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Protocol of bartonella again, and info on mycoplasma herbs

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This is a copy paste from lymenet thread called

Alternative BARTONELLA protocol

Started 30 August 07.

If you'd like more info, just go to the thread and read it. Below is

my first post. Since about November 07, bart didnt come back, so this

was the crazy protocol I did.

If you're interested in mycoplasma, I just posted what I did for

mycoplasma today. Just check the thread Lyme and Mycoplasma, from

Gigi, 4 May in lymenet. Some herbs were the same as used against

bart, that's why I say it.


Some people are writing me to ask what I took for bartonella. I'm

just copy-pasting what I wrote in Buhner's forum. Remember this

was 'created' by myself only using energetic testing (kinesiology).

I'm not a doctor.

I suffered from chronic bartonella since 2005, got reinfected

recently in May with acute bart.

I thought I got rid of it, but yesterday I went to my lyme doctor who

also does energetic testing (ART) and he couldn't find it initially.

I told him, 'check if they're not hiding'.

He couldn't find borrelia, nor bart, nor mycoplasma, babesia,

intestinal candida, nothing. He then checked at the back of my skull

and then found finally: bartonella, borrelia and ehrlichia. Nowhere

else in my body, he could find tick-born pathogens.

He was amazed to see how well I got, he said he thought I was going

to fall downwards after the recent reinfection. He said he's NEVER

seen someone with chronic lyme getting better so fast after

reinfection like I did. I feel great, I'm hiking and kayaking again!

My killing protocol was designed this time 100% by myself, only using


Anyway, I'm still not rid of bart, still taking things for it, which

I'll add in the end of this copy-pasted post. I had it all over my

body, joints, muscles, now it's reduced to a small part of my body.


Here's then my bartonella protocol, aproximately:

- phellodendron, decoction 5-7 minutes: gets bart and many other


- artemisia annua decoction (separate from other decoctions): about 3

teaspoons if I remember well: cook it for a while (about 5 minutes?):

it gets bart.

- astragalus test good against bart: I took decoctions and/ or

Planetary formula (about 1-2 pills a day)

- bee polen: gets bartonela (plus borrelia cysts and bab's cysts); I

took if I remember well, about 2-3 tea spoons a day diluted in water/

soya milk

- lonicerae caulis, decoction 7 minutes: gets bart and babesia (I

took it in the very end only)

- KMT program 1

- frozen garlic: 2 -3 a day (can't remember)

- amargo (rain-tree): gets bart, babesia and borrelia: I think I took

about 2 " 00 " capsules a day.

- immunomodulators that may help: cats claw, jap. knotweed

- isatis, folium & forsythia test good against bartonela, but I

didn't take these this time because phelodendron + frozen garlic +

lonicerae were good enough (I didn't need to add isatis/ forsythia).

Remember that I was my own 'doctor', so no one prescribed me these

stuff, I tested amounts by myself and showed to my doctor who told

me: " Go on " . He re-tested for me (ART) the new herbs I never had

taken before, phellodendron tested very good. I'm skinny and very

sensitive to herbs/ medicine, so 'normal' people would need more, I


Very 'constant' herbs in this second reinfection for me were

(including other pathogens, not only for bart though):

- cats claw, whole herb

- Japanese knotweed decoction

- phellodendron

- gardenia

- gervao (rain-tree)

These herbs tested good for a longer period of time (I'm now still on

cats claw, knotweed and gardenia). Andrographis didn't test good,

only for a few days!!! I took it more than a year for my first

borrelia infection and it kept testing good, but not this time!



Now (end of August 2007) what is testing against bartonella that I'm

taking is:

- Japanese knotweed decoction

- phellodendron decoction

- eleutherococcus in powder (2 teaspoons a day): gets most of the

infections indirectly (it's a profound tonic to the system)


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