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Did anyone else do a double take on " Milledgeville? " Boy I sure needed my

coffee on that one....hehe.


I need your help

>From: LUANNE RHODES <rwrhodes@...>


>My name is Luanne . I am not a little person. I will

>describe who I am, and why I am logged onto the OneList. I am a middle

>aged, white, female, and live in Tennille, Georgia. I work full time

>and go to college at night. I am currently taking and introductory to

>sociology class and one of my critical assignments is to Identify and

>interview an individual of a different racial/ethnic background from my

>own. The purpose is to find out:

> 1. Religious Influences

> 2. Language and communication

> 3. Parenting styles

> 4. And the role of the family.

>My professor wants this interview to be in person, and not just a survey

>form filled out.

> We were able to chose who to interview and I chose Little

>People. I believe the world needs to be more aware of the obstacles

>LP's face each day.

> I am very familiar with other disabilities. I have a sister who

>is 32 years old and has the mind of a 12 years old. She is, also,

>visually and hearing impaired. But despite her multi disabilities she

>is able to work. I have a niece who has cerebral palsy and is deaf.

>Who, by the way, graduated from a college in California this past June,

>and she is now gainfully employed. I am friends with people that have

>other disabilities, as well.

> I have told you all of this in hopes of somehow conveying the

>sincerity of my request. I need help locating a Little Person who is

>of a different race and background from my own.

> I have two weeks to complete this assignment. A list of larger

>towns that are within driving distance from I live are as follows:

>Atlanta, Augusta, Macon, Milledgeville, and Dublin, Georgia If you are

>able to help me, please send me an e-mail.

> I will end with this quote,

> " As the traveler who has been once from home is wiser than he who has

>never left his own doorstep, so a knowledge of one other culture should

>sharpen our ability to scrutinize more steadily, to appreciate more

>lovingly our own. " Margaret Mead

> Thank you for your help.



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How does short stature fit into different racial/ethnic background?


> From: LUANNE RHODES <rwrhodes@...>


> My name is Luanne . I am not a little person. I will

> describe who I am, and why I am logged onto the OneList. I am a middle

> aged, white, female, and live in Tennille, Georgia. I work full time

> and go to college at night. I am currently taking and introductory to

> sociology class and one of my critical assignments is to Identify and

> interview an individual of a different racial/ethnic background from my

> own. The purpose is to find out:

> 1. Religious Influences

> 2. Language and communication

> 3. Parenting styles

> 4. And the role of the family.

> My professor wants this interview to be in person, and not just a survey

> form filled out.

> We were able to chose who to interview and I chose Little

> People. I believe the world needs to be more aware of the obstacles

> LP's face each day.

> I am very familiar with other disabilities. I have a sister who

> is 32 years old and has the mind of a 12 years old. She is, also,

> visually and hearing impaired. But despite her multi disabilities she

> is able to work. I have a niece who has cerebral palsy and is deaf.

> Who, by the way, graduated from a college in California this past June,

> and she is now gainfully employed. I am friends with people that have

> other disabilities, as well.

> I have told you all of this in hopes of somehow conveying the

> sincerity of my request. I need help locating a Little Person who is

> of a different race and background from my own.

> I have two weeks to complete this assignment. A list of larger

> towns that are within driving distance from I live are as follows:

> Atlanta, Augusta, Macon, Milledgeville, and Dublin, Georgia If you are

> able to help me, please send me an e-mail.

> I will end with this quote,

> " As the traveler who has been once from home is wiser than he who has

> never left his own doorstep, so a knowledge of one other culture should

> sharpen our ability to scrutinize more steadily, to appreciate more

> lovingly our own. " Margaret Mead

> Thank you for your help.



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btokar@... wrote:


> From: btokar@...


> How does short stature fit into different racial/ethnic background?




> > From: LUANNE RHODES <rwrhodes@...>

> >

> > My name is Luanne . I am not a little person. I will

> > describe who I am, and why I am logged onto the OneList. I am a middle

> > aged, white, female, and live in Tennille, Georgia. I work full time

> > and go to college at night. I am currently taking and introductory to

> > sociology class and one of my critical assignments is to Identify and

> > interview an individual of a different racial/ethnic background from my

> > own. The purpose is to find out:

> > 1. Religious Influences

> > 2. Language and communication

> > 3. Parenting styles

> > 4. And the role of the family.

> > My professor wants this interview to be in person, and not just a survey

> > form filled out.

