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Heart symptoms - Anne

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Hi Anne!

I've been in, and kind of live in the same boat, but I've learned to calm the

symptoms. I'm so sorry for what you are going through.  There is no worse

feeling than your heart flipping out. I was a competitve runner for 20 years and

can't exercise at all anymore from heart symptoms.  My cardiologist says my

heart looks fine, but it certainly is not.  I have same symptoms you do also

with shooting pain down my left arm and jaw when my heart symptoms are flaring. 


I don't know much about your diet, but I quickly checked the website you

listed.  Pancakes and fermented foods would kill me!  3 1/2 years ago when my

heart symptoms began with a couple of mini-stroke type episodes, a holistic doc

put me on a yeast free diet and I feel like it saved my life!  I react instantly

to anything with sugar, vinegar or yeast in it. If I have a glass of wine, I

know I'm going to pay for it!  It's hard to commit to but worth a try.  I've

followed this for over 3 years now and it really helps when I stick with it.

It's easy to follow now too - I make my own bread once a week, cook healthy

meals in bulk so it's not hard even though the rest of my family eats

differently.  If you would like more info please let me know and hang in there!


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