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looking for some input from the group regarding possible Bartonella infection:

Over the last month I had several new symptoms that come and go in a 6-7 day

cycle (four cycles now). The most obvious ones are:

- neck pains (not sure if the pain is in muscle, arteries or something else),

throat feels tense/swollen, shoulder joint pain

- feverish feeling especially at night (warm ears/skin, feverish dreams); but

temperature is a bit below normal so not normal fevers

- swollen intestines, gut cramping, mild pains; feels a bit like food

poisoning. sometimes mild shaking of muscles in the morning.

I have other long term symptoms that could point to Bart, most of them started

after the 2004 tick bite (some of these can also be caused by Borrelia):

- dark nodule under the skin near possible older bite site

- pain in foot soles especially in the morning or when walking (although a bit

less now than some years ago)

- small bright red dots, mostly on trunk and upper legs/arms

- spider veins and other issues with very pronounced arteries

- shin pains, swollen lymph nodes and intense night sweats (some years ago; not


- heart arrhythmia, especially when waking up

- underweight and undertemperature (less now than previously)

- skin problems (skin lesions; very thin, fragile skin) and connective tissue

problems (probably Bb issue).

I have a confirmed Borrelia infection from a tick byte in 2004, that went

untreated for two years. This Bb infection is probably chronic, despite 1 year

of ABX and about two years of Buhner it probably is still there (positive WB and

visible spirochetes in 2008). I haven't used ABX for 3.5 years, or Buhner herbs

since 1.5 years or so, except for some brief experimenting. There were no

obvious signs of active Borrelia infection in the last two years or so, but I

still had some issues so you never know.

The Bart infection could be from an earlier bite in the garden about 12 years

ago; I don't know what bit me, but it left an itchy spot that is now a dark

brown nodule under the skin (still unchanged after more than 10 years). Had a

lot of problems with heart/gut/skin/fatigue/hairloss for about a year after the

bite, but then it gradually disappeared. I was never tested or treated for this,

my doc said it was all due to stress, working too hard ...

My Bb infection was proven several times with a Western Blot. I did two

serologic tests for Bartonella from the same lab (in Cologne), but both were

negative. Probably the chance of false negatives is pretty big with these Bart


I don't have the telltale red Bart rash (stripes). I do have many white

stretchmarks (e.g. on lower back and thighs) but those are probably from severe

weight loss after my tick bite. My doc did a standard bloodtest this week,

haven't heard the result but I guess it won't find anything special.

I'm 100% sure there was no recent Bart (or Bb) infection. Could it be an old

Bart infection was reactivated after the Borrelia was finally done with, or

because I haven't used ABX or herbs for a long time?

Any suggestions regarding signs that I may be missing, or that might point to

something else instead of Bart?

I'm thinking about restarting the basic Buhner protocol plus Boneset, and maybe

some additional ABX (Klacid/Plaquenil, still have some in stock and it should

also work against Bb).

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> I'm thinking about restarting the basic Buhner protocol plus Boneset, and

maybe some additional ABX (Klacid/Plaquenil, still have some in stock and it

should also work against Bb).


Knotweed, sorry to hear you're not feeling well.

I don't have any of those symptoms except the neck aches.

Please don't take old antibiotics, as they can cause kidney damage.

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positive WB and visible spirochetes in 2008

Knotweed, how do they see spirochetes????????????

On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 4:17 AM, knot_weed <tek0nik@...> wrote:



> looking for some input from the group regarding possible Bartonella

> infection:


> Over the last month I had several new symptoms that come and go in a 6-7

> day cycle (four cycles now). The most obvious ones are:


> - neck pains (not sure if the pain is in muscle, arteries or something

> else), throat feels tense/swollen, shoulder joint pain

> - feverish feeling especially at night (warm ears/skin, feverish dreams);

> but temperature is a bit below normal so not normal fevers

> - swollen intestines, gut cramping, mild pains; feels a bit like food

> poisoning. sometimes mild shaking of muscles in the morning.


> I have other long term symptoms that could point to Bart, most of them

> started after the 2004 tick bite (some of these can also be caused by

> Borrelia):


> - dark nodule under the skin near possible older bite site

> - pain in foot soles especially in the morning or when walking (although a

> bit less now than some years ago)

> - small bright red dots, mostly on trunk and upper legs/arms

> - spider veins and other issues with very pronounced arteries

> - shin pains, swollen lymph nodes and intense night sweats (some years ago;

> not recently)

> - heart arrhythmia, especially when waking up

> - underweight and undertemperature (less now than previously)

> - skin problems (skin lesions; very thin, fragile skin) and connective

> tissue problems (probably Bb issue).


> I have a confirmed Borrelia infection from a tick byte in 2004, that went

> untreated for two years. This Bb infection is probably chronic, despite 1

> year of ABX and about two years of Buhner it probably is still there

> (positive WB and visible spirochetes in 2008). I haven't used ABX for 3.5

> years, or Buhner herbs since 1.5 years or so, except for some brief

> experimenting. There were no obvious signs of active Borrelia infection in

> the last two years or so, but I still had some issues so you never know.


> The Bart infection could be from an earlier bite in the garden about 12

> years ago; I don't know what bit me, but it left an itchy spot that is now a

> dark brown nodule under the skin (still unchanged after more than 10 years).