> > We were able to chose who to interview and I chose Little

> > People. I believe the world needs to be more aware of the obstacles

> > LP's face each day.

> > I am very familiar with other disabilities. I have a sister who

> > is 32 years old and has the mind of a 12 years old. She is, also,

> > visually and hearing impaired. But despite her multi disabilities she

> > is able to work. I have a niece who has cerebral palsy and is deaf.

> > Who, by the way, graduated from a college in California this past June,

> > and she is now gainfully employed. I am friends with people that have

> > other disabilities, as well.

> > I have told you all of this in hopes of somehow conveying the

> > sincerity of my request. I need help locating a Little Person who is

> > of a different race and background from my own.

> > I have two weeks to complete this assignment. A list of larger

> > towns that are within driving distance from I live are as follows:

> > Atlanta, Augusta, Macon, Milledgeville, and Dublin, Georgia If you are

> > able to help me, please send me an e-mail.

> > I will end with this quote,

> > " As the traveler who has been once from home is wiser than he who has

> > never left his own doorstep, so a knowledge of one other culture should

> > sharpen our ability to scrutinize more steadily, to appreciate more

> > lovingly our own. " Margaret Mead

> > Thank you for your help.

> >

> >


> ---------------------------

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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest


Sorry to hear you're feeling awful.

Our prayers are with you.

Did you have the elbow manipulation done as you mentioned in an

earlier e-mail?

Feel better.


> i am getting a little desperate, i need help and hope some of you


> accomodate. since 4th of july weekend i have been sick, very much

> so. at first, i thought i had the flu. i was exausted and could


> get out of bed without praying that i wouldn't faint. then on the

> 4th, my low stomach, more abdominal, went nuts and i mean it hurt


> bad i could not move. i thought of going to the ER, but didnt. my

> belly has been swollen and very tender since. i have had fevers


> headaches since. my back and my sides also hurt like crazy.

> thursday i finally went to the doc and they found blood, protein,


> my urine. today, there was still blood, protein in my urine and


> i am so swollen from my head to my feet i look like a big puffy

> marshmellow! i have been on antibiotics since thurs, but to no

> avail. my feet and ankles are so swollen i can hardly fit in my

> shoes. plus, these weird pains are in my legs, from the inside of


> thighs down my entire legs. i can only describe it as an intense

> tightness. my feet and ankles feel like a shockwave hit them when


> stand on them after sitting for any length of time and paralyze


> it feels like i jumped off something and landed wrong or someones

> nailing something into my heel but the pains go all the way up to


> knees. yesterday, i had xrays done on my kidneys with a dye and


> appeared normal, but tomorrow blood tests come back to reveal

> something about kidney function. after eating, my belly and back

> hurt so bad i am bed ridden. i have had diarrhea today. i would

> appreciate any help or info as i have systemic and am worried. i

> have been having bowel and kidney probs for quite some time and


> now are the idiot docs taking it seriously, i am also in the midst


> a " sitz marker study " on my bowels. you swallow these pills with

> rings in them that show up on xray so they can see how they


> your system, the first xray on those is in the morning. thanks,

> brandy

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Hi ,

I'm glad you finally decided to go in to see the doctor. We haven't had

any experience with these kind of symptoms. I know you must get tired of

seeing them as often as you do but at least then you'll have access to

testing. I hope the blood tests and xrays will help indicate what the

problem is, so you can start getting the right treatment. Aren't you

normally supposed to have improvement before a week's time, when you

take antibiotics? If it's the right treatment? I hope you've kept the

doctor informed about the pain and swelling. And I hope you feel better

very soon, . Please let us know how you're doing.

Take care,


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honey this dont sound good for one i would think to check your appendix

since the pain is in the lower stomach part

the swelling though sounds more in the kidney funtions or your heart

could be some kind of reaction also

my hubby was takeing this shot i would give him his legs swelled so bad and

he gained 40 pounds of water we had to stop the shots and he went on

duretics tat helped alot

you need a liver funtion test kidney funtion ( blood tests) and check your


for fluid build up

i cant say one way or the other but your doctor should know

let me know how things are doing


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If I were you, I would be on my doctors like flies on... well, you get the

idea!!! lol Seriously, this doesn't sound good, and you really should be in

close contact with your doctor. If you're not satisfied with what your

doctors are telling you, maybe you should consider getting another opinion.

