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To Connie

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all i get when i highlight and right click is copy select all and print, and im sorry i cant do it right. connie.


You are using a PC, not a Mac? I wish i did, but i just dont have any experience with a Mac. But, if you are using a PC, keep trying. Highlight everything i have written here after you select Reply, or Edit Message in the Edit window from your top toolbar...

If you are just wanting to get rid of it you can hit Delete, your Space Bar, Backspace bar, or the Enter button. That should get rid of everything you have highlighted.

If you just want to move it... you can use Copy and move it, then go back and delete where you copied from. Not sure why your Cut and Paste are not showing up. Hopefully they will show their shy selves for you!

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Lol.... I dunno Connie, but I would guess you done it you done it being as I don't see anything but your message and the usual disclaimers@!@!


linda, did i do it right this time?


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i think i can i think i can. woop. connie <2llama@...> wrote:

Lol.... I dunno Connie, but I would guess you done it you done it being as I don't see anything but your message and the usual disclaimers@!@!


The light at the end of the tunnel may be you

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  • 3 months later...

<<as far as sarcoidosis goes did you test positive for it? and when did

you get it? what are your symptoms? the reason I ask is that i believe

that the lyme was autoimmune for me but I did not test positive on ana

and it was slowly taking my nerves out and i believe it still is. what

are your thoughts?>>>>

I have all of the symptoms for Sarcoidosis..........elevated ACE level,

dryness of eyes, mouth, and scalp, low grade fevers, chronic uveitis,

sweating, overwhelming fatigue......and granulomas under my skin and I have

nodules in the pleura of my lungs as well as some scar tissue. I haven't

had a biopsy yet.......but I'm sure that will be in my future.

I've read.......(wish I could pull up the info now) that the lyme bacteria

as well as other bacteria's can trigger Sarcoidosis.

The disease can burn itself out........or be persistent.

I can't tell you the actual time that it began, I've suffered the uveitis

probably before lyme..........the lyme disease made it chronic. The other

symptoms came after the dx of lyme back in 1998, which was three years after

getting sick after camping in Maine.

There was a period of time after IV abx, that I felt normal again.

In 2002, I was reinfected with a tick having the lyme bacteria...and was

quite ill, but did another round of IV abx. I lost all my lyme symptoms,

but didn't feel totally well.........and started to get all those symptoms

listed above......which were a little different than my lyme symptoms.

After having lyme for so long, you just know the difference.......I knew

something was wrong, but it wasn't lyme.

A Rheumatologist dx the Sarcoid about three weeks ago. I'm waiting for my

lungs to clear from the Flu......and then I will go for lung function tests

and a CT scan of my lungs.

I had a Neurologist, that tested the nerves through out my body......and

there is a lot of diminished responses. I guess you can call that damage

from the lyme disease.

That's about it.......hope this info was helpful to you. I may try

methotrexate to help suppress my immune system and allow the Sarcoid to go



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  • 1 year later...

>Thanks so much for the note Ann... as you can see, I am up late

reading postings on the site - just to review - just in case there is

something in here that will make me be sure and ask my doctor tomorrow -

can't wait until it is over!!

-Connie in Ohio


> Just a quick message to Connie, because I know you are going for a

> manometry tomorrow (with rod) (Lucky Rod). All the best honey


> From Ann in England XX


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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Hi Connie, good to know you're well.

What is the conference about? I mean, both Buhner and dr. K.

together? That would be great! Just let us know.

I got a lyme relapse recently, because of extreme stress, lack of

sleep, my daughter got bitten and got a virus that I believe was Tick

born Encephalitis, very serious.

Her blood tests came negative, but as always, they don't catch any

mutated thing. She had a few symptoms, and I was busy with her 24

hours for whole 3 weeks.

Yes, I did a course of laser and other things with Dr. K. here in

Germany. It was great info. He treated quite a few patients in front

of us, the guy is amazing.

I becamse very tempted to do light therapy with a machine called

Photon Wave, developed in Belgium. If the treatment doesn't cost

much, I'll try to do the rest of my heavy metal detox there, plus

vaccination detox and whatever tests. So with my daughter.

I feel okay, but still taking level one of Buhner's herbs, including

andrographis for active infection. I had muscle pain, numbness on my

face, GI symptoms back, but now everything seems under control.

I didn't treat myself properly with ART, tapping, as I was really

busy with my daughter, scared to death she was going to get paralysed

or other permanent neurological damage. She overcame the thing, but I

didn't... I mean, lyme came back after so much stress. Most people

don't overcome TBE without permanent damage.

But relapses happened before, I trust Buhner's herbs with some other

bits of help to get rid of it again as it happened before (rizols,

freeze garlic, the KMT and lots of tapping to get the medicine reach

where they should).

My naturopath (the right hand of dr. K here in Europe) told me the

day before yesterday that I'm very well, totally open (regulation

extremely open), my body is well despite the infection. She only

added one supportive herb for my GI tract, while stephania,

astragalus, cats claw, andro, freeze garlic, all those stuff (plus

Bach flower essence) were testing enough to get rid of the infection.

I was already taking them.

Very glad to hear you're well, I see ads from your book here and

there, wish you good success!


Hey Selma,

How are you?

Did you go see Dr. K at a conference?

I am going to see him (and Buhner) for the first time, at a conference

here in the States next month. I can't wait!!

Hope all is well with you :). Me, I am doing quite well these days.




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