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As Seen From Above... Author Unknown

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Dear ones, you have asked for further information about how your higher self interacts with you in your incarnation. I understand why some are concerned about this relationship. I also understand why the dear one who called is concerned about being a puppet. The concerns come from a lack of understanding about what your higher self truly is.

First and foremost, there is no separation between you and your higher self. You are one.

There is no separation between your toes and you. You are one. The difficulty in understanding the relationship between your higher self and yourself is that you think in duality. You have difficulty comprehending what it means to be one with your higher self.

Even the language "one with higher self" implies that there are two separate beings. There is only one being, and that one being is you.

Before incarnation you were in your fullness. You knew, experienced, reveled in your fullness and the unity of your fullness with the Oneness. You did not need anyone to explain it to you. You lived it and you knew it. There was no question about duality or being separate. In fact, being separate could be another name for what some call hell.


I will speak now about how you planned your incarnations. Due to the confines of language, I will need to use terms that imply that there is "time" and there is "separateness." There is not. Even though I tell you this, you will not truly understand what I am saying. You do have the intellectual knowledge from your learning, but you do not know this until you arrive at the very depths of yourself where there is only the Oneness.

Before there was any concept of time, when you first became aware of yourself as a part of the Oneness, just as a wave is identified as part of the wholeness of the ocean, you wanted to have various experiences. Others such as yourself began to join together to have these experiences. You began to consult with one another. As you consulted, you also began to specialize.

Some of you wanted to experience great public power, others wealth and still others poverty. Some of you became mentors, healers and warriors. It didn't really matter what you experienced. You presented challenges to yourself. Groups of you gathered together to make the challenges more complex. Now with 6.5 billion human souls on your planet, the complexity is great.

Each of you began to develop an overall plan for your experiences. Think of it as an outline to a book. You plan a book, what the theme will be, what each chapter will contain and how the plot will develop. Your life-and by "life" I mean the journey of your soul-can be likened to a very large book. Each of your incarnations is a chapter. You did meticulous planning for each chapter. Others joined you in the planning and in the execution. You created what your life would be as well as the roles others were to play in your incarnation.

You still are the creator of your life, but in a different way than you believe.


Once you decided what you wanted to happen in your incarnation, you worked with the encodement technicians. The encodement technicians set the format for your incarnation by placing within you the encodements that would attract you to the experiences you desired. I'm going to mix analogies in order to assist you in understanding what happens as much as possible. When you make the plans for your incarnation, you develop a blueprint of what you want to happen. Think of this as the blueprint an architect uses to guide the builders of a house. The encodement technicians then come in and put in the "wiring" according to your plans. The encodements attract you to people, places and things, giving you options and opportunities. There are also encodements to "hide" things from you. No one is able to experience everything in life during an incarnation. The various encodements help you "build" the life you planned before incarnating. Switching to the analogy

of a play, your encodements are activated according to certain cues in your life.

Just as an actor knows to come on stage when a certain line is given, so do certain encodements become active with particular events in your life. Developmental encodements are "set" to become active at particular ages or as you attain certain developmental milestones. An active encodement attracts you to an experience in your life.

Unless you have an active encodement, there will be no attraction to a particular person, place, lifestyle and so on. There are encodements that can repel you from particular persons, places and so on. Some encodements have to be very strong to "neutralize" your attraction to certain people. This occurs when souls who have deep relationships on the other side are playing a different role in incarnated life.


Continuing the analogy of the play or movie, you and those in your life take on certain roles. You have heard this many times, but few people realize the depth of this truth. You are "playacting." You take on a role that is not truly you, and you would win what you call an Academy Award if it were possible for anyone to play their role to a lesser extent than another. All of you are Academy Award-winning actors or Tony Award winners (in the play analogy). Every person in your life you have created to play the role they play. The person agreed to play that role with you.

"How," you may ask, "could I have created someone to play a particular role? If an individual plays one role with me, doesn't that person play the same role with everyone else?" No, no one plays the same role with each person. An individual may be a villain of a parent in a first marriage and then a beloved saint of a parent in another marriage. The one known as a thief to some may be a beloved friend to others. Souls play different roles with different people. That's why people can go to the same event and some believe the presenter is wonderful and others abhor him or her. You play different roles with each other, and these roles may or may not have anything to do with who you are in the spiritual world. Know that. Believe that. Accept that. It will make your life much easier.