> Had a lot of problems with heart/gut/skin/fatigue/hairloss for about a year

> after the bite, but then it gradually disappeared. I was never tested or

> treated for this, my doc said it was all due to stress, working too hard ...



> My Bb infection was proven several times with a Western Blot. I did two

> serologic tests for Bartonella from the same lab (in Cologne), but both were

> negative. Probably the chance of false negatives is pretty big with these

> Bart tests.


> I don't have the telltale red Bart rash (stripes). I do have many white

> stretchmarks (e.g. on lower back and thighs) but those are probably from

> severe weight loss after my tick bite. My doc did a standard bloodtest this

> week, haven't heard the result but I guess it won't find anything special.


> I'm 100% sure there was no recent Bart (or Bb) infection. Could it be an

> old Bart infection was reactivated after the Borrelia was finally done with,

> or because I haven't used ABX or herbs for a long time?


> Any suggestions regarding signs that I may be missing, or that might point

> to something else instead of Bart?


> I'm thinking about restarting the basic Buhner protocol plus Boneset, and

> maybe some additional ABX (Klacid/Plaquenil, still have some in stock and it

> should also work against Bb).




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Hi Knotweed,

I belong to the Bartonella group

(bartonella). Many of your symptoms sound

very much like what many on the group have described. Rash doesn't have to be

streaky. Many people have the small red dots on their skin. Bart affects the

HPA axis (hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenals) and can dial down body temp.

Foot pain is very common.

Bart infects the endothelium which is the thin layer of cells that lines the

interior surface of blood vessels. So your description of blood vessel

involvement could also be a clue.

I don't know if I have Bart but I generally assume to have the full cocktail of


If I recall correctly, you have not been a supporter of rife for treatment.

However, many people seem to see a reduction of symptoms using frequency


Someone sent me the information quoted below and it does appear from many

people's experience that as one pathogen is knocked down, another becomes

dominant, similar to the alpha males and females in nature:

" When lyme/bart is reduced if you have myco, you'll start getting new myco

symptoms as it emerges. Once myco is reduced, you'll get babesia symptoms, so

with each emergence it takes some time to get that bug beaten back. " The

following frequencies and order of treatment were suggested below.

lyme 432

bart 832

myco 690

babesia 570

anaplasma 387

erlichia 395

epstein barr virus 880

xmrv 448



> looking for some input from the group regarding possible Bartonella infection:


> Over the last month I had several new symptoms that come and go in a 6-7 day

cycle (four cycles now). The most obvious ones are:


> - neck pains (not sure if the pain is in muscle, arteries or something else),

throat feels tense/swollen, shoulder joint pain

> - feverish feeling especially at night (warm ears/skin, feverish dreams); but

temperature is a bit below normal so not normal fevers

> - swollen intestines, gut cramping, mild pains; feels a bit like food

poisoning. sometimes mild shaking of muscles in the morning.


> I have other long term symptoms that could point to Bart, most of them started

after the 2004 tick bite (some of these can also be caused by Borrelia):


> - dark nodule under the skin near possible older bite site

> - pain in foot soles especially in the morning or when walking (although a bit

less now than some years ago)

> - small bright red dots, mostly on trunk and upper legs/arms

> - spider veins and other issues with very pronounced arteries

> - shin pains, swollen lymph nodes and intense night sweats (some years ago;

not recently)

> - heart arrhythmia, especially when waking up

> - underweight and undertemperature (less now than previously)

> - skin problems (skin lesions; very thin, fragile skin) and connective tissue

problems (probably Bb issue).


> I have a confirmed Borrelia infection from a tick byte in 2004, that went

untreated for two years. This Bb infection is probably chronic, despite 1 year

of ABX and about two years of Buhner it probably is still there (positive WB and

visible spirochetes in 2008). I haven't used ABX for 3.5 years, or Buhner herbs

since 1.5 years or so, except for some brief experimenting. There were no

obvious signs of active Borrelia infection in the last two years or so, but I

still had some issues so you never know.


> The Bart infection could be from an earlier bite in the garden about 12 years

ago; I don't know what bit me, but it left an itchy spot that is now a dark

brown nodule under the skin (still unchanged after more than 10 years). Had a

lot of problems with heart/gut/skin/fatigue/hairloss for about a year after the

bite, but then it gradually disappeared. I was never tested or treated for this,

my doc said it was all due to stress, working too hard ...


> My Bb infection was proven several times with a Western Blot. I did two

serologic tests for Bartonella from the same lab (in Cologne), but both were

negative. Probably the chance of false negatives is pretty big with these Bart



> I don't have the telltale red Bart rash (stripes). I do have many white

stretchmarks (e.g. on lower back and thighs) but those are probably from severe

weight loss after my tick bite. My doc did a standard bloodtest this week,

haven't heard the result but I guess it won't find anything special.


> I'm 100% sure there was no recent Bart (or Bb) infection. Could it be an old

Bart infection was reactivated after the Borrelia was finally done with, or

because I haven't used ABX or herbs for a long time?


> Any suggestions regarding signs that I may be missing, or that might point to

something else instead of Bart?


> I'm thinking about restarting the basic Buhner protocol plus Boneset, and

maybe some additional ABX (Klacid/Plaquenil, still have some in stock and it

should also work against Bb).


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