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Astrological Sun Signs

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Your zodiac sun sign signifies the energy on

which your Soul incarnated this lifetime. Though there are numerous additional

factors influencing the overall map of your Soul, your sun sign plays a major

role in your life. Your sun sign reveals your consciousness of self as a

unique human being.

If you also know your Ascendant's sign

energy, you may study the zodiac energies from yet another point of view. Your

Ascendant energy most often characterizes the way others perceive you. At the

soul-centered level, your Ascendant energy reveals your Soul's purpose and the

activities through which you most naturally express that purpose.http://www.pathwaytoascension.com/index.htmlAries

The person who is Aries is living an

important incarnation. In Aries, you are to

establish a strong sense of self as a separate, unique human being. This means

that you are learning to think for yourself, to move beyond simply following

the crowd, and to develop your own self-identity. This incarnation will offer

you opportunities to experience your own inner resourcefulness, courage, and

self-reliance. Your soul will guide you into situations and relationships that

will require that you recognize and use these parts of yourself.

For example: The parents you chose for this incarnation may have deserted

during your adolescence, leaving you with younger siblings to care for. In

order to cope, you were forced to develop self-reliance; you had to be

courageous in holding the family together; and you had to be resourceful in

providing food and shelter. In addition, the most constructive emotional

response you can have toward your parents will be one of understanding and

gratitude. By their behavior, they assisted you in learning your Aries

soul's lessons. Therefore, there is nothing to resent nor to forgive.

A positive response to lessons providing you with the opportunities to

develop a separate sense of self will also assist Aries

in overcoming a dominant predisposition-anger. Aries

is to transform his anger into the energy of unconditional love. Because Aries

is a fire energy that easily explodes, this conversion of anger into love can

be a lifelong lesson.

Aries thrives as he works to bring into

fruition his idealistic ideas and insights. Aries

is the pioneer of the zodiac. As Aries follows

through on his original ideas, he experiences personal fulfillment as a

separate, unique individual. He successfully learns his Aries

incarnation soul lessons. He becomes a natural leader with all the optimism

that is innately his.

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The person who is Taurus incarnated to

establish an enlightened system of values that transcends attachment to

material possessions and persons. Therefore, many of her soul lessons will

involve dealing with physical plane responsibilities and seeking a balance

between the desire to possess and greed. Taurus

tends to be dependent and prefers a relationship in which she both possesses

the other person and feels possessed by him. Her soul lesson involves learning

to "let go" within relationships and to assume a measure of

independence. Taurus's greatest fear is that

of personal or material loss.

A Taurus incarnation will involve

confronting her passions and instincts as she strives to determine for herself

the extent to which she will be controlled by them. Taurus

must put forth a major effort to overcome inertia and fear of change. For this

reason, she may feel that life pushes her around, rather than that she is in


For example: Taurus may be unhappy or

filled with resentment over her job situation, yet neglect to get busy and

make the changes needed to bring about personal fulfillment. Her passion is to

possess; her instinct is to remain in the familiar, where she feels secure.

Thus, Taurus often convinces herself that she

has no choice.

The Taurus incarnation is to be a highly

creative one. This creativity needs to be encouraged and developed at an early

age. If Taurus is allowed to grow up with no

creative outlets, she, as an adult, often has great difficulty in learning to

express that creativity. For to do so would be to change her habits-an

activity Taurus will attempt to avoid until

forced to do so by life's circumstances. Taurus

needs to create with the use of physical tools. Some type of creative musical

expression is important for her well-being.

The Taurus individual who is attuned to and

expressing her creativity can be a resource of healing and transformation for

others. Taurus possesses the capacity to

infuse life into her creations.

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The person who is Gemini incarnated to

learn through a variety of experiences. This incarnation is an important one

because Gemini is conscious of the dualities

in life: black and white, good and evil, male and female. Through his variety

of experiences, he is to learn to rise above the plane of duality into

conscious awareness of his soul. It is through this attunement to the soul

that Gemini learns to control a very restless

mind. Because Gemini's nervous system is so

highly charged, this soul attunement is essential for his well-being. Gemini

must learn to be grounded and centered in soul awareness in order to avoid

adverse conditions involving his nervous system.

A Gemini incarnation involves learning to

interact within cooperative relationships. Gemini

tends to view others as a means to further his own agenda. He is to develop an

awareness of others as unique individuals with whom he can share, relate, and

experience mutual personal fulfillment.

