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Spiritual Telepathy Is the Key to the Fifth Dimension By DL Zeta

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(Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness, Part 5)You have grown used to navigating reality in a certain way. Yourconscious mind is your "standard-issue tool" for moving through yourdaily life. Many of you have become quite adept at using this tool. Often, you know what to expect as you go through your day and may haveautomatic responses for many types of situations.In the New Time, this tried-and-true navigation tool will no longerfunction as it has in the past. Your conscious mind's roadmaps andsignposts will no longer apply in the fifth dimension. Inside thisnew space, you are asked to adopt a new navigational system. Thissystem is constantly changing and transforming so it is impossible forthe conscious mind to "break the code" by developing new habits andpatterns that allow it to navigate this space on "autopilot."Spiritual Telepathy is Your New Navigation ToolNavigating the fifth dimension requires a high level of awareness thatpaves the way for constant telepathic communication with your higherself. This spiritual telepathy is created by setting the intention toalign with your higher self. As you harmonize with thishigh-vibrational aspect of your being, you begin to receive frequentinformation downloads and guidance. At first, you may not understand all that is being downloaded intoyour consciousness. Becoming adept at translating intuitive downloadsis like learning to speak a new language. In the beginning, you mayonly understand a few words, but as you persist in immersing yourselfin the new language, it becomes easier to understand. Over time, youbecome increasingly fluent. As you flood your mind and consciousnesswith information contained in spiritual downloads, you naturallymagnetize further downloads. In time, becoming fluent in the languageof your soul allows you to develop a telepathic connection with yourhigher self. As soon as you formulate a question in your mind, theanswer is downloaded into your consciousness.The Nature of Spiritual DownloadsReceiving downloads of knowledge and information is nothing new.Answers to your questions have always arrived the second youformulated a question. In the past, it may have seemed some answersnever arrived. In fact, all the answers arrived the second you askedthem, but you were not always able to receive them. This often has todo with levels of receptivity. As we have said, lack of skill in translating spiritual information isone reason some answers are not received. But receptivity plays anequally important role in understanding spiritual guidance. If adownload arrives in a moment when you are less receptive, you may notbe aware it has arrived. These less receptive periods may occur duringtimes of stress, physical illness, exhaustion, emotional upheaval orextreme absorption into physical reality. A busy and chaotic mind isgenerally not a good "receiver" whereas a still and peaceful mind isan excellent receiver. You will likely move between these statesduring your day, but keep in mind that when you are seeking answers,it is best to enter a peaceful state to receive them.Optimal Receiving StatesOptimal receiving times are moments when your mind is still, as duringmeditation, quiet contemplation and reflection; during times when yousurrender and reach out for answers beyond your consciousunderstanding; during times when your health, vitality and life forceenergy are flowing and your body has a balanced (7.5) PH; during timeswhen your heart and mind are open, when you are experiencingunconditional love, when you are experiencing gratitude, joy, absorbedin creativity and following your spiritual purpose. Focusing your mindthrough concentration is another technique, as is walking in nature orspending time near water. Even a hot shower can enhance your receptiveability. If, after working with these techniques, you still have difficultyreceiving guidance, examine if some part of you has reservations.These may be younger parts of yourself that need help understandingand embracing "unseen" dimensions of your existence. Sometimes youintuitively sense that an answer, if fully received, would triggerquantum changes in your present existence. You may draw back, feelingyou aren't ready for such sweeping change. As the earthlymanifestation of your higher self, you are able to work with aspectsof yourself that exist at all levels to bring about needed healing andunderstanding. As conductor of your orchestra of selves, you are ableto harmonize your consciousness to bring the laser focus needed tobreathe life into your highest dreams and visions.Your Etheric Escrow AccountThere is no need for concern that you have missed important downloadsof information in the past. Answers remain in an etheric "escrow"account, still waiting to be accessed and reviewed. This is why thosewho undergo spiritual openings suddenly find their consciousnessflooded with a backlog of unopened etheric mail.Developing Spiritual TelepathyIn a rapidly evolving world, the only reliable way to navigate isthrough spiritual telepathy. In this New Time, you will encountermany new energies, ideas and challenges. The best way to navigatethese scenarios is by maintaining constant, direct telepathy with yourhigher self. Your higher self and its repertoire of "past" and"future" life selves contains the vast wealth of knowledge andspiritual understanding your soul has cultivated throughout time. Each time you encounter a new situation, you're able to formulate aquestion around it and receive immediate answers from your higherself. Once you receive this information, you can fashion it into thetools needed to navigate whatever is before you in your presentmoment. Spiritual telepathy allows you to meet each new situation inyour life with the enthusiasm and confidence needed to transform itinto the golden opportunities and spiritual signposts that enlightenyour spiritual path and allow greater access to fifth-dimensionalenergies.W offer here some steps to developing spiritual telepathy.1) Write down and interpret your dreams every day. Dreams are messagesfrom your higher self that provide you with important information foryour day.2) Interpret your waking dream. Just as you would translate dreamsymbols, you can translate the symbols of your waking "dream."Everything that happens in physical reality is pointing the way todeeper spiritual truths.3) Follow your highest vision. Record the images that arrive in yourconscious mind and see how you can put them to use in your life.4) Write your spiritual autobiography and examine the symbols of eachoccurrence, especially those you still hold energy around. By seeinghow a situation was helping you grow, you are able to receive thegifts it offered and expand your understanding.5) Eat a light and healthy diet that helps heal and clear oldenergies in your physical system. Detoxing at the physical leveltriggers healing at all levels. Clearing up the energy in yourenvironment is another form of healing. Examine to see if there is anydead energy in your environment and release everything that no longerserves your highest good.6) Practice silence and meditation. Set aside time each day when youcan slow down, breathe and reflect. This helps you cultivate innerpeace and the stillness of mind that is crucial to receiving spiritualguidance.7) Practice Q and A's with your higher self. By writing down questionsand using techniques such as automatic writing to receive answers, youstrengthen your skill at communicating with your higher self. One ofthe keys to developing spiritual telepathy is learning to formulatequestions that bring the information you need within the moment. Formulating questions requires clear seeing, intuition anddiscernment. Cultivate these skills to help you know what questionsto ask. Questions are the gatekeepers to receiving spiritual insightwith impeccable timing. 8) Open to the possibility of cultivating advanced techniques forreceiving spiritual guidance such as channeling. Conscious channelingis a skill you can practice by opening your consciousness, entering alight trance and allowing your guides, angels, higher self and otherhigh-vibrational beings to speak to you. To free your conscious mindfrom the need to remember what is said, you can speak the answers intoa tape recorder.9) Study self-hypnosis and learn to put yourself into a light trancewhere answers freely from flow into your consciousness. As you becomeskilled at entering a trance, you can slip in and out of this statethroughout your day. This "soft focus" state allows you to downloadmessages from your "etheric email" account. The equivalent of this inyour physical world is downloading your e-mail from a server. In thiscase the "server" is your subconscious mind which receives theinformation from your higher self. 10) Practice relaxation and other techniques such as yoga and t'ai chithat help you coordinate and harmonize body, mind and spirit. Thisallows you to function in the state of oneness needed to navigate thefifth dimension. Next week we will discuss the importance of accepting and embracingthe infinite nature of your being. For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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