To reiterate: People play roles. No matter what role, how wonderful or horrible the role, you, before incarnation, set the experience up. Don't take it personally. Yes, that is difficult once you have incarnated and are not with the fullness of your being.


Have you thought about who "directs" or "supervises" the movie or blueprint (using both analogies) once you incarnate? The "who" is the crux of the issue. Dear ones, the true you is the director, the supervisor-not the actor in the movie. When you incarnate, you take on a role that is different from your true essence. You put on a costume and play the part you wanted to play. You wrote the movie. You worked with others to cast the various parts, even the extras. You set the scenery. Then you took on the role. There needs to be a director, someone who has the whole script, who knows the theme in depth. That, precious ones, is your higher self.

What is difficult to understand in this world of duality is that you and your future higher self are the same, at this very moment. Think of your favorite actor: Does he or she quit being who he or she is when a particular part is played in a movie? You are still who you were before you took on the part. You are infinite. You are divine. You are a tremendous creator.

Simply look at your life-you created everything in it! You may be saying, "This is not a good creation. This is a disaster!" Yes, that may be your judgment. The truth is that your judgment is not correct. You, an infinite being, created something in such detail that you believe you created a disaster.

You did such a wonderful job of creating that you convinced this aspect of yourself that you think is you that you and all that is around you is real. You have heard many times that this life is not real; it is illusion. You created such a wonderful illusion that you cannot convince yourself it is not real. What power! How powerful you are! Your higher self knows exactly what you (that's the "you" you think you are, plus your higher self) wanted to create. Your higher self is managing everything from the fullness of itself (just like God, there really is no gender; there is simply love). Your higher self has complete knowledge of what is happening "down here" (there really is no "down here"). Your higher self watches you and manages all the little details of your life.

Let me go into detail of how this might work. Let's say you in your incarnated form have had such difficulty with your knees that you chose to have a double knee replacement before you were forty-five Earth years of age. You in your incarnated form might rage at this. You might throw yourself a pity party and expect everyone to join you. Your higher self is only assisting you in what it is that you decided you wanted to do, learn, experience and even play. You, the fullness of who you truly are, decided that you, your incarnated self, wanted to play with the energies of having knee trouble, having surgery and experiencing all the emotions, reactions and activities that would bring. You, the fullness of yourself, gathered together the supporting cast to assist you: surgeons, nurses, therapists, even the experiences that set off the need for the surgery. Your higher self is making sure that all you wanted to experience in this lifetime will occur.

Those who might be considered high-level spiritual beings, which is a judgment, may decide to play with the energies and experiences of getting trapped in a life of drugs and alcohol. The incarnated experience, the role you take, does not negate who you truly are.

Those reading this message in this magazine wanted to experience what it was like to have access to different spiritual experiences than most people in your country. These experiences have been labeled New Age by some, occult by others and, by another group, the devil's handiwork. Whatever you hear from others is still your creation. The purpose is to cause you to respond in some manner. Whatever happens can precipitate a chain of events that you planned.

Have you ever wondered why some people have powerful experiences with certain modalities, be they encodements, Reiki, affirmations, goal-setting, meditation, traditional Christianity and so on, and you don't? The "why" is a decision you made in the fullness of yourself before incarnation. Your "job," as it were, is simply to experience life as it is. The job of your higher power is to implement the land, direct the movie. Some will experience results using one modality, and others with using another modality. Some will not be attracted to what is called New Age and others will be.


The concept of acceptance has been taught in many traditions, by many teachers and masters. Does acceptance mean that you must simply do nothing? No. Although acceptance could be interpreted in that manner, it is more complex. Acceptance requires discernment. Each of you will have a strong desire to do something. This doing may be entering a relationship, beginning a business or taking a class. Many of you can relate experiences of taking a new direction in your life simply by following the deep inner urge to enroll in a workshop, attend a lecture or read a book. These deep urges are messages from your higher self. You could also say that the flier or book you saw activated encodements that propelled you in a new direction in your life.