Centered and grounded, Gemini possesses an

outstanding capacity to communicate knowledge to others. A major goal is

learning to synthesize into a meaningful whole the myriad facts and

experiences Gemini gleans from life. Gemini

is the energy of communication and outlets for doing so constructively are


Gemini can be extremely creative. He

possesses extraordinary finger dexterity and the ability to focus efficiently

and simultaneously on several tasks. Gemini is

inventive and perceives links between events that can result in original,

creative problem solving. Gemini possesses an

excellent mind; learning is a major part of his journey. Gemini

is learning to focus, to concentrate, and to direct his energy with clarity

and intention. Because he is thirsty for mental stimulation, Gemini's

life-long search is for a "twin" with whom he can share total mental


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The person who is Cancer is beginning a new

cycle of evolution through the zodiac. Embarking on a new cycle entails the

necessity of getting to know and stabilizing Cancer's

inner foundation of being. Until she does so, Cancer

can be unaware of herself as an individual. Instead, she seeks her

identification through her parents, her background, and later, the family she


Because Cancer's self-identity is based on

her family, one of her major soul lessons is learning to let go and allow her

loved ones the freedom to be who they are. Cancer

wants to possess, both family members and material things, as her source of

security and self-preservation. Since Cancer

is to develop a sense of herself as an individual, apart from all others, her

soul will lead her into situations that will assist her in learning this


For example: Cancer is happily married,

thriving in her secure home nest. Cancer tends

to ignore her own creative, humanitarian self in preference for caring for her

family. Her husband suddenly dies, leaving her alone and forced to make her

way in the world. From the soul's perspective, the death of Cancer's

husband paves the way for her to get acquainted with herself via exploring her

talents. Cancer is to learn to let go of the


Cancer tends to repress her feelings, to

cling to old pain and resentments. This repression of her emotions and failure

to forgive often manifests as a physical illness. The illness is reminding Cancerof

her need to forgive and release the past.

Cancer can be very nurturing, creative

energy that thrives on giving birth-to children, to new ideas, to artistic

creations, and to new humanitarian projects. As she learns the lessons of

forgiveness and letting go, feelings that were once negative and repressed can

be transformed into Cancer's tremendous

ability to be compassionate. Cancer becomes

the universal Mother, possessing the intuitive power to nurture others into

all that they can be.

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The person who is Leo incarnated to develop

wholeness within self and a strong sense of his individual uniqueness. On the

personality-centered level, Leo is motivated

by the need for love and dominion over others. Leo's

soul goal is to become master over the ego-self and to offer love to humanity

with no thought of return. Therefore, many of Leo's

experiences will contain the conflict between the ego-self and the soul's


For example: Leo often attempts to be the

leader, whether or not he is selected for the position. When the group of

"hoped-for-followers" refuses to accept his leadership, Leo's

ego suffers great pain from what he perceives as "rejection" of who

he is. These blows to Leo's ego are to be used

as opportunities to develop a strong sense of ego-identity regardless of

outside influences.

Leo is to look within and to create an

"inner throne" as a result of self-mastery. Seated on this

"inner throne," Leo surrenders his

ego-will to the will of his soul. From his mundane longings to dominate as

royalty, Leo is to evolve into functioning on

the soul-centered level where his spiritual magnetism will automatically

attract others. Instead of longing for the love of others, Leo

now willingly extends love to humanity. As a result of developing a strong

inner ego surrendered to his soul's desires, Leo

awakens to his leadership role as an outstanding and unique Part of the Whole.

Creativity is vital to Leo's spiritual

journey. Creativity reveals Leo's uniqueness;

it proclaims who he is. Leo usually possesses

a marked flair for drama, arts, and sports. He is intensely emotional,

courageous, optimistic, very generous, and affectionate. Leo

often brings sunshine into the lives of others with his radiant smile and

cheerful disposition.

Leo's best career is one in which he has

the freedom to create, promote ideas or causes, and to be a source of

inspiration to others.

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The person who is Virgo incarnated to seek

an avenue of meaningful service. Virgo asks,

"How can I integrate a higher level of consciousness into my daily

lifestyle and work?" She is more interested in rewarding work than in a

highly paid, non-service type of job. Virgo's

highest expression is found in serving others, in ways that offer healing of

body, mind, and spirit.

A major challenge for Virgo is overcoming a

tendency to criticize others. Because Virgo is

striving for perfection, she very readily sees the imperfections in others. In

actuality, Virgo is criticizing in others the

very qualities she subconsciously knows must be corrected within herself.

Others act as mirrors to remind Virgo what her

soul assignments are. A Virgo incarnation

marks the end of a cycle of purely personal development; it involves a process

of transformation for the physical, emotional, and mental bodies. Thus, Virgo's

urge toward perfection.

Virgo must learn to think positively

because her state of mind has a direct impact on her physical health. Virgo

health can be a barometer of the measure of personal satisfaction she

experiences in her work. Once Virgo believes

her work to no longer be meaningful or offer an avenue of continued growth,

her physical body will manifest symptoms that say, "It's time for a

change." When this happens, Virgo needs

to listen and take appropriate action. Virgo

is not easily defeated; instead, she uses her active mind to seek new ways to

find success.