Let us know how things go and how you're doing. I'm sure we will all have

you in our thoughts. Sorry I don't have any answers for you. Take care, and

best of luck,

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  • 1 year later...


If I understand this right, you've given him gluten and casein daily

before enzymes and after starting enzymes in June. You've had " great

success " with enzymes and gluten and casein until recently. I'm

confused by the comment that you did a challenge infraction this

summer. If he has never been gfcf, what was it you did as a

challenge? Do you mean you try to avoid milk, but not all casein and

so adding milk was the infraction? You think the cookies were also

the problem, yet he has had gluten all along? I apologize for not

completely understanding, but I think you are saying he's always had

these foods and you think he is suddenly becoming reactive.

Another question, did the milk have chocolate in it?

> Hi list,


> I've got quite a dilemma here. Quick update - we've been using

> Houston Enzymes since June with great success. We have *never*


> gfcf. I usually give my 7yo(today!)AS ds 2 peps and a zyme with


> meal/snack in gel caps.


> I know he is very reactive to milk, as we did a challenge


> last summer and he was hyper (then zoned), complained of stomache,

> head, and throat ache, sounded stopped up, and said everything


> fuzzy. Very decisive reaction!!!


> We've had a couple of zoned out weeks among fantastic gains the

> majority of the time since we began enzymes. Last night ds ate 3

> pieces of pizza after taking 2 peps and 1 zyme (in gel caps 10 min.

> before eating) and then I gave him another pep and zyme right


> he started eating. We have done this in the past without incident

> that we could tell.


> He had a reaction that almost mimicked the reaction of our milk

> challenge. It began 90 min. after he ate pizza and lasted until he

> went to bed, then he was up 3 hrs. during the night. Today, he has

> been very rigid and (the worst) doesn't want his brother anywhere

> near him :-(


> We went to my mothers and she had made them oatmeal cookies with a

> few choc. chips. I thought, 'well, last night was a fluke, he can

> have 2' I gave 2 peps and a zyme for a cf dinner, then another pep

> before he ate the cookies. Another reaction (not the fuzzy seeing

> things, but complained of stomach and headache and just acted sort


> drunk).


> I feel like my son is slipping away again. My heart is absolutely

> breaking for his younger brother who idolized Tom and has never


> happier than when Tom (finally) has wanted to play with him. Up

> until now, things have been really good.


> I don't know what to think. Can anyone explain what is going


> Why would the enzymes suddenly stop working? We have never been

> gfcf, so a build up effect after being off g and c couldn't apply

> here. We never removed g or c, just the peptides via enzymes.


> Please help me. I am desperate to get my son back. He will not be

> getting any casein for a while, but I think my family thinks I am

> nuts. It will be a battle here.


> Any clues to what is going on???


> Thank you so much.


> God Bless,


> Sally

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I just read the posts for today about metals inhibiting enzymes.

This may be the answer. Our alt. dr. just started Tom on a product

called Metal-Free about 3 weeks ago (I know, I know - Andy doesn't

like that one, but our alt. dr. doesn't like DMSA, our appt. with Dr.

Amy isn't until March (and I don't know how we'll pay for her

anyway), and I thought I'd just give Metal-free a shot-I'm desperate

to get the mercury out as he just turned 7).

So, I suppose it's feasible that metal-free is pulling some kind of

metal that is inhibiting the enzymes (in the stomach, gut???). Is

this good or bad? I haven't seen any real regression until Tom got

some milk, and then again when he got some more. So it seems to me

that the regression is being caused by the inhibition of the enzymes,

not redistribution in general. Does any of this make any sense.

Is there anything I can do to get these rogue metals out of him???

I'm stopping the metal-free and casein ASAP. I could stand to go

casein free if we're pulling metals that will eventually be gone.

Are there any supps. I could give now to stop this metal thing.

Activated charcoal? Anyone else experienced something like this

during chelation?

Anxiously awaiting any advice. Prayers welcome...

God Bless,


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And my next question was going to be, " Have you added any new

supplements in the last month?! " I'm sure some of the more metals

savvy people here can help you. Sounds like that may be the issue.

> Wow!


> I just read the posts for today about metals inhibiting enzymes.

> This may be the answer. Our alt. dr. just started Tom on a product

> called Metal-Free about 3 weeks ago (I know, I know - Andy doesn't

> like that one, but our alt. dr. doesn't like DMSA, our appt. with


> Amy isn't until March (and I don't know how we'll pay for her

> anyway), and I thought I'd just give Metal-free a shot-I'm


> to get the mercury out as he just turned 7).


