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Earthing & Lyme Hypotheses

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In case you haven't heard about the possible benefits of " earthing " for Lyme

(including better sleep), read this..


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Earthing & Lyme Hypotheses and... A Final Earthing Give-Away!

By Alix, SpiroChicks Co-Founder

After first posting in November about the health


> benefits of Earthing, I am astounded that so many in the Lyme community

have responded by trying Earthing - the simple act of putting your bare feet

on the ground or bringing Earth's electrons indoors with simple grounding


Many Lyme patients have written about how Earthing is affecting them.

Reports range from little effect to slightly better sleep to very improved

sleep to full-on herxing. Lyme patients might be the only group who need to

be careful not to Earth too much at first. Below I describe an evolving set

of hypotheses to explain what Lyme patients are experiencing.

To see details of our give-away, read through to the end of this post. We

have an Earthing mat and a Queen-sized half-sheet for a couple lucky Lymies

who share their Earthing stories here on SpiroChicks.

Here are the evolving Lyme-Earthing Hypotheses:

Electron Deficiency

Electron deficiency can explain some of the differences in how people

respond to Earthing, according to research done by Dr. Amalu. He

used an electrometer to measure the effects of Earthing on people in a

specially-designed building in Iowa. Test subjects who were regularly in

contact with the Earth, like gardeners, appeared to take in fewer electrons

than people who lived in a high rise and did not do things like gardening.

Amalu said it appears that people who are highly deficient practically drink

up the electrons. This might account for my personal reaction to Earthing

being so strong: I was probably highly electron-deficient from total

avoidance of going shoeless.

Blood Thinning and Bb Cysts

We've been curious about Lyme, the blood-thinning aspects of Earthing, and

the blood-thinner drug contraindication. (Coumadin is a contraindication

when regularly Earthing.) Here are four hypotheses about Earthing and Lyme

given what we know about blood-thinners:

1. Prevention of cell-wall deficient forms: " Blood thinners appear to

<http://www.canlyme.com/lymeconf04.html> disrupt the formation of

spheroblasts [cell-wall deficient form of Borrelia burgdorferi] in the

bloodstream, and that could explain the improvement that some patients

experience using Heparin. " noted , MD at a 2004 Lyme

conference. The cell-wall deficient forms allow Bb to hide from antibiotics,

so if they can't form, Lyme can't hide. Since Earthing is a strong blood

thinner, does Earthing also prevent Bb from converting to cell-wall

deficient forms? Maybe.

2. Prevention of Bb from sticking to brain cells: Heparin

<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heparin> has the " highest negative charge

density of any known biological molecule. " The Earth, if you recall, has a

negative charge and donates electrons to cells, causing all to be negatively

charged and repel each other, like magnets. This is why Earthing thins the

blood. Buhner wrote that Heparin prevents Bb from sticking to brain

cells. Is the negative charge the reason? Would Earthing do the same thing?


3. Vascular penetration: Does the blood thinning aspect of Earthing

allow our treatments to penetrate deeper into our vascular system than

they've been able to go before, reaching colonies previously left untreated?


4. Higher O2 delivery: Is the thinned blood more oxygenated, delivering

a higher, and therefore more toxic dose of oxygen to the Bb and

co-infections? Maybe.

Frequencies and My Thoughts on Deer

Tapping into Earth's natural frequency could be another reason Earthing has

an effect on Lyme. Why are most deer infected with Bb, yet most seem to be

asymptomatic? If they do have symptoms, why don't we have reports of deer

going crazy and presenting with swollen joints? Do infected lab animals show

Lyme symptoms because they are not Earthed? Is Earthing part of what

protects the deer? When I spoke with


Wolfe, he didn't hesitate to say yes. When I asked Dr. Sinatra, the

famous heart surgeon and co-author of the book Earthing

<http://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?t=wwwmednauseub-20 & o=1 & p=8 & l=as1 & asins=159120283

3 & fc1=000000 & IS2=1 & lt1=_blank & m=amazon & lc1=0000FF & bc1=000000 & bg1=FFFFFF & f=if

r> , he mentioned Earth frequencies might be toxic to Bb - causing the cyst

forms to convert to spirochetes and enter the bloodstream where they are

susceptible to antibiotics. As a side note, one person mentioned that deer

eat teasel and other herbs--natural antibiotics that are toxic to Lyme, so

Earthing might not be the whole story vis a vis the deer.

Nervous System

The effects of Earthing on the nervous system are well-documented and not

specific to Lyme, but I do have to mention that since Earthing will

normalize cortisol and helps most people sleep better (75% of insomniacs,

according to Dr. Amalu), improved sleep will obviously help insomniac Lyme

patients. Clint Ober mentioned that in ill patients, after 16 weeks of

Earthing the nervous system will normalize. I'm presuming he means patients

who have worked up to overnight, every-night Earthing.

Other Effects

Other effects of Earthing include blood sugar regulation and thyroid

normalization. Again, these are not Lyme-specific, but normalizing these

functions should be a great boon to eventual recovery.

Indoor Earthing: Important Note about Properly Testing Your Outlet

I've found that the voltmeter (about $10 at your hardware store) is the only

way to check for a truly grounded outlet. A voltmeter measures the

difference between two voltages.

Caution: you can electrocute yourself if you stick one end in the

rectangular part of the socket. Don't do that!

To use it <http://www.wikihow.com/Use-a-Multimeter> , put the black test

lead into the third prong of the outlet - the round one. Hold the red end

with your bare fingers and read the AC (not the DC) setting. You will have a

steady number when you have a truly grounded outlet AND if you are not

touching any grounding device. The number will be the difference between

your body voltage and that of the Earth via your grounded socket. If you see

a fluctuating number, your outlet is not truly grounded and you can't use it

for grounding - instead you must use a grounding rod that goes directly to

the outside. If you have a steady number, then touch a grounding device

while still holding the red test lead. If your voltage drops close to zero,

you are grounded and have confirmed your grounded outlet. See my

<http://naturalnews.tv/v.asp?v=7769713047BCC00D588572E58186B44F> Earthing

video Part 2 for a demo.

If you get an Earthing kit with an outlet checker: The outlet checker is not

the same as a voltmeter! Follow up with a voltmeter if your outlet checker

lights up two orange lights on the right. This indicates your outlets might

be truly grounded, but you need a voltmeter to confirm.


Now for the great news! Thanks to the huge generosity of Clint Ober, we

still have two Earthing kits to give away, and we've saved the best for

last: an Earthing mat, including

<http://www.shop.earthing.net/Earthing-Mat_c3.htm> outlet checker and book

($59.95 retail) and a Queen-sized half-sheet

<http://www.shop.earthing.net/Sleep-Systems_c4.htm> including outlet

checker, grounding rod and book ($149 retail)!!

Here's how to enter:

1. Write your Earthing and Lyme story on your blog and paste the link

into the comments on this post. Please post your email address with the


2. If you don't have a blog, write your 200-words or less Earthing

story in the comments on this post. Include your email address.

Both types of entries will count equally. Entries will be accepted until

midnight (PST) on March 3rd). Two winners will be drawn on March 4th!

SpiroChicks authors are not eligible.

Happy Earthing!

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