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Uriel Heals: - Believe From Your Heart by Hoffman

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-- Believe From Your Heart By Hoffman Intimes of trouble you want to believe that you are loved and supported,cared for and nurtured on all levels. You want to quiet the chatter ofyour mind when it reminds you of the disappointments of the past andthe uncertainty of the future. But quieting the mind requires constantvigilance because the mind operates from the past. In order to trulybelieve that you are loved, that you are a miracle master, that yourspiritual journey will take you to the destination of your dreams youmust believe from your heart because it is the heart space that knowsfaith and trust. The mind will follow the heart's lead when you believefrom your heart. It is the mind's job to navigate the materialworld and you have spent your lifetime training it to do so. Everythingyou know about the material world comes from the information stored inthe mind and that includes your emotions. The heart and even more, yourspiritual heart, is focused on your divinity, the perfection of yourbeing and carries the energy of home for you. When you ask your mind tobelieve it must go back to the past and find a matching experience. Ifit cannot it will remind you of every reason why you should notbelieve. But the heart works differently. The heart space isfocused on your limitless potential, is connected to your field ofpossibilities and only knows of your perfection. As your Sourceconnection, it is unconcerned about the past because it does not knowthe past. It is unconcerned about your beliefs and perceptions becausethose come from the mind. It already believes in every solution toevery situation and the answer to every question. The heart spaceinvites partnership with the mind-can you make that connection? It isup to you to create balance between heart and mind, between thespiritual and material, to allow unconditional love to overtake fearand the light to transcend the darkness. When you believefrom the heart there are no barriers or obstacles to your manifestationabilities. Everything you want to know, do and be is already completedin your heart. It waits for you to connect to it, to bring itspotential to the material plane with the participation of the mind.When you believe from your heart, your mind and heart become partnersand the mind becomes the grounding energy of your dreams. This week,allow your heart and mind to work together to manifest your dreams.Believe with your heart so your mind can provide support for the energyand its manifestation in your life. Believe from the heart so you canaccept your divinity and spiritual heritage and manifest the life ofyour dreams

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