Many of you are familiar with what is called the Serenity Prayer: "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Wisdom as it is used here is about discernment.

Wisdom is the discernment of when you act and when you accept things as they are and send love to others or bask in the love that you are.

You gain wisdom by learning from your experiences. Learning in this manner is a developmental process, just as learning to walk is a developmental process. The difference is that development in this area has extreme variations. Some people do not appear to learn from their experiences; others learn very quickly. Realize that you are experiencing exactly what you planned to experience, no matter what the pace. This is where acceptance is the key. Your life is a balance of being proactive and of waiting for what comes to you. There are times when you will feel the urge to be proactive. Follow that urge. If following the urge results in what you would call disaster, then stop and wait.

Listen. Feel. Experience. Move internally. What about those who never learn this? Dear ones, you are learning and experiencing. There is no "wrong" way to live this life. There are ways to live and experience that are judged to be healthier and happier. The truth is that there is no wrong way to live.

Does this mean you have license to do whatever you wish? Yes, of course. Do whatever you wish and accept responsibility for the consequences. If you wish to steal, then accept the responsibility of the consequences, whether that be riches, fear or jail. You can choose what to experience in this lifetime. Your experiences will be in alignment with what you planned on experiencing. Some will read these words and ask, "Why bother trying?

Why bother growing?" Developmentally, "Why bother?" is a question of adolescence.

Think back to your own adolescence or to an adolescent you have known or currently know. How can you convince him to stay in high school when he sees no value in high school? How can you explain that the process of high school, whether it be traditional or alternative education, is more than "book learning"? Think of experiences you had or chose not to have and now regret. Your regret comes from what you learned by doing or not doing, from the wisdom you developed as you matured.

Why bother living life? Generally, the answer is for the excitement, the wonder; the desire to see, feel, hear and experience what will happen. What will be the ending of your movie?

What will be the climax? Will things change if you do encodement work, holographic repatterning, Reiki, begin a new career when you are fifty? The only way you can find the answers is to live the question and watch expectantly. Those who have discovered the joy and excitement of learning for the pure joy of learning will understand this concept.


Those of you raised in the Christian tradition are familiar with the phrase "thy will be done."

Within that phrase is the concept of trust and acceptance. Inherent in acceptance is trust in the One, the being allowing and shaping the experiences coming to you. Also present is the challenge of living life to the fullest as it presents itself to you. The amazing reality about "thy will be done" is that it has little to do with the nebulous concept of what many call God. "Thy will be done" is all about you, your higher self. Through your higher self, you are able to access that which you call God. Through your higher self you are able to access the Oneness.

If you cannot access you being one with your higher self, you will not be able to embrace the truth of Oneness, of the concept of God, the All, All That Is. In a manner of speaking, your higher self is your bridge to the overwhelming energy of what many call God. Your higher self is the bridge between you and the powerful creative force of love. My dearest ones, your inability to be in an attitude of acceptance is related to your inability to trust yourself, your higher self. If you cannot trust your higher self, yourself, then you cannot trust that which you call God, All That Is, Universal Love, Allah. The reluctance, the fear of trusting is held fast by the inability to trust yourself, your higher self. When you allow yourself to trust your higher self, when you move into true acceptance, to the truth of "thy will be done," you will discover the depths of yourself. You will discover the powerful creator that you are.


Life on this Earth is filled with paradox. You grow to know yourself, to enter into your power, only to realize that you have no power, and then you enter into even greater power. The paradox is that you cannot experience even a hint of your true power until you find what you think is power and then realize you never had power. You learn to love yourself and set boundaries only to discover that a true love relationship involves the merging of boundaries and the releasing of part of yourself. The paradox is that you cannot release a part of yourself to another before you love yourself and establish boundaries. You cannot truly merge with another unless you first learn to be independent. Life is a continual tension between being proactive and acceptance, moving forward and deliberation. “Every experience you have has been planned by you”. You planned a series of choices. If you made choice A, then you went in one direction, and if you took

choice B, you went in another. Your very first choice was whether or not to fully accept this incarnation, to accept life. Those who fully accept life have experiences built upon wonder.

Those who do not have experiences fraught with hardship. Many made this choice for or against life before they had the maturity to

know the consequences of their choice, no different than the teenager who chooses not to finish high school.