Virgo is learning discernment and how to

analyze and be more objective. She is experimenting and searching for a means

of creative self-expression that will be practical and meaningful to those she

serves. Virgo dislikes conflict, considering

it to be a waste of time. She uses her creative talents to give birth to her

own unique contribution to our world. Faith in the Divine and in herself is

characteristic at the soul-centered level. Virgo's

ultimate service is to live as an expression of Self in an act of Love.

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The person who is Libra incarnated to

search for the soul mate. Libra attempts to

balance the polarities of life, especially as they relate to the masculine and

feminine energies.

At the mundane level, Libra enters

relationships for the sake of having them. Libra's

personality level motto is: "Be cooperative and do things my way."

He must overcome the urge to be victorious over others. He is learning to move

away from functioning in the "me" consciousness and to enter the

"we" consciousness. In doing so, Libra

may forfeit his individuality by living through his mate. He may allow others

to dominate him in an effort to keep the peace.

The Libra incarnation relates to the 7th

day of creation, a karmic hiatus. The soul is allowed to rest before moving

into the transformative struggles of a Scorpio incarnation. A sense of self

has been developed during the first six zodiac signs; now, Libra

will focus on relationships, on balancing the personality and soul while

relating to the external world.

Libra possesses natural charm, intuition,

and social skills. In love, Libra is

affectionate and loyal. Though he appears docile and sweet on the exterior,

there is a fist of iron underneath the velvet glove. Still, Libra

is the diplomat par excellence. He is friendly, extroverted, fair-minded, and

interested in living life to the fullest. He loves to travel. Libra

is happiest in work that involves partnership, located in a pleasant

environment, and allows for the creative expression of a refined mind

interested in the arts and music. Libra's

smile is legendary for its ability to melt the hearts of those around him. He

has an excellent, executive type mind.

On the soul-centered level, Libra is the

social innovator, the cohesive force in the world of finance, politics, and

diplomacy. Libra strives to create right human

relations between all persons and has the potential to greatly benefit our


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The person who is Scorpio incarnated to win

the symbolic battle of Armageddon between her lower self's desires and the

soul-centerd self. A Scorpio incarnation is a

difficult one involving the search for transformation. Scorpio

is to overcome all selfishness and to learn the art of self-sacrifice for

others. Scorpio feels the urge to develop her

unique individuality and to refine it.

Scorpio, on the personality level, is

self-centered. She unconsciously creates a series of self-annihilating events.

Her purpose is to cause enough pain within herself to awaken her to the

opportunity for redemption. Much of this pain is created through being

jealous, vindictive, sarcastic, and underhanded. As Scorpio

achieves objectivity and patience, her inner brilliance begins to shine forth.

She is loyal to her family and willingly makes sacrifices for them. Scorpio

is supportive in assisting others in their creative self-expression. Scorpio

is courageous, highly intuitive, with a personal magnetism that draws friends

to her. She possesses a very strong will, a keen analytical mind, and talent

for long-range planning. She can be extremely resourceful and creative. Living

near water is healing for Scorpio. Marriage

and relationships are important.

Her transformation involves learning to be outgoing toward others and to

use her tremendous power to heal and bless others. When Scorpio

serves with no thought of self, she is dynamic-even majestic. At the

soul-centered level, Scorpio exhibits an inner

brilliance and magnetic power. She has tremendous healing ability and becomes

totally dedicated to the unfolding of the Divine Plan for all of humanity.

The Scorpio incarnation is a decisive one

following which she will either progress to Sagittarius or retrogress back to

Libra. Scorpio is the way out of the

personality-centered life. She is to be resurrected from the ashes of her

lower self into the Phoenix-her soul-centered symbol. As a One-pointed

Disciple, she is to transform the energy of conflict into harmony, beauty, and


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The person who is Sagittarius incarnated to

search for wisdom. Sagittarius asks:

"What is my purpose in life?" He is goal-oriented, continually

moving from the completion of one objective to an even higher one.

On the personality level, Sagittarius is

controlled by his own desires and passions. At this level, Sagittarius

attempts to control the persons and events within his environment, rather than

learning to control his own lower self. He tends to project blame onto others,

to procrastinate, and to lack tactfulness. Though his impulsive words can be

painful, Sagittarius seldom means to hurt

others and can be shocked to find he has done so.

As Sagittarius awakens to the spiritual

perspective, he strives to develop self-discipline and to channel his abundant

energy into fulfilling his soul purpose. Sagittarius

is versatile, optimistic, friendly, and daring. He does well in vocations that

involve risk-taking, travel, and sales. Sagittarius

needs to be free to roam the planet and to contemplate the meaning of life. Sagittarius

is a fortunate energy; life is usually filled with adventure and abundant

living. He has an innate understanding of people. Education and communicating

what he knows are a major part of Sagittarius'

journey. He is playful and spontaneous.

