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The Morninig Blessing 12.19.08

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The Morning Blessing 12.19.08

To You . . . . . Christmas Merry Be.

Dear Friend,

Let go of thinking of things as "good" and "evil". If

you believe that any of the things that aren't up to you

are either of these imposters, you'll probably undoubtedly

blame and even despise others when you don't get what you want.

From now on be aware of your tendency to judge people.

Do you think your brother is inferior to you because he

does not make as much money as you? Do you say your

neighbor is a bad person because they drink?

Unless you can get inside another person's mind and really

see from their perspective, you cannot know their intentions.

You'll lose your ability to appreciate others if you let your

judgments get in the way.


Today I am a center in the Infinite Mind and Love of God.As the day begins to form I take a few moments and becomeconscious of the Inner Space that arises and emerges into the Self that lives this day. With awareness I touch the power that flows through me into the world. This is Who I am at the deepestlevel, and all human lives are no different. As I deepen my spiritual practice I bring the true perspective and balanceof judgment into my daily life. For until I can walk a thousand steps in my brothers shoes I cannot begin to ponder the intentions of his heart. Instead of imprisoning others with the limitations of my own thinking, I emphasize connectedness. I move past making myself right and otherswrong; soar beyond generating a consciousness of condemnation and truly learn to be as that Divine Being residing in the heart of all. The timehas come to break the bondage of judgment and false impressions. I am a free soul, a free spirit, and because this is so I can see every man as a free agent of Spirit living their own Divine Truth. My word goes deep intomy subconscious mind where it becomes the Truth of my being. I accept and am grateful for these words; I write them with a heartfelt senseof gratitude and humility. I know they are acting in my life now, as I hearthem echoing in my mind. As I open my heart, mind, and spirit to this momentof conciliation I know my internal purpose brings forth new possibilities. And so it is.


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Peace, Love, Light, and Joy, Cherylvisit me at: www.myspace.com/senegalady

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance .MY OATH TO YOU... When you are sad....I will dry your tears. When you are scared.....I will comfort your fears. When you are worried.....I will give you hope. When you are confused.....I will help you cope. And when you are lost....And can't see the light, I shall be your beacon.....Shining ever so bright. This is my oath......I pledge till the end. Why you may ask?....Because you're my friend. Signed: GOD

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