOOO toxic for me.


> Yes, you're right, I have loads of unfinished products/ herbs here

> with me! I do a big cleaning from times to times.


> Have a good day!

> Selma


> >

> > --- In ,

> >

> > Hi Selma,

> > Thanks for your interest:

> > Cholestyramine is the drug Dr Shoemaker uses to bind and remove the

> > biotoxins from Lyme and mould in those who can't do it for

> themselves.

> > Cholestepure is a natural substance made of several plant sterols

> and

> > soy bean oil ; it is mentioned by Dr Loyd as a possible alternative

> to

> > the drug and is supposed to be better tolerated [Dr S said in an

> email

> > that Cholestyramine causes symptoms 10 times worse than Herxes!].

> > Certainly, after an initial slight problem, I can tolerate it, but I

> > can't fully judge how effectively it will clear the backlog of

> > biotoxins yet.

> > I think it's great that you are so good at your intuitive testing of

> > what you need at any given time. I have a mental image of a cupboard

> > in your house full of partially used herbs and supplements!

> >

> > Best regards,

> >

> > Carolyn

> >

> >


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Carolyn, thanks for the tip about myvitanet!

It IS a hell to import things, isn't it? The " funny " thing is that I

live in Switzerland, so any other EU country product gets taxed too,

even if I buy one euro (I have to pay a fixed custom charges plus

taxes if I spend more than about 180 euro...)!

That's the MAIN reason I don't keep trying different herbs and try to

concentrate from few shops... Thanks again!


> Hi Selma,

> Living in the UK,I know just what you mean about the financial

> nightmares of having to order from overseas and from lots of


> places: I get most of my stuff from iherb.com ,which is very

> efficient and fast if you choose DHL, not to mention their good

> discounts, but of course they don't supply everything! I get the

> Cholestetpure from www.MyVitanet.com, which has got them on sale at

> present at just under $20 for 180 capsules, at least 10 dollars less

> than most other suppliers.

> I had a chuckle about the surplus supplements!- guessed that would


> the case!


> All the best,


> Carolyn

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