The myriad of healing modalities in this wonderful world you had a hand in creating can assist you in making new choices. Healing the past can change your present and your future. You will keep the wisdom with you. If you choose acceptance, "Thy will be done," you choose healing. You will go in the direction that healing leads you. If you choose resistance, you will go in the direction that leads you.

Every person will end their incarnation by going home. That will not change. Everyone will make it home. Your choices now determine your experience in this incarnation. What experience do you want?

If you have read this far into this message, your higher self is speaking to you, giving you an opportunity to move more deeply into the depths of consciousness. Take time to rest with the words I have given you. Allow yourself to be held in the dynamic tension of paradox. I, on behalf of your higher self, challenge you.


One last comment regarding another question: "Can what I planned before incarnation be changed?" The answer is yes. In fact, it has already occurred. Anyone born before 1985 who is still on the Earth plane has already experienced changes in the original plan. This change occurred and continues to occur on the soul level, the level of your higher self. You in your human incarnation are not fully conscious of these changes and what they mean.

Where would be the fun and surprise if you already knew what would happen?

You are certainly able to have discussions with your higher self. Realize that your higher self is the director of your show, and you are the star. You in your human experience do not have the wealth of knowledge and wisdom that your higher self has in infinite abundance. You do have access to knowledge and wisdom, but only on a finite level. The amount of access, however, may appear infinite when you access it. You can access it if you choose. Know that any difficulties in accessing this wealth of information is simply part of your story, your play.

Remember, you and your higher self are you. You and your higher self are the components of the infinite God-self you are. The paradox is that you are an infinite being playing at a game in which you forgot you were infinite. As the vibrations of the planet have risen, the vague memory of who you truly are pokes through as the thought: "There must be something more!" You would not have this thought, you would not be reading this message, if you were not to know this information. Do you remember the myths of drinking from the river of forgetfulness? You have forgotten from whence you came and who you truly are. You are, my precious ones, infinite. You are, as many of you have heard repeatedly, an infinite being having a finite human experience. The difficulty comes when you do not realize to the depths of yourself what this means. Relax, accept and trust.

Then you can truly enjoy the play. You also will be able to hear the gentle whisperings of your higher self.


Now for a few exercises to assist you in connecting with your higher self. Begin with whichever exercise you feel drawn to.

1. Ask for the release of artificial encodements interfering with or inhibiting your communication with your higher self. (If you are familiar with encodement work, you may skip to the second exercise.) For those unfamiliar with encodements, go into the back of your heart center. Move deeply into this space until you come to your altar, your sacred space. Breathe in and out of your heart center. When you are ready, ask for the encodement technicians to come. They are there for the asking, whether you feel them or not. Ask if there are any artificial encodements interfering with or inhibiting your communication with your higher self. If the answer is yes-and few of you will hear no-ask what would be the consequences of removing the artificial encodements. If those consequences are acceptable to you, then ask that they be removed.

2. Ask if there are damaged or altered natural encodements interfering with your relationship with your higher self. Ask that they be repaired. For those new to the encodement process, use the same process as above, substituting "natural encodements."

3. Ask if there are natural encodements preventing your communication with your higher self. These natural encodements are not damaged or altered. They were placed within because of the plan you established before incarnating. If the answer is yes, ask if their purpose has been fulfilled. If the purpose is complete, if you have received all the learning you need to receive, ask if they may be removed. Enter into your heart center from the front. Go deeply into that space. While remaining there, enter your heart center from the back. Go to your altar or sacred space. Allow your consciousness to move together from the front and back of your heart center until you feel the connection. If you cannot feel, see or sense this connection, simply form an intention that it occur. Resting in this energy is a powerful experience in itself. Remain here as long as you wish. When you are ready, set your intention to form a clear connection with your higher self.

Allow whatever happens to happen. Know that even if you do not feel, see, hear or sense anything, something is happening. Trust. Rest in the energy of this connection.

4. Ask for the healing of your relationship with yourself. Once you ask, be alert for healing opportunities. These could come through a book, an individual, an advertisement, a dream or an inspiration. Trust.

5. Ask for the healing of your relationship with your higher self. Again, be alert for opportunities of healing.



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