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The Day the Earth Stood Still by Zany Mystic

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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Day the Earth Stood Still

December 12, 2008.Is it a coincidence that the remake of the classic movie, “The Day The Earth Stood Still“, comes out on the date of 12:12? I think not. There are no accidents. According to the time monks at Half Past Human, December 12th is slated to be a busy day, what with the two major earthquakes predicted by their “rickety time machine”, along with further ramifications of the disappearing trillions. It has always simmered underneath the psychic soup that everything is interconnected, and all one need do to comprehend larger pictures, is expand one’s mind and connect the dots. Even without all the pieces of the puzzle, one can begin to fit pieces together that belong on other levels of the puzzle, as in the multi-dimensional game in Star Trek. When the mind works in a linear fashion, it ends up with an enormous box of

pieces, which seem hopeless to fit together. Only when one begins to perceive that there are many levels to the puzzle, does one start finding the solutions to all 12 puzzles. Then, one can begin to work on the 13th. This is an metaphor for awakening from individual consciousness and fragmentation to unity consciousness and multidimensional being, then transcending all the games. But we are getting ahead of ourselves “now”. Let’s examine some of the components of our time, which is highly energetic, and reveals much upon closer examination.What is in store for humanity in the near future?For over sixty years, the CIA went Black, with numerous projects commencing with the global installation of Nazi scientists, compliments of Project Paperclip, in key positions from NASA to Disney and beyond. The bottom line is that over 60 years these projects have developed

advanced technology, much of it “back engineered”, completely hidden for “private consumption only“. This includes the various agreements made with ETs before and during the time of Eisenhower which has kept corporate, military and governmental black operations “secret”. The remainder of humanity has pretty much stayed within a very narrow band of evolution; no free energy, healing of disease, perpetual war, increased dependence on debt to live, and a drop in consciousness due to the numerous “frequency bands” holding this planet in check. It’s as if we are kept in a test tube; more like lab rats, being laughed at. Alas, the “elite” who control the strings consider themselves outside the tube. This is a distortion. Hence, the world “should be” living at levels between the years 2068 and beyond 2100, since discoveries are “exponential” in nature. The “elite” are to be commended at their ability to conceal, hide, distort

and control the game board. This is not destined to last forever, nor for much longer.There are no AccidentsThe same gang that brought us 9/11, the Great Depression, World Wars 1 and 2, Vietnam and all the other atrocities around the globe, remain in charge today. That we are witnessing an “instant replay” of the Depression is carefully staged. First, the global banking elite must collapse the world’s economies so that the consolidation of power can be made global and central. New World Order of business. The two party system, which is an illusion, since they own both sides, will be collapsed into one. A benefit calculated into the game is to bleed all economies dry before collapsing. We are witness to the largest heist in history taking place at the very highest levels in broad daylight right in front of everyone; and this is why it‘s working - so far. At every step they have tested the waters; a few trillion here and there each

month, but this is the beginning to the grande finale. What pulled the economy out of the last fiasco they created for us? WAR. All the players are being moved into place faster than you can say jiminy snap! That’s when “one world government” gets rolled out, with just a dollop of global genocide. One reason for the hasty moves: “they” are experiencing “internal conflicts”, the masses are getting restless and becoming more informed. Also, the timeframe must occur before 2012 or they “lose the window”. We should see most of their trickery commencing now, including most of 2009. Many are waking up, yakking about it on radio shows, online and one on one. It’s not enough to control the major media; all media must be controlled, and we must be tagged like animals with chips. Dip anyone?Lest one be alarmed, this is not going to end favorably for the Powers That Be. They have had their “day in the sun”, and the karmic laws of

balance are also swinging like the infamous pendulum, which cries, “Off with their heads!” The Queens do seem to get all the good lines; another: “Let them eat cake!” Queens aside, the Kings are ready to step up to the plate of justice, as the Librarian scales tip back in a leap of evolution, which promises to throw all bets out the window, along with the cronies, good old boys, and “bad boyz” that they have been. This includes the Vatican/Mafia crowd as well. The Pope will just have to click his ruby red patent leather slippers and go home! Time for a change in channel; correction: we’re moving from television sets to quantum holography, and the “old farts” just won’t fit in there. Millions of Indigos, Crystals, Lightworkers, ETs incarnate and higher density entities are preparing to “step in”. Balance will be restored swiftly. It may be difficult for the mind to grasp just how rapidly everything can shift. Those who have

experimented with hallucinogens, such as LSD, know that in an instant one’s entire world and cosmos can completely turn inside out. This is the nature of reality in a living, breathing hologram. Nothing is inanimate. When “life” is once again breathed into all creation, which has been held captive in a bubble within bubbles, literally everything will instantly connect and “come to” life. The bubbles burst, and all within get to reunite. Alice in Wonderland, move over!This world of suits and ties, talking heads and verbal claptrap will vanish faster than those horrid age spots after applying a dab of Porcelana. All thoughts about what’s important will seem foolish in comparison and may not even exist in the “new world”. Just as Columbus (another distortion) discovered America, we will be discovering many new worlds and dimensions which have been prepping us for the massive quantum shift. And shift, we must. Those who can will, and

those who find themselves committed to unconsciousness, service to self and negative polarities will be relocated to another game board for another race to the top, starting at ground zero; perhaps. We do not concern ourselves with the dead; let the dead bury the dead. We are life and life continues infinitely with complete freedom, unveiled consciousness, connection to All That Is, and all one’s stellar family of Light. All we need “do” is be ourselves; try not to hide your light under a barrel, as this is not the time to be shy, unassuming or in denial. False humility is a detriment, and fear of ego unchecked keeps us locked in old beliefs. It’s time to move beyond ego, limitation, beliefs and this reality which is coming to an end. It might continue on for some, and their transition will be seamless. We are concerned with those who know who they are, and what they are about. We all chose this “mission impossible”, and Mr. Phelps has left

the room; along with Elvis, who waits patiently to sing us a song on the “other side”.So get your star studded skin tight white light leotards on, grab your guitar, and run, don’t walk, to the nearest exit from your mind… Marilyn waits by the air hose to show us the “skirt trick”. It’s a play, after all, and we will get to see how this nutty film was made in the first place. Just select “Special Features” for the ongoing commentary, or hit the button for eject, and put in your own holographic movie, created fresh from scratch in the “new-old now”. Every moment has been preserved better than an aging star in a wax museum. Wanna go for a ride?Zany Mystic

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