> So, I suppose it's feasible that metal-free is pulling some kind of

> metal that is inhibiting the enzymes (in the stomach, gut???). Is

> this good or bad? I haven't seen any real regression until Tom got

> some milk, and then again when he got some more. So it seems to me

> that the regression is being caused by the inhibition of the


> not redistribution in general. Does any of this make any sense.


> Is there anything I can do to get these rogue metals out of him???

> I'm stopping the metal-free and casein ASAP. I could stand to go

> casein free if we're pulling metals that will eventually be gone.

> Are there any supps. I could give now to stop this metal thing.

> Activated charcoal? Anyone else experienced something like this

> during chelation?


> Anxiously awaiting any advice. Prayers welcome...


> God Bless,


> Sally

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I'm sorry to be so confusing. Our milk challenge was right when we

started enzymes. We removed casein for 5 days and then gave him skim

milk (without enzymes) to see if it really was a problem for him. It

definitely was. We've been on enzymes ever since and he has not been

gfcf. We don't avoid gluten at all, and just don't give him milk to

drink. He's had milk from cheese in pizza (about once a week) and as

secondary ingredients all along.

Yes, the cookies had milk chocolate and butter in them. It was the

first casein he had had all day.

We did have a scare when my mil didn't give him a pep. for a bowl of

dry cheerios (no milk) a while back. We had never challenged

gluten. Other than hyper (even more than usual), we didn't see much

of a problem. So, I'm concluding that Tom is much more reactive to

milk than wheat.

Does this make more sense?


God Bless,


> > Hi list,

> >

> > I've got quite a dilemma here. Quick update - we've been using

> > Houston Enzymes since June with great success. We have *never*

> been

> > gfcf. I usually give my 7yo(today!)AS ds 2 peps and a zyme with

> each

> > meal/snack in gel caps.

> >

> > I know he is very reactive to milk, as we did a challenge

> infraction

> > last summer and he was hyper (then zoned), complained of


> > head, and throat ache, sounded stopped up, and said everything

> looked

> > fuzzy. Very decisive reaction!!!

> >

> > We've had a couple of zoned out weeks among fantastic gains the

> > majority of the time since we began enzymes. Last night ds ate 3

> > pieces of pizza after taking 2 peps and 1 zyme (in gel caps 10


> > before eating) and then I gave him another pep and zyme right

> before

> > he started eating. We have done this in the past without


> > that we could tell.

> >

> > He had a reaction that almost mimicked the reaction of our milk

> > challenge. It began 90 min. after he ate pizza and lasted until


> > went to bed, then he was up 3 hrs. during the night. Today, he


> > been very rigid and (the worst) doesn't want his brother anywhere

> > near him :-(

> >

> > We went to my mothers and she had made them oatmeal cookies with


> > few choc. chips. I thought, 'well, last night was a fluke, he


> > have 2' I gave 2 peps and a zyme for a cf dinner, then another


> > before he ate the cookies. Another reaction (not the fuzzy


> > things, but complained of stomach and headache and just acted


> of

> > drunk).

> >

> > I feel like my son is slipping away again. My heart is


> > breaking for his younger brother who idolized Tom and has never

> been

> > happier than when Tom (finally) has wanted to play with him. Up

> > until now, things have been really good.

> >

> > I don't know what to think. Can anyone explain what is going

> on???

> > Why would the enzymes suddenly stop working? We have never been

> > gfcf, so a build up effect after being off g and c couldn't apply

> > here. We never removed g or c, just the peptides via enzymes.

> >

> > Please help me. I am desperate to get my son back. He will not


> > getting any casein for a while, but I think my family thinks I am

> > nuts. It will be a battle here.

> >

> > Any clues to what is going on???

> >

> > Thank you so much.

> >

> > God Bless,

> >

> > Sally

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HI Sally

I am no metal expert, but I was recently asking about homeopathic

remedies for heavy metals on the mercury/autism board, and one of the

replies told me that with homeopathic therapy, the child has to get

worse (sometimes much worse) before they get better. It was

indicated that this could be worse for the homeopathic remedies

versus the DMSA/ALA route. It might be a good idea to ask your

question on that board, as they seem very knowledgeable about metal


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  • 2 months later...
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Parnham had plenty of time to whip up a defense that would have implicated the cocktail of drugs she was on, instead everyone is focusing on the fact that she WASN'T on an anti-psychotic, which had been withdrawn two weeks before, so that means she was in withdrawal and then placed on 1.5 x's the max dose of Effexor to which they also added Wellbutrin and Remeron. Oh, but it's the fact that she wasn't on Haldol that caused her to kill her kids. This is the lamest trial ever, and that poor woman will probably fry!!! I know Dr. has been consulting, and if she didn't help, how can we?????

