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for selma Re: Re: anyone having a holidays relapse?

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Couple more things about this:

alcohol tends to affect people with serious Lyme (from what people on

lymenet say, also my experience). People complain online about extreme

hangovers, getting drunk instantly, and getting sicker with Lyme when

drinking. Of course some antibiotics dont' mix well with alcohol either

which might explain some of the experiences.

holiday parties tend to involve both alcohol and excessive sugar

In my case, over the holidays I completely avoided the alcohol (unless

something like 1 sip of someone's drink the day before the relapse

counts!), but definitely ate more of the sugar than I have since I

started treatment

I " m not all that sick, and am still able to exercise and my intuition

tells me that it's extra important right now (and Burrascano's

guidelines stress the importance of exercise). It's odd being in a

martial arts class trying to keep up with 20somethings, while suffering

an attack of Lymebrain. My body can still move, but following directions

and remembering combinations we're being taught takes so much

concentration. It's amazing how fast I forgot about what brainfog is

like, having been symptom-free for a few months.

-and, Cat, you don't really want to be on a tropical island, too many

tasty fruit around. I started to fall off the low-carb wagon after going

to Fiji after Thanksgiving, and ate pineapple and mangoes virtually

every day for a week (but 30C and summer was nice, though it was weird

being someplace with summer temperatures and short days (closer to the

equator every season has a 6 pm sunset). There's some advantages to

being in a cold place with nothing sugary in season right now.

-I know I still have high mercury and have trouble with chelation so I

haven't addressed that and I imagine it's part of the problem. Selma I

think has gotten rid of most or all of her excess toxic metals load and

during her treatment has had a few relapses for various reasons (like

reinfection) in the last year. Selma, how'd you do over the holidays

this year? I remember you talking last year about getting temporarily

worse after drinking alcohol or eating sugar at parties.

Happy new year everyone, hope you're doing better than last year!

Grpinfo@... wrote:


> Hi ,


> I've been thinking of asking the same question. Yes, I'm having a holiday

> relapse, also. And in my case, you could also call it a " winter

> relapse. " It

> could be worse, but it's still not fun.


> I tend to struggle every year with this, and I'm sure the holiday eating

> starting with Thanksgiving is a big part of it. Once I let it start,

> It's hard to

> get off that train, and the food cravings just get worse, as the

> opportunities

> to eat more of this stuff increase.


> I also live in a colder part of the U.S., and I don't get out for my

> almost

> daily walks like I do when it's nicer out (either the air is too cold

> or the

> ground is slippery). So you can add less exercise and fresh air to the

> mix.


> Even if I were further south, I imagine I would still be affected by the

> shorter daylight hours (as far as I know, that all affects hormones

> and other

> things), but at least I could walk more. And the temps would be easier

> on my body

> in general (for instance, a major cold front blew in yesterday

> evening, and I

> had quite a rough night with muscle tension).


> My fantasy is to spend these winter months on a tropical island where

> I can

> swim and walk to my hearts delight! Barring that happening, I intend

> to try to

> do better next year!


> Just fyi, I'm still taking the core protocol herbals, but maintaining

> lower

> doses. I've been wondering if I should be upping them this time of

> year (maybe

> I'll try it).


> Anyway, you're not alone!


> Wannabe Snowbird,

> Cat



> >

> > I just had a bit of a relapse after three months of totally symptom-free

> > existence (I've been on herbs the whole time, which is what makes the

> > relapse unexpected)- though it's not as bad as previous relapses.

> >

> > Because I have to work insanely hard next month I put myself back on

> > Doxy- I got cognitive dysfunction, red eyes, and severe tiredness

> > symptoms two days ago, and have to drive 600 miles tomorrow, teach a

> > seminar this weekend and drive 600 miles back on Tuesday, which is

> > typical of the next month's to-do list, so I couldn't afford to wait and

> > see if it goes away with just herbal treatment or if it gets any worse.

> >

> > Anyway, it reminded me that for the past four years or so I've been at

> > my sickest right after the holidays, and in my case eating low-carb

> > seems to be crucial to staying symptom-free. I'm guessing that eating a

> > lot of sugary crap since Thanksgiving (ie Holiday parties and cockiness

> > on my part) has something to do with this relapse.

> >

> > Anyone else have this experience this season? I seem to remember Selma

> > talking about this last year also.

> >

> > A


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