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Re: NONI juice dangers!!!!

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Thx for the info - maybe it also depends on how much or little we take - I

drink a small amount each day, along with a small amount of grape seed extract

capsule, and my lipomas (fatty tissue tumors) are disappearing. This is also

what is happening for people with dercums disease (multiple fatty tumors). -


In a message dated 10/24/2008 12:59:32 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,

FinRussak@... writes:

Liver toxic, addictive, kidney toxic, potassium problems,interferes with

serious meds!!! see below.

Noni can cause liver toxicty and even hepatitis!

_http://content.http://conthttp://conthttp://cohttp://conthttp://conte & <WBR>Ar

tik<WBR> & Ausgabe=Ausgab & ProduktNrProdukt_

(http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.asp?Aktion=ShowAbstract & ArtikelNr\

=94524 & Ausgabe=231832 & ProduktNr=22






PF21C50vvspJ5t1nnbdSGNNnnlhjbsQhkdQQGkNL) !-1375129934!!-13751299!-13751

it can also cause hyperkalemia ( too high potassium) which is a serious

cardiac risk!! especially in people with prior kidney issues. even more if


on ACE inhibitors for blood pressure

_http://grande.http://grhttp://grahttp://grahttp://grand & <WBR>origin=i<WBR>ori

gi & <WBR>therow=4_

(http://grande.nal.usda.gov/ibids/index.php?mode2=detail & origin=ibids_references\

& therow=428022)

a few tests showed the potassium in Noni to be simlilar to orange and tomato

juice ( both on the do NOT drink lists for many patients) and yet it seemed

to raise blood levels higher--possibly due to the fact of its allowing some

people to absorb/metabolize more potassium .( and, again, with ACE inhibitors

the effect is multiplied)?a few tests showed the potassium in Noni to be

simlilar to orange and tomato j

blocks warfarin (Coumadin) so if youre on blood thinners--AVOID Noni too!!

in lab it did show to block blood vessel growth in cancer and tumors which

may be good--BUT if it does this aroun d healthy tissues too it can be BIG

trouble!! and NO the Noni doesnt " know " where its doing the blocking, and cant

target one area of the body without affecting any other areas too.

a few studies claimed Noni may have anti anxiety effects--well, in the lab

EXTRACTS and tinctures of Noni did compete with GABA-a receptors. This means

that in your brain,it will bind the receptors and temporarily give you a 'feel

good/better " reaction.Not that this is a bad thing BUT if youre avoiding

brain altering substances due to an anxiety state ( common in ) you MAY have

rebound worse anxiety if you try to stop Noni.



This also explains how some persons become somewhat addicted to it!! and

when they try to stop they feel " worse " ...nothing to do with " healing " or

" curative " powers at all--simple brain chemistry the sellers take advantage

of--like Tobacco companies!!!

My Mother is convinced she cant live without her ciggarettes-My Mother is

convinced she cant live without her ciggarettes-

the marketing and abuse for this sort of stuff is unbelievable!the marketing

and abuse for this sort of stuff is unbelievable!<WBR>!! tell people itll

cure it all,

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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I don't feel they gave enough information. There may be a difference

between brands. They did not list which ones they were on. Also, some

pathogen-killers effect the liver because of the fast rate at which they force

the liver

to filter the pathogens it kills. Thus, its a complicated picture. But, I

do think its food for thought.

Heidi N

Thx for the info - maybe it also depends on how much or little we take - I

drink a small amount each day, along with a small amount of grape seed


capsule, and my lipomas (fatty tissue tumors) are disappearing. This is also

what is happening for people with dercums disease (multiple fatty tumors). -


**************Play online games for FREE at Games.com! All of your favorites,

no registration required and great graphics – check it out!



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Thanks Fin for warning us of the dangers of noni. I almost purchased organic

noni juice but my LLND said it would not be potent enough compared to noni

tincture. Being chemically sensitive, I avoid hepatoxic substances. Pick your

poison. Which is less liver toxic noni or antibiotics? Before making that

decision, I need to know whether noni eradicates lyme. Does noni eradicate only

babesia? I don't have babesia. bionatus.com does not cite any published research

on noni eradicating lyme or babesia. Does anyone know any research? If not, I

will spare my liver by refraining from noni even though I do have three fatty

lumps.Robin, do you think the combination of grape fruit seed extract and noni

are dissolving your fatty tumors? Could it be the GSE by itself?    


7a. NONI juice dangers!!!!

Posted by: " FinRussak@... " FinRussak@... finlerm24

Date: Fri Oct 24, 2008 12:59 pm ((PDT))

Liver toxic, addictive, kidney toxic, potassium problems,interferes with

serious meds!!! see below.

Noni can cause liver toxicty and even hepatitis!

http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.asp?Aktion=ShowAbstract & ArtikelNr=\

94524 & Ausgabe=231832 & ProduktNr=223838




it can also cause hyperkalemia ( too high potassium) which is a serious cardiac

risk!! especially in people with prior kidney issues. even more if youre on ACE

inhibitors for blood pressure

http://grande.nal.usda.gov/ibids/index.php?mode2=detail & origin=ibids_references & \


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