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Parnham had plenty of time to whip up a defense that would have implicated the cocktail of drugs she was on, instead everyone is focusing on the fact that she WASN'T on an anti-psychotic, which had been withdrawn two weeks before, so that means she was in withdrawal and then placed on 1.5 x's the max dose of Effexor to which they also added Wellbutrin and Remeron. Oh, but it's the fact that she wasn't on Haldol that caused her to kill her kids. This is the lamest trial ever, and that poor woman will probably fry!!! I know Dr. has been consulting, and if she didn't help, how can we?????

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Hi Glitter~ you wrote:

> This is the lamest trial ever, and that poor woman will probably

fry!!! I

> know Dr. has been consulting, and if she didn't help, how can


It makes me physically ill to say that I agree with you 100%. As soon

as we heard Wellbutrin was involved, we provided so much scientific

documentation, both already published and our own scientific findings

as per ongoing studies, to Yate's lawyer. We worked hard and furious,

went ballistic getting things out quickly, working with Dr.

...He's got all the goods he needs. He's no different than the

rest ~ won't dare open the Pandora's box that would be sure to wreak

havoc with his career for the rest of his life. Lord knows, the

majority of those in the know, from the pharmas, the researchers, the

FDA and on down the line wouldn't sacrifice the outright blackballing

that would be sure to ensue should they " fess up. " I've watched it

happen time and again with our research. It amazes me that these

people's careers and reputations mean more to them than people ~ and

their unjustified, preventable suffering. I will never " get it " , 'cept

to realize the reality that these people could lose everything, their

ability to ever work again anywhere, and many are used to a pretty

high standard of living. One need only look at what is happening to

Healy and what happened to the tobacco " whistle-blower. " There have

been courageous ones out there, but they've all paid a very heavy

price...I wouldn't want to be in their shoes...But, in any event, all

things considered, it doesn't make it any less true that, " All it

takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing. " It's

finding the good ones and encouraging them to do SOMETHING

that's the bear...*I* rest MY case...


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Hi Glitter~ you wrote:

> This is the lamest trial ever, and that poor woman will probably

fry!!! I

> know Dr. has been consulting, and if she didn't help, how can


It makes me physically ill to say that I agree with you 100%. As soon

as we heard Wellbutrin was involved, we provided so much scientific

documentation, both already published and our own scientific findings

as per ongoing studies, to Yate's lawyer. We worked hard and furious,

went ballistic getting things out quickly, working with Dr.

...He's got all the goods he needs. He's no different than the

rest ~ won't dare open the Pandora's box that would be sure to wreak

havoc with his career for the rest of his life. Lord knows, the

majority of those in the know, from the pharmas, the researchers, the

FDA and on down the line wouldn't sacrifice the outright blackballing

that would be sure to ensue should they " fess up. " I've watched it

happen time and again with our research. It amazes me that these

people's careers and reputations mean more to them than people ~ and

their unjustified, preventable suffering. I will never " get it " , 'cept

to realize the reality that these people could lose everything, their

ability to ever work again anywhere, and many are used to a pretty

high standard of living. One need only look at what is happening to

Healy and what happened to the tobacco " whistle-blower. " There have

been courageous ones out there, but they've all paid a very heavy

price...I wouldn't want to be in their shoes...But, in any event, all

things considered, it doesn't make it any less true that, " All it

takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing. " It's

finding the good ones and encouraging them to do SOMETHING

that's the bear...*I* rest MY case...


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Guest guest

Hi Glitter~ you wrote:

> This is the lamest trial ever, and that poor woman will probably

fry!!! I

> know Dr. has been consulting, and if she didn't help, how can


It makes me physically ill to say that I agree with you 100%. As soon

as we heard Wellbutrin was involved, we provided so much scientific

documentation, both already published and our own scientific findings

as per ongoing studies, to Yate's lawyer. We worked hard and furious,

went ballistic getting things out quickly, working with Dr.