A Sagittarius incarnation marks the final

stages of the transformative purification process. Often a hip injury will

mark the beginning of this self-transformation. Sagittarius

is to become the One-pointed Disciple symbolized by the Knight riding his

horse. The Knight's arrow signifies a shaft of light released from his Higher

Mind to be used to enlighten others. At the soul-centered level, Sagittarius

becomes the minister, teacher, and healer of humanity. He is a true visionary

and inspiring prophet.

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The person who is Capricorn incarnated to

successfully complete the initiation process and to awaken to a higher level

of consciousness. Capricorn is the PATHWAY TO


Capricorn is learning to overcome ambition

of self and to give up attachment to material forms. This process can involve

some difficult lessons if Capricorn clings to

her earth plane symbols of success. An inferiority complex gives her the need

for prestige and positive reinforcement. On the mundane level, Capricorn

can feel restricted, resulting in a disposition colored by worry or

melancholy. Capricorn's life can seem to be a

constant uphill battle, until she learns to release the excess karmic baggage

she brings in from previous lifetimes. She suffers because she requires this

stimulus to lead her into the initiation process. Once she orients herself to

conscious soul growth, the need to suffer is eliminated.

As Capricorn awakens spiritually, she loses

interest in worldly status and begins to focus her efforts on benefitting

others. Capricorn feels a deep sense of

responsibility for the events and persons around her. Capricorn

is happiest in work that requires organization, integrity, and persistence.

Hard work invigorates her. Though she appears to be a reserved loner, she is

actually very sensitive and enjoys the company of others. She is loyal to

friends and family. Capricorn is thoughtful,

compassionate, and romantic. She is attracted to politics and acting because

she loves the limelight.

Capricorn is family oriented and often has

a karmic link with the parents. The Capricorn

male clings to mother, making her the center of his life, even after marriage.

The Capricorn female may allow her father to

select her mate - or - she will select her own mate out of rebellion against

her father. At some point, Capricorn will

break out of this karmic prison and come into her own. She then embarks on her

search for a mission in life. She becomes the Initiate who creates innovative

resources for serving the world.

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The person who is Aquarius incarnated to be

the "Waterbearer" to humanity. He seeks to baptize others with his

philosophy of life and to live his life as a conscious service to humanity.

Group relationships become important.

At the personality-level, Aquarius is the

"air head" who lacks grounding to the Earth. He may attempt to be

all things to all people, exhausting himself in the process. Aquarius

may choose to merge his personal identity with the unconscious masses. As he

awakens spiritually, Aquarius becomes

increasingly creative in order to benefit society. This creative

self-expression helps to integrate his personality; he becomes self-confident.

Aquarius is extremely innovative, resourceful,

and intuitive. He is a social progressive who feels a tremendous need to bring

about freedom and equality for all human beings.

Aquarius marches to a different drummer. He

possesses warmth, yet appears distant. He is more concerned for the whole,

than for any one part. Aquarius is the

visionary who can lead people into something better. Friendship is vital to Aquarius.

Marriage often grounds Aquarius. He will

desire a mate who is an intellectual companion and friend. Aquarius

can be impatient, extremely stubborn, and impersonal.

There are two types of Aquarians: one is

more attuned to Saturn and will seem more like Capricorn; the other is more

attuned to Uranus and will be a free spirit, eager to grow and to learn. He

seeks Truth everywhere. The Uranian Aquarius

will create his own work, designed to be universal in scope.

Aquarius must go alone into the forest in

search for the Holy Grail. His journey can be lonely. Aquarius

is to surrender his will to the Divine Will and to work for the good of all

persons. He is to integrate New Age Principles into his innovative work of

sowing the seeds of transformation into the conscious awareness of humanity. Aquarius

works with an intuitive alignment to the Divine Plan.

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Pisces incarnated to complete one cycle of

twelve incarnations and to prepare for the next cycle. She struggles with

duality, especially as she seeks to fuse her personality-self with her Soul. Pisces

is learning to control her emotional ups and downs.

Pisces, on the personality level, is

sensitive to everyone and everything, while lacking the ability to

discriminate the source of that sensitivity. She may mistake her psychic

sensitivity for spiritual understanding. Pisces,

at this level, may throw herself away on someone or so completely merge her

identity with that of the group that she seems to disappear. Pisces

can completely dominate her environment with her seepage of emotional energy.

As she attempts unconsciously to tie up the loose ends from previous

incarnations, she may react with a desire to escape physical plane living. She

can be moody, prone to self-pity, and impressionable. The urge for other

worlds may lead to substance abuse

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