...He's got all the goods he needs. He's no different than the

rest ~ won't dare open the Pandora's box that would be sure to wreak

havoc with his career for the rest of his life. Lord knows, the

majority of those in the know, from the pharmas, the researchers, the

FDA and on down the line wouldn't sacrifice the outright blackballing

that would be sure to ensue should they " fess up. " I've watched it

happen time and again with our research. It amazes me that these

people's careers and reputations mean more to them than people ~ and

their unjustified, preventable suffering. I will never " get it " , 'cept

to realize the reality that these people could lose everything, their

ability to ever work again anywhere, and many are used to a pretty

high standard of living. One need only look at what is happening to

Healy and what happened to the tobacco " whistle-blower. " There have

been courageous ones out there, but they've all paid a very heavy

price...I wouldn't want to be in their shoes...But, in any event, all

things considered, it doesn't make it any less true that, " All it

takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing. " It's

finding the good ones and encouraging them to do SOMETHING

that's the bear...*I* rest MY case...


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Guest guest

Hi Glitter~ you wrote:

> This is the lamest trial ever, and that poor woman will probably

fry!!! I

> know Dr. has been consulting, and if she didn't help, how can


It makes me physically ill to say that I agree with you 100%. As soon

as we heard Wellbutrin was involved, we provided so much scientific

documentation, both already published and our own scientific findings

as per ongoing studies, to Yate's lawyer. We worked hard and furious,

went ballistic getting things out quickly, working with Dr.

...He's got all the goods he needs. He's no different than the

rest ~ won't dare open the Pandora's box that would be sure to wreak

havoc with his career for the rest of his life. Lord knows, the

majority of those in the know, from the pharmas, the researchers, the

FDA and on down the line wouldn't sacrifice the outright blackballing

that would be sure to ensue should they " fess up. " I've watched it

happen time and again with our research. It amazes me that these

people's careers and reputations mean more to them than people ~ and

their unjustified, preventable suffering. I will never " get it " , 'cept

to realize the reality that these people could lose everything, their

ability to ever work again anywhere, and many are used to a pretty

high standard of living. One need only look at what is happening to

Healy and what happened to the tobacco " whistle-blower. " There have

been courageous ones out there, but they've all paid a very heavy

price...I wouldn't want to be in their shoes...But, in any event, all

things considered, it doesn't make it any less true that, " All it

takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing. " It's

finding the good ones and encouraging them to do SOMETHING

that's the bear...*I* rest MY case...


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Am I missing something here? As far as I know, Dr. Healy hasn't been taken down ... yet. He's still very much in the battle, and has a ton of supporters, to boot. Have you heard anything different than this?

The Avenging Angel

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Hi Glitter~ you wrote:

> This is the lamest trial ever, and that poor woman will probably

fry!!! I

> know Dr. has been consulting, and if she didn't help, how can


It makes me physically ill to say that I agree with you 100%. As soon

as we heard Wellbutrin was involved, we provided so much scientific

documentation, both already published and our own scientific findings

as per ongoing studies, to Yate's lawyer. We worked hard and furious,

went ballistic getting things out quickly, working with Dr.

...He's got all the goods he needs. He's no different than the

rest ~ won't dare open the Pandora's box that would be sure to wreak

havoc with his career for the rest of his life. Lord knows, the

majority of those in the know, from the pharmas, the researchers, the

FDA and on down the line wouldn't sacrifice the outright blackballing

that would be sure to ensue should they " fess up. " I've watched it

happen time and again with our research. It amazes me that these

people's careers and reputations mean more to them than people ~ and

their unjustified, preventable suffering. I will never " get it " , 'cept

to realize the reality that these people could lose everything, their

ability to ever work again anywhere, and many are used to a pretty

high standard of living. One need only look at what is happening to

Healy and what happened to the tobacco " whistle-blower. " There have

been courageous ones out there, but they've all paid a very heavy

price...I wouldn't want to be in their shoes...But, in any event, all

things considered, it doesn't make it any less true that, " All it

takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing. " It's

finding the good ones and encouraging them to do SOMETHING

that's the bear...*I* rest MY case...


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Guest guest


Am I missing something here? As far as I know, Dr. Healy hasn't been taken down ... yet. He's still very much in the battle, and has a ton of supporters, to boot. Have you heard anything different than this?

The Avenging Angel

Please sign the petitions at:




>From: "collissa"

>Reply-SSRI medications >SSRI medications >Subject: Re: I need your help >Date: Thu, 07 Mar 2002 17:57:42 -0000 > Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: Click Here

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Khatira,

Teaching life skills to a six year old child is not appropriate if

the child should be learning educational skills.


This is a topic

that is close to my heart -and the heart of many in this group. My

son too is just starting first grade.

Your child is entitled by law to a free and appropriate public

education in the least restrictive environment. Why do they believe

that your 6 year old child should be schooled in a life skills

class? Did they use verbal based IQ tests and determine that he is

mentally retarded (MR) or trainable mentally retarded (TMR)? (other

words they may have used that they use before TMR or MR -cognitive

or receptive delays -moderate/severe) Giving a nonverbal or

communication impaired child a verbal based IQ test will provide the

evaluator with their own IQ -not the child's IQ. Children who are

essentially nonverbal require nonverbal IQ tests. It's outrageous

how our society assumes that a nonverbal child is incapable of

learning if they do not pass a verbal IQ test!

As his mom -how do you assess his intellegence? Do you believe he

is bright? Have you tried to teach him how to write or type

anything at home? Once a nonverbal child can communicate

nonverbally they won't be able to misdiagnose his intellegence

anymore. It sounds like you are now dealing with self esteem damage

that is secondary to the diagnosis of whatever is causing your son

to be nonverbal.

When you say your child has had all kinds of evaluations have any of

them been private with neurodevelopmental MDs as well as by speech

pathologists? Has there been any private therapy? Since you say

you don't have the means -I'm guessing not yet. I have below for

you a list of support contacts from the Speechville website -and

perhaps as a group we can help you. You may not have the means for

private therapy or to hire a special ed attorney -but perhaps

someone will offer their services nominal cost or donation -or

perhaps someone can offer to go with you to your next IEP meeting to

help you advocate for your son. Or perhaps your story can be shared

with local media (TV/print/radio) to show how one child in Houston

Texas is falling through the cracks -and nobody can hear him scream

because he doesn't have a voice.

What services have been provided up till now? Has this 6 year old

child who is nonverbal received any one on one therapy at all? If

so -how often and for how long?

The IEP needs to clearly state the amount and type of therapy -or

they by law will not have to provide it. This is one case where we

as parents can not depend on word alone. The IEP is our legal

contract with the school for what services our children will

receive -if it's not there -they do not have to provide it. You do

not have to sign the IEP if you are not happy with it -and you have

the right to bring anyone with you to an evaluation -or anything -

including a tape recorder. You also have the right to reopen an IEP

you signed to contest it.

I suggest you visit your local library, bookstore and ask them for

The Late Talker book (or ask them to order it) since there are many

answers on how to advocate in this book.


I deleted your phone number off of your message here to the group -

however I will try to give you a call sometime tomorrow to talk to

you about this.

Here are some resources in the meantime which may help you as well.



Apraxia Support Contact


Southlake, Texas

E-mail: mysticcreek@...

Apraxia Support Group

Houston Area Support Group for Developmental Apraxia of Speech

Contact: Mimi Branham MA, CCC-SLP

Phone: (713) 807-1131

E-Mail: teala@...

Apraxia Support Contact

Northwestern Texas

Marilyn May

E-Mail: maybunch@...

Apraxia Support Contact

Marshall, Texas

(Liz) Morabito

E-Mail: MBALiz@...

(903) 934-9046

Apraxia Support Contact

Dallas, Texas

E-Mail: lapw@...

Support Contact

Cheri E. , M.S. CCC-SLP

Oklahoma and Texas

E-Mail: C@...

Hope this helps for now,

Best to you and your family,


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Dear kahtira,

What do your evaluations say? Life skills classes are usually for those children

for whom academics are completely out of their scope for learning. You

definately need to have someone (not related to the school system) review your

testing results and make some recommendations. Good luck,


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Thank you for reply, means lot.

yes, my son had evaluation at Winkelman Speech Clinic - where he

had private speech therapy for 4 weeks, Texas Childrens Hospital-

Meyer Center for Developmental Pediatrics,chromosom test, had brain

MRI, pediatric neurology evaluation, University of Houston little

group program - where he had evaluation and 2 a week 2 hours

learning sessions, Hearing evaluation at UH, phycological evaluation

through Alief ISD(which some things they wrote i'm not agree with),

and I say with 100% confident my son he's bright, smart, intellegent

child, he likes learning, over summer he learned to type his name on

the computer, plays soliter game and recodnizes numbers very well(

he actually plays this game better than me). loves reading - a day

we can read 3-4 books(he asks for it), anywhere we go people reply

to him as a bright young men.

I would love to talk to you as soon as possible,





> Hi Khatira,


> Teaching life skills to a six year old child is not appropriate if

> the child should be learning educational skills.




> This is a topic

> that is close to my heart -and the heart of many in this group.


> son too is just starting first grade.


> Your child is entitled by law to a free and appropriate public

> education in the least restrictive environment. Why do they


> that your 6 year old child should be schooled in a life skills

> class? Did they use verbal based IQ tests and determine that he


> mentally retarded (MR) or trainable mentally retarded (TMR)?


> words they may have used that they use before TMR or MR -cognitive

> or receptive delays -moderate/severe) Giving a nonverbal or

> communication impaired child a verbal based IQ test will provide


> evaluator with their own IQ -not the child's IQ. Children who are

> essentially nonverbal require nonverbal IQ tests. It's outrageous

> how our society assumes that a nonverbal child is incapable of

> learning if they do not pass a verbal IQ test!


> As his mom -how do you assess his intellegence? Do you believe he

> is bright? Have you tried to teach him how to write or type

> anything at home? Once a nonverbal child can communicate

> nonverbally they won't be able to misdiagnose his intellegence

> anymore. It sounds like you are now dealing with self esteem


> that is secondary to the diagnosis of whatever is causing your son

> to be nonverbal.


> When you say your child has had all kinds of evaluations have any


> them been private with neurodevelopmental MDs as well as by speech

> pathologists? Has there been any private therapy? Since you say

> you don't have the means -I'm guessing not yet. I have below for

> you a list of support contacts from the Speechville website -and

> perhaps as a group we can help you. You may not have the means


> private therapy or to hire a special ed attorney -but perhaps

> someone will offer their services nominal cost or donation -or

> perhaps someone can offer to go with you to your next IEP meeting


> help you advocate for your son. Or perhaps your story can be


> with local media (TV/print/radio) to show how one child in Houston

> Texas is falling through the cracks -and nobody can hear him


> because he doesn't have a voice.


> What services have been provided up till now? Has this 6 year old

> child who is nonverbal received any one on one therapy at all? If

> so -how often and for how long?


> The IEP needs to clearly state the amount and type of therapy -or

> they by law will not have to provide it. This is one case where


> as parents can not depend on word alone. The IEP is our legal

> contract with the school for what services our children will

> receive -if it's not there -they do not have to provide it. You


> not have to sign the IEP if you are not happy with it -and you


> the right to bring anyone with you to an evaluation -or anything -

> including a tape recorder. You also have the right to reopen an


> you signed to contest it.


> I suggest you visit your local library, bookstore and ask them for

> The Late Talker book (or ask them to order it) since there are


> answers on how to advocate in this book.

> http://www.speech-express.com/late.talker.html


> I deleted your phone number off of your message here to the group -

> however I will try to give you a call sometime tomorrow to talk to

> you about this.


> Here are some resources in the meantime which may help you as well.


> http://www.speech-express.com/regional-resources.html

> http://www.speech-express.com/resources/texas.html

> Apraxia Support Contact

> Robyn

> Southlake, Texas

> E-mail: mysticcreek@a...



> Apraxia Support Group

> Houston Area Support Group for Developmental Apraxia of Speech

> Contact: Mimi Branham MA, CCC-SLP

> Phone: (713) 807-1131

> E-Mail: teala@f...


> Apraxia Support Contact

> Northwestern Texas

> Marilyn May

> E-Mail: maybunch@y...


> Apraxia Support Contact

> Marshall, Texas

> (Liz) Morabito

> E-Mail: MBALiz@m...

> (903) 934-9046



> Apraxia Support Contact

> Dallas, Texas


> E-Mail: lapw@e...


> Support Contact

> Cheri E. , M.S. CCC-SLP

> Oklahoma and Texas

> E-Mail: C@d...



> Hope this helps for now,


> Best to you and your family,


> =====


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  • 3 years later...

okay sorry, but i am going to bed, its very late for me...........my overall

suggestion, would be to give her some tylenol and take it easy till you get

a hold of him, and basically just see how she is doing in the

morning............let us know how its going when you get a chance......

n and Holly

12 years old (soon to be a teenager....eek!!!! December 22)

systemic jra since